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Deputy GPL CEO to repay $27.8M – Patterson

By Staff Editor On August 8, 2015 In Local News


Aeshwar Deonarine, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO Administration) of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL), is seeking time to repay the $27.8M, which was transferred from the PetroCaribe fund to his personal bank account.


Aeshwar Deonarine
Aeshwar Deonarine

GINA said that this information was revealed during a press conference hosted by the Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, in the boardroom of his Ministry today.
“I am aware that a letter was sent in by the DCEO. He wrote the letter saying he does not believe his actions were wrong. However, he will refund the money, but is requesting some time, because the cash was transferred to his United States account,” Patterson told the media.

Patterson said that the forensic audit into the financial affairs of GPL had concluded, and the files were sent to the Ministry of Public Security and the Attorney General, who, after a review of the findings, will advise on the way forward.


A forensic audit had revealed that $28.748M was transferred from the PetroCaribe Fund into the personal accounts of FITUG President Carvil Duncan and Deonarine. Patterson had said then that $27.8M went to Deonarine’s account and $948,000 to Duncan’s.


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Originally Posted by Pointblank:

He not suing the Govt no more


JAIL HIS ASS. He just admitted to a crime

what he was suing,how come he could transfer money to

US Bank account with out raising a red flag.

Last edited by Django

His action is unlikely to have been an isolated case. There must be many more instances where other people within the PPP hierarchy who have been doing this in the past 23 years. Just imagine what all that money could have accomplished if it had been invested in the Guyanese infrastructure.


By now he should at least be FORMER Deputy GPL CEO.


I believe when the full scale of the PPP thievery is exposed we will all be flabbergasted, particulalry the soup-drinkers who were attracted by the dregs from the cup!

Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by redux:


He wrote the letter saying he does not believe his actions were wrong. 


Hahahahahahahahaha .......

What! taking Gov't money and transfer to US accounts is not

wrong,which school he went to??/

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

His action is unlikely to have been an isolated case. There must be many more instances where other people within the PPP hierarchy who have been doing this in the past 23 years. Just imagine what all that money could have accomplished if it had been invested in the Guyanese infrastructure.

This is the new "rich" class in Guyana, coming to buy luxury homes and cars in Florida and New York. Or as Yugi calls them, progressive Indians with lots of "disposable income" while he says black man lives in tenement yard in Brooklyn. Why is this Deonarine fella still on the job and not facing some serious jail time?

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

His action is unlikely to have been an isolated case. There must be many more instances where other people within the PPP hierarchy who have been doing this in the past 23 years. Just imagine what all that money could have accomplished if it had been invested in the Guyanese infrastructure.

This is the new "rich" class in Guyana, coming to buy luxury homes and cars in Florida and New York. Or as Yugi calls them, progressive Indians with lots of "disposable income" while he says black man lives in tenement yard in Brooklyn. Why is this Deonarine fella still on the job and not facing some serious jail time?

Is this fella still on the job ???,he should be handed over to the


Originally Posted by Mr.T:

And to think that there are people on this BB who consider the action of the government to go after the money and the thieves is tantamount to a dictatorship.

nah bai. Is "ethnic cleansing". Ask de esteemed Pandit Yugi, hindu of hindus.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shameless Pricks like them him must go to jail for a very long time!!!!!!!

Director, Carvil Duncan and Deputy CEO, Aeshwar Deonarine


Director, Carvil Duncan and Deputy CEO, Aeshwar Deonarine

Its unbelievable that these two, a ceo and a union guy would dip their hands into the cookie jar, with no permission to do so, and the gaul of it put the money into his US bank account! This is incredibly unbelievable. The sad thing is he cannot be the only one doing this...imagine a few others depositing this amount of money into a US account, amounting to US $140, 000.


Now that we know all this , he is asking for timer to repay it? Hell no.


I could not save this kind of money unless I work for a lifetime so I could put it as a down payment for a house in the US.  

Last edited by VishMahabir

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