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GPF responds to Stabroek News articlePDFPrintE-mail
Sunday, 11 November 2012 21:52

THE Guyana Police Force wishes to respond to an article published in the Stabroek News on Wednesday October 17, 2012, under the caption ‘Granger: Police have killed 288 in 17 years’, in which leader of the People’s National Congress/Reform, Brigadier David Granger has condemned the People’s Progressive Party/Civic administration, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Guyana Police for the deaths of over 288 persons in the past 17 years.
“While the Guyana Police Force cannot

speak for the PPP/C administration nor the Ministry of Home Affairs, it seeks to bring the following information to bear.
The procedure to deal with all unnatural death that occurs within police premises or in police operations is that the police investigate and a file with all the evidence is then forwarded to the Chairman of the Police Complaints Authority who will make his comments. The file with those comments will then be forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). The DPP then peruses the file to ascertain if sufficient evidence exists to prefer criminal charges or not. In the case of the former, the police will be so advised and charges will be laid accordingly. In the latter case, the DPP will automatically advise that an inquest be held, and thereafter an inquest will be conducted to ascertain if anyone was responsible for the death of the deceased.
The Guyana Police Force record shows that between January 1997 to October 18, 2012, 255 persons were fatally shot by the police. A few circumstances under which these shootings occurred range from:  (a) Gang members exchanging gun fire with the police (Buxton/Agricola, drug trafficking and firearm gang): 43 persons, (b) During  perpetration of a serious crime: 49 persons, (c) Shot in gunfire exchange with the police in pursuit after  committing  a serious crime: 73 persons, and (d) Berbice bank robbery: eight persons.
In addition to the above, there were 103 incidents in which the police shot persons and firearms were recovered. However, these shootings are not a norm as the article seems to suggest, as the environment in which the police were operating was a hostile one particularly between 2002 and 2004. Nevertheless, as a result of the shootings by the police 10 officers were charged for murder and three for manslaughter.
The 2002 jail break which still brings fear to Guyanese saw armed gangs killing persons wantonly, so much so that the Guyana Defence Force had to be called out to assist in quelling the hostile situation that existed. During this period not only civilians were killed. Police officers were also killed in exchanges with armed bandits, and like the soldiers police were injured too.
Over the 17-year period referred to by the PNC/Reform leader which taking the current year into account would have commenced in 1995, more than 37 police officers were killed by criminals. Notably, 24 of these were between the period 2002 to 2004, when there was that hostile environment.
The policy of the police is to save lives, and deadly force should only be used as a matter of last resort. However, if a life is lost there is an investigation and where necessary those culpable are sanctioned.”

Senior Superintendent
Public Relations and Press Officer

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The opposition media, should be more responsible in their reporting, its clear to see, they publish stories without any verification, the credibility of the opposition media, many believes, has hit rock bottom..


I am not derailing the lies from the writer. I am demonstrating that the writer is herself a person with dark hidden secrets. It's not the kind of person that anyone can pay attention to for honesty. Surely that should play on your conscience?


"The policy of the police is to save lives, and deadly force should only be used as a matter of last resort. However, if a life is lost there is an investigation and where necessary those culpable are sanctioned".

The joint opposition should cease in the quest to demoralize the Guyana Police Force


How many policemen have been brought to justice by the PPP for not towing the party drugs line? Greene was the last person, and the PPP celebrated. No more silence money to pay to Greene.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition goons are at full throttle trying to avoid commenting on the response made by the GPF to the Stabroek News

Maybe you have not paid attention to my response? The writer of the articel is a liar of questionable sexual integrity. Nobody in their right mind would take a fabricated story serous. For you to even expect otherwise just goes to show how dumb you are.


Now, why don't you start talking about the secret foreign bank accounts you and your family have been keeping? Does Jagdeo know yet that you double crossed him on a drugs deal?


Mr.T you're sounding more and more foolish dodging from the thread, why is it you can't stick to the thread, most persons on the board will now be convince you have nothing constructive to contribute


It's safe to assume most were terrorists with blood on their hands.  Many were killed by competing gangs' members but they try to pin everything on the Govt.  List the names of these 228 people.


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