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Former Member

GPL got blackout, can’t collect light bill money

Jun 08, 2019 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Source, Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ct-light-bill-money/

Every now and then de people who running de electricity company does announce that blackout done. Dem does use nice words—‘Blackouts are a thing of de past.’ West Demerara was always in darkness. Jagdeo rent two caterpillar generators but dem wasn’t enough. Then dem put up a big power station at Vreed-en-Hoop and Donald announce that blackout done fuh good.

Two weeks barely pass and was blackout again. De excuse was that somebody put bad oil in dem engines.

When dem open de new factory in Kingston, Sam was de man in de van. He was responsible fuh electricity. When dem open de Kingston station Sam seh blackout done.

Things suh bad that GPL can’t even collect light bill money. Whole week people going to de office to pay dem light bill. When dem go de cashier tell dem how all de computers down because de office got blackout.

If GPL getting blackout imagine wha it giving de people. De hospital wheh dem always cutting people fuh one reason or de odda getting blackout.

Dem boys was in de hospital when dem prepare a man fur surgery. De man wife kiss him before dem porter wheel him into de operating theatre. She sit down to wait and while she waiting up comes de blackout.

She hear a nurse running out de room and she start bawling. Was more confusion in de Maternity Ward. A lady was getting baby. It was a big fight wid de nurses and de baby. De nurses trying to tek out de baby and de baby refusing to come out in de darkness.

Imagine dem boys was home trying to look at cricket. De match start and just as de man go to bowl GPL tek back de light. Is that same attitude cause Banks to refuse to have anything to do wid GPL. When Banks use to rely on GPL dem use to beg fuh a lower rate. GPL use to tell dem if dem don’t want de electricity dem can lef it.

Banks put in dem own electricity. Now GPL asking Banks fuh power. You don’t have to guess de answer.

Talk half and don’t wait fuh electricity this weekend.

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GPL’s new board installed

Jun 08, 2019 News, Source,

After more than year, the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) finally has a new Board of Directors.

On Thursday, the new board was installed by Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson.

The new board comprises of Rawle Lucas – Chairman, Reggie Bhagwandin, Kirk Hollingsworth, Morsha Johnson-Francis, Gillian Pollard, Elena Trim, Dr. Mahender Sharma, and Komal Ramnauth.

The newly appointed Board Members will serve for a period of two years, effective May 1, 2019.

Last edited by Former Member
Amral posted:

Do the banks really have their own generators 

Banna, is which country you from.  Everyone had generators since the 70s.  In fact, BOG had one of the bigger ones among business.  It belch so much black smoke that one side of the building turned black!

Baseman posted:
Amral posted:

Do the banks really have their own generators 

Banna, is which country you from.  Everyone had generators since the 70s.  In fact, BOG had one of the bigger ones among business.  It belch so much black smoke that one side of the building turned black!

You rass live next to GT. You see how you crow? Generators were not available in some Berbice areas in the 70s. You talking like you hero, the youthful stable genius.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

The depth of the PNC incompetence and stupidity is bottomless!!!

Imagine that, 23 years t he PPP had the opportunity to deliver stable power...the basis for any modern economy and yet they did not deliver a damn thing. Instead they let proxies in the family and friends clique bring in generators which they rented for almost the cost of the generators on a yearly basis. 

Not one damn solar farm...instead the pimped Amerindians with the "interior electrification program" where they were given a 60 watt bulb, a solar panel, and inverter as their power source. I guess t hat is smart!

And one can remember the 2 billion proposed Amalia falls fiasco, where a murti seller was tasked to deliver the product.  Stupid is what stupid does and while I admit the PNC are no more creative than the PNC, your declaration of PNC incompetence neglect the glaring reality that the PPP are the epitome of incompetence in this respect.


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