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Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well I was wrong.  I was reliably informed that them boys teking 25% increase and giving the workers 10%.





I hope it's wrong, Guyana did not wait 23 years waiting for mediocre leaders happy with mediocre salaries.  You get what you pay for!  These PNC bannas are easily worth 200% of the canecutters.

Ow Baseman.


Source will reveal itself soon.


BIG war.  Some people saying this looking bad, while some saying they want good salary because they do not want to tief like the PPP.

Well, don't spread more lies.  Get the verifiable facts before posting.


They need not worry, PPP salary + Thievery = PNC/AFC new salary.  Dem safe, no thiefing!!  All ahwe ah waan fambily.

No lies baseboard.


Dynamic situation.

Well get the facts!!  unverifiable info are conjecture, fabrication or lies!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well I was wrong.  I was reliably informed that them boys teking 25% increase and giving the workers 10%.





I hope it's wrong, Guyana did not wait 23 years waiting for mediocre leaders happy with mediocre salaries.  You get what you pay for!  These PNC bannas are easily worth 200% of the canecutters.

Ow Baseman.


Source will reveal itself soon.


BIG war.  Some people saying this looking bad, while some saying they want good salary because they do not want to tief like the PPP.

Well, don't spread more lies.  Get the verifiable facts before posting.


They need not worry, PPP salary + Thievery = PNC/AFC new salary.  Dem safe, no thiefing!!  All ahwe ah waan fambily.

No lies baseboard.


Dynamic situation.

Well get the facts!!  unverifiable info are conjecture, fabrication or lies!!

No lies, plenty push and pull.  Is where the ball will land on August 10th?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

No lies baseboard.


Dynamic situation.

Well get the facts!!  unverifiable info are conjecture, fabrication or lies!!

No lies, plenty push and pull.  Is where the ball will land on August 10th?

So, who pushing and who pulling, who giving it, who tekking, who pon tap who getting screwed!!


Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary – PM Nagamootoo – confirms salary increase in pipeline for public service workers

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo
Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary –

PM Nagamootoo –

confirms salary increase in pipeline for public service workers


IN responding to recent reports in sections of the media about a pending salary increase for Ministers and other top level Government officials, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo said that there has been mention of an increase in salaries, that is “an increase for sure for persons in the public service,” as Government officials need to be paid a respectable salary.


Speaking yesterday during an interview with media operatives,

the Prime Minister made it clear that

he is unware of any 100% increase for Ministers, Members of Parliament (MPs), Presidential Advisors and Vice Presidents,

noting that he has not seen those reports

but knows for sure that no such declarations were made by the Government.



 let us hearCarib J

and the Ole PNC Black Racist Troop of Gorilla

from Monkey Mountain admit

they Joined with Ravi Dev

to yank Granger Balls

on Emancipation Day 2015.....







However, he said that there would be an increase because of the fact that “there has been a reduction in the number of ministries, and also it would be used as a method of preventing ministers from putting their hands into the cookie jars.”


Additionally, “they need to be paid respectable salaries, same as the police ranks and other persons so as to avoid the temptation of stealing, accepting bribes and indulging in corrupt practices.”


The Prime Minister further mentioned that the Government has decided that the salary increases will help to avoid those things because once reasonable stipends and salaries are being paid, it would necessarily be an indictment for them to do something bad.


“We are moving away from the past, you see in the audits how many people have been helping themselves to vehicles and state funds, so I believe that ministers deserve to be paid,” said Mr. Nagamootoo.


Apart from avoiding the illegalities, the Prime Minister noted that there are many qualified Ministers who didn’t come into office because of political loyalties and affiliation, but because they want to make a commitment to their country for which they are qualified.


“Look at the number of persons who have left their legal practices and other highly qualified callings to give service to the Guyanese people… do we pay them enough?”



Former President Donald Ramotar

Former President Donald Ramotar


Meanwhile when asked to share his views on the reports about pending salary increases for Ministers and other senior Government Officials, former President Donald Ramotar stated that it would be “callous” on the Government’s behalf to give themselves huge increases. “Taking into consideration increases in the number of ministries and also the increasing bureaucracy… and it is callous and insensitive what is taking place in this country,” said Mr. Ramotar.


 these Monkeys Grab Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day....

