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Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Originally Posted by caribny:

Jail I have you on block so I assume that you aren't responding to me.

J go yank Granger Balls again....

let us see if you make a difference....

Zimbabwean Wildlife Authority:

Jericho the Lion Is Alive,

Not Cecil’s Brother

<cite class="byline vcard top-line">By EMILY SHAPIRO, MUSTAFA HAMEED, RACHEL KATZ and JOSHUA HOYOS</cite>         
Zimbabwean Wildlife Authority: Jericho the Lion Is Alive, Not Cecil’s Brother         

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Zimbabwean Wildlife Authority:
Jericho the Lion Is Alive,
Not Cecil’s Brother - (ABC News)

Amid conflicting accounts on Saturday that Jericho, who was reported to be the ‘brother’ of Cecil the lion, was feared dead, a Zimbabwean wildlife authority has now said that Jericho is still alive.

The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, the government authority on wildlife in Zimbabwe, said Sunday that Jericho is living and being monitored by Brent Stapelkamp of the Lion Research Project.

The authority also emphasized that Jericho is a ‘coalition’ partner to Cecil, not a blood-related sibling.

It released a photo of Jericho as of 7:06 a.m. on Sunday feeding with the pride.

Oxford University Department of Zoology/WildCRU, whose study lion was Cecil, also said that Jericho is alive and well. The department also mentioned that both Jericho and Cecil are not brothers, and that unrelated male lions form coalitions to defend their territories.

Earlier, the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, which is not an official government agency, told ABC News Jericho was shot and killed Saturday at Hwange National Park.

"It is with huge disgust and sadness that we have just been informed that Jericho, Cecil's brother has been killed at 4pm today," the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force said in a Facebook post. "We are absolutely heart broken."



Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, told ABC News Jericho was shot by a hunter and died at 4 p.m. local time, just a half hour after the park put out a statement at 3:30 p.m. announcing a ban on hunting all lions, leopards and elephants.

"The park released the statement at about 3:30, and not even half an hour later I got a phone call that Jericho was killed," Rodrigues said.

The death was confirmed by park employees, but the hunter was not in custody, Rodrigues said.

After Cecil's death, Jericho became the protector of his cubs, according to Rodrigues.

"The families had already united," he said.


White House Petition to Extradite Cecil The Lion's Killer Exceeds 100,000 Signatures



American Lion Killer's Extradition Being Sought in Zimbabwe



Cecil the Lion: New Details Emerge Into the Moments Before He Was Shot


The report of Jericho comes in the wake of Zimbabwe calling for the extradition of the American dentist who admitted killing Cecil in early July.

The process has already begun in Zimbabwe to extradite Walter Palmer, the Minnesota dentist who admitted to killing Cecil, a cabinet minister said, according to the Associated Press.

"Unfortunately it was too late to apprehend the foreign poacher as he had already absconded to his country of origin," Zimbabwe's Environment, Water and Climate Minister Oppah Muchinguri said, according to the AP.

Muchinguri said they want Palmer to be "made accountable."

"Almost 500,000 people are calling for his extradition and we need this support," Muchinguri said. "We want him tried in Zimbabwe because he violated our laws."

There is an extradition treaty between Zimbabwe and the United States.

Muchinguri said Palmer violated the country's Parks and Wildlife Act, which controls the use of bow and arrow hunting. She also said Palmer, who reportedly paid $50,000 to hunt the lion, also violated the act through financing an illegal hunt. ABC News has been unable to confirm that figure independently.

Palmer said in a statement earlier this week that he "deeply" regretted the pursuit of the early July hunt in Zimbabwe that "resulted in the taking of this lion." He added that he "had no idea" Cecil the lion was a "known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study."

"I hired several professional guides and they secured all proper permits," Palmer said in his statement. "To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted."

Meanwhile, in the U.S., a petition to extradite Palmer began July 28, and quickly surpassed 100,000 signatures -- meaning the White House will have to respond.

Get real-time updates as this story unfolds. To start, just "star" this story in ABC News' phone app. Download ABC News for iPhone here or ABC News for Android here. To be notified about our live weekend digital reports, tap here.


