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Government has decided to send back amendments to the financial crimes act to the National Assembly in the hope that it would be passed this time around.

Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon said even if it meant ultimately taking it back to the Parliamentary Select Committee government had no choice.

“It doesn’t matter. We are going back to parliament. If they say we got to put it on the roof, we are going to have to put it on the roof and consider it….We are interested in having that amendment bill enacted and I can safely say that whatever is presented to us in the context of its reintroduction are obviously interventions that we have to consider,” he said.


excerpts from Demwaves

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The constituents in the joint opposition stronghold are greeting them with cold shoulders, this time around the joint opposition should put partisan politics aside and support the legislation, if not every citizen across a wide section section of the Guyanese society will be affected, no matter their political affiliation.


Anti-Money Laundering Bill…AFC will facilitate passage if there is compromise

November 17, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


The Alliance For Change is “cautiously optimistic” that steps to have the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism amendment Bill (2013)  returned to the National Assembly would end in a win-win for all. The party wants Government to set up a Public Procurement Commission and to do more work at the level of the select committee to have amendments made to the Bill in question.

AFC’s General Secretary, David Patterson

AFC’s General Secretary, David Patterson

The AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) all say that they want to see an anti-money laundering Bill in place, but the AFC call makes it now seem as if the party and the APNU are holding ‘one head.’ At the party’s most recent press conference, AFC General Secretary, David Patterson, told media operatives that the party may be willing to consider the suspension of the Standing Orders of the National Assembly in order to facilitate the Bill being taken back to the House. He said, however, that that would depend on the assurance that there will not be another stalemate. Patterson said that there needs to be the operationalization of the Public Procurement Commission under the existing Procurement Act. This means that the AFC is still not in for the government proposed amendment to the Procurement Act that will secure Cabinet’s “no objection” role in the process of awarding contract. Patterson told the press that the PPC can be put in place simultaneously as a Special Select Committee reviews the amendments to anti-money laundering Bill. The politician reiterated that there is no reason why Guyanese should not benefit from the protection offered by a Public Procurement Commission and stronger anti -money laundering legislation. He added, “It must be noted that the anti-money laundering legislation speaks of politically exposed persons and it is in this context also that a Procurement Commission is necessary, to provide safeguards that would help protect politically exposed persons. The General Secretary said, “It is in the best interest of all the people of this country; private citizens, businesspersons and persons at risk of corruption that the Alliance For Change repeats that Guyana needs to have both the Public Procurement Commission as well as a stronger anti-money laundering legislation.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The constituents in the joint opposition stronghold are greeting them with cold shoulders, this time around the joint opposition should put partisan politics aside and support the legislation, if not every citizen across a wide section section of the Guyanese society will be affected, no matter their political affiliation.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The constituents in the joint opposition stronghold are greeting them with cold shoulders, this time around the joint opposition should put partisan politics aside and support the legislation, if not every citizen across a wide section section of the Guyanese society will be affected, no matter their political affiliation.

Premi, I know you are bit slow on the uptake; The AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) all say that they want to see an anti-money laundering Bill in place.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The constituents in the joint opposition stronghold are greeting them with cold shoulders, this time around the joint opposition should put partisan politics aside and support the legislation, if not every citizen across a wide section section of the Guyanese society will be affected, no matter their political affiliation.

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