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Former Member

The Board of the Guyana Power and Light company has decided to fire the interim Chief Executive Officer of the company, Colin Welch.

Two senior Government officials have confirmed the firing by the board and have indicated that the reason may have to do with recent decisions taken by the interim CEO regarding the awarding of contracts for the power company.

Mr. Welch had been fingered in a controversy involving a company that was preparing to bid for a GPL contract. Welch was accused of giving advice to the bidder, which would have allowed that company to enter the bidding process with an advantage. He had denied the accusations.

The Government had been strongly criticized for keeping Welch on the job while a probe into the allegations was set to get underway. But the government may have been awaiting the appointment of the new board.

That new board was appointed a few weeks ago with businessman, Robert Badal serving as the Chairman.

News Source made several efforts today to contact Mr. Badal about the decision to cut ties with Welch. He was not in his office and several calls to his mobile phone went unanswered and messages to his Whatsapp service were read but no response was forthcoming.

Last week, when reports surfaced that the board was preparing to fire Welch, Mr. Badal said then that Welch was out of the country and no such decision was made at that time.

Another board member offered β€œno comment on the issue” whether it was off or on the record.

Management at the Guyana Power and Light Company remained in the dark on the decision. A number of company officials admitted hearing whispers but said the board has not formally notified management about the decision.

Welch became the interim CEO after the coalition government sent CEO Bharrat Dindyal packing last year. He was being paid over $6 Million per month and wanted a salary increase even as the cash strapped power company was counting its financial and line losses.

News Source understands that Deputy CEO (interim), Renford Homer, is expected to move up to the CEO’s position. He has been acting in the position over the past few weeks.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

So what salary the new CEO will be getting?  

Maybe I should send my resume   How does "Lead of working group consisting of State Agencies, NY electric utilities, and the New York Independent System Operator tasked to develop New York's State Resource Plan through 2030" sounds?

Seriously, I am worth every penny they could pay me, but I could never ask the people of Guyana to pay me what these guys are pulling down.  I hope to give them free service one day under a government that really cares about the people.

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:

So what salary the new CEO will be getting?  

Maybe I should send my resume   How does "Lead of working group consisting of State Agencies, NY electric utilities, and the New York Independent System Operator tasked to develop New York's State Resource Plan through 2030" sounds?

Seriously, I am worth every penny they could pay me, but I could never ask the people of Guyana to pay me what these guys are pulling down.  I hope to give them free service one day under a government that really cares about the people.

Guyana actually needs people with your experience

your last sentence, however, leaves me questioning your sincerity and commitment

redux posted:
VVP posted:

So what salary the new CEO will be getting?  

Maybe I should send my resume   How does "Lead of working group consisting of State Agencies, NY electric utilities, and the New York Independent System Operator tasked to develop New York's State Resource Plan through 2030" sounds?

Seriously, I am worth every penny they could pay me, but I could never ask the people of Guyana to pay me what these guys are pulling down.  I hope to give them free service one day under a government that really cares about the people.

Guyana actually needs people with your experience

your last sentence, however, leaves me questioning your sincerity and commitment

redux, you live in Guyana, right?  Well ask Patterson if I did not offer him directly to review the IDB report on Amaila for free when it became available.  He said that he would have provided it to me.  

Anyway, after they decided to give themselves big raises on the backs of the people I could not find myself offering services any more.  For me, everybody shoulder needs to be against the wheel.  I do not want a cent from the Guyanese people.  Guyana did enough for me already and it is time for me to payback, but it has to be under the right atmosphere.

VVP posted:
redux posted:
VVP posted:

So what salary the new CEO will be getting?  

Maybe I should send my resume   How does "Lead of working group consisting of State Agencies, NY electric utilities, and the New York Independent System Operator tasked to develop New York's State Resource Plan through 2030" sounds?

Seriously, I am worth every penny they could pay me, but I could never ask the people of Guyana to pay me what these guys are pulling down.  I hope to give them free service one day under a government that really cares about the people.