Good Morning Guyana....
Carib J is a nasty Black Racist liar..
Moses Nagamootoo,
Alliance For Change
or ... Any INDIAN APNU Official
is Black PNC
Emancipation request
for salary + Benefit increases.... 
Ole Black PNC thugs...
Join with Ravi Dev...
To Yunk Granger Balls
On Emancipation Day 2015


Black PNC Racist cannot Shake AFC-APNU 



Last edited by Former Member
Good Morning Guyana....
Carib J is a nasty Black Racist liar..
Moses Nagamootoo,
Alliance For Change
or ... Any INDIAN APNU Official
is Black PNC
Emancipation request
for salary + Benefit increases.... 
Ole Black PNC thugs...
Join with Ravi Dev...
To Yunk Granger Balls
On Emancipation Day 2015
Moses V. Nagamootoo's photo.

Drumming the message of resistance!


Black PNC Racist

cannot Shake AFC-APNU 

Moses V. Nagamootoo's photo.

Moses V. Nagamootoo's photo.

Moses V. Nagamootoo's photo.


Afro-Guyanese beauty and pride.




Things Black Racist would not know


Moses V. Nagamootoo

Too many cooks:

last week JUDSON and VAL

gave PM a hand in the kitchen.

Moses V. Nagamootoo's photo.

TODAY, PM reclaimed his territory

and did lunch routine

with help of his sweetheart wife, Sita.


Same menu - blackeye cook-up.


PPP appalled at pending salary increase for Gov’t Ministers, others

August 2, 2015 6:03 am Category: latest news A+ / A-


General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee

[] – The Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) says it is appalled that the David Granger led administration is actively considering pay increases, for its Ministers, Vice Presidents, advisors and Parliamentarians.

iNews had reported that Finance Minister, Winston Jordan confirmed that the salaries for Government Ministers, Presidential Advisors and Members of Parliament maybe increased pending the outcome of considerations.

Jordan told iNews on August 01, that the salaries for these officials were “under active consideration;” however the Finance Minister did not state what amount the increases would be since according to him, it is being considered.

But the PPP in a statement resisted this move by the new government.

“The PPP condemns this act of excessive generosity to the satraps of the Granger Administration. As is establishing a bloated is not enough, the Granger Administration is now planning to rub salt in the wounds of Guyanese, by “ fixing up the boys and girls” with big pay increases.”

According to the PPP, “This is same administration which had claimed there is no money in the treasury to continue the School Uniform Voucher Programme and to give public servants a promised 20% pay increase. Moreover, the APNU+AFC, while in opposition, had accused the PPP/Civic government of excessive spending. Clearly, the Granger Administration is more concerned with living extravagant lifestyles and earning big bucks, while the population suffers, it is meat for the boys and bones for the rest of the nation.”


Ministers/VPs pay hike pegged at over $245M annually

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

… move mean not lean – Amerindian leaders

… Guyanese shocked


By Michael Younge

The 100 per cent pay hike which is being considered by the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC)coalition Government could see the country’s treasury being depleted by $245 million annually sparking shock and outrage among various stakeholders in the country, who have been told that the economy has sputtered to a halt.

The proposed pay hike would now see Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and First Vice President, earning approximately $2.2 million monthly, inclusive of benefits, while the three other Vice Presidents will earn a total of $5.4 million altogether monthly.

President David Granger

President David Granger

Additionally, the fifteen Ministers in the new Government would earn $1.5 million each bringing their pay package to over $22.5 million altogether monthly.

Junior Ministers are expected to pocket $1.2 million each monthly inclusive of $500,000 in benefits. This means that the 12 Ministers altogether will drain the treasury of $14.4 million.

That aside, all of the Ministers will receive duty allowance, entertainment allowance, a chauffeur and annual vacation allowance which amounts to over $13.5 million.

In short, over $58 million would be expended on a monthly basis to service the payout to Ministers of Government alone.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan had confirmed that Cabinet is actively considering a salary increase for not only Ministers of Government but advisors as well as Members of Parliament.

He would not confirm nor deny the figures that have been floated in the public over the past two days.

On average, an Advisor is paid close to $800,000 per month which means that annually over $9.6 million could be expended on this category of Government staff. President Granger has appointed four Advisors so far; therefore they be paid 38.4 million annually.

The salaries of Members of Parliament would see the overall cost of the figure being significantly increased monthly.

Brian Allicock

Brian Allicock

This revelation comes as a governmental volte face as President David Granger has been quoted as saying that he wants to lead a “lean” Administration and the only way to achieve this is by cutting away wastage of tax payers’ monies and stopping the exuberance associated with occupying Executive Office and trailing behind a Cadillac lifestyle.

