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Former Member

Govt wants int’l persons above reproach for elections CoI – Jagdeo

…says Lowenfield, Myers must go President Bharrat Jagdeo

It has been five months since the current government took over after a long struggle for democracy to prevail. According to Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, they are currently seeking international persons above reproach to conduct the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the election’s saga. Chief Election Officer, Keith Lowenfield

The Vice President made this announcement during a press conference on Tuesday. Jagdeo noted the importance of ensuring that these persons are above reproach, lest they be accused by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) of partisanship based on the outcome of the COI.

“I know there have been discussions. We’re looking for individuals from abroad, who are above reproach, so that there can’t be any accusation of partisanship. Knowing APNU though, because if they could accuse (Barbados Prime Minister) Mia Mottley and everybody in the world… I suspect if there is an adverse report, they can still do that,” he said.

Nonetheless, Jagdeo explained that the Government is presently engaged in looking at the Representation of the People’s Act, one of Guyana’s legislative acts that governs the conduct of elections.

Charged: Deputy CEO, Roxanne Myers

The Vice President laid out the amendments the government is looking to make to the Act. These changes, he explained, will close the loopholes that were exploited by persons from the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to plunge the country into an electoral crisis.

At the same time, Jagdeo noted that the continued presence of Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield and his deputy Roxanne Myers, at GECOM, is untenable. The Vice President pointed out that every external group, as well as local people, know of the part they played in attempted electoral theft. Jagdeo made it clear that it would be in GECOM’s interest to get rid of them in order to inspire confidence in its operations.

“So, for example the Statements of Poll. Before the counts start, when they are received, we want them published in the newspapers, in the gazette and posted online. So even before the count starts, the industrious Guyanese can go, see the SOP’s and they can calculate who won the elections, within the first days.”

“It’s part of the Representation of the People’s Act. But remember, (there are those who) wanted to depart. They didn’t use the law for the recount. So that’s where we’re headed now… but we’ve made it clear, apart from those changes, that with Lowenfield and Roxanne Myers there, you cannot have free and fair elections. This is a red line for us” Jagdeo further explained.

During his inauguration in August 2020, President Dr. Irfaan Ali had made it clear that his Government has an obligation to the nation to ensure that no other generation of Guyanese is subjected to such unlawful behaviour that transpired over the five months when the country was embroiled in a political and electoral impasse.

In the aftermath of the controversial five-month-long elections, a number of high- ranking GECOM officials have been investigated by the Police and charged for misconduct in public office and for forgery.

They include Lowenfield, who on October 12, 2020 was slapped with six charges by the Police relating to forgery and misconduct in public office pertaining to his alleged role in the attempts to rig the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections.

The CEO is being accused of attempting to undermine the will of the people by repeatedly refusing to submit the verified results from the National Recount to Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Retired Justice Claudette Singh, for a final declaration.

The national recount exercise showed that the PPP/C won the elections with 233,336 votes. But Lowenfield had repeatedly refused to submit his final elections report with those figures, despite being so directed by the GECOM Chair on several occasions. However, he did submit unverified figures that would have given APNU/AFC the win.

Lowenfield eventually complied, paving the way for the declaration and subsequent swearing in of the new Government on August 2, 2020 – five months after elections were held. Also before the courts are Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo and Deputy CEO Roxanne Myers.

Following the elections and its attendant controversies, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) scrutinizing team had recommended a political audit into the functioning of GECOM. President Ali has previously said that persons for the COI could come from CARICOM, the Commonwealth or the Organization of American States (OAS).

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ali and Jagdeo are two big crooks.  Ali is fraudster, academic and otherwise.   Jagdeo even faked his marriage.  To hear Jagdeo utter words like beyond reproach is simply nauseating.  How come he is not talking about the voters list?

@Totaram posted:

Ali and Jagdeo are two big crooks.  Ali is fraudster, academic and otherwise.   Jagdeo even faked his marriage.  To hear Jagdeo utter words like beyond reproach is simply nauseating.

How come he is not talking about the voters list?

That's not important ,giving him the opportunity to instruct how to stuff ballot boxes.

Putinisque thinks he owns Guyana.

Last edited by Django

Let's see! Who is beyond reproach? There's Jesus!  But he previously told Jagdeo to get lost even though Jag gave him a lift to the top of the world! Gandhi? Naw! He was really a faker! MLK? Jagdeo would stink in his eyes! Too conniving and too Communist! Who else? Nobody else? How about you, Jag? You always liked to be in charge of everything!

