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Govt. to improve PSA for CGX’s latest discovery

Feb 04, 2022 News -- Source -- Kaieteur News Online -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...xs-latest-discovery/

Kaieteur News – Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo disclosed on Thursday that the latest discovery made at the Kawa-1 well in the Corentyne Block will no doubt accelerate pressure on government to now get its model Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) in place once and for all.

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

Acknowledging that the PPP/C Government is prepared to rise to the occasion, Dr. Jagdeo was keen to note that the model PSA will address issues such as higher royalty rates, the need for ring fencing provisions, as well as those related to taxes.

Speaking with members of the media at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre (ACCC), the Vice President said, “CGX Energy Inc. has found oil and there may be now increased pressure because if they move swiftly to production then we will have to get a model PSA in place.”

The former Head of State said work on the PSA was put on the back burner since ExxonMobil was the lone explorer marking all the commercial discoveries in the Stabroek Block.

The Vice President said, “So there is urgency now to move to a model PSA that would correct many of the things we find are wrong with the last one that was signed with Exxon (the Stabroek Block PSA). And all new entrants would have to subscribe to the new conditions. I don’t want to get into too many details but issues raised such as high royalty rate, and ring fencing, those have to be looked at; tax treatment and a whole range of other issues have to be looked at.”

He added, “There are about 10 or 11 areas we identified to look at and they have to do with the fiscal terms.”

He alluded, nonetheless, that when the time arrives, the government would be ready to engage with CGX and its partner, Frontera.

It was on Monday, Canadian oil explorers, CGX Energy Inc. and Frontera Energy Corporation, disclosed that a discovery was made at the Kawa1-well in the Corentyne Block.

The joint venture partners noted that the Kawa-1 well encountered approximately 177 feet (54 metres) of hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs within Maastrichtian, Campanian and Santonian horizons based on initial evaluation of Logging While Drilling (LWD) data. It was drilled to a depth of 21,578 feet (6,578 metres) and targeted the easternmost Campanian and Santonian channel/lobe complex on the northern section of the Corentyne Block.

The partners said these intervals are similar in age and can be correlated using regional seismic data to recent successes in Block 58 in Suriname and Stabroek Block in Guyana. The well also encountered hydrocarbon bearing sands in deeper strata (Coniacian or older). The companies said this will also be analysed and could become the target of future appraisal opportunities.

It was further noted that the net pay and fluid properties of the hydrocarbons across the shallow and deep reservoirs will now be confirmed with electric wire line logging and fluid sampling, with results to be disclosed as soon as practicable.

Frontera and CGX were keen to note that the Kawa-1 results support the geological and geophysical models used while noting that they have helped de-risk equivalent targets in other parts of the Corentyne licence area. The end of well forecast is currently projected to be the end of February 2022.

The Canadian duo said information on final well cost estimates and additional results will be announced upon completion of end of well activities. CGX, this newspaper understands, is currently assessing several strategic opportunities to obtain additional financing to meet the costs of the drilling programme.

Professor Suresh Narine, Executive Co-Chairman of CGX’s Board of Directors, commented that the results from the Kawa-1 well represent a positive milestone in the CGX journey as a pioneer oil and gas explorer in the Guyana Basin. “Together with our partner Frontera, CGX looks forward to continuing our socially and environmentally conscious approach to the development of Guyana’s oil and gas industry and port infrastructure. We are proud of our long partnership with the Government and People of Guyana and of our reputation as Guyana’s Indigenous Oil Company,” Narine expressed.

As for Orlando Cabrales, Chief Executive Officer of Frontera, he said, “We are very pleased to have successfully drilled the Kawa-1 well with our partner CGX. I commend the significant efforts of all the talented employees and contractors involved and their dedication to helping this partnership achieve this important milestone. We now have the ability to focus our efforts on potentially transformational opportunities and to continue our positive relationship with the Government and People of Guyana.”

Building on its recent offshore positive results at the Kawa-1 exploration well, the joint venture partners anticipate spudding its second commitment well, called Wei-1, in the northwestern part of the Corentyne Block in the second half of 2022.

They have since exercised their option to use the Maersk Discoverer semi-submersible mobile drilling rig for the Wei-1 well.

The partners were keen to note that this is an important step from a health and safety, efficiency, and operational perspective and will maintain both continuity in the exploration programme during a period of high demand in the region and consistency in working with a team familiar with the rig.

Kaieteur News understands that the Wei-1 exploration well will target Campanian and Santonian aged stacked channels in the western fan complex in the northern section of the Corentyne Block.

The Wei-1 well is named after one of the tallest peaks in the Pakaraima mountain range, which has commanding visibility over the surrounding terrain. Wei Tepu was historically used as a sentinel post by the Patamona people to guard against attacks.