Reports of pending salary increases

first appeared in the

Saturday August 1, 2015(African Emancipation Day)

edition of Guyana Times (Ravi Dev-Jihaji's),

which said that, “Finance Minister Winston Jordan confirmed the assertion that had been swirling of social media to the Guyana Times.”


The article also stated that, “He said the matter is currently under consideration by the Administration and the increase also extends to Members of Parliament (MPs) and basically all individuals who have a role in the House of Assembly.

The increase in Ministers’ salary is under consideration.

All people that concern the House of Assembly, so that will include Chief Whip, the Opposition, Ministers, and Vice Presidents and so on.”


By Navendra Seoraj


Redux you and carib J

can spin whatever I say how you want to...

If Redux want to Join CaribJ

and Other Ole PNC Boys

To Grab Granger Balls...

we cannot stop them....




I know what I am saying is the truth.


I am saying.....

(1) No Indian

 (2) No AFC Minister (Indian, Black or Mixed)  

(3) No Indian from APNU,

No Black from APNU Except a few from PNC  

or Any of the Mixed APNU Cabinet Ministers

have not joined

 with the Old Black PNC Monkey Mountain Racist Thug

who are Yanking Granger Balls

on Emancipation Day 2015.






Redux since you want to spin what I said

Give us the name of one....Just One...

Indian or Black.... AFC - APNU Minister(who is not PNC)

who is teaming up with the Old PNC Black Racist Thugs

and Yank Granger Balls  about Pay Increase now....


Redux ....Name One....Just One




Last edited by Former Member

Redux climb on CaribJ Back


CaribJ Yank Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day 2015


CaribJ would be a good Outrider for Redux...

CaribJ just have to make sure

his sunglases do not fall

over his stink mouth

and Muzzle his Racist Views


What worries me about this thread is that it isn't true that the government has announced a pay increase of 100% for ministers. It is a claim made by the PPP. Fortunately the PPP is no longer the government, so those PPP pay increases won't go ahead.


Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

– PM Nagamootoo –

confirms salary increase

in pipeline

for public service workers


Speaking yesterday

during an interview with media operatives,


the Prime Minister made it clear that


he is unware

of any 100% increase for Ministers,

Members of Parliament (MPs),

Presidential Advisors and Vice Presidents,


noting that he has

not seen those reports

but knows for sure

that no such declarations

were made by the Government.



 let us hearCarib J

and the Ole PNC Black Racist Troop of Gorilla

from Monkey Mountain admit

they Joined with Ravi Dev

to yank Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day 2015.....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

What worries me about this thread is that it isn't true that the government has announced a pay increase of 100% for ministers. It is a claim made by the PPP. Fortunately the PPP is no longer the government, so those PPP pay increases won't go ahead.

I believe it's all PPP propaganda to create distraction from the real issues.


I think there was a significant element of truth to the leak.  Maybe AFC and the APNU Granger clan initiated the leak to create the outcry and beat back the salivating PNC clan.  Them PNC bais did not salivate for 23 years scratching their balls to come for a salary which can hardly make one old woman happy, much less a 2nd younger one.


My inside sources informed me that Granger is being pressurized by elements of the old-guard PNC who view him as too conciliatory to the the minor parties, especially the AFC [collies], who are viewed as an extension of the PPP, Jaganite clan (just ask Caribj).


Now, what does Granger do as he needs these GDF/PNC boys to steady his ship?  The old PNC boys might now take a leaf out of the PPP book and "augment" their incomes to keep the sweet women happy.  In anycase, I'm sure they have their sources from before, Guyana did not become a drug-hub accidentally.  But they have a big problem, unlike the monolithic PPP group, them bannas gatt people like Granger, Nagamootoo, Roopnaraine, and others in the non-PNC clan who may see it differently.  On top, they have their US advocate Hunt who may take an interest after all, he is their creation.


In the end, my personal viewpoint, the PNC boys are correct, the pay scale of the ruling class have for too decades been neglected.  PPP focus on uneducated Canecutters and Bauxiters too much too long.  Who the hell want's to go to uni, earn or acquire certifications, become VP and earn $60k.  Guyana ain't "cheap labor" China and India, we are worth out weight in gold.  Failing to increase salaries significantly, you will be left with the "kindergarten" bottom of the barrel quality like that Williams banna and Guyana will be screwed in negotiations.  Furthermore, think of the salivating esteemed talents in the diaspora who need that extra nudge to pack up them grip and go Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I think there was a significant element of truth to the leak.  Maybe AFC and the APNU Granger clan initiated the leak to create the outcry and beat back the salivating PNC clan.

