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Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Yabba Dabba Dooooo

Look how you fall to muttering gibberish at the plight of unfortunate Guyanese under this uncaring administration. When PPP were in power you would bleed these types of situations for all that you could get. 

Yabba Yabba Yabba....that's how much sense you are all making with this after knowing fully well this shit has be ongoing since during your hero's time and before that.

I agree lots of upgrading has to be carried out in Guyana's hospitals.

The PNC had 11 months to remedy this situation. Instead they run around the country giving out bicycles, raises to themselves, money for sporting and expensive overseas trips to their membership. It is a crying shame that Granger, Nagamootoo and Harmon flying around the world in first class and this woman have to sleep and nurse her newborn under a bed. How callous can you folks be to go to such great lengths to excuse these crooks in power. Having straight hair and brown skin don't make one less of a human. 

The mother breastfeeding her newborn under a bed at GPHC. [Photo credit: Citizensreportgy)

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what Indos will face under a racist AFC/PNC administration. The two dumbos Moses and Rumjhaat have ZERO powers to speak out for Indos.


New Amsterdam clinic for babies in poor state


Dear Editor,

I am citizen of Guyana who has been living in New Amsterdam for over thirty years, and times have changed as well as systems, conditions, and technology too. Therefore government services should do the same. Editor, you should visit the New Amsterdam clinic which mothers and their babies have to attend each month. I am the father of a four-month-old son. For four months now I have been taking my son to this place they call a clinic. There is no seating accommodation and no place for the babies to lie so they can be changed. Then to compound things, the conditions are really miserable with garbage along the fence and the drains always smelling. About 80-100 babies come here every month. Then the government speaks about modernized hospitals and better health care; well, something is seriously wrong here. The conditions here need to be taken care of before an epidemic breaks out.

Yours faithfully,
Steve Kissoon

Editor’s note

We are sending a copy of this letter to Minister of Health Dr Bheri Ramsaran for any comment he might wish to make.


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