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Gov’t will not allow intricate Parliament deliberations to hinder developmental thrust- HPS - decries “political heist” of speaker, deputy speaker positions

Georgetown, GINA, January 25, 2012
Source - GINA

Government has reiterated its position in support of engaging the two parliamentary Opposition Parties (APNU and AFC) in discussions in areas of mutual concern; however, it has made it clear that it is not in any way obligated to pander to a Tenth Parliament, whose deliberations will frustrate and prevent implementation of its development thrust, as it is still the governing party.

This position was affirmed by Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon at the weekly post-Cabinet media briefing at the Office of the President today.

The HPS maintained that Government stands ready to honour its December 2011 commitment with the two Opposition Parties; however, given the evolution of the tripartite initiative which saw the APNU and the AFC collaborating; taking a unilateral stance, engagements with Government on important matters have been stymied.

The Cabinet Secretary stated that notwithstanding the denials, the APNU and the AFC’s collaboration, “managed to pull off one of the major political heist in Guyana’s parliamentary history, which, even the PNC-Burnhamite dictatorship never stooped to.”

He added that what is even more significant was the elected speaker’s notional commitment to parliamentary impartiality, even though he is said to be inclined to retain his appointment as the representative of the AFC’s list.

The questions that Cabinet and many Guyanese are now dealing with are what can be expected from this alliance? And will the AFC collate further with APNU, acting as a single parliamentary party in the Parliament?

What is constantly being unnoticed by the two Opposition Parties is that the PPP/C is still the majority, as it is the only Party with the most seats among the three in Parliament and therefore, its role in decision-making can hardly be ignored. Moreover, the ruling Party expects its concerns to be properly and holistically addressed in the Parliament, particularly as it relates to advancing the interests of citizens.

Another concern Dr. Luncheon said is whether or not they will extend the memorandum of understanding (which was signed between the APNU and the AFC for future cooperation) and collectively turn their attention to the composition and the chairmanship of parliamentary committees.

“The Government’s developmental thrust for Guyana is on the line particularly because Parliament has an important contribution to make in the implementation of this thrust. Over the last two terms, the Eighth and the Ninth Parliament we have seen that design of that developmental thrust,” he said.

A meeting of the tripartite initiative is being planned so as to get a mutually satisfactory outcome on the list of matters proposed by the three Parties before the February 10 sitting of the National Assembly, at which President Donald Ramotar is expected to give an address.

After being reminded via a letter, the APNU and the AFC have finally submitted the names of their high representatives. The former submitted the names of Joseph Harmon and Deborah Backer; while Gerhard Ramsaroop and Clayton Hall will be representing the latter.

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The Cabinet Secretary stated that notwithstanding the denials, the APNU and the AFC’s collaboration, “managed to pull off one of the major political heist in Guyana’s parliamentary history, which, even the PNC-Burnhamite dictatorship never stooped to.”


[The Government] .. is not in any way obligated to pander to a Tenth Parliament, whose deliberations will frustrate and prevent implementation of its development thrust, as it is still the governing party.

Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

The Cabinet Secretary stated that notwithstanding the denials, the APNU and the AFC’s collaboration, “managed to pull off one of the major political heist in Guyana’s parliamentary history, which, even the PNC-Burnhamite dictatorship never stooped to.”

PNC is up to their usual tricks. Granger is an old con man. Ask him to come clean on the 1973 rigged elections where Indians were killed at No. 63 village, Corentyne, Berbice.

Beware of this dangerous PNC thug.
Originally posted by cain:
Fluff, it's all fluff! fffffffffttt!!!

The facts are all there, our Berbice brothers were killed and Granger must come out and tell us the truth.
Originally posted by D2:

unfortunately by law they will have to deliberate as long as necessary. They are not our kings.

If he does not like it let him dissolve parliament.

And in time, parliament can be dissolved for another election.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:

unfortunately by law they will have to deliberate as long as necessary. They are not our kings.

If he does not like it let him dissolve parliament.

And in time, parliament can be dissolved for another election.
and when that happens the PPP will most likely end up with deeper loss in parliament.

BTW, may I remind you that you are a hapless prophet? Your Nostradamus like insistence on a margin of win of 55 to 60% was way off. I would like to take the time to remind you that I said they will be a minority government because they would not be able to defend their 4% even with all of that bead trading.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:

and when that happens the PPP will most likely end up with deeper loss in parliament.

It will be seen by all at the next elections.
...truism hence non-informational as usual
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:

BTW, may I remind you that you are a hapless prophet?

Again, you are looking in the mirror to make the statement to yourself. Big Grin
I know, duck and water as the saying goes or old dogs and their problem with new tricks.
Originally posted by D2:

I know, duck and water as the saying goes or old dogs and their problem with new tricks.

You are offering another interesting description of yourself. lol
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:

I know, duck and water as the saying goes or old dogs and their problem with new tricks.

You are offering another interesting description of yourself. lol
Yes old man, i seem to inhabit your body when you write nonsense...only excuse why you can come up with such imponderable absurdities.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:

unfortunately by law they will have to deliberate as long as necessary. They are not our kings.

If he does not like it let him dissolve parliament.

And in time, parliament can be dissolved for another election.

If they fail to pass the budget, there will be another election.
Originally posted by D2:
unfortunately by law they will have to deliberate as long as necessary. They are not our kings. If he does not like it let him dissolve parliament.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by D2:

I know, duck and water as the saying goes or old dogs and their problem with new tricks.

You are offering another interesting description of yourself. lol

Yes old man, i seem to inhabit your body when you write nonsense...only excuse why you can come up with such imponderable absurdities.

lol Usual description of yourself. Big Grin

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