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Former Member

Govt. to spend close to $600M to rehabilitate Naamryck, Hubu access roads

The Naamryck and Hubu main access roads in Essequibo Islands-West Demerara (Region Three) will be undergoing rehabilitation works that will cost close to $600M.

This was revealed on Tuesday by Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar following inspections within the communities.

Minister Indar said the upgrades which will modernise the communities’ infrastructure are in keeping with the government’s vision.

“At Naamaryck, the road is in a dilapidated state and so we went and inspected it. The residents in the area have been requesting for this to get done last year. We have put monies in the budget this year and it is going out to tender.”

He explained that the ministry will carry out emergency works on the road to provide immediate relief to residents.

“The road is slushy as water is on the road and residents cannot move in and out easily,” Minister Indar stated. He said the main road from Parika to Hubu on to Three Door Koker, is in a similar condition.

“We (government) picked up the bill of quality and we went out to tender and it has been awarded. We should have mobilisation here between one to two weeks where two contractors have been awarded different sections of the road to do it simultaneously.”

Residents of Hubu have asked that a warning be given to truck drivers whose daily use has caused the road to deteriorate. Minister Indar said the drivers must be held accountable for their actions.

“You, as the residents need to hold these truck drivers accountable because we expect you to care the road when we fix it,” he said.

The residents also took the opportunity to raise several issues relating to healthcare, education and agricultural services, among others.

Regional Chairman, Sheik Ayube along with other regional officers also attended the community meeting. (Extracted and modified from the Department of Public Information)

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@Former Member posted:

Govt. to spend close to $600M to rehabilitate Naamryck, Hubu access roads

The Naamryck and Hubu main access roads in Essequibo Islands-West Demerara (Region Three) will be undergoing rehabilitation works that will cost close to $600M.

This was revealed on Tuesday by Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar following inspections within the communities.

Eh-Eh Trench_Crapo ...

Your location at Hubu backdam will be spruced-up. 

@Mitwah posted:

The roads are too narrow. They should widen them at least 3 to 4 feet. Hence the vehicles don't have to drive on the unpaved shoulders when passing.

They will then have a wider mud dam.

The poor truck drivers are blamed for the shoddy work done on the roads.

Same crap happens in our lil town. The few streets around our area have numerous pot holes that's repaired every dam year the same way...workers come by and spend days on one small stretch of road, drop a lil bit asphalt in the holes and they disappear. With the many construction vehicles, heavy loaders using these roads, they cannot be repaired with a few drops of asphalt.

Must be the same companies from Guyana we have here doing our work.

Last edited by cain

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