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GPSU agitated by Jordan’s ‘inappropriate’ remarks on salary increases

March 19, 2016 | By | Filed Under News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....on-salary-increases/

The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) took offence to remarks made recently by Finance Minister, Winston Jordan, to the effect that public servants should not look out for a significant salary increase anytime soon.

The Union said that Jordan’s comments were highly inappropriate.  At his most recent press conference, Jordan said that before the next budget is presented, public servants can expect a top-up. He cautioned, however, that expectations for handsome increases need to be tempered.

His warning in this regard comes on the heels of a report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

This report said that Guyana must be mindful of its increases in wages when one considers the extent of economic challenges facing the Government.

The Finance Minister said that he agrees with the IMF position on this matter.

“In the good times, paying exaggerated salaries has serious long and short term impacts. Trinidad and Tobago is feeling the effects of paying salaries which at one time seemed sustainable,” explained Jordan.

He added, “But given our economies, where we are exposed to the vagaries of the international market for our products, we could see that at one time, price just dramatically falls and then you are left hanging.

Then there are two options before you.

“You either cut salaries or cut employment so to avoid being caught in that situation; one has to be extremely careful and prudent on matters of wage increases.”

The Union however stated that it is to say the least, inappropriate for Jordan to publicly pronounce in the manner that he did as though he were fulfilling an expectation.

It said that it notes with interest the “suggestion” made by the International Monetary Fund in a March 7, last in a statement appearing on its website about “moderating the growth of wages…”

The Union said that it shudders to think that the Minister – whether on his own volition or acting on some other directive — might be seeking to infuse an element of unhealthy prejudice into the negotiations with the GPSU on a salary increase for public servants ahead of the start of these negotiations.

It added, “What we also find particularly disconcerting, is (his) reported response to a question regarding negotiations for a pay increase for public servants …’I don’t know about room to negotiate…we will negotiate a salary increase that is sustainable and that we can meet with projected growth’ remark.”

The GPSU said that those are not the words of an individual who is amenable to negotiations, but one who comes to the table with preconditions that taint the negotiating environment long before the discourse even begins.

GPSU also said that Jordan’s remarks are not consistent with what was said by President David Granger about the importance of the Public Service as a critical institution in the envisaged development of Guyana.

“Indeed, and regrettably so, in the Union’s view, what the Minister had to say bears an uncanny resemblance of the dismissive posture which the previous political administration was customarily inclined to take in its dealings with public servants.”

GPSU said that it would be comforted by an official public assurance that the sentiments attributed to the Minister of Finance are not reflective of a collective official disposition. Anything less, we believe, could have the effect of creating an unwholesome environment ahead of the much-anticipated negotiations on a meaningful increase in wages and salaries for Public Servants.

It is the view of the GPSU that public servants are entitled to urgent assurances that the ensuing developments are not about to take them down a path of bad faith as the time for negotiating salary increases approaches.

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