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Nigel Hughes questions GRA’s ‘selective enforcement’

-‘absolute foolishness,’ says Sattaur


Attorney and AFC executive Nigel Hughes yesterday sounded concern over what he said was apparent selective enforcement of taxpayer penalties by the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA)—a charge that Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur rejected outright.

Hughes, in a statement, said that Sattaur had “once again exposed his lack of independence and overt enthusiasm to do his master’s bidding,” following an article in the Guyana Chronicle headlined ‘Another AFC leader linked to questionable ethical behaviour… Nigel Hughes implicated in HarvestCompany Ltd’s financial irregularities.’

Nigel Hughes

“The issue with Harvest Company Limited is not the non-payment of [Pay As You Earn tax contributions] as alleged but the imposition of interest and penalties by the Commissioner General of the [GRA] on Harvest on the capital sums of $468,000.00 and $2,337,110.00, while he waives interest and penalties for sums in excess of $70 million for a company, the proprietors of which are not known to be unsympathetic to the Government of the day,” he said.

Hughes provided a copy of the judgment of Justice Rishi Persaud in the matter of the GRA Vs DIDCO Trading Company, in which the Sattaur consented to the waiving of interest and penalties, which Hughes identified as being currently worth in excess of $70 million. “It must be noted that this facility is not afforded other companies in similar positions,” he said.

He also released a letter he had written to the GRA’s Legal Officer, Mahendra Satram, dated June 22nd, 2012, and copied to Sattaur, in which he stated in relation to the agency attempting to levy on his Chambers that “I am reluctant to believe that the actions of GRA might be driven by other considerations not disconnected to political arena.” He said that to date, he has received no response from either official.

Hughes said that payment was effected yesterday to the GRA for the capital sums owed by Harvest Company Ltd, while the company, through its attorneys, wrote to Sattaur asking if he could explain his decision “to waive taxes for one taxpayer for sums in excess of $70 million when other taxpayers of a different hue must suffer a different fate for the same taxes.”

“While he is at it, the Commissioner General may wish to explain whether he has the same enthusiasm for collecting taxes from the Office of the President for certain contract employees and special advisors. We ask for no special privileges, just equal rights and equal application of the law to all,” the statement added.


When contacted by Stabroek News on the issue, Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur rejected what he said was a “cheap ploy to divert attention from the real tax-evaders.” To say that any one company is politically singled-out is “absolute foolishness,” he said, while adding that the GRA has successfully sought and obtained through the court unpaid sums from companies of all strata.

In relation to the Didco matter, Sattaur said that the GRA waived the interest but the principal sum of $59.8 million had to be repaid. He further said that the GRA has taken what he described as “recalcitrant taxpayers” such as Didco, COPS, Guyana Stores and Kayman Sankar to court and that it would not be deterred by anyone or any company and their cheap publicity.

“The GRA views these statements nothing more than a cheap ploy to divert attention from the fact that the company which owns and operates the popular Sidewalk Cafe has used the employees’ deductions and the VAT paid by their patrons to enrich themselves, rather than pay such funds over to the Consolidated Funds where they rightfully belong,” Sattaur said. “The GRA will not be intimidated by these dastardly acts coming from persons who have been pontificating ad nauseum  about misusing state funds rather than paying them over as taxes and using taxpayers money for their own aggrandisement. This foolishness and cheap publicity will not be tolerated by the GRA,” he said.

The GRA has sought and obtained judgement from the court for unpaid taxes amounting to millions of dollars and attempts made to collect on these judgments have been met with strong resistance, leading one to believe whether one set of law applies to some people only, he added.

According to Sattaur, it was the Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh who brought Hughes’ statement to his attention and he was highly disturbed over its implication for the impartiality and independence from political interference of the GRA, since he, as the Minister in charge of the sector, has diligently resisted any temptation to interfere with its operations. To suggest that the GRA is politically-motivated in carrying out its mandate is a cheap ploy to divert attention from the real tax-evaders, Sattaur told Stabroek News.

He said that the agency operates in a highly ethical and professional manner. “I’m personally perturbed over this recent statement. I’ve operated in a professional manner since 2003 when I first held this post. Prior to that I worked at the [Internal Revenue Department] since 1983 and there is yet one person to dispute my professionalism,” he said, while adding that he was appalled by “such inflammatory and degradatory statements.”