There was no leak. It was a pure fabrication by the PPP to hide the fact that PPP ministers were far better paid out of funds designated for other projects.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I think there was a significant element of truth to the leak.  Maybe AFC and the APNU Granger clan initiated the leak to create the outcry and beat back the salivating PNC clan.

There was no leak. It was a pure fabrication by the PPP to hide the fact that PPP ministers were far better paid out of funds designated for other projects.

The tepid drip-feed feeble response of the regime is all too telling.  I thin it was that BT character on GNI who hinted at "pushing and pulling" in the hood.  Not sure who was the jerker and who the jerkee.

Last edited by Former Member

Pradoville 2 matter handed over to State Assets Recovery Unit

August 4, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– NICIL oversaw transaction, kept CH&PA in dark

The Ministry of Housing has asked Government’s newly established State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) to look into the ‘Pradoville Two’ deal.

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

The transaction is quickly evolving into a scandal which at first glance speaks of abuse of state resources by the previous administrations under the People’s Progressive Party. At the very least, Government officials said, the deal was improper. The matter is being examined under forensic audits being carried out at both the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) and National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). Yesterday, Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Keith Scott, disclosed that the area situated at Parcel 172 Plantation Sparendaam and Parcel 237 Plantation Goedverwagting, known by citizens as Pradoville 2 was “mutated” and sold subject to a Cabinet decision. While he did not say when, from indications, it was done under last Bharrat Jagdeo administration. His last term in office ended in 2011. The state-owned NICIL/Privatisation Unit was authorized to do all acts necessary to ensure the vesting of the new development project in the CH&PA, the body which is tasked with overseeing housing developments in Guyana. NICIL/Privatisation Unit is headed by Winston Brassington, an executive who oversaw a number of contentious multi-billion-dollar public infrastructure deals. According to Scott yesterday, the allocation of parcels of land to the several former ministers, senior

Minister Keith Scott

Minister Keith Scott

Government officials and friends close to the PPP administration, along with the method to determine the prices paid, were not assessed by the CH&PA. “The method of allocation of lands within this housing development as opposed to other schemes under the control of the Central Authority was not followed,” Minister Scott said in a statement to this newspaper. Regarding issues of whether the recipients, including Jagdeo and Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, were owners of properties at the time of the sale, Scott made it clear the CH&PA seemed not have been in the loop as the paperwork is not there. Under regulations of the authority, persons or families who owned properties cannot be allocated new lands. “Those who were allocated the parcel(s) of land, whether they were the owner(s) of land at the time of allocation and the price attributed to each parcel of land, were not under the control of the Central Authority,” he said. As a matter of fact, the authority’s role in the Pradoville Two construction seemed to be limited. “The plans showing the survey of the area were done at the behest of NICIL/Privatisation Unit.” The infrastructural works were contracted to Atlantic Construction by NICIL/Privatisation Unit. Scott did not make it clear whether the infrastructural works were tendered for. He said from evidence, CH&PA merely acted as the collection agency

Remigrants paid ten times the price that former President Bharrat Jagdeo paid for house lots. Remigrants paid $1,111 per square foot to Jagdeo’s $114 per square foot.

Remigrants paid ten times the price that former President Bharrat Jagdeo paid for house lots. Remigrants paid $1,111 per square foot to Jagdeo’s $114 per square foot.

