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Gov’t will support any plan that will develop society- President
- at reception for Doobay Renal Centre

Georgetown, GINA, January 30, 2012
Source - GINA

President Donald Ramotar with Canadian High Commissioner David Devine and their spouses at the reception

President Donald Ramotar said that Government is supportive of any initiative that will expand and develop the society and enable a better and fruitful life for citizens. President Ramotar made this statement at the Canadian High Commissioner’s residence at a reception on Sunday evening in honour of the opening of the Doobay Renal Centre.

President Ramotar in expressing pleasure over the opening of the centre said he was happy that it has created an avenue whereby Guyanese, no matter their social provisions would be able to access a medical service that is most often only available to the rich.

President Donald Ramotar mingles with guests at the Canadian High Commission’s reception for the Doobay Renal Centre

The President said that the provision of such an opportunity is a focus of the Government’s vision for the country and, that is why more than 30 percent of the budget goes to the social sector where it has the biggest affect on the ordinary man.

Government will continue in these efforts, President Ramotar said and, it is his hope that as the country’s economy expands, the there would be further developments for the benefit of Guyanese.

President Ramotar said that health is one of the basic fundamentals that the Government must provide if it expects the Guyanese people to have a better and a fruitful life.

Canadian High Commissioner David Devine addresses guests at the reception

The President said that the investors in the Renal Centre would have made probably one of the best investments that they could have ever made having invested in lives. He added that by making a contribution to life, the investors would have further assisted in making Guyana a productive and stronger society that is capable of achieving almost anything.

Canadian High Commissioner David Devine said that it is good to see others come together to create an avenue so that others can now have access to better global healthcare.

Dr Doobay making remarks at the reception

He said that he was particularly proud and gratified that medical personnel from Canada would have been a part of creating this opportunity for Guyanese.

The Doobay Renal Centre was officially opened earlier on Sunday, on the East Coast Demerara.

President Donald Ramotar addressing guests at the reception

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's exactly what Bill Clinton did. If the opposition is given Wednesdays to table their own bills, and it shows potential of being progressive, then The President wouldn't use his veto to block it.
The President said that the provision of such an opportunity is a focus of the Government’s vision for the country and, that is why more than 30 percent of the budget goes to the social sector where it has the biggest affect on the ordinary man.

All Guyanese especially those of the working class, remains on the front burner of the P.P.P/C government...

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