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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

This a form of theft.  They are using their power to unilaterally attribute to themselves part of the taxpayers' money.


The PPP should make the coalition look stupid by refusing this pay increase.

I have to give you credit, you are more objective than I thought and a high degree of value on equity ans fairness.  On this count, baseman and you coincide.  These latest position you took has caused me to step back and reevaluate my assessment of you.

You will have noted that I have always been sharply critical of the PPP, AFC, and APNU.  In fact earning the ire of some coalition supporters.


Wrong is wrong!  And not only is this wrong, but it is stupid. Expect the PPP to make some gains when the LGE comes later this year, if they go through with this.


This is exactly why I cautioned many coalition supporters, when they engaged in stupidity like claiming that corruption will end.  These are mere politicians and are doing what these types do. 


This is the time when Guyanese must remember what Ulele told them.  If APNU/AFC do wrong HOLD THEM TO ACCOUNT.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i agree wholeheartedly with such an increase . . . i am on record here consistently recommending this


it is NOT corrupt! it will likely discourage (not eliminate) corruption


however, the timing (if true) and the PR is monstrously tone deaf . . . budget 2016 after LGE would have been smarter


who are the idiots advising the president?

If people want to steal they will steal.  At a time when the economy is shaky, with issues in sugar, rice and gold, in addition to the ongoing bauxite saga, and at a time when they claim that the PPP was involved in massive theft and waste, how can they pay themselves a hefty 70% increase?  In what planet can this be excused?



This is on top of a bloated administration, with 29 ministers.  Some like Felix, and Ally, clearly being rewarded for being "loyal party people".


At best they should get the same 10% that the civil servants get.


'Just because one might have supported APNU/AFC doesn't mean that we should endorse their "mistakes".

wtf are u talking about?


i am not part of you and baseman dem consensus about "mistakes"


i advocated the significant raising of ministerial and equivalent salaries long, long before 5/11



Last edited by Former Member

The 12 Junior Ministers will each earn $700,000 monthly and like senior Ministers will be entitled to the $500,000 benefits. Therefore all the ministers- all 27 of them will also receive a duty allowance, an entertainment allowance, $45,000, housing allowance; chauffeur allowance of over $100,000 and annual vacation allowance of $420,000.

The APNU and AFC, when in Opposition, had vigorously spoken out against the “abuse” of taxpayers’ money to fill the pockets of the “greedy” government officials


The APNU and AFC, when in Opposition, had vigorously spoken out against the “abuse” of taxpayers’ money to fill the pockets of the “greedy” government officials


Now we are seeing the APNU/AFC as the "greedy government officials"


Can Guyana afford such extravagance?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i agree wholeheartedly with such an increase . . . i am on record here consistently recommending this


it is NOT corrupt! it will likely discourage (not eliminate) corruption


however, the timing (if true) and the PR is monstrously tone deaf . . . budget 2016 after LGE would have been smarter


who are the idiots advising the president?

If people want to steal they will steal.  At a time when the economy is shaky, with issues in sugar, rice and gold, in addition to the ongoing bauxite saga, and at a time when they claim that the PPP was involved in massive theft and waste, how can they pay themselves a hefty 70% increase?  In what planet can this be excused?



This is on top of a bloated administration, with 29 ministers.  Some like Felix, and Ally, clearly being rewarded for being "loyal party people".


At best they should get the same 10% that the civil servants get.


'Just because one might have supported APNU/AFC doesn't mean that we should endorse their "mistakes".

wtf are u talking about?


i am not part of you and baseman dem consensus about "mistakes"


i advocated the significant raising of ministerial and equivalent salaries long, long before 5/11



Since I was with the AFC back in 2011 I was a proponent of the deferred comp and other benefits model.  The PNC is into "instant gratification", but as we all know, such have a short half-life.

Originally Posted by redux:

i advocated the significant raising of ministerial and equivalent salaries long, long before 5/11



Don't worry.  As the economy slows, with a reduction not only in gold prices, but also in production, this hitting a significant part of the PNC base, expect the PPP to recover in the LGE as many PNC supporters stay home in disgust.  Many will say that this is exactly why they usually don't vote.


