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March 12 2019


The Guyana Press Association (GPA) has condemned attacks on the media by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, and has threatened to boycott his events and support editorial sanctions issued by media houses, if his behaviour persists.

It was highlighted that Jagdeo, during a recent press conference, in attempting to deflect a question raised by GPA President Nazima Raghubir, denounced it as being “stupid”. The release noted that this is just the latest in a history of similar attacks on media professionals documented over the past few months by the party leader. It added that the attacks are consistent with attacks he would have made as president from various political platforms.

“These were and are not limited to referring to journalists as “Carrion crows and vultures” and “opposition media” and singling out media houses,” GPA related.

They continued: “Over the months, Jagdeo has referred to private media outlets as “fake news”, “biased news”, or “government aligned news”. He is on record saying that he will call on his supporters to boycott one newscast and its parent company. He has singled out the privately owned Kaieteur News and state- owned Chronicle and former GPA President Gordon Moseley accusing him of being “government aligned.”

“Jagdeo’s comments are complemented by equally vitriolic and dangerous statements carried on his personal and party social media pages. In two recent posts, a news entity was referred to as “fake news” and a journalist as a “propagandist”, both of which have attracted negative and threatening comments,” the Association added.

Furthermore, the GPA opined that Jagdeo’s behaviour is encouraging threats to the lives and livelihoods of media professionals, and stated that if any harm is brought to these individuals as a consequence of those attacks, action will be taken.

“We will hold Jagdeo accountable if any harm is brought to our colleagues in keeping with his attacks. If these attacks continue, we will not hesitate to call on our members to boycott press events involving the Leader of the Opposition. Additionally, we stand by editorial sanctions media houses see fit to take in response to any continued attacks on the press,” it was stated.

Calling attention to the role of the PPP/C in all this, the GPA stated that it recognizes that the party’s hierarchy supports the attacks, and noted members’ continued silence on “Jagdeo’s attacks on the free press and freedom of expression”.

“We wish to remind this Jagdeo-led party that a free press whose work is done without hindrance and attacks is among the basic tenets of democracy that the party preaches about,” the release noted.

In this vein, the Association issued a reminder to “political parties, politicians and personalities” that journalists have a right to work without fear of intimidation and without attack.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr.T posted:

It's clear that Jagdeo is not fit to be a politician. Only dictators hate the press. He doesn't want to be accountable. It's time Jagdeo is taken care of one way or the other.

Are you suggesting assassination? 

Mr.T posted:

It's clear that Jagdeo is not fit to be a politician. Only dictators hate the press. He doesn't want to be accountable. It's time Jagdeo is taken care of one way or the other.

Wow, thanks for sharing your brilliance and vast knowledge with us ! Jagdeo should indeed be taken care of mean like how Vincent Teekah was 'taken care of' by the capable, brilliant Burnham who always ensured that every imaginable commodity was available in abundance to the Guyanese people, don't you !!

Drugb posted:
Mr.T posted:

It's clear that Jagdeo is not fit to be a politician. Only dictators hate the press. He doesn't want to be accountable. It's time Jagdeo is taken care of one way or the other.

Are you suggesting assassination? 

This is serious stuff, and I hope admin take note. 

He also posted yesterday the comment below. 

This is a public call by Mr T for Jagdeo to be assassinate and needs to be dealt with. 




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Mr.T posted:

It's time we confront the elephant in the room.

It’s time the UK knows they have someone on there soil calling for the assassination of a former President... you had posted enough information on GNI about your DNA.

And you wants to open business in Guyana... really.

Be responsible Mr Manager...

Mr.T posted:

It's clear that Jagdeo is not fit to be a politician. Only dictators hate the press. He doesn't want to be accountable. It's time Jagdeo is taken care of one way or the other.

bai, rest you old rass. I do not like Jagdeo. I actually have complete contempt for him and wish never to hear his voice again but he has every right to voice his opinions and the press needs to comment on them for or against as their duty. I have not heard him say to attack reporters. 

Mr.T posted:

It's clear that Jagdeo is not fit to be a politician. Only dictators hate the press. He doesn't want to be accountable. It's time Jagdeo is taken care of one way or the other.

Easy T-bone.....this could definitely be easily interpreted to mean something else.

VishMahabir posted:
Mr.T posted:

It's clear that Jagdeo is not fit to be a politician. Only dictators hate the press. He doesn't want to be accountable. It's time Jagdeo is taken care of one way or the other.

Easy T-bone.....this could definitely be easily interpreted to mean something else.


Django posted:

GPA threatens boycott of Jagdeo if attacks on press persist

March 12 2019,  Source

The Guyana Press Association (GPA) has condemned attacks on the media by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, and has threatened to boycott his events and support editorial sanctions issued by media houses, if his behaviour persists.

It was highlighted that Jagdeo, during a recent press conference, in attempting to deflect a question raised by GPA President Nazima Raghubir, denounced it as being “stupid”. The release noted that this is just the latest in a history of similar attacks on media professionals documented over the past few months by the party leader. It added that the attacks are consistent with attacks he would have made as president from various political platforms.

Perhaps the press should understand that its staff can ask questions and it is the respondent(s) choice to respond.

VishMahabir posted:
Mr.T posted:

It's clear that Jagdeo is not fit to be a politician. Only dictators hate the press. He doesn't want to be accountable. It's time Jagdeo is taken care of one way or the other.

Easy T-bone.....this could definitely be easily interpreted to mean something else.

What are you talking about banna. T-Bone has made two insinuations about killing Jagdeo in as many days. There is only one way to interpret it. By his own admission, T-Bone is from a crime family so I am not surprised by his comments.