Originally Posted by albert:

“The GRA views these statements nothing more than a cheap ploy to divert attention from the fact that the company which owns and operates the popular Sidewalk Cafe has used the employees’ deductions and the VAT paid by their patrons to enrich themselves, rather than pay such funds over to the Consolidated Funds where they rightfully belong,” Sattaur said. “The GRA will not be intimidated by these dastardly acts coming from persons who have been pontificating ad nauseum  about misusing state funds rather than paying them over as taxes and using taxpayers money for their own aggrandisement. This foolishness and cheap publicity will not be tolerated by the GRA,” he said.

The GRA has sought and obtained judgement from the court for unpaid taxes amounting to millions of dollars and attempts made to collect on these judgments have been met with strong resistance, leading one to believe whether one set of law applies to some people only, he added.

These opposition politicians and their supporters have no shame. Hughes is saying it is ok for him to not fullfill his obligations as well as that of his employees, to the state, whilst calling the very state to account for its revenue. He is also saying that if John Doe is negligent then his negligence is ok

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by albert:

... Sattaur said. “The GRA will not be intimidated by these dastardly acts coming from persons who have been pontificating ad nauseum  about misusing state funds rather than paying them over as taxes and using taxpayers money for their own aggrandisement. This foolishness and cheap publicity will not be tolerated by the GRA,” he said.

The GRA has sought and obtained judgement from the court for unpaid taxes amounting to millions of dollars and attempts made to collect on these judgments have been met with strong resistance, leading one to believe whether one set of law applies to some people only, he added.

These opposition politicians and their supporters have no shame. Hughes is saying it is ok for him to not fullfill his obligations as well as that of his employees, to the state, whilst calling the very state to account for its revenue. He is also saying that if John Doe is negligent then his negligence is ok

He is an individual. Use the law against him and jail him if you can. However this is the tactic of corrupt regimes to use agencies of the state to go after their opponents on presumed infractions in the law. Hughes heed to know that and have his financial house in order so corrupt PPP wargs like Sattaur would not be unleashed against him with any success.



Now back to our state...when will the PPP who are co concerned with delinquencies in taxes over a year or so, give us a constitutionally mandated report of what they are doing with the nations assets in NICIL? Is there a honorable or worthy explanation why a secretary in freedom house sits on the board of our NIS and also being paid by the Office of the President for bench warming?


These matters more to the people since it is about corruption in and autocratic management of the state vs if Nigil is delinquent with his taxes. One would inevitably have to be paid if found to be true but the other is about  corruption and lost assets to the states that are falling into a PPP black hole.


August 2, 2012    

Dear friend,


The headline in today's Chronicle captioned 'Another AFC leader linked to questionable ethical behaviour... NIGEL HUGHES IMPLICATED IN HARVEST COMPANY LTD'S FINANCIAL IRREGULARITIES', comes as no surprise.


The Commissioner General has once again exposed his lack of independence and overt enthusiasm to do his master's bidding.


The issue with Harvest Company Limited is not the non-payment of PAYE as alleged but the imposition of interest and penalties by the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority on Harvest on the capital sums of $468,000.00 and $2,337,110.00, while he waives interest and penalties for sums in excess of $70 million for a company, the proprietors of which are not known to be unsympathetic to the Government of the day.


On the 22nd June 2012, the Company's Attorneys wrote to Mahendra Satra, GRA's Legal Officer, inquiring whether GRA's actions of attempting to levy on my Chambers were driven by political considerations. The letter was copied to the Commissioner General. A copy of the letter accompanies this release.


To date, we have received no response from either Mr. Satram or the Commissioner General.


A copy of the Judgement of Justice Rishi Persaud in the matter of the Revenue Authority V DIDCO Trading Company action CD 685/09 in which the Commissioner General consented to the waiving of interest and penalties currently worth in excess of $70 million is also provided. It must be noted that this facility is not afforded other companies in similar positions.


On today's date, payment was effected tot eh GRA for the capital sums owed by Harvest Company Ltd and the receipts of these payments are attached.


Also on today's date, Harvest, through its Attorneys-at-Law, wrote to the Commissioner General asking if he could explain his decision to waive taxes for one taxpayer for sums in excess of $70 million when other taxpayers of a different hue must suffer a different fate for the same taxes.


While he is at it, the Commissioner General may wish to explain whether he ahs the same enthusiasm for collecting taxes from the Office of the President for certain contract employees and special advisors.


We ask for no special privileges, just equal rights and equal application of the law to all.


