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Govt . swaps Berbice lease lands for transported Providence land – Cabinet memo

April 23, 2016 Source

–Cabinet memo
…letter surfaces that contradicts CH&PA lawyer
The transfer of 150 acres of prime housing lands at Providence, East Bank Demerara, to Parliamentarian, Odinga Lumumba, was a swap for 6,700 acres of state land that Lumumba had leased from the People’s National Congress Government decades ago.
The state land is located in the Canje Basin in Berbice.y
The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) parliamentarian received 150 acres of prime housing lands as a swap in November 2010.
Lumumba was not required to pay anything for those Providence lands. They were regarded as compensation by the Bharrat Jagdeo Cabinet for the Berbice land.
Questions about the transaction were raised on Thursday during a press conference hosted by the Board of Directors of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA).
However, the answers by CH&PA’s lawyer, Hannifah Jordan, were puzzling.
She said that she is unaware of any agreements entered into between the CH&PA and Lumumba.
She said she was also unaware of anything signed with Elaine Ville Development Inc, the company that Lumumba owns and which is the development company for the Providence lands.
A letter sent by CH&PA’s Chief Executive Officer, Myrna Pitt, on December 1, 2010, to McNeal Enterprise, a company associated with the Parliamentarian, showed clearly that CH&PA was aware of the transaction.
The letter dated December 1, 2010, said that Cabinet had approved the transfer of 150 acres of land located north of Mocha Access Road, at Providence, East Bank Demerara.
The land was transferred to the company in exchange  for two blocks of leased state lands -6,700 acres- that is located on the right bank of Canje River.
Ms Pitt, in the said letter, said that CH&PA is currently in the process of finalizing the transfer of lands at Providence from the Guyana Sugar Corporation and that 150 acres would be effected to McNeal at the appropriate time.
The Attorney-at-Law, as the legal officer, should have known about the transaction as she was the attorney representing CH&PA at the time.
But at Thursday’s press conference, she was emphatic about being out of the loop.
Both Pitt and her Deputy, Denise King-Tudor, were absent from the press conference and therefore could not field any questions.
According to a confidential Cabinet document signed November 15, 2010, by former Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon, the deal is “compensation” for the 6,700 acres Berbice lands.
The document explained that the Guyana Lands and Survey Commission (GLASC) would discontinue the Berbice leases and waive all outstanding lease payments.
The 6,700 acres, the Cabinet document said, was earmarked to be reallocated to cattle farmers in the Manarabisi and Yakusari Canals.
The Cabinet decision was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture, Minister of Housing and Water and its Permanent Secretary, and the Guyana Lands and Survey Commission.
Lumumba has since started construction with a number of homes already built.
The land transactions at Providence to private housing developers have been a sore topic in recent years after questions arose about the transparency involved.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

A swap of 150 acres of prime housing lands at Providence, East Bank Demerara, for  6,700 acres of state land that Lumumba had leased from the People’s National Congress Government decades ago.


Is the current govt going to retract this exchange? Lumumba had his foot in both PPP and PNC camp.  How did he get his hands on 6,700 acres during the PNC administration? Seems like cronyism all around.

Drugb posted:

Is the current govt going to retract this exchange? Lumumba had his foot in both PPP and PNC camp.  How did he get his hands on 6,700 acres during the PNC administration? Seems like cronyism all around.

The politicians in Guyana are for themselves,they continue fooling the people while they carving up parts of the country for their benefits.


Now is time for the APNU to put up or shut up. They said Lumumba forged those land transfers. He said he was given. The PPP accepted his word despite the dubious history of the land. It is not clear he actually was given the land but through his PNC connections there were tacit agreements for him to have it. This man is second only to jagdeo in his ability to scheme and co opt the state assets. This is I believe, three land grab scheme of his.

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

Jalil, in another thread was asking how lumumba got the land. Hope he has time to read the article.

Zed is saying ..... PNC give Lamumba 67,000 Acres land in Berbice because he is a Black Thug who beat and kill Indians and PPP supporters.


Now he is Further Saying.....

Lamumba could not do anything with the land in Berbice.... So Jagdeo exchange it for 150 Acres of Prime Property on the East Bank (Providence).

Zed is refusing to tell us how the Jagdeo Corbin Accord caused PPP to become a Minority in Guyana....and  Paved the way for Granger to become President.


I see that you have major problems with comprehension. Where did I say or imply any of the garbage you posted? It is a Sunday so I understand your response to a suggestion that your attention should be drawn to the article. 

Zed posted:

I see that you have major problems with comprehension. Where did I say or imply any of the garbage you posted? It is a Sunday so I understand your response to a suggestion that your attention should be drawn to the article. 

Jalil posted:
Zed posted:

Jalil, in another thread was asking how lumumba got the land. Hope he has time to read the article.

Zed is saying ..... PNC give Lamumba 67,000 Acres land in Berbice because he is a Black Thug who beat and kill Indians and PPP supporters.


Now he is Further Saying.....

