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So the PPP claims that they got 25% of the total registered electorate (64% of 38%) .  Assuming a 70% voter turn out in the national, this is not even 40% if the vote.

Why are the PPP so deliriously happy when FAR FEWER people voted for them in the LGE compared to last year, despite the MASSIVE campaigning that they engaged in?

Last edited by Former Member

And BTW Granger is happy because he sees that the PPP has fallen back to becoming a "coolie people party".  They didn't even BOTHER to campaign in G/twn. Quite silly given the immense importance of that city to all aspects of Guyanese life.

Losing ground among Amerindians, and likely Gtown Indians, NOT gaining ground among Africans and mixed.

Why is the PPP so happy?  In fact Granger is quite happy as he saw that the PPP did NOT make any inroads into APNU turf, despite the wide disappointment among APNU supporters. 

One would think that with the widespread disaffection in G/town towards APNU, the PPP would have been bold enough to extend its cross ethnic appeal.

But with Jagdeo evolving into a full time brown bai KKK, he would never think of that.


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