C.A. Nigel Hughes

Company Director


Nigel Hughes questions GRA’s ‘selective enforcement’

-‘absolute foolishness,’ says Sattaur


Attorney and AFC executive Nigel Hughes yesterday sounded concern over what he said was apparent selective enforcement of taxpayer penalties by the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA)—a charge that Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur rejected outright.


Hughes, in a statement, said that Sattaur had “once again exposed his lack of independence and overt enthusiasm to do his master’s bidding,” following an article in the Guyana Chronicle headlined ‘Another AFC leader linked to questionable ethical behaviour… Nigel Hughes implicated in HarvestCompany Ltd’s financial irregularities.’


Nigel Hughes

Quite simple ...


Are the taxes and penalties paid?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by albert:

... Sattaur said. “The GRA will not be intimidated by these dastardly acts coming from persons who have been pontificating ad nauseum  about misusing state funds rather than paying them over as taxes and using taxpayers money for their own aggrandisement. This foolishness and cheap publicity will not be tolerated by the GRA,” he said.

The GRA has sought and obtained judgement from the court for unpaid taxes amounting to millions of dollars and attempts made to collect on these judgments have been met with strong resistance, leading one to believe whether one set of law applies to some people only, he added.

These opposition politicians and their supporters have no shame. Hughes is saying it is ok for him to not fullfill his obligations as well as that of his employees, to the state, whilst calling the very state to account for its revenue. He is also saying that if John Doe is negligent then his negligence is ok

He is an individual. Use the law against him and jail him if you can. However this is the tactic of corrupt regimes to use agencies of the state to go after their opponents on presumed infractions in the law. Hughes heed to know that and have his financial house in order so corrupt PPP wargs like Sattaur would not be unleashed against him with any success.



Now back to our state...when will the PPP who are co concerned with delinquencies in taxes over a year or so, give us a constitutionally mandated rport of what they are doing with the nations assets in NICIL? Is there a honorable or worthy explanation why a secretary in freedom house sits on the borar of our NIS and also being paid by the Office of the President for bench warming?


These matters more to the people since it is about corruption in and autocratic management of the state vs if Nigil is delinquent with his taxes. One would inevitably have to be paid if found to be true but the other is about  corruption and lost assets to the states that are falling into a PPP black hole.

If a US Court makes a judgement that you owe the IRA $13M  and dem come to collect you must try the distraction you just pull pon we and you see whey you land up. But if you nah know leh me tell you. De will throw your ass in the big house, tell you to bend ova fuh your new friends to push their black nightstick in you KAKAHOLE.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nigel Hughes questions GRA’s ‘selective enforcement’

-‘absolute foolishness,’ says Sattaur


Are the taxes and penalties paid?

Would you would be so concerned with the PPP crooks submitting a decade late report of what NICIL under brassington has done with the state assets amounting to billions of dollars.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nigel Hughes questions GRA’s ‘selective enforcement’

-‘absolute foolishness,’ says Sattaur


Are the taxes and penalties paid?

Would you would be so concerned with the PPP crooks submitting a decade late report of what NICIL under brassington has done with the state assets amounting to billions of dollars.

The specific item is about Mr. Nigel Hughes' tax issues.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

If a US Court makes a judgement that you owe the IRA $13M  and dem come to collect you must try the distraction you just pull pon we and you see whey you land up. But if you nah know leh me tell you. De will throw your ass in the big house, tell you to bend ova fuh your new friends to push their black nightstick in you KAKAHOLE.

Dondada, thanks for sharing your sexperiences.  


Demerara_Guy, I know you are kinda slow on the uptake and comprehension.  Perhaps it's your madication or perhaps not.


On today's date, payment was effected tot eh GRA for the capital sums owed by Harvest Company Ltd and the receipts of these payments are attached.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nigel Hughes questions GRA’s ‘selective enforcement’

-‘absolute foolishness,’ says Sattaur


Are the taxes and penalties paid?

Would you would be so concerned with the PPP crooks submitting a decade late report of what NICIL under brassington has done with the state assets amounting to billions of dollars.

The specific item is about Mr. Nigel Hughes' tax issues.

It is PPP chicanery in lights of its desperate struggle to place  mortar plaster over the gaping holes being carved into their inner sanctum of corrupt practices. It did not work for Marcos or Suharto or Bird. It will not work for these devils either.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nigel Hughes questions GRA’s ‘selective enforcement’

-‘absolute foolishness,’ says Sattaur


Are the taxes and penalties paid?

Would you would be so concerned with the PPP crooks submitting a decade late report of what NICIL under brassington has done with the state assets amounting to billions of dollars.