for the cost paid by the beneficiaries of the land. “The resident/owners paid to the Central Authority the sums stated on their Certificate of Title passed by the Registrar of Land.” Over the weekend, it was revealed that NICIL paid more than $100M to remove a transmitting tower from the Pradoville Two land, an area of prime land on the East Coast of Demerara that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. An entire new facility had to be rebuilt along Dairy Road, West Bank Demerara. NICIL reportedly also spent tens of millions to build roads, drainage and culverts and lay pipes and in some cases, underground power cables. The developed house lots, complete with infrastructure, were then sold below market value to Jagdeo, several ministers and Government officials and friends. There is no evidence that the house lots sale was advertised or what procedures were used in the allocations of the parcels of the ocean-front properties. Jagdeo himself, according to details of allocations, received two parcels equivalent to two acres. On it, he built an imposing mansion, complete with pool and overlooking the seawall and the Atlantic Ocean. He paid a total of $9.8M. He had owned a property along the Ogle Airport Road in the community that was known as ‘Pradoville One’. However, he sold that property to Trinidadian advertising executive, Ernie Ross. In effect, Jagdeo paid three times less than what ordinary citizens in the Diamond and Grove Housing Schemes, East Bank Demerara, would have been required to fork out. Jagdeo’s payment for the Pradoville Two parcels translated to $5M per acre which works out at $114 per square foot; the ordinary man pays $317 per square foot for his plot. The sale of the Pradoville Two house lots for such a low price would contrast starkly with what remigrants had to pay under the Government’s scheme for returning to Guyana.  Remigrants paid more than ten times the price Jagdeo paid for the same size house lot. They paid $1,111 per square foot. Other beneficiaries included Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack; former Head of the Private Sector Commission (PSC), Ramesh Dookhoo; former Ministers Clement Rohee, Priya Manickchand, Robert Persaud and even former Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon.


PM denies knowledge of “100%” pay hike

President David Granger

President David Granger

– fails to explain pay hike for Cabinet members, MPs

By Devina Samaroo

Prime Minister and First Vice President Moses Nagamootoo on Monday denied having any knowledge about Cabinet’s plans to dish out a 100 per cent pay hike for Government Ministers and other Members of Parliament (MPs), failing miserably in the process to justify any increase ahead of the presentation of the National Budget.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Nagamootoo’s pronouncement on the issue comes at a time when public outrage is growing after the Guyana Times broke a story last week which exposed a plan by the David Granger Government to approve a significant increase in the salaries and benefits of its serving Government Ministers and MPs even though it has only been in power for three months now.

When contacted by the Guyana Times about the issue, Nagamootoo was upset that this newspaper succeeded in breaking the story.

Asked for a justifiable reason for this increase, the Prime Minister feebly stated, “I think the Guyana Times needs to give an explanation to the Guyanese people why they would want to say that the PM will be paid some … increase in salary. I am not aware of 100 per cent increase…”

All efforts to get a reason as to why Government wanted to give it an increase in pay – given that on its campaign the A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition spoke vigorously against the wastage of taxpayers’ monies and exuberance associated with occupying Executive Officer, proved futile as the Vice President kept avoiding the question.

“All I can tell you is that I am not getting 100 per cent increase…don’t ask me to speculate, I am not going to get 100 per cent increase…I cannot respond to you,” he said, just before referring the reporter to the Finance Minister.

Efforts to contact other key Government officials on the matter proved futile.

However, President David Granger is quoted in other sections of the media as saying that the salary increases are being done to basically differentiate between the payments received by the various levels of officials.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan confirmed that Cabinet was actively considering a salary increase for not only Ministers of Government but advisers as well as MPs.

He would not confirm nor deny the figures that have been floated in the public over the past two days.

The proposed pay hike would see Nagamootoo earning approximately $2.2 million monthly, inclusive of benefits, while the three other Vice Presidents will earn a total of $5.4 million altogether monthly. Although, the Prime Minister has since denied these figures, he has failed to mention the percentage of increase being considered.

Additionally, the 15 Ministers in the new Government would earn $1.5 million each bringing their pay package to over $22.5 million altogether monthly.

Junior Ministers are expected to pocket $1.2 million each monthly inclusive of $500,000 in benefits. This means that these 12 Ministers altogether will drain the treasury of $14.4 million.

That aside, all of the Ministers will receive duty allowance, entertainment allowance, a chauffeur and annual vacation allowance which amounts to over $13.5 million.

In short, over $58 million would be expended on a monthly basis to service the payout to Ministers of Government alone.


i would like the sick ole bigot jalil to explain how Hon. PM Moses Nagamootoo's statement differs in substance from those of President David Granger and Hon. Minister of Finance Winston Jordan


i would further suggest to Jalil that suscribing to the imaginative, invidious political outpourings of Ravi Dev and the Jagdeo collective in the Sanata complex as an excuse to jump up and down in freshly starched white sheet n hood calling all manner of APNU/AFC MPs and Ministers "black thugs and "black monkeys" and "gorillas" is a whole 'nother order of frightening


indeed, where does a punk cockroach like Jalil get off calling Winston Jordan a "Black Racist PNC Minister"?


the just universe requires that anyone capable step on diseased crawlers like this supposed coalition 'supporter' . . . on sight!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

My inside sources . . .

are your "inside sources" the same ones who made the "call" to you from GT yesterday to enlighten us about Exxon and de ile?



