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September 5 ,2020

– costs down to US$50M

Moving ahead with its development agenda that will see an enhancement of traffic flow along the East Bank of Demerara corridor, the Government has retailored the Ogle to Diamond bypass road project to conform with the loan available to execute the major works.

Minister Deodat Indar.

Speaking exclusively with the Department of Public Information, Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar said the new four-lane East Coast-East Bank Linkage Project will extend from Ogle to Haags Bosch, rather than to Diamond. This move will spare taxpayers approximately USD$158Million.
“What was driving up that [project] cost was a number of connectors on the road,” Minister Indar cited.
Identifying the previously proposed connection at Mocha as a difficult area to execute works, the Minister noted the swamp terrain saw astronomical increases in the total project cost.
“For you to do those swamps, the cost of the earth works pushed up the cost to $208Million. Remember, the Indian Government only had $50Million allocated to this project. So, we had to redesign the project to bring it to the original design,” Minister Indar explained.
The Minister further confirmed that India has accepted the new design for the roadworks. As such, the Government is moving ahead to implement the project that was stalled for five years under the former APNU+AFC Coalition administration.
At the completion of Phase 1 of the project (Diamond to Haags Bosch), Minister Indar said the administration will forge ahead with the extension of the bypass road further up the East Bank of Demerara to Timehri.
The bypass will be seen as a major move to reduce congestion on the crowded East Bank Demerara roadway which also caters for traffic from West Demerara, Linden and the hinterlands, and Timehri.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Ramakant-P posted:

 PPP means business. They should now start planning to build a railroad from Linden to Lethem and develop Kaieteur falls for tourism.

Kaiteur Falls ,need an modern airport and some hotels in the area ,they may attract more visitors. Give it to private development.

@Django posted:

Big headlines !!! the projected bypass road downsized from Ogle to Eccles and the calling it savings.

They are starting to sound useless .

They are useless.....borrowing money left  ,right  and centre.   


Another Personal Profit Project [PPP] for the PPP elite. Maybe they will hire Ramotar's son  again to build another failed fibre network along the roadway. Laughing all the way to the bank, on the backs of the voters. 

Rass, dem PPP people real good at screwing their voters.  

@Ramakant-P posted:

 PPP means business. They should now start planning to build a railroad from Linden to Lethem and develop Kaieteur falls for tourism.

How come they did not do all these things before, while they were buying  land cheap and building mansions for themselves ? 

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Kaiteur Falls ,need an modern airport and some hotels in the area ,they may attract more visitors. Give it to private development.

The PPP have a better idea. They will build a Personal Profit Project [PPP] roadway to Kaieteur Falls for seniors and build a string of outhouses along the roadway for them to use. Like they did at Upper Mazaruni, when the incomplete school indoor toilets did not work.    

@Django posted:

Big headlines !!! the projected bypass road downsized from Ogle to Eccles and the calling it savings.

They are starting to sound useless .

According to the article, the project was stalled for the entire 5 years that the Coalition was in government. Therefore it is the Coalition which was useless. That is why they lost the elections.

As such, the Government is moving ahead to implement the project that was stalled for five years under the former APNU+AFC Coalition administration. 

@Former Member posted:

According to the article, the project was stalled for the entire 5 years that the Coalition was in government. Therefore it is the Coalition which was useless. That is why they lost the elections.

As such, the Government is moving ahead to implement the project that was stalled for five years under the former APNU+AFC Coalition administration. 

Read up on the original project ,you will get an idea about it. They are implementing a downsized project .By the way two years of the Coalition Government was stymied by the NCM.

Last edited by Django
@Tola posted:

The PPP have a better idea. They will build a Personal Profit Project [PPP] roadway to Kaieteur Falls for seniors and build a string of outhouses along the roadway for them to use. Like they did at Upper Mazaruni, when the incomplete school indoor toilets did not work.    

Some folks forget about this school project .

@Former Member posted:

According to the article, the project was stalled for the entire 5 years that the Coalition was in government. Therefore it is the Coalition which was useless. That is why they lost the elections.

As such, the Government is moving ahead to implement the project that was stalled for five years under the former APNU+AFC Coalition administration. 

@Django posted:

Read up on the original project ,you will get an idea about it. They are implementing a downsized project .By the way two years of the Coalition Government was stymied by the NCM.

The article which you posted clearly stated that for the entire 5 years of Coalition rule the project was stalled. Sure they are downsizing the project to accommodate the available funds. That is the prudent thing to do. Not like how the Coalition government spent more than planned for an 8 gate airport when all they got was 1 gate.

The NCM occurred 3 1/2 years after the Coalition stalled the project so they can't make that their excuse. They are already grossly incompetent which explained their poor showing at the LGE which prompted the NCM.

The PPP reputation is commonsense governance.

