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Following verbal abuse of NCN reporter by Ramjattan… GPA, Bar Association heads say abuse of journalists ‘should not’ happen
Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader

Following verbal abuse of NCN reporter by Ramjattan… GPA, Bar Association heads say abuse of journalists ‘should not’ happen


THE heads of the Guyana Press Association (GPA), Mr. Gordon Moseley and the Head of the local Bar Association, Mr. Ronald Burch-Smith, yesterday said that abuse of journalists must not happen and cannot be condoned.


Gordon Moseley

Gordon Moseley

Their responses follow reports of a senior reporter attached to the National Communications Network (NCN), Edward Layne, being verbally abused by the Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, a Member of Parliament (MP) and member of the Bar,
in an allegedly expletive-laden tirade, Ramjattan refused to respond to a query over his promise to lodge a formal complaint with the police on the alleged “buy-out” of three Members of Parliament (MPs) by the ruling People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C).
AFC Leader is reported to have told Layne, “The PPP send you fuh ask me stupidness. Why you don’t haul you ass. What the sk*** you think, calling to ask me me fu**** stupidness.”
He subsequently dared the reporter to go public with the conversation.
The head of the Bar Association, yesterday, said, “It should not happen. Abuse of journalists should not happen.”alt



Additionally, Moseley said: “The GPA wishes to once again call on all political parties, the governing and Opposition parties, to be reminded that journalists, regardless of whether they are in the employ of the state media or the independent media, ought to be allowed to carry out their jobs in an environment that is free from fear and intimidation.
“The GPA would also like to remind media houses of the responsibilities that rest on the shoulders of their workers in the execution of their duties and would like to encourage our journalists to continue to be fearless in their reporting on the issues of the day.”

Layne’s query, which sparked Ramjattan’s hostility, followed statements made by Ramjattan in mid-September.
The AFC Leader, at a press conference in mid-September, had said his party was “reliably informed” that the PPP/C Government, against whom the No-Confidence Motion has been filed, has plans to “buy out” at least three parliamentarians at $30M each to vote against the motion when it comes up for debate next month. However, the main Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has denied that this allegation concerns any of their MPs and the AFC holds the same position – a fact that has led to questions of the merits of Ramjattan’s allegation.
According to Layne, Ramjattan was hostile when posed with his query.
He said: “About 13:53hrs on Friday, October 31, 2014, I made telephone contact with Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of the AFC for a comment on a matter of national importance.
“I, in a very professional manner, identified myself and the media house I represent to Mr. Ramjattan, I then proceeded to ask Mr. Ramjattan why he has not released the evidence he has of three Opposition members of parliament offered $30M each to vote against the no-confidence motion one month after he made these allegations (September 18, 2014) and whether or not he had reported the matter to the police. I was met with extreme hostility.
“Mr. Ramjattan accused me of working for the PPP and rattled off a series of expletives.
“I proceeded to ask Mr. Ramjattan whether his utterances were his official comment, to which he answered in the affirmative and said ‘you publish what I said, I don’t care what you want to write. Boy look haul your ass, what the r@ss you think.”
“Ramjattan is the leader of one of the political parties which on one hand constantly accuse NCN and its sister state media agencies of not providing coverage to them and on the other hand cuss us out when we try to provide coverage to them.”

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No surprise here since the AFC's foundation is based on indecency and vulgarity.


From Ramjattan cussing up journalists to Moses cussing up his own Grandchildren.

Last edited by Former Member

Comrade Low Breed your PPP has set the bar for this by hiring propagandists and giving them titles like Press Liason Officer (Burger King) and Journalist.


We all know Eddy Lame aint No journalist? he is another low breed comrade in the PPP stables.


If I am correct, this report came out due to the debacle with Anil it was more for that HORROR story than Ramjattan telling another of those deadbeats to haul his ass.