In fact, Granger had exhibited uneasiness about the salaries, pension and uncapped benefits of former Presidents arguing that it was a burden to the treasury. Only two weeks ago, his Government piloted legislation to change the laws allowing for caps to be placed on a former president’s entitlements and benefits.

The new APNU/AFC Government has also terminated the services of over 2000 young Amerindians who earned a mere stipend of $30,000 per month and scores staff from the One Laptop Per Family Project (OLPF).


Amerindian shock

It has moved to scrap the previous Government’s “Because We Care” Cash Grant Programme which saw families being given $10,000 to prepare each child in the public education system for school.

Speaking during an invited comment, Region Nine Regional Chairman Brian Allicock, brother of the Indigenous People’s Affairs Minister and Vice President Sydney Allicock, expressed his disappointment over this development, especially against the backdrop that the APNU/AFC had promised to put the people first.

Aleister Charlie

Aleister Charlie

He expressed shock over the Government decision to fire the young Community Services Officer (CSO) especially given the revelations about a pay hike for Ministers.

“For me, it has been a really sad situation… I think it has gone against the promises that the present administration has made during this campaign that they were going to look after the youths. This was a grand opportunity for them. I think now, dismissing the CSOs in the country, I think it’s terrible and just to make room for those monies to go to the Ministers, I feel really, really saddened. I think they should reconsider the situation,” the Amerindian leader expressed.

Another Amerindian leader Aleister Charlie, a People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Member of Parliament for Region Nine posited, “Where is the plan for the young people? Those individuals who were on the CSO programme benefited, even though the pay was little, it helped them, and it helped single mothers, particularly in my region, in Region Nine. What are you going to put in place for these young people now? They are now jobless.”

Charlie reasoned that it appears as though the Government just wrote off the 2000 Amerindian youths as “collateral damage” to make way for a massive salary hike for themselves.

Douglas Casimero, former Region Nine Vice Chairman and newly elected Toshao of Aishalton said that it “is unfair to our young people, especially those who are now unemployed. I am fully disappointed and against the decision of the new Government especially in their period of campaigning, they would have focused on employment for youths and to me this is an insult to the Amerindians”.


Mother’s response

“They cancelled the “Because We Care” grant where every child, every child was getting $10,000 to help them go to school. Look how many children we have.

It’s like they taking this money away from the people and giving it to themselves. What about the promises they made to the people? How they expect people to vote back for them. They are just showing us that they are greedy politicians,” said Jasmine Headley, a mother of three from Diamond, East Bank Demerara.


PPP’s response

Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party in a statement to the media said it is appalled of recent reports quoting Finance Minister Winston Jordan as saying the Cabinet of David Granger is actively considering pay increases, in some cases more than 100 per cent for its Ministers and Vice Presidents.

The party condemned this act of excessive generosity to the satraps of the Granger Administration.

“As is establishing a bloated is not enough, the Granger Administration is now planning to rub salt in the wounds of Guyanese, by “ fixing up the boys and girls” with big pay increases”, it said Saturday.

 The PPP said, “this is the same administration which had claimed there is no money in the treasury to continue the School Uniform Voucher Programme and to give public servants a promised 20 per cent pay increase”.

It reminded that the APNU/AFC, while in opposition, had accused the PPP/C Government of excessive spending.

“Clearly, the Granger Administration is more concerned with living extravagant lifestyles and earning big bucks, while the population suffers, it is meat for the boys and bones for the rest of the nation. Every day, it is becoming clearer that vintage Burnhamism is slowly but surely returning to Guyana once again”, the party said.


Social media

On social media, Guyanese wasted no time in berating the Government for mulling a pay hike for itself of a greater magnitude than what is being offered to the public.

Trudie Daniels-Clarke said “I am hoping this is not true….I would more rather see 100 per cent increase for teachers and Police” while Rehanna A Rahaman suggested that, “Hmmm full them pocket first.. no wonder the school children 10 grand was taken away.. plus the false promises to teachers and others… Smh..”

Another facebook user, Nanda Juman said, “Omg…weren’t they making outrageous minister salaries a big campaign thing? And didn’t they say the economy cant afford to raise the salary of public servants? Whats this now?

And where are all the supporters who blindly justify everything they do and say? How will you justify this now?”

