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Gov’t to spend $30M on Baramita’s development


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud, during a recent four-day outreach to Region One, told residents of Baramita of Government’s intention to spend over $30M towards the community’s development.


He also updated the community on various issues, including Government’s policies and plans for hinterland communities, and on the developments in Parliament.


A Region One resident makes his concern clear to Minister Ganga Persaud and his team

A Region One resident makes his concern clear to Minister Ganga Persaud and his team


With respect to the latter, the Minister expressed Government’s concerns that some cuts to the national budget could impinge on the lives of residents in Region One. He explained about the cut to the transport sector, and how this would affect the maintenance and rehabilitation of hinterland airstrips. The ferry services to Mabaruma and Kaituma would also be affected since there will be no funds for fuelling and maintenance of the vessels.


Residents of Baramita gathered in the village’s Primary School as they await their chance to make their concerns clear to the outreach team

Residents of Baramita gathered in the village’s Primary School as they await their chance to make their concerns clear to the outreach team


Minister Persaud also explained how the cuts to the LCDS would affect the hinterland electrification and the distribution of solar panels, which in turn would affect the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) hinterland programme.


The Local Government Minister also revealed Government’s investment plans for the Region. He pointed to work being done on rehabilitating the Northwest Secondary School to increase its intake by 60 students. There is also work planned for the Port Kaituma Secondary School and the dormitories, while in the area of health, $50M has been allocated to begin construction of the Kaituma District hospital.


A Matthews Ridge resident seeks permission to make a point during the meeting with Minister Ganga Persaud and other officials

A Matthews Ridge resident seeks permission to make a point during the meeting with Minister Ganga Persaud and other officials


The Minister led a team of Government officials on an outreach to various communities including in the Matarkai sub-district, Baramita, Matthews Ridge, Arakaka, Four Miles, Falls Top and Kaituma.


Residents raised their issues of concern with the Minister during the outreach. At Baramita, they indicated the need for a playground in the community where there would be games and other activities organised to occupy the time of the youths. Residents had expressed their concerns about the youths not attending school and getting involved in illegal activities. As such the need for a welfare officer in the community was acknowledged.


Concerns were also raised about councillors allegedly selling community lands to outsiders of the village.


In Matthews Ridge the Minister heard of persons using the Skills Training Centre to vend products, while at Arakaka, residents were informed that monies had been allocated for repairs to the Primary School in the sum of $1M and $3M to address malaria issues.


Residents at Port Kaituma responded to the call of the Ministerial outreach team

Residents at Port Kaituma responded to the call of the Ministerial outreach team


Millions of dollars have been also allocated for internal roads in the Kaituma community and for the main roads. The community had already accumulated some funds towards this project, and had been looking forward for Government’s assistance. The need for a vehicle to serve several needs of the community was also pointed out. The resources of the community had been pooled for the purchase of a boat and residents are hoping to acquire an engine.


Minister Persaud commended residents for their interest in their community and the work they put in to make it a better place.

THe PPP is acting like the is telling the people what "the PPP will develop for them" not how they people can actually develop their community with allocations of funds that is theirs in the first place. They will send in a bunch of Indian folks awarding them all the contracts and the Amerind will end up with a million dollar shed or a solar cell battery/inverter system capably of lighting a 60 watt bulb for a couple of hours and voila we have electrification!


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