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Granger: A Stranger With A Dangerous Past.

A DIFFERENT PNCR: Peeping Tom | March 18, 2015 | KN

“...Fifthly, there has been an invasion of the party by ex-members of the Disciplined Services. The PNCR is now referred to as the military party, because of the prominence of so many ex-members of the security services within the institution.
This is an important and worrying development within Guyana. Never before have so many former members of the Disciplined Services played such a central role in the leadership of any political party.
It raises eyebrows when one considers the rank which some of these individuals held and the fact they are now part of the political leadership of a major political party in the country.
How important this is to the party and to the country is something that has to be debated. But it must be a source of worry to the governing authorities that so many ex-members of the Disciplined Services have found leadership within the main opposition party. It does present an apparition of Guyana’s politics becoming increasingly militarized.”

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Have you proven any of this about Granger, or just because he was in the military he's bad?


Anyhow,I would prefer being around someone who may have had a dangerous past and now reformed than to be with someone who is presently dangerous and possibly also in the future.

If Granger was a true statesman, he would have apologized for the wrongs the PNC committed in the past. Moses and Ramjattan are not supposed to do the dirty work for Granger, unless they consider themselves doll boys for devil.
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Granger: A Stranger With A Dangerous Past.

A DIFFERENT PNCR: Peeping Tom | March 18, 2015 | KN

“...Fifthly, there has been an invasion of the party by ex-members of the Disciplined Services. The PNCR is now referred to as the military party, because of the prominence of so many ex-members of the security services within the institution... Guyana’s politics becoming increasingly militarized.”

Next you and these bloody indo racists will say Granger was actually Burnham in disguise and the Kabaka lives.....!!


I have never seen a more miserable, filthy corrupt thieving lot trying to pull out every nasty move possible to preserve your kleptocracy. On that account alone you are going down. 



Originally Posted by Cobra:
If Granger was a true statesman, he would have apologized for the wrongs the PNC committed in the past. Moses and Ramjattan are not supposed to do the dirty work for Granger, unless they consider themselves doll boys for devil.

Granger is smart not to apologize. WIll the PPP apologize for its thievery on the same platform and at the same time? No those crooks are content to hide and mask their thievery behind a bunch of gullible indos believing the myth their survival depends on supporting these crooks. Unfortunately they cannot fool all of the people so some of the people are awake.


Let me say this, Granger in all fairness was a military man and like all military men, they had to follow orders. He was performing his duties as a soldier.


Krsna instructed Arjuna to perform his duties as the General of the Pandavas.


Let us move beyond this personal stuff and let us hear what Both parties will do to improve Guyana.


We need to hear about:





Economic development

Improved Health Care etc etc.


Let us demand answers from both political parties.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let me say this, Granger in all fairness was a military man and like all military men, they had to follow orders. He was performing his duties as a soldier.


Krsna instructed Arjuna to perform his duties as the General of the Pandavas.


Let us move beyond this personal stuff and let us hear what Both parties will do to improve Guyana.


We need to hear about:





Economic development

Improved Health Care etc etc.


Let us demand answers from both political parties.



Let's face it, the PPP is the Govt so let's take a look at what they have done in the areas mentioned.


How is the crime situation yugi?

How's the suicide situation yugi

How's it coming along with the transparency situation yugi?

How's the economic development coming along yugi?

How's the health care situation yugi?


The PPP won't have much to say in those areas, it's just not their thing.


Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I will continue to support the PPP with my last breath if I have to. The worst of the PPP is better than the best of the PNC. The best place for them is out of politics.

You obviously are a corrupt sleazy kinda person, not one to trust.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let me say this, Granger in all fairness was a military man and like all military men, they had to follow orders. He was performing his duties as a soldier.


Krsna instructed Arjuna to perform his duties as the General of the Pandavas.


Let us move beyond this personal stuff and let us hear what Both parties will do to improve Guyana.


We need to hear about:





Economic development

Improved Health Care etc etc.


Let us demand answers from both political parties.


Once again, yuji, I commend you for an excellent post.

In its manifesto, APNU+AFC will provide definitive information on the topics you listed above. Let's wait until then.


Granger is a moderate and we need to support him.  AS far as we know, he never stole anything or engaged in scams as the PPP Kleptos. Nothing on him, except that he worked in the Army during the Burnham years.


Unless you can generate specific, verifiable examples of wrongdoing, you are only trying to demonize him unfairly.


On the other hand,  the PPP's klepto wickedness is there in your face to see their handiwork of frauds.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let me say this, Granger in all fairness was a military man and like all military men, they had to follow orders. He was performing his duties as a soldier.


Krsna instructed Arjuna to perform his duties as the General of the Pandavas.


Let us move beyond this personal stuff and let us hear what Both parties will do to improve Guyana.


We need to hear about:





Economic development

Improved Health Care etc etc.


Let us demand answers from both political parties.


Once again, yuji, I commend you for an excellent post.

In its manifesto, APNU+AFC will provide definitive information on the topics you listed above. Let's wait until then. see the light

There is Space in the New AFC-APNU Govt for

2 Honest, Clean,PPP Members to Join the Cabinet.


Granger keep telling these Jackass

this will be an all Inclusive Govt....


So All those who Have Goat Shit Issues

Hold them until after May 11.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I will continue to support the PPP with my last breath if I have to. The worst of the PPP is better than the best of the PNC. The best place for them is out of politics.

Dude, you were the one who was about to commit suicide because your cousin insisted you have "black" blood in your veins.


I do not know who is "them" to you  and what "out of politics" means to you. One cannot be out of politics and be resident in a society. But to you the idea of a "them" means resident in the society but not a member of it since only those like you are entitled to membership!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I will continue to support the PPP with my last breath if I have to. The worst of the PPP is better than the best of the PNC. The best place for them is out of politics.


Cobra Bhai


I also remain a strong PPP supporter but we must remain focus on issues rather than personal stuff including past politics.


A new and stronger Guyana is emerging and we must embrace it.


Guyanese will cast their votes and select the party that they feel represents their interest. Let us all engage and have fun but let us focus on issues.


I understand that the past was bitter under the PNC but if Granger is honest with us, then the future of Guyana is secure regardless of who wins.




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