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Can we put this PPP lie to bed.


Ministers are getting what everyone else is getting.



The Prime minister has them where he wants them.  I wonder what he will do seeing that they already start to steal the from the treasury. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Can we put this PPP lie to bed.


Ministers are getting what everyone else is getting.



The Prime minister has them where he wants them.  I wonder what he will do seeing that they already start to steal the from the treasury. 



The only tief I see in front of the court is a PPP tief called Jenny.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Can we put this PPP lie to bed.


Ministers are getting what everyone else is getting.



So why doesn't Jordan say so, instead of being mysterious.  Even an anti PPP person likes me is more inclined now to believe this story, as Jordan has done NOTHING to squash it.  Claiming that the matter was "under discussion" doesn't refute what is presented.  It could well be this salary increase which was under discussion.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Can we put this PPP lie to bed.


Ministers are getting what everyone else is getting.



So why doesn't Jordan say so, instead of being mysterious.  Even an anti PPP person likes me is more inclined now to believe this story, as Jordan has done NOTHING to squash it.  Claiming that the matter was "under discussion" doesn't refute what is presented.  It could well be this salary increase which was under discussion.

I think they will back pedal and do it in two tranches.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Can we put this PPP lie to bed.


Ministers are getting what everyone else is getting.



So why doesn't Jordan say so, instead of being mysterious.  Even an anti PPP person likes me is more inclined now to believe this story, as Jordan has done NOTHING to squash it.  Claiming that the matter was "under discussion" doesn't refute what is presented.  It could well be this salary increase which was under discussion.

I think they will back pedal and do it in two tranches.

Minitsers are getting an increase, that is a given but it will be what the people get.  All the people are one.  One raise!

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well I was wrong.  I was reliably informed that them boys teking 25% increase and giving the workers 10%.





I hope it's wrong, Guyana did not wait 23 years waiting for mediocre leaders happy with mediocre salaries.  You get what you pay for!  These PNC bannas are easily worth 200% of the canecutters.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well I was wrong.  I was reliably informed that them boys teking 25% increase and giving the workers 10%.





I hope it's wrong, Guyana did not wait 23 years waiting for mediocre leaders happy with mediocre salaries.  You get what you pay for!  These PNC bannas are easily worth 200% of the canecutters.

Ow Baseman.


Source will reveal itself soon.


BIG war.  Some people saying this looking bad, while some saying they want good salary because they do not want to tief like the PPP.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well I was wrong.  I was reliably informed that them boys teking 25% increase and giving the workers 10%.





I hope it's wrong, Guyana did not wait 23 years waiting for mediocre leaders happy with mediocre salaries.  You get what you pay for!  These PNC bannas are easily worth 200% of the canecutters.

Ow Baseman.


Source will reveal itself soon.


BIG war.  Some people saying this looking bad, while some saying they want good salary because they do not want to tief like the PPP.

The original ask was 40%.  Now down to 25%.  Might come down to 20%.  Let us wait.


Stress too much with these people.  Workers definitely getting 10%.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well I was wrong.  I was reliably informed that them boys teking 25% increase and giving the workers 10%.





I hope it's wrong, Guyana did not wait 23 years waiting for mediocre leaders happy with mediocre salaries.  You get what you pay for!  These PNC bannas are easily worth 200% of the canecutters.

Ow Baseman.


Source will reveal itself soon.


BIG war.  Some people saying this looking bad, while some saying they want good salary because they do not want to tief like the PPP.

Well, don't spread more lies.  Get the verifiable facts before posting.


They need not worry, PPP salary + Thievery = PNC/AFC new salary.  Dem safe, no thiefing!!  All ahwe ah waan fambily.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well I was wrong.  I was reliably informed that them boys teking 25% increase and giving the workers 10%.





I hope it's wrong, Guyana did not wait 23 years waiting for mediocre leaders happy with mediocre salaries.  You get what you pay for!  These PNC bannas are easily worth 200% of the canecutters.

Ow Baseman.


Source will reveal itself soon.


BIG war.  Some people saying this looking bad, while some saying they want good salary because they do not want to tief like the PPP.

Well, don't spread more lies.  Get the verifiable facts before posting.


They need not worry, PPP salary + Thievery = PNC/AFC new salary.  Dem safe, no thiefing!!  All ahwe ah waan fambily.

No lies baseboard.


Dynamic situation.


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