All the Coalition does is make one excuse after the other instead of taking responsibility for their actions. Including why they lost the elections.

@Former Member posted:

The article which you posted clearly stated that for the entire 5 years of Coalition rule the project was stalled. Sure they are downsizing the project to accommodate the available funds. That is the prudent thing to do. Not like how the Coalition government spent more than planned for an 8 gate airport when all they got was 1 gate.

The NCM occurred 3 1/2 years after the Coalition stalled the project so they can't make that their excuse. They are already grossly incompetent which explained their poor showing at the LGE which prompted the NCM.

The PPP reputation is commonsense governance.

All the Coalition does is make one excuse after the other instead of taking responsibility for their actions. Including why they lost the elections.

Beating around the bush ,stick to the discussion on the project how it's started and what it entails .Start with the original plan to to build the road from OGLE to DIAMOND. One can observe the defending of useless people.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

The article which you posted clearly stated that for the entire 5 years of Coalition rule the project was stalled. Sure they are downsizing the project to accommodate the available funds. That is the prudent thing to do. Not like how the Coalition government spent more than planned for an 8 gate airport when all they got was 1 gate.

The NCM occurred 3 1/2 years after the Coalition stalled the project so they can't make that their excuse. They are already grossly incompetent which explained their poor showing at the LGE which prompted the NCM.

The PPP reputation is commonsense governance.

All the Coalition does is make one excuse after the other instead of taking responsibility for their actions. Including why they lost the elections.

@Django posted:

Beating around the bush ,stick to the discussion on the project how it's started and what it entails .Start with the original plan to to build the road from OGLE to DIAMOND. One can observe the defending of useless people.

I am going off the article you posted which clearly stated that the project was stalled for the entire 5 years that the Coalition was in government. You didn't object to that statement in the article but rather talked about the PPP being useless when in just a month after assuming government they are ready to embark on a project that the Coalition stalled for 5 years. I don't know why you considered that beating around the bush. I don't know when the project was started or what the original cost was or how inflation has altered that original cost. I am strictly reacting to the Coalition stalling this project for the entire 5 years that they were in government.

@Former Member posted:

I am going off the article you posted which clearly stated that the project was stalled for the entire 5 years that the Coalition was in government. You didn't object to that statement in the article but rather talked about the PPP being useless when in just a month after assuming government they are ready to embark on a project that the Coalition stalled for 5 years. I don't know why you considered that beating around the bush. I don't know when the project was started or what the original cost was or how inflation has altered that original cost. I am strictly reacting to the Coalition stalling this project for the entire 5 years that they were in government.

The article is only part of downsized  project ,as stated you don't know how the project birthed ,what's the government portion of funds ,what was found in an assessment to increase the cost . Find it useful to berate the last government for stalling the project.

Try to get facts for a healthy discussion.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The article is only part of downsized  project ,as stated you don't know how the project birthed ,what's the government portion of funds ,what was found in an assessment to increase the cost . Find it useful to berate the last government for stalling the project.

Try to get facts for a healthy discussion.

Last time. The article stated that the Coalition government stalled the project for the entire 5 years that they were in government. On that account alone I suggested that they were the ones useless not the PPP who after just one month back in government they are reviving it.

I don't need this article to berate the Coalition. They have committed countless incompetent acts during those 5 years. That is why the voters berated them on March 2, 2020.

@Django posted:

Some folks forget about this school project .

We  are familiar with this failed PPP Personal Profit Project at Kato, that cut corners so badly from kickbacks, that the school could not be used by students. [This was no differently from a school at Upper Mazaruni]. We were stationed in nearby Paramakatoi. The deteriorating guest house at Para was  officially opened by no other than the Barrat, whose signature appear first in the guest book. 

The solar system failed at Para village for months due to lack of maintenance and we had to repair it. The people previously had to travel to Kato police station to make  emergency calls to GT.  At Para, the radio to Ministry of Health in GT shut down from Friday till Monday and snake bite victims cannot immediately be evacuated for medical help, so they die, if they don't get help quick enough from Kato.  

Interior villages are only valuable to the PPP for their votes, just like Indians on the coast. The PPP build token Personal Profit Projects that last only for a short time. Kickbacks forced contractors to cut corners and the voters suffer.    


Remedied Kato Secondary School looking for September completion

DPI/GINA, Monday, June 12, 2017

An assessment of “what needs to be remedied to date” at the poorly constructed Kato Secondary School will be undertaken during the course of this week.

Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Education, Vibert Welsh, today told the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) that the contractor, that initially botched the construction of the school will be travelling to Kato, Region Eight with a consultant to undertake the assessment.

“We’re at the stage where the contractor has agreed to undertake all the remedial works but there is the consultant to do a reassessment to date,” PS Welsh told the PAC in Parliament chambers.