The specific item is about Mr. Nigel Hughes' tax issues.

It is PPP chicanery in lights of its desperate struggle to place  mortar plaster over the gaping holes being carved into their inner sanctum of corrupt practices. It did not work for Marcos or Suharto or Bird. It will not work for these devils either.

As you continue with your usual ramblings.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nigel Hughes questions GRA’s ‘selective enforcement’

-‘absolute foolishness,’ says Sattaur


Are the taxes and penalties paid?

Would you would be so concerned with the PPP crooks submitting a decade late report of what NICIL under brassington has done with the state assets amounting to billions of dollars.

The specific item is about Mr. Nigel Hughes' tax issues.

It is PPP chicanery in lights of its desperate struggle to place  mortar plaster over the gaping holes being carved into their inner sanctum of corrupt practices. It did not work for Marcos or Suharto or Bird. It will not work for these devils either.

As you continue with your usual ramblings.

You are truly demented.


The AFC has many people in its executive that are power-hungry.

The people of Guyana must know the truth about our politicians so they are not misled into giving their support to charlatans.

Hughes is a good lawyer but his reputation in business and national politics is not one that decent folks would be proud of. He carries a heavy baggage and has already become a liability for the AFC, a party that is struggling to keeps its support and stay in the limelight.


Billy Ram Balgobin

“The GRA views these statements nothing more than a cheap ploy to divert attention from the fact that the company which owns and operates the popular Sidewalk Cafe has used the employees’ deductions and the VAT paid by their patrons to enrich themselves, rather than pay such funds over to the Consolidated Funds where they rightfully belong,” Sattaur said. “The GRA will not be intimidated by these dastardly acts coming from persons who have been pontificating ad nauseum  about misusing state funds rather than paying them over as taxes and using taxpayers money for their own disparagement. This foolishness and cheap publicity will not be tolerated by the GRA,”


Excerpts from stabroeknews


Originally Posted by Conscience:

These are serious allegations that are leveled against Nigel Hughes, he should be barred from practice until this issue is resolved.

If he is stupid to let him fall victim to the PPP gang then he deserves it. However, it will not make your use of the states resources to muzzle opponents moral. Freddie recounted his story and others have said the same.


However, the people still want to know about the deals  cut by the PPP behind our backs. Why did that Indian furniture dealer get 1.4 million acres of our land when he offers nothing? Guyana is not the PPP's property to do whatever they will with.


Are we going to know why a secretary in freedom house sits on NIS board and for what she is paid in the OP?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

These are serious allegations that are leveled against Nigel Hughes, he should be barred from practice until this issue is resolved.

If he is stupid to let him fall victim to the PPP gang then he deserves it. However, it will not make your use of the states resources to muzzle opponents moral. Freddie recounted his story and others have said the same.


However, the people still want to know about the deals  cut by the PPP behind our backs. Why did that Indian furniture dealer get 1.4 million acres of our land when he offers nothing? Guyana is not the PPP's property to do whatever they will with.


Are we going to know why a secretary in freedom house sits on NIS board and for what she is paid in the OP?

Rather than bray like the donkey you are you should encourage Nigel to pay his fair share of taxes and not point at others. He should be leading by example

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

These are serious allegations that are leveled against Nigel Hughes, he should be barred from practice until this issue is resolved.

If he is stupid to let him fall victim to the PPP gang then he deserves it. However, it will not make your use of the states resources to muzzle opponents moral. Freddie recounted his story and others have said the same.


However, the people still want to know about the deals  cut by the PPP behind our backs. Why did that Indian furniture dealer get 1.4 million acres of our land when he offers nothing? Guyana is not the PPP's property to do whatever they will with.


Are we going to know why a secretary in freedom house sits on NIS board and for what she is paid in the OP?

Rather than bray like the donkey you are you should encourage Nigel to pay his fair share of taxes and not point at others. He should be leading by example

 Rather than fight a hurricane of theft you ought to tell the PPP to restrain their larcenous tentacles or the society will eventually squat them like the bugs they are.


Pretending you are a defender of ethical principles wont distract from their stench of moral decay and corruption.


Holding up Nigil and screaming "here is the thief!" would not take the peoples eyes from your bulging pockets where it is clear to see the nations stolen treasures are ripping through its seams.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Holding up Nigil and screaming "here is the thief!" would not take the peoples eyes from your bulging pockets where it is clear to see the nations stolen treasures are ripping through its seams.