Guyana actually needs people with your experience

your last sentence, however, leaves me questioning your sincerity and commitment

redux, you live in Guyana, right?  Well ask Patterson if I did not offer him directly to review the IDB report on Amaila for free when it became available.  He said that he would have provided it to me . . .

i don't know what fool told u or gave the impression that i live in Guyana

i've been a non-resident since the 1970's

separately, what the hell does your exchange with Patterson have to do with my observation other than to highlight your out-of-control ego at work

Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:
VVP posted:
redux posted:
VVP posted:

So what salary the new CEO will be getting?  

Maybe I should send my resume   How does "Lead of working group consisting of State Agencies, NY electric utilities, and the New York Independent System Operator tasked to develop New York's State Resource Plan through 2030" sounds?

Seriously, I am worth every penny they could pay me, but I could never ask the people of Guyana to pay me what these guys are pulling down.  I hope to give them free service one day under a government that really cares about the people.

Guyana actually needs people with your experience

your last sentence, however, leaves me questioning your sincerity and commitment

redux, you live in Guyana, right?  Well ask Patterson if I did not offer him directly to review the IDB report on Amaila for free when it became available.  He said that he would have provided it to me . . .

i don't know what fool told u or gave the impression that i live in Guyana

i've been a non-resident since the 1970's

separately, what the hell does your exchange with Patterson have to do with my observation other than to highlight your out-of-control ego at work

It was just to show that I was committed to help your APNU/AFC government before they exposed themselves for what they truly are.  There is no need for ego.  Only the insecure need that.

VVP posted:
redux posted:
VVP posted:
redux posted:
VVP posted:

So what salary the new CEO will be getting?  

Maybe I should send my resume   How does "Lead of working group consisting of State Agencies, NY electric utilities, and the New York Independent System Operator tasked to develop New York's State Resource Plan through 2030" sounds?

Seriously, I am worth every penny they could pay me, but I could never ask the people of Guyana to pay me what these guys are pulling down.  I hope to give them free service one day under a government that really cares about the people.

Guyana actually needs people with your experience

your last sentence, however, leaves me questioning your sincerity and commitment

redux, you live in Guyana, right?  Well ask Patterson if I did not offer him directly to review the IDB report on Amaila for free when it became available.  He said that he would have provided it to me . . .

i don't know what fool told u or gave the impression that i live in Guyana

i've been a non-resident since the 1970's

separately, what the hell does your exchange with Patterson have to do with my observation other than to highlight your out-of-control ego at work

It was just to show that I was committed to help your APNU/AFC government before they exposed themselves for what they truly are.  There is no need for ego.  Only the insecure need that.

you're a comic book

come better next time

redux posted:
VVP posted:
redux posted:
VVP posted:

So what salary the new CEO will be getting?  

Maybe I should send my resume   How does "Lead of working group consisting of State Agencies, NY electric utilities, and the New York Independent System Operator tasked to develop New York's State Resource Plan through 2030" sounds?

Seriously, I am worth every penny they could pay me, but I could never ask the people of Guyana to pay me what these guys are pulling down.  I hope to give them free service one day under a government that really cares about the people.

Guyana actually needs people with your experience

your last sentence, however, leaves me questioning your sincerity and commitment

redux, you live in Guyana, right?  Well ask Patterson if I did not offer him directly to review the IDB report on Amaila for free when it became available.  He said that he would have provided it to me . . .

i don't know what fool told u or gave the impression that i live in Guyana

i've been a non-resident since the 1970's

separately, what the hell does your exchange with Patterson have to do with my observation other than to highlight your out-of-control ego at work

OK, what have done lately for Guyana, talk is CHEAP..

kp posted:
redux posted:
VVP posted:
redux posted:
VVP posted:

So what salary the new CEO will be getting?  