This is Granger and his ageing cronies trying to snatch as much as they can while they have the opportunity to do so.  They should have waited until they delivered on their promises, but their greed and arrogance leads them to hold Guyanese in utter contempt.  But when we see how Granger handles the PNC, why are we shocked?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i advocated the significant raising of ministerial and equivalent salaries long, long before 5/11



Don't worry.  As the economy slows with a reduction not only in gold prices, but also in production, this hitting a significant part of the PNC base, expect the PPP to recover in the LGE as many PNC supporters stay home in disgust.  Many will say that this is exactly why they usually don't vote.


This is Granger and his ageing cronies trying to snatch as much as they can while they have the opportunity to do so.

klowning deserves no rebuttal


carry on


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i advocated the significant raising of ministerial and equivalent salaries long, long before 5/11



Don't worry.  As the economy slows with a reduction not only in gold prices, but also in production, this hitting a significant part of the PNC base, expect the PPP to recover in the LGE as many PNC supporters stay home in disgust.  Many will say that this is exactly why they usually don't vote.


This is Granger and his ageing cronies trying to snatch as much as they can while they have the opportunity to do so.

Bai, you and baseman more alike than we care to admit, except sometimes we shout from different banks of the river of Jordan.  This is them bais last "erection" so the going in without any conscience.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

klowning deserves no rebuttal


carry on


Ad he sits down in NYC, sheltered from a slowing economy he can engage in his usual theoretical fantasies.


But think of people who are seeing their incomes dwindle as their earnings from gold decline, and watch how they respond when they hear the big ones, the same ones who promised to rescue Guyana from PPP corruption, just increased their salary to US $!00k, in a land where the average person barely makes US$2,000.  And then get other perks on top of that.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i advocated the significant raising of ministerial and equivalent salaries long, long before 5/11



Don't worry.  As the economy slows with a reduction not only in gold prices, but also in production, this hitting a significant part of the PNC base, expect the PPP to recover in the LGE as many PNC supporters stay home in disgust.  Many will say that this is exactly why they usually don't vote.


This is Granger and his ageing cronies trying to snatch as much as they can while they have the opportunity to do so.

Bai, you and baseman more alike than we care to admit, except sometimes we shout from different banks of the river of Jordan.  This is them bais last "erection" so the going in without any conscience.

sure bai . . . a lil salary increase is now "going in without any conscience" nuh?


fascinating 'perspective' without reference points, especially when we cotemplate the Jagdeoite takings this past decade and a half


uh huh . . .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, you and baseman more alike than we care to admit, except sometimes we shout from different banks of the river of Jordan.  This is them bais last "erection" so the going in without any conscience.

It will be the last, before total impotency sets in, and there will be no Viagra to rescue them.



Now this is the time for the PPP to quit sulking and to inform Guyanese about what the APNU/AFC is doing. They should compare the salaries of the President and PM with the equivalent people in T&T and Barbados, nations considerably wealthier than Guyana.


If the PPP does this, then APNU can no longer complain of PPP corruption, because they are proving themselves to be no better.


If they had done good work in raising the economy, creating more jobs, and overseeing a higher quality of service provided by the gov't then this might be in order.


But they have done nothing, as it impacts the average person, and now THIS.


I only hope that this is a Guyana Times lie, and that Jordan comes out and says that no such thing is being planned.

Originally Posted by redux:

sure bai . . . a lil salary increase is now "going in without any conscience" nuh?


fascinating 'perspective,' especially when we observe the Jagdeoite takings this past decade and a half



I bet you all the cops and nurses and teachers wished that they could get a 75% pay increase.  THEY are the ones who must subsist on wages so low, that they are too embarrassed to tell their Bajan friends how much they make. 


I am sure that a Bajan will be impressed with Nagamootoo's US$100k BASE salary, and definitely with Granger's.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, you and baseman more alike than we care to admit, except sometimes we shout from different banks of the river of Jordan.  This is them bais last "erection" so the going in without any conscience.

It will be the last, before total impotency sets in, and there will be no Viagra to rescue them.



