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May 04, 2017 Source

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH – Chairman of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) Board, Kesaundra Alves Thursday expressed outrage at the deception demonstrated by some members of the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Social Services during this week’s visit to the institution.

The Clerk of the Committee wrote to the GPHC seeking permission to “observe the conditions/facilities under which patients are cared for and interact with members of the public and staff at this facility’.

Chairman of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) Board, Kesaundra Alves

At the pre-visit briefing, Alves informed the Committee and the media that the places selected to be visited were the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department, the Surgical Outpatients Department (SOPD), the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) and the Paediatric Department (Baby Heart).

Once the tour began, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee, indicated that she would like to add three other places to be visited: These were the main Pharmacy, the main Laboratory and the Maternity Unit. This was agreed.

When the touring party left ‘Baby Heart’ and proceeded to the laboratory, Dr. Persaud “broke away from the rest of the group and bolted up the stairs of the pharmacy bond with the media at her heels” Alves recalled.

Suspecting “some mischief was afoot”, Alves demanded that Dr. Persaud and the media return to the agreed tour schedule which was at this point beyond 2 ½ hours long.

These requests were ignored and Dr. Persaud and the media went into the Bond unimpeded.  Other Committee members remained behind and lamented her high handed approach.

“It was distasteful and unethical. Clearly there was some hidden agenda” Alves said.

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First of all I watched the video on Prime News and Capitol News.  These are both PNC outfit.

What I deduced that Kester Alves daughter is INEXPERIENCE and is dancing to Congress Place tune, just like she DADDY used to, when FATBOY was alive.

I am so proud of the PPP Leader Dr Vindya Persaud, she ensured that the Guyanese people found out the truth, that Granja and VULGDA are FRAUDs.  There is no drugs in the system but VULGA gone to Ireland on a fancy trip to some conference on the taxpayer dollars.

So in the final anaysis - this political hack - Kesaundra Alves, is UNFIT to be the chairman of GPHC.  But tell that the the political geriatrics, only GECOM people like Lawrence Latchmansingh, who was recommended by the Catholic Church and worked all his life at the UN, is unfit to serve Guyana.


Granja is an OLD racist jackARSE HOLE.


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