It shows the leadership of the AFC = THIEF...In one simple sentence. 


Cut the crap of writing a whole paragraph to make a SINGLE point!!!

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Holding up Nigil and screaming "here is the thief!" would not take the peoples eyes from your bulging pockets where it is clear to see the nations stolen treasures are ripping through its seams.

It shows the leadership of the AFC = THIEF...In one simple sentence. 


Cut the crap of writing a whole paragraph to make a SINGLE point!!!

 It shows the extent of their malice. Using the corrupt Sateur as their agent of dark arts will not help them. It merely highlight their depravity.


I know you do not have a lot of wattage upstairs so seeing more than one point at a time may prove arduous. You are excused if you only saw one.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Holding up Nigil and screaming "here is the thief!" would not take the peoples eyes from your bulging pockets where it is clear to see the nations stolen treasures are ripping through its seams.

It shows the leadership of the AFC = THIEF...In one simple sentence. 


Cut the crap of writing a whole paragraph to make a SINGLE point!!!

For him its like : why use 3 words when 30 will do? 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Holding up Nigil and screaming "here is the thief!" would not take the peoples eyes from your bulging pockets where it is clear to see the nations stolen treasures are ripping through its seams.

It shows the leadership of the AFC = THIEF...In one simple sentence. 


Cut the crap of writing a whole paragraph to make a SINGLE point!!!

For him its like : why use 3 words when 30 will do? 

It takes repetition to transmit memes to morons. Even then success is quite low. Both you and her still fail to get the message that the PPP's troll squad is out to paint a man as corrupt for tax delinquency ( if so) to detract for their rapacious pillaging of the state.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Holding up Nigil and screaming "here is the thief!" would not take the peoples eyes from your bulging pockets where it is clear to see the nations stolen treasures are ripping through its seams.

It shows the leadership of the AFC = THIEF...In one simple sentence. 


Cut the crap of writing a whole paragraph to make a SINGLE point!!!

For him its like : why use 3 words when 30 will do? 

It takes repetition to transmit memes to morons. Even then success is quite low. Both you and her still fail to get the message that the PPP's troll squad is out to paint a man as corrupt for tax delinquency ( if so) to detract for their rapacious pillaging of the state.


Donkey Man, Storm is still braying and defending a tax evader. This is shameless. His post is what is wrong about the AFC today. They see evil everywhere but not among their own.


He must be reminded that there was a court order that was executed against this man. Luckily it is not the USA or he would have ended up in jail.


The AFC refuse to investigate their own and embrace tax evaders.


Tortman has correctly pointed out many weakness in the AFC as he took his parting shots in a diplomatic manner. He sees no future in the AFC and has correctly jumped ship to protect his future as a speaker of the house.


He has correctly pointed out the Guyana might see an election before 2016. The AFC will be wiped out of the electoral map then. The AFC is finished.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Holding up Nigil and screaming "here is the thief!" would not take the peoples eyes from your bulging pockets where it is clear to see the nations stolen treasures are ripping through its seams.

It shows the leadership of the AFC = THIEF...In one simple sentence. 


Cut the crap of writing a whole paragraph to make a SINGLE point!!!

For him its like : why use 3 words when 30 will do? 

It takes repetition to transmit memes to morons. Even then success is quite low. Both you and her still fail to get the message that the PPP's troll squad is out to paint a man as corrupt for tax delinquency ( if so) to detract for their rapacious pillaging of the state.


Donkey Man, Storm is still braying and defending a tax evader. This is shameless. His post is what is wrong about the AFC today. They see evil everywhere but not among their own.


He must be reminded that there was a court order that was executed against this man. Luckily it is not the USA or he would have ended up in jail.


The AFC refuse to investigate their own and embrace tax evaders.


Tortman has correctly pointed out many weakness in the AFC as he took his parting shots in a diplomatic manner. He sees no future in the AFC and has correctly jumped ship to protect his future as a speaker of the house.


He has correctly pointed out the Guyana might see an election before 2016. The AFC will be wiped out of the electoral map then. The AFC is finished.

Again yuji, you speaketh shit.


If the man hasn't paid his taxes (as probably most of those in govt) then by all means let the courts take care of him.

Now, I can see you PPP cons jumoing up and down after reading this story and you all start to drool and foam come out yall mouth.

Then the venom came forth.


Now, with all that venom, try turning it toward those who are also ripping of the people and the governing party taking their sweet time on this.


Oh by the way, any "books" opened to the public showing where the peoples money went, as yet?









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