Lamumba could not do anything with the land in Berbice.... So Jagdeo exchange it for 150 Acres of Prime Property on the East Bank (Providence).

Zed is refusing to tell us how the Jagdeo Corbin Accord caused PPP to become a Minority in Guyana....and  Paved the way for Granger to become President.

Zeb are you saying this is not part of the Jagdeo Corbin Accord to clean up the PNC?


Lumumba can't pay for purchased land with leased land. The transaction should be nullified. Hopefully the government nullify the transaction and then prosecute him for fraud.

ksazma posted:

Lumumba can't pay for purchased land with leased land. The transaction should be nullified. Hopefully the government nullify the transaction and then prosecute him for fraud.

I agree with you Jail all those in the Cabinet who agreed to this fraud.

Zed understand what my brother is saying ......

Jagdeo Exchange Govt Owned Lease Land in Berbice River ......

for 150 Acres Prime Transported Property at Providence....


Jagdeo did all these nonsense under the Corbin Bharrat Accord....

he should be Jailed.... He made PPP a Minority....

Exchanging Lease State Land in the Berbice River ...... for 150 Acres Prime Transported Property at Providence.


This Black Thug is being Treated better after the Corbin Jagdeo Accord.

Last edited by Former Member
Jalil posted:
ksazma posted:

Lumumba can't pay for purchased land with leased land. The transaction should be nullified. Hopefully the government nullify the transaction and then prosecute him for fraud.

I agree with you Jail all those in the Cabinet who agreed to this fraud.

Zed understand what my brother is saying ......

Jagdeo Exchange Govt Owned Lease Land in Berbice River ......

for 150 Acres Prime Transported Property at Providence....


Jagdeo did all these nonsense under the Corbin Bharrat Accord....

he should be Jailed.... He made PPP a Minority....

Exchanging Lease State Land in the Berbice River ...... for 150 Acres Prime Transported Property at Providence.


This Black Thug is being Treated better after the Corbin Jagdeo Accord.

Zed should ketch it by now.

ksazma posted:

Lumumba can't pay for purchased land with leased land. The transaction should be nullified. Hopefully the government nullify the transaction and then prosecute him for fraud.

Jagdeo moved a transmitter so he and his buds can claim the land at fire-sale prices to build  their mansions.  And to add insult to injury; he passed off the cost of the move,  180 million G, as an investment cost in NCN books! Lumumba could have claimed Durban Park and the PPP would have given it to him with the excuse it was the PNC that did the deed. What you cay cannot happen is exactly what happened.

This government wont reverse the deal. They pick on poor rice farmers and not the bitching big crooks.

ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

This government wont reverse the deal. They pick on poor rice farmers and not the bitching big crooks.

So the Guyanese people are screwed ......... Again.

De Corbin Jagdeo Accord.....

(1) PPP become a Minority

(2) Clean up the PNC

(3) Clear the way for Granger to become President


Jalil. Seriously, please post a copy of the accord that you have been writing about. I certainly do not know about it or its contents so cannot make any valid comments. I believe in evidence-based discussions, not gut-instinct discussions because we all know what is in the gut and what results.

cain and karma, it is incorrect to hold that lumumba cannot  "pay for transported land with lease land" since it was already done. It is a fact! You could say that it is illegal or immoral. If it is illegal, then we will find out if the present government decide to and is able to legally rescind the deal. If it is legal but immoral, then that is another matter and the Guyanese Electorate might use it to help them decide who to support at the next general elections.

In both cases jalil will use it to continue posting because he has to earn a living. I will really like a see a copy of the accord posted, at least for my education.

Jalil posted:
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

This government wont reverse the deal. They pick on poor rice farmers and not the bitching big crooks.

So the Guyanese people are screwed ......... Again.

De Corbin Jagdeo Accord.....

(1) PPP become a Minority

(2) Clean up the PNC

(3) Clear the way for Granger to become President

I am still putting my faith in this new government to do the right thing because that is what they promise to do. Remember that they promised to clean up the PPP corruption.  

Zed posted:

... karma, it is incorrect to hold that lumumba cannot  "pay for transported land with lease land" since it was already done. It is a fact! You could say that it is illegal or immoral. If it is illegal, then we will find out if the present government decide to and is able to legally rescind the deal. If it is legal but immoral, then that is another matter and the Guyanese Electorate might use it to help them decide who to support at the next general elections.

In both cases jalil will use it to continue posting because he has to earn a living. I will really like a see a copy of the accord posted, at least for my education.

Even better to prosecute now. The court doesn't need to make the stretch that Lumumba will pay for something with someone else's property but can clearly show that he did pay for property with someone else's property. That is fraud, theft. I don't care to deal with any moral issue. That is a fool's game. Everyone preaches morality only when it is not about them.

ksazma posted:
Zed posted:

... karma, it is incorrect to hold that lumumba cannot  "pay for transported land with lease land" since it was already done. It is a fact! You could say that it is illegal or immoral. If it is illegal, then we will find out if the present government decide to and is able to legally rescind the deal. If it is legal but immoral, then that is another matter and the Guyanese Electorate might use it to help them decide who to support at the next general elections.