Originally Posted by asj:

PM denies knowledge of “100%” pay hike

President David Granger

President David Granger

– fails to explain pay hike for Cabinet members, MPs

By Devina Samaroo

Prime Minister and First Vice President Moses Nagamootoo on Monday denied having any knowledge about Cabinet’s plans to dish out a 100 per cent pay hike for Government Ministers and other Members of Parliament (MPs), failing miserably in the process to justify any increase ahead of the presentation of the National Budget.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Nagamootoo’s pronouncement on the issue comes at a time when public outrage is growing after the Guyana Times broke a story last week which exposed a plan by the David Granger Government to approve a significant increase in the salaries and benefits of its serving Government Ministers and MPs even though it has only been in power for three months now.

When contacted by the Guyana Times about the issue, Nagamootoo was upset that this newspaper succeeded in breaking the story.

Asked for a justifiable reason for this increase, the Prime Minister feebly stated, “I think the Guyana Times needs to give an explanation to the Guyanese people why they would want to say that the PM will be paid some … increase in salary. I am not aware of 100 per cent increase…”

All efforts to get a reason as to why Government wanted to give it an increase in pay – given that on its campaign the A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition spoke vigorously against the wastage of taxpayers’ monies and exuberance associated with occupying Executive Officer, proved futile as the Vice President kept avoiding the question.

“All I can tell you is that I am not getting 100 per cent increase…don’t ask me to speculate, I am not going to get 100 per cent increase…I cannot respond to you,” he said, just before referring the reporter to the Finance Minister.

Efforts to contact other key Government officials on the matter proved futile.

However, President David Granger is quoted in other sections of the media as saying that the salary increases are being done to basically differentiate between the payments received by the various levels of officials.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan confirmed that Cabinet was actively considering a salary increase for not only Ministers of Government but advisers as well as MPs.

He would not confirm nor deny the figures that have been floated in the public over the past two days.

The proposed pay hike would see Nagamootoo earning approximately $2.2 million monthly, inclusive of benefits, while the three other Vice Presidents will earn a total of $5.4 million altogether monthly. Although, the Prime Minister has since denied these figures, he has failed to mention the percentage of increase being considered.

Additionally, the 15 Ministers in the new Government would earn $1.5 million each bringing their pay package to over $22.5 million altogether monthly.

Junior Ministers are expected to pocket $1.2 million each monthly inclusive of $500,000 in benefits. This means that these 12 Ministers altogether will drain the treasury of $14.4 million.

That aside, all of the Ministers will receive duty allowance, entertainment allowance, a chauffeur and annual vacation allowance which amounts to over $13.5 million.

In short, over $58 million would be expended on a monthly basis to service the payout to Ministers of Government alone.


One bunch of thieves are being replaced with a bunch of daytime thieves.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

My inside sources . . .

are your "inside sources" the same ones who made the "call" to you from GT yesterday to enlighten us about Exxon and de ile?



No, one works at OP, the other is in the inner sanctum of the APNC.


One had direct knowledge and the other applied inductive reasoning!  I have every reason to believe, where there is smoke, there is fyah!!

Last edited by Former Member


              GY/mth         US/mth           US/Yr
3 VP$5,400,000$26,341$316,098
15 Ministers$22,500,000$109,756$1,317,073
12 Junior Ministers$14,400,000$70,244$842,927
3 Past Presidents$5,740,000$28,000$336,000
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:


              GY/mth         US/mth           US/Yr

3 Current VP

***Less than US$9,000/Month Each

15 Ministers$22,500,000$109,756$1,317,073
12 Junior Ministers$14,400,000$70,244$842,927

3 Past Presidents

*** More than US$9,000/Month Each


Govt need to tek back some of the Free Money from Jagdeo, Ramotar & Sam Hinds......

them aint doing one skkkkunt and them collecting nearly US$10,000 per month plus nuff perks.



Are these Official Numbers from the Guyana Govt...

or are these Numbers Ravi Dev pull out from CaribJ BT....

Last edited by Former Member

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