Here is my question. Do you think that if the GPA President was a black man or woman and had asked the same question that Jagdeo would have insulted him/her? No, but he took his eyes and pass and insulted the Indian woman reporter. He could have been more respectful and diplomatic in dealing with the question. The PPP leadership has always insulted Indian people but they can never do that to black people. Jagdeo should publicly apologize to the reporter he insulted. 

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP side of that issue explained my its MP Nigel Dharamlall:

Jagdeo was rude to Nazima, saw the Press Conference.Nigel Dharamlall is a lout and flashes gun.

And you didn’t find it rude with her response.. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP side of that issue explained my its MP Nigel Dharamlall:

Jagdeo was rude to Nazima, saw the Press Conference.Nigel Dharamlall is a lout and flashes gun.

And you didn’t find it rude with her response.. 

No !!!

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP side of that issue explained my its MP Nigel Dharamlall:

Jagdeo was rude to Nazima, saw the Press Conference.Nigel Dharamlall is a lout and flashes gun.

And you didn’t find it rude with her response.. 

No !!!

Jagdeo comment - Ms. Raghubir then asked, “you said you rejected it, but on what basis?” Jagdeo replied “…what kind of stupid question is that? … Because you have to use deductive reasoning, if it’s a political thing…”

Raghubir comments to a former President as per Stabroek News - Ms. Raghubir, President of the GPA, was vociferous in her response and was at no time cowed in the exchange, she spiritedly replied “I get impatient with stupid statements”. This was in reply to a former President of Guyana.


You would have express your outrage if the comments were directed to Granger or A BLACK PRESIDENT. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP side of that issue explained my its MP Nigel Dharamlall:

Jagdeo was rude to Nazima, saw the Press Conference.Nigel Dharamlall is a lout and flashes gun.

And you didn’t find it rude with her response.. 

No !!!

Jagdeo comment - Ms. Raghubir then asked, “you said you rejected it, but on what basis?” Jagdeo replied “…what kind of stupid question is that? … Because you have to use deductive reasoning, if it’s a political thing…”

Raghubir comments to a former President as per Stabroek News - Ms. Raghubir, President of the GPA, was vociferous in her response and was at no time cowed in the exchange, she spiritedly replied “I get impatient with stupid statements”. This was in reply to a former President of Guyana.


You would have express your outrage if the comments were directed to Granger or A BLACK PRESIDENT. 

Your orbuculum tells you that ?


Thugs are running the show in this coalition government and thugs play by their own rules. These thugs governed undemocratically for 28 years and only budged when the Western powers came down on them.  They are back at the same game in defiance of the constitution, their partners in government, and even some their own rank and file supporters. 

Guyana is already on the undemocratic path.  The opposition and civil society will have to work hard to garner international support to force this regime to respect the constitution and allow free elections. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

  They are back at the same game in defiance of the constitution,

You have me rolling on the ground with you connecting the existing constitution with democracy.

This constitution was a product of PNC rigging, so maybe the PNC can do with it as they wish.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP side of that issue explained my its MP Nigel Dharamlall:

Jagdeo was rude to Nazima, saw the Press Conference.Nigel Dharamlall is a lout and flashes gun.

And you didn’t find it rude with her response.. 

No !!!

Jagdeo comment - Ms. Raghubir then asked, “you said you rejected it, but on what basis?” Jagdeo replied “…what kind of stupid question is that? … Because you have to use deductive reasoning, if it’s a political thing…”

Raghubir comments to a former President as per Stabroek News - Ms. Raghubir, President of the GPA, was vociferous in her response and was at no time cowed in the exchange, she spiritedly replied “I get impatient with stupid statements”. This was in reply to a former President of Guyana.


You would have express your outrage if the comments were directed to Granger or A BLACK PRESIDENT. 

Your orbuculum tells you that ?

My common sense tells me and so is most other GNI members who calls you out... anyhow, don’t want to press your fragile soul , yo gon run crying and wouldn’t be our friends anymore, you gon stay away to a few days .... you know the recent tantrum you started. 

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

  They are back at the same game in defiance of the constitution,

You have me rolling on the ground with you connecting the existing constitution with democracy.

This constitution was a product of PNC rigging, so maybe the PNC can do with it as they wish.

A comment like this from a black nationalist like you is not surprising at all.  Your dream is racial dominance.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

Jagdeo has always been rough on reporters, men and woman.  Now he’s rough and the bottom feeders weigh in making a federal case.  I saw one clown on FB even referring to his ex. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

  They are back at the same game in defiance of the constitution,

You have me rolling on the ground with you connecting the existing constitution with democracy.

This constitution was a product of PNC rigging, so maybe the PNC can do with it as they wish.

A comment like this from a black nationalist like you is not surprising at all.  Your dream is racial dominance.  

So you celebrated when Burnham rigged the referendum to show that almost 70% of Guyanese supported his constitution and were angry when the Jagans screamed about this in international forums.

Obviously when you scream that Burnham's constitution is a sacred text.


Guyana's constitution is a piece of shit. However, that piece of shit is still the supreme law of the land. When Granger swore to uphold that shitty constitution, he was swearing to obey the law. Regardless how shitty the constitution is, Granger's current behavior will be remembered as him breaking the law. Your constant harping about it being Burnham's shitty constitution is a very weak attempt to pass yuh bai Granger a mulligan.

ksazma posted:

Guyana's constitution is a piece of shit. Ho.

I would hate to see you house as apparently you dont flush your toilets.  Shit should be flushed away NOT tolerated.


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