In both cases jalil will use it to continue posting because he has to earn a living. I will really like a see a copy of the accord posted, at least for my education.

Even better to prosecute now. The court doesn't need to make the stretch that Lumumba will pay for something with someone else's property but can clearly show that he did pay for property with someone else's property. That is fraud, theft. I don't care to deal with any moral issue. That is a fool's game. Everyone preaches morality only when it is not about them.

Lamumba is not the only crook involved in the abuse of Leased State land.....

A coolieman with very close ties to Jagdeo....

and "Dis Coolie-Man" do not live in Guyana .... 

but he was also given thousands of Acres of State Land for forestry in Essequibo by PPP .......

"Dis Home-boy" was never in the Logging or Lumber Business.... But Jagdeo scheme with him to receive a large Forestry Concession.

and "De Man" sold his lease to Bai-Shan-ling for millions.

Ksazma say lock them up.....  Zed yuh agree with Ksazma?


I agree that any case of corruption must be investigated  and if proven, then the persons involved must be charged and tried, and hopefully receive the appropriate sentence. It that is what you are posting, then we are in agreement.

ksazma posted:
Vish M posted:

Lumumba is a "sacred Bull"

That is why Guyana continue to wallow. Too many sacred bulls. For way too long, it has been about who you know in Guyana.

In every society there are sacred bulls and there are sacrificial lambs.  The question, which is outweighing which!!

Zed posted:

I agree that any case of corruption must be investigated  and if proven, then the persons involved must be charged and tried, and hopefully receive the appropriate sentence. It that is what you are posting, then we are in agreement.

In most of these allegations, it would be difficult to prove criminal intent. The Gov't should seize the land and let the culprits fight for the next hundred years.

Mitwah posted:
Zed posted:

I agree that any case of corruption must be investigated  and if proven, then the persons involved must be charged and tried, and hopefully receive the appropriate sentence. It that is what you are posting, then we are in agreement.

In most of these allegations, it would be difficult to prove criminal intent. The Gov't should seize the land and let the culprits fight for the next hundred years.

True, but the Govt has to follow the rule of law and not act selectively and haphazard.  Doing that could lead down a path that who knows where it could end.  What needs to be done is to understand any loophole which allowed such a transaction and close it without creating undue bottlenecks for the vast majority who are engaged in legit transactions.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
Zed posted:

I agree that any case of corruption must be investigated  and if proven, then the persons involved must be charged and tried, and hopefully receive the appropriate sentence. It that is what you are posting, then we are in agreement.

In most of these allegations, it would be difficult to prove criminal intent. The Gov't should seize the land and let the culprits fight for the next hundred years.

Especially since this one is so blatantly simple. Lumumba paid for land with land he did not own. It is no different from him paying for land with counterfeit money. I say jail his ass. And as Jalil posted above, any other who did the same. This one doesn't even need to go to court. It is like, 'Sorry Lumumba, your check bounced'.


I am uncertain about the "ownership value" of land leased from the government and the requirements to be met for the continuation of the lease or not being in breach of the lease. 

Let us await any action on the part of the government on this issue. If it does not happen, and if the government does not comment why it did not happen, then we can speculate why it has not happened.

Zed posted:

I am uncertain about the "ownership value" of land leased from the government and the requirements to be met for the continuation of the lease or not being in breach of the lease. 

Let us await any action on the part of the government on this issue. If it does not happen, and if the government does not comment why it did not happen, then we can speculate why it has not happened.

Leased means that lessee is not the owner.

Last edited by Former Member

kaz, point taken.

The reason I placed ownership rights in inverted commas was whether there were similar rights listed in the lease. I think that sometime ago, if my memory serves me correct, those who leased government lands had complained to the government that they were unable to acquire funds, loans from lending institutions because the land was leased and the land could not be used as collateral. The government at that time said that they would act on that issue. I am unaware what was done. 

Zed posted:

kaz, point taken.

The reason I placed ownership rights in inverted commas was whether there were similar rights listed in the lease. I think that sometime ago, if my memory serves me correct, those who leased government lands had complained to the government that they were unable to acquire funds, loans from lending institutions because the land was leased and the land could not be used as collateral. The government at that time said that they would act on that issue. I am unaware what was done. 

Can't use property not owned as collateral. Some people who have home mortgages may take out a second on that property but the second is only good for the difference between the appraised value less the original loan balance. And if something goes wrong and liquidation is necessary, the first mortgage is satisfied first. Nothing for the government to act on except transfer ownership of the leased property to the lessee but if they do, it wouldn't be called leased property anymore.

cain posted:

Try leasing a car, then try selling it. Same goes for a condo. No selling no exchanging, it ain't yours.

Did you see the story where a man in Florida tried to by a BMW paying with his food stamp card? Before you know it, he drove off with the car and only after it ran out of gas did they recover it.


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