Maybe I should send my resume   How does "Lead of working group consisting of State Agencies, NY electric utilities, and the New York Independent System Operator tasked to develop New York's State Resource Plan through 2030" sounds?

Seriously, I am worth every penny they could pay me, but I could never ask the people of Guyana to pay me what these guys are pulling down.  I hope to give them free service one day under a government that really cares about the people.

Guyana actually needs people with your experience

your last sentence, however, leaves me questioning your sincerity and commitment

redux, you live in Guyana, right?  Well ask Patterson if I did not offer him directly to review the IDB report on Amaila for free when it became available.  He said that he would have provided it to me . . .

i don't know what fool told u or gave the impression that i live in Guyana

i've been a non-resident since the 1970's

separately, what the hell does your exchange with Patterson have to do with my observation other than to highlight your out-of-control ego at work

OK, what have done lately for Guyana, talk is CHEAP..

He is getting paid to blog here for the PNC 

VVP posted:

It was just to show that I was committed to help your APNU/AFC government before they exposed themselves for what they truly are.  There is no need for ego.  Only the insecure need that.

This is the issue with all the clowns in North America who helped install this Regime.  You all jump and prance and cuss the PPP, BJ accusing them of all sorts of wrongs and now you got your "fugly baby", you run far from it and hope no one notices.  It's your baby regardless how "fugly" it is, so go breast-feed it!!

People like you can now pick and chose if/how/when you want to involve yourself with these despots from your comfortable couch in North America.  The people of Guyana don't, the are stuck with these incompetents!!

You should go and help free and not worry what they pay themselves because it's for the people, not the Govt, you are doing!  You all can do something as penance for the sin committed on the people of Guyana!

This tells me you are not genuine. They have nuff nuff people dozz talk they gon do this and that and when the times comes, then find every flimsy and asinine excuse to NOT do.  Alyuh as "opaque" as a jellyfish!!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Are they going to bring back Dindyal?  No one in Guyana can fill his shoes.  You get what you pay for.

What did he do again that was so beneficial to this company? It is and has been and continue to be some 50% inefficient and passes that inefficiency on to its cash strapped customers. He was being paid beyond what anyone gets paid in the US In similar position yet the greedy brute wanted more. Good riddance with him.

baseman posted:
VVP posted:

It was just to show that I was committed to help your APNU/AFC government before they exposed themselves for what they truly are.  There is no need for ego.  Only the insecure need that.

This is the issue with all the clowns in North America who helped install this Regime.  You all jump and prance and cuss the PPP, BJ accusing them of all sorts of wrongs and now you got your "fugly baby", you run far from it and hope no one notices.  It's your baby regardless how "fugly" it is, so go breast-feed it!!

People like you can now pick and chose if/how/when you want to involve yourself with these despots from your comfortable couch in North America.  The people of Guyana don't, the are stuck with these incompetents!!

You should go and help free and not worry what they pay themselves because it's for the people, not the Govt, you are doing!  You all can do something as penance for the sin committed on the people of Guyana!

This tells me you are not genuine. They have nuff nuff people dozz talk they gon do this and that and when the times comes, then find every flimsy and asinine excuse to NOT do.  Alyuh as "opaque" as a jellyfish!!

If the comments were not from a flip-flopper I would have paid them some attention.  I ain't Nostradamus, I act on what I know when I know.  I am not providing service to a government that put their own interests before that of the people.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Are they going to bring back Dindyal?  No one in Guyana can fill his shoes.  You get what you pay for.

I guess he is in demand so he must now be the CEO of Con Edison in New York. Greed can bring the downfall of once a good person.

I think John McAvoy makes a little more money than Dindyal.

Google is your friend?    I have to give you credit for being a smart person. 

Nehru posted:

VVM, Well you should have listened to Uncle Nehru. I explained it really simple to everyone. You dont have an excuse to support the CRIMINALS.  If you were not capable of seeing the outcome then something was wrong with you.

I once supported BJ for president also.  Looks like I have a knack for being fooled by great pretenders 


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