Now this is the time for the PPP to quit sulking and to inform Guyanese about what the APNU/AFC is doing. They should compare the salaries of the President and PM with the equivalent people in T&T and Barbados, nations considerably wealthier than Guyana.


If the PPP does this, then APNU can no longer complain of PPP corruption, because they are proving themselves to be no better.


If they had done good work in raising the economy, creating more jobs, and overseeing a higher quality of service provided by the gov't then this might be in order.


But they have done nothing, as it impacts the average person, and now THIS.


I only hope that this is a Guyana Times lie, and that Jordan comes out and says that no such thing is being planned.

Lets hope, as it will be a great disappointment and in just 100 days. Who knows what 100 months bring.

Originally Posted by redux:

fascinating 'perspective' without reference points, especially when we cotemplate the Jagdeoite takings this past decade and a half


uh huh . . .

Of course if the first thing that these people do is give themselves 75% more, maybe they will think that they can engage in Jagdeoite corruption, to the cheers of sycophants like you.


They clearly like their wallets, that much we know.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

sure bai . . . a lil salary increase is now "going in without any conscience" nuh?


fascinating 'perspective,' especially when we observe the Jagdeoite takings this past decade and a half



I bet you all the cops and nurses and teachers wished that they could get a 75% pay increase.  THEY are the ones who must subsist on wages so low, that they are too embarrassed to tell their Bajan friends how much they make. 


I am sure that a Bajan will be impressed with Nagamootoo's US$100k BASE salary, and definitely with Granger's.

Greed is an equal opportunity infector!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

sure bai . . . a lil salary increase is now "going in without any conscience" nuh?


fascinating 'perspective,' especially when we observe the Jagdeoite takings this past decade and a half



I bet you all the cops and nurses and teachers wished that they could get a 75% pay increase.  THEY are the ones who must subsist on wages so low, that they are too embarrassed to tell their Bajan friends how much they make. 


I am sure that a Bajan will be impressed with Nagamootoo's US$100k BASE salary, and definitely with Granger's.

the Bajan PM base salary in 2011-2012 was $US100k


what's your point?

Last edited by Former Member

Who knows, maybe out of this will come a true credible nationalist 3rd party uniting the people and bringing responsible government.  I thought this was the AFC back in 2011 and after interacting with them, I realize these were PPP rejects seeking revenge and their "day in the sun".  The lack of intellectual honesty and anti-PPP anger was so palpable, gave an uncomfortable feeling of what they would actually do should they gain power.  I could not reconcile with this mindset.


Baseman was ridiculed, cussed and lots of lies spread to discredit/discourage and shut me up.  Baseman will prove to be correct in his assessment.  However, I must say, HE Granger has [thus far] been my biggest disappointment, if this turns out to be true.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

sure bai . . . a lil salary increase is now "going in without any conscience" nuh?


fascinating 'perspective,' especially when we observe the Jagdeoite takings this past decade and a half



I bet you all the cops and nurses and teachers wished that they could get a 75% pay increase.  THEY are the ones who must subsist on wages so low, that they are too embarrassed to tell their Bajan friends how much they make. 


I am sure that a Bajan will be impressed with Nagamootoo's US$100k BASE salary, and definitely with Granger's.

the Bajan PM base salary in 2011-2012 was $US100k


what's your point?

What's the per-capita GDP of Bbdos vs Guyana?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Who knows, maybe out of this will come a true credible nationalist 3rd party uniting the people and bringing responsible government . . .

says the bigot crocodile with a wink as he wipes his mouth carna



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

sure bai . . . a lil salary increase is now "going in without any conscience" nuh?


fascinating 'perspective,' especially when we observe the Jagdeoite takings this past decade and a half



I bet you all the cops and nurses and teachers wished that they could get a 75% pay increase.  THEY are the ones who must subsist on wages so low, that they are too embarrassed to tell their Bajan friends how much they make. 


I am sure that a Bajan will be impressed with Nagamootoo's US$100k BASE salary, and definitely with Granger's.

the Bajan PM base salary in 2011-2012 was $US100k


what's your point?

What's the per-capita GDP of Bbdos vs Guyana?

why do you ask?


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