I do not see which rag this came out of but wanna bet its the PPP's


Ramjattan was so correct to call out the Specialty deal


According to Walter Rodney, “In more modern versions of dictatorship, the absolute ruler has to fabricate an elaborate cult of the personality to prove that he is more intelligent, more potent and generally superior to any other human being.” We all saw Forbes Burnham, our Caribbean ex-dictator, convince himself that he could continue to rule over the Guyanese people without winning any elections using as foolish a technique as obeah in some cases.
One continues to see this madness as the past two decades of the PPP/C governance continue to be littered with massive corruption and there seems to be no end in sight, and some of them even using insane techniques to guide them through the fraudulent deals.
Can we remember the 1994 stone scam that caused the people of Guyana to lose some $165 million according to the audit report? The main players in that fraud were allowed to continue to serve in the public service in very sensitive and senior positions for years, with no justice for the taxpayers who had to pay the bill. Was this the start of the criminal breaches under the PPP that were window dressings as administrative breaches?
We have now come full circle with the loss of $4,500 million from the Treasury being defined as an administrative breach rather than criminal?
Remember we lost some $600 million under the ‘Fip’ deal on Amaila and now we stand to lose some $800 million on the specialty hospital deal, and maybe more if the Surendra pump deal evaporates?  Every time PPP financial partners fall out over money matters, the people have to foot the bill.  Is that fair to the taxpayers?
Mr Khemraj Ramjattan was so correct to question this deal years ago for non-transparency, while the graveyard of the Chronicle newspaper and other PPP-controlled media houses documented the attacks by the likes of Ms Gail Teixeira and Mr Clement Rohee, who labelled Mr Ramjattan as “anti-national and anti-patriotic” for his questions. Today Mr Ramjattan has been vindicated.
As the PPP financial partners could not agree on how the money should be divided up in another rotten deal, constructed outside of the Constitutionally-authorized Public Procurement Commission. Where are the Teixeiras and Rohees today?  Are they six feet under in Freedom House, buried from the reality and the truth? They are so indecent, they cannot apologise to Ramjattan for attempting to smear a good man’s name.
The people of Guyana have seen these political charlatans for whom they are and will act accordingly in the next elections.
Sase Singh




look like things are getting warmer in the people’s big house

“Yesterday at around 5:45 pm, I, Khemraj Ramjattan, a member of the Select Committee dealing with the Anti-money Laundering  Bill, walked out of the Committee’s proceedings.

Earlier in the week the President had called the Opposition Parliamentarians who voted down the Hydro Amendment Bill and the Motion to up the Guarantee to public corporations to $150 B terrorists. This I found most offensive and insulting. I have since written a piece explaining that it was out of prudence that the AFC voted as it did.

“At yesterday’s meeting, the Chairperson’s attention was drawn to the President’s comment by Mr. Carl Greenidge. He on behalf of the Opposition members urged the Select Committee to pass a Motion to condemn what the President said in public. The Government members namely Anil Nandlall and Bishop Juan Edghill sought to deflect the significance of the comment as not being material and relevant to what the committee was doing and that whatever grievance the Opposition members felt, should be taken to another forum.

“There was a vote on the Motion by Greenidge which saw the Opposition four members-Greenidge, (Joseph) Harmon, Basil Williams and Ramjattan out voting the Govt members Nandlall and Edghill.

“The Chairperson, Gail Teixeira, then argued that the condemnation of the President was unwarranted and ought not to be allowed under the Standing Orders.

“It was at this point that I, Ramjattan, made an intervention arguing that since the committee was preparing legislation to catch terrorists and prevent their financing, and since the President would have to Assent the legislation for it to become law, then it was most regrettable and repugnant that I as a `terrorist’ should continue to be an author of this anti-terrorist law. I then walked out of the meeting, saying as I did so that I will not participate further until the President retracts his description of myself and all the Opposition parliamentarians as ”terrorist”. This is the same President who has failed to apologise for calling another AFC colleague a jackass recently.”


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