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure has retained the services of an independent consultant from Guyana Association of Professional Engineers (GAPE) to detail the works needed to be done. The consultant was identified, earlier in February, when the Ministers of Public Infrastructure, Education and Social Cohesion visited the school to conduct an assessment.

The $1B Kato Secondary School was built under the previous administration to facilitate students in the region who travel long distances to access secondary level education. However, due to the substandard work done by the contractor it has not been occupied.

Meanwhile, Chief Education Officer (CEO) Marcel Hutson told the Department of Public Information/Government Information Agency (DPI/GINA) that remedial works are being scheduled for completion in time for the September term.

“The situation is our children are overcrowded and we need to have that school up and running by September for maximum impact,” the CEO said during an exclusive interview with DPI/GINA.

 By: Tiffny Rhodius

@Tola posted:

How come they did not do all these things before, while they were buying  land cheap and building mansions for themselves ? 

As I said before the PPP completed over 3500 projects and the PNC kept obstructing progress.  There were the so-called freedom fighters who terrorized the whole country.  Then there were two Coolies who hired 20 blacks to peddle drugs. The Police Force was ineffective in solving crime because the PNC had a stranglehold on them. 

Today the PPP is taking the country to new heights. You can appreciate the agility of how they started to run the country.

What did the PNC do in the last 5 years?

@Ramakant-P posted:

As I said before the PPP completed over 3500 projects and the PNC kept obstructing progress.  There were the so-called freedom fighters who terrorized the whole country.  Then there were two Coolies who hired 20 blacks to peddle drugs. The Police Force was ineffective in solving crime because the PNC had a stranglehold on them. 

Today the PPP is taking the country to new heights. You can appreciate the agility of how they started to run the country.

What did the PNC do in the last 5 years?

Could you list 50% of the 3500 projects the PPP completed successfully  and what condition they are in today ? 

@Ramakant-P posted:

I already posted them when Amral was the big boss. Do your own research.

The research shows most PPP Personal Profit Projects failed, due to large kick-backs for building mansions with swimming pools, while PPP voters still use flooded outhouses.    

@Tola posted:

The research shows most PPP Personal Profit Projects failed, due to large kick-backs for building mansions with swimming pools, while PPP voters still use flooded outhouses.    

Can you post the results and findings of the ALLEGATIONS you are accusing the PPP of? Wasn't he PNC the government the ones who emptied the treasury twice and built mansions, fattened their bank accounts, got cheap lands, sent taxpayers' money to their children abroad? Lived life like a king in Guyana? Thank You.

@Former Member posted:

Can you post the results and findings of the ALLEGATIONS you are accusing the PPP of? Wasn't he PNC the government the ones who emptied the treasury twice and built mansions, fattened their bank accounts, got cheap lands, sent taxpayers' money to their children abroad? Lived life like a king in Guyana? Thank You.

They are all thieves, but how many mansions the PNC built vs PPP and what sizes ? 


@Django posted:

Govt. slashes US$158M by redesigning East Bank bypass road project

Source , September 5 ,2020

– costs down to US$50M

Moving ahead with its development agenda that will see an enhancement of traffic flow along the East Bank of Demerara corridor, the Government has retailored the Ogle to Diamond bypass road project to conform with the loan available to execute the major works.

Identifying the previously proposed connection at Mocha as a difficult area to execute works, the Minister noted the swamp terrain saw astronomical increases in the total project cost.

“For you to do those swamps, the cost of the earth works pushed up the cost to $208Million. Remember, the Indian Government only had $50Million allocated to this project. So, we had to redesign the project to bring it to the original design,” Minister Indar explained.

Eliminating works in the swampy areas are the best approach for the road construction/development.

@Former Member posted:

I am going off the article you posted which clearly stated that the project was stalled for the entire 5 years that the Coalition was in government. You didn't object to that statement in the article but rather talked about the PPP being useless when in just a month after assuming government they are ready to embark on a project that the Coalition stalled for 5 years. I don't know why you considered that beating around the bush. I don't know when the project was started or what the original cost was or how inflation has altered that original cost. I am strictly reacting to the Coalition stalling this project for the entire 5 years that they were in government.

What a silly response!  The project the useless PPP is proceeding with is a scaled down version of what the Coalition contemplated and was seeking funding for as the Indian loan was limited.  What so hard to understand here?  Typical clumsy, dishonest PPP nonsense.


There are already over ten projects being organized by the PPP, and I can't understand why the token Indians are opposing such ventures. Two months from now they all will deny that these progressive moves by President Ali, didn't take place just like the 3500 projects which were completed during the 23 years the PPP spent making it possible for the desperados to walk the streets of Guyana safely.

@Mitwah posted:

Your condition is known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica. 

What an ass! You don't have anything constructive to write then shut up, A.S.S.H.O.L.E. You are attacking me because the PPP is making progress and you can't accept that?  You bloody sleaze bucket.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

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