Stabroek Block’s 4th Project… Yellowtail licence to be award in March –Jagdeo

Feb 04, 2022 News -- Source -- Kaieteur News Online -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ard-in-march-jagdeo/

Kaieteur News- Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo revealed to members of the media yesterday that ExxonMobil and its partners, Hess Corporation and CNOOCL Petroleum Limited, could get their licence for the US$9B Yellowtail Project to be executed in the Stabroek Block by the end of next month.

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo.

The Vice President said there was the expectation that the review of the Field Development Plan and subsequent issuance of the environmental permit and licence would have been completed since December 2021. He said this did not occur as there were some setbacks. In spite of the internal challenges, Jagdeo said, “…We are working more, and we are anticipating the completion of everything by the end of March latest. We have consultancies in place and the Ministry of Natural Resources (in review mode).”

Dr. Jagdeo said a draft licence is already worked out and a parallel process is being conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency for an authorization permit.

Kaieteur News reported last month that twelve companies, inclusive of two well established clients of Stabroek Block Operator, ExxonMobil, submitted bids to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) for the review and evaluation of the Field Development Plan for Exxon’s fourth project –Yellowtail.

The companies and their bids are as follows: Infinity Services in collaboration with XWells Mexico – US$617,500; Orwell Offshore – US$617,650; MSI International -US$817,761; Endeavour Management –US$598,934; Future Energy Partners Limited – US$901,482; IHS Global Inc.- US$1,493,502; Bayphase-US$423,360; RPS Energy Consultants Ltd. – US$494,000; Sunstone Energy Advisory Service –US$785,040; Sproule –US$661,440 and StratOil Energy Services –US$324,080.

Canadian firm, Sunstone Energy Advisory Services (SEAS) says it comprises some of the world’s top experts while providing geoscience services for oil and gas investment and international growth. Importantly,

it boasts on its website of having key 25-year-old relationships with ExxonMobil, Hess, and CNOOC, the Stabroek Block operators. It also lists as one of its key achievements, work it has done on the Guyana Project (Discovery & Development) 2013-17 which led to the discovery of 10 Billion barrels of recoverable oil resources.

As for Bayphase, this is an international oil and gas consultancy which has decades of auditing experience but is a well known client of Exxon. It has previously been awarded contracts here and is based in the UK.

It was on January 8, last, that Kaieteur News published the government’s request for financial and technical proposals from qualified firms to review the Yellowtail FDP. Yesterday was the closing date for submissions. The project documents note that the duration of the assignment is expected to be 50 days, with the possibility of work starting by February 7, 2021, should all go as planned.

The bid documents state that the firms are required to consider Guyana’s legislative and contractual framework, international best practices and industry standards, and the specific conditions present in Guyana, then proceed to conduct an in-depth review of the Yellowtail Field Development Plan (FDP).

Government said the review must include all supporting and reference documentation, along with the related Environmental Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) submitted by the Stabroek Block Licensees.

It was further noted, that the review must include at minimum, an assessment of the strategy and the development model, as well as the criteria for the choices that have been made by the Licensees, including cost effectiveness, and potential alternatives; engineering, geological and geophysical interpretations, simulations, and estimations, including recovery factor efficiency using natural gas injection and available natural gas for export; and the well and reservoir management strategy, taking into consideration the government’s objectives of maximising the recovery of hydrocarbon resources and having no gas flared.

Interested firms would also be expected to review documents pertaining to the proposed oil and gas surface facilities, the associated financial models, economic analyses and cost estimates and reports, towards ensuring financial optimisation of oil and gas recovery profiles; the Health, Safety, Environment and Social (HSES) impacts and proposed mitigation; the Decommissioning Plan and Budget; the natural gas utilisation plan for the field; and the overall risk management strategy.

Furthermore, Kaieteur News understands that, the successful applicant would be required to prepare a report, setting out the opinions formed in the evaluation of the FDP and ESIA, addressing at minimum, compliance or non-compliance with the requirements of the existing legislative and industry standards, including any deficiencies, unresolved issues and areas of additional assessments or technical analysis that the government should request before making a determination on the FDP.

According to the government, it expects support for the Natural Resources Ministry through engagements and information exchanges, with the Licensees as well as the provision of on-the-job training to Guyanese during the FDP evaluation process.

Kaieteur News previously reported that development costs for the Yellowtail project are poised to exceed US$9B or GY$1.8 trillion.
According to project documents, Yellowtail will consist of drilling approximately 41 to 67 development wells; installation and operation of Subsea, Umbilicals, Risers, and Flowlines equipment; installation and the operation of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel in the eastern half of the Stabroek Block; and— ultimately—project decommissioning.

The FPSO will be designed to produce up to 250,000 barrels of oil per day. The initial production is expected to begin by the end of 2025–early 2026, with operations continuing for at least 20 years. The project is expected to employ up to 540 persons during development well drilling, approximately 600 persons at the peak of the installation stage, and 100 to 140 persons during production operations.


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