@Django posted:

That's not important ,giving him the opportunity to instruct how to stuff ballot boxes.

Putinisque thinks he owns Guyana.

Putinisque, huh? That sounds like a descriptive word for a puta! How apt!


I suppose you think your PPP controllers would listen to anything constructive from those opposed to them, huh? This forum gives us a chance to vent our displeasure! Especially with the conniving Jagdeo!

@Totaram posted:

Ali and Jagdeo are two big crooks.  Ali is fraudster, academic and otherwise.   Jagdeo even faked his marriage.  To hear Jagdeo utter words like beyond reproach is simply nauseating.  How come he is not talking about the voters list?

That is so irrelevant!  I agree with the VP, they must be beyond reproach.

You are nauseating. You have a tendency of being reproachable and being dogmatic about everything you post.

Your ignorance does not have any cure. There is a hospital near you that caters to your type of disease. That is you being paranoic (showing unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people).

@Ramakant-P posted:

That is so irrelevant!  I agree with the VP, they must be beyond reproach.

You are nauseating. You have a tendency of being reproachable and being dogmatic about everything you post.

Your ignorance does not have any cure. There is a hospital near you that caters to your type of disease. That is you being paranoic (showing unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people).

Chupidee coolie wake up mo chupid than before.  Kakakant de king of dem chupidee coolies.

@Ramakant-P posted:

That is so irrelevant!  I agree with the VP, they must be beyond reproach.

You are nauseating. You have a tendency of being reproachable and being dogmatic about everything you post.

Your ignorance does not have any cure. There is a hospital near you that caters to your type of disease. That is you being paranoic (showing unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people).

Photographers use acid baths for developing their films! Why don't you try one? Use sulphuric acid in yours! Head first! It might do you some good! At least, the rest of us who are tired of your defense of the indefensible!

@Ramakant-P posted:

That is so irrelevant!  I agree with the VP, they must be beyond reproach.

You are nauseating. You have a tendency of being reproachable and being dogmatic about everything you post.

Your ignorance does not have any cure. There is a hospital near you that caters to your type of disease. That is you being paranoic (showing unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people).

Hope you realize that your stupidity is not a handicap. The word is "paranoiac". Stupid.

@Mitwah posted:

Hope you realize that your stupidity is not a handicap. The word is "paranoiac". Stupid.

No! I am right and you are wrong. Your stupidity has surpassed your ignorance.  Every post you write portrayed what you are.

@Former Member posted:

Photographers use acid baths for developing their films! Why don't you try one? Use sulphuric acid in yours! Head first! It might do you some good! At least, the rest of us who are tired of your defense of the indefensible!

Another asinine statement by an unintelligent Guyanese crabdaag.

@Former Member posted:

I suppose you think your PPP controllers would listen to anything constructive from those opposed to them, huh? This forum gives us a chance to vent our displeasure! Especially with the conniving Jagdeo!

Those who oppose them destroyed the country and cannot run a cake shop.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Only a person who has risen from the gutters of Calcutta can understand your unintelligent remarks.

The remarks are about you, a person hopelessly stuck in the gutter. Chupidness na gat cure. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Only a person who has risen from the gutters of Calcutta can understand your unintelligent remarks.

You seem to! Therefore......Hahahahaha.......

@Ramakant-P posted:

No! I am right and you are wrong. Your stupidity has surpassed your ignorance.  Every post you write portrayed what you are.

As you are stupid there is no room for ignorance in you! Hahahahahaha.....

How then could YOU recognize either the stupidity or ignorance in others? Jagdeo assured you of this while in your usual backward, bent over  position of obeisance, huh? Are you the reason he now has no wife? It seems likely! Jag's now plugged in listening to your joyful squeals of ecstasy here, huh? Hahahahahaha......

@Ramakant-P posted:

Those who oppose them destroyed the country and cannot run a cake shop.

There are more buyers than sellers in a cake shop? You must be both buyer and seller in the PPP cake shop since no one here is buying your PPP sh*t!

@Ramakant-P posted:

Another asinine statement by an unintelligent Guyanese crabdaag.

Why should anyone believe you with your mouth so full of Jagdeo's fertility facilitator, PPP crablouse?

Last edited by Former Member

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