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Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Glen Lall and his partner are TAX evaders. They should be jailed. Lalla is the first one to open his mouth and spread lies.

The PNC should jail him if he fails to pony up the billions of taxpayers monies owed.

Failing to do so, he will be in shackles in 2020.

Anyone who takes their tax dispute to the court is not a tax evader.  This is why you have courts. But now that he has exhausted these avenues, he needs to pay up.  If not, assets will be ceased.  But no one getting jailed for this, not now, not ever!

That's right. This was a Civil matter. Yassin and Glen should approach GRA and negotiate a settlement quickly. They can offer the PNC to help fight the Prado Villians.

Too late.  Yassin over played his hands.  The GRA has no reason to settle, and should not.  You compromise to avoid a fight and where probabilities are in play.  

Yassin has to pay up. 

Businesses have to pay their fair share of taxes.  

Prashad posted:

I hope that these tax fools do not bankrupt the business.

The courts will not allow.  Bankruptcy just don’t happen and in any event, taxes liability comes first.  So the GOG is safe.  It’s creditors who are at risk!


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