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Granger administration ordered police to tap senior AFC Minister’s phone

Weeks after March 2 elections…

Then-President David Granger and Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan, last December after signing the revised Cummingsburg Accord on Christmas Eve.

Alliance For Change Leader and former Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan says he is unaware of any surveillance order.

Kaieteur News – Weeks after the March 2 General and Regional Elections, the executive of the Coalition government under then-President David Granger had ordered the surveillance of a senior minister from the Alliance For Change (AFC) arm of the administration.
According to reliable sources who saw correspondence on the matter, the executive had received “credible” reports that the minister was alleged to have been involved in a number of illegal practices linked to ammunition and gun licenses, among other activities.
Official sources told Kaieteur News that the Guyana Police Force Special Branch/Intelligence wrote, on the authority of the Granger executive, for “intercepts” on the phone of the official, also a senior executive in the AFC. The AFC is the smaller faction that comprised the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition that won power in 2015 and now comprises the major opposition bloc in Parliament.

The surveillance, our sources say, took place within the period of April to May 2020 when Guyana was locked in a heated elections’ results battle, weeks after Granger had already lost the elections to the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) candidate, now President Dr. Irfaan Ali. The then minister under surveillance had long been dogged by rumors of bypassing the Firearm Licensing Board and directly issuing licenses, in contravention to the established procedure, with claims that at least $1M was charged for each gun license that was issued. Our sources claim, also, that one aspect of the surveillance order included surveillance related to narcotics. Sources told Kaieteur News that the matter raised eyebrows at the Cabinet considering the Minister’s proximity to the security portfolio.

Last evening, Kaieteur News contacted AFC Leader and former Minister of National Security, Khemraj Ramjattan who said that he believes no such order was ever made. In relation to whether he was bypassed in the surveillance order being issued, Ramjattan said that Granger knew he was always a phone call away. The former minister and current parliamentarian said the story was part of the “wickedness” of the ruling PPP/C.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I will say this once that member Gilbakka said he was happy the PPP won finally and by the end, AFC will lose all its seats in parliament under Granger. Granger gets Ramjattan so stupid that he can't think straight, but to deny the allegation and blame it on the PPP. It's a matter of time before the horse runs away and leaves the carriage with Rumjaat.

@Viper posted:

I will say this once that member Gilbakka said he was happy the PPP won finally and by the end, AFC will lose all its seats in parliament under Granger. Granger gets Ramjattan so stupid that he can't think straight, but to deny the allegation and blame it on the PPP. It's a matter of time before the horse runs away and leaves the carriage with Rumjaat.


@Mitwah posted:

PPP , holding to life with less than 51% support of the population, is back to their primitive caveman instinct. Divide and rule.

You do not believe in democracy.  The Majority rules.  eat your heart out.

Ramjattan has been blaming the PPP to cover up his inconsistencies. If granger tapped his phone, he had alright to do that. Granger never trusted the token Indians. The Token Indians are like pigs. You put a suit on them and as soon as you missed them, they have gone rolling in the mud again.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You do not believe in democracy.  The Majority rules.  eat your heart out.

Ramjattan has been blaming the PPP to cover up his inconsistencies. If granger tapped his phone, he had alright to do that. Granger never trusted the token Indians. The Token Indians are like pigs. You put a suit on them and as soon as you missed them, they have gone rolling in the mud again.

What was the %'age of votes allocated to the PPP/c after the recount?

@Tola posted:

There is one sure thing about Jagdeo, Mustapha  and people like you. When you fail to find proper words to reply, you dig into the pit toilet for your best response.

I am not here to talk name with some old-ass men. I posted a topic to debate. I post sour topics for sourpusses like you and your friends.


Granger should discipline Ramjattan for the folly of his ways.  He became an embarrassment of the Coalition.  If the PNC/R is serious about running in the next election, they must remove the AFC from the Coalition.

@Viper posted:

I will say this once that member Gilbakka said he was happy the PPP won finally and by the end, AFC will lose all its seats in parliament under Granger. Granger gets Ramjattan so stupid that he can't think straight, but to deny the allegation and blame it on the PPP. It's a matter of time before the horse runs away and leaves the carriage with Rumjaat.

@Totaram posted:


@Viper posted:

F you too

@Totaram posted:

You mama

@kp posted:

Why do you allow that fool to talk of posters MAMMA. Come on don't give up.

The conversation .

@kp posted:


Totaram really got a hold on you. So we can converse about posters MAMMA and Papa,  sister etc. Good to know the the New LOW STANDARD.

Follow the conversation , you are no saint either. I am aware of the trouble makers.

Last edited by Django
@Viper posted:

I am not here to talk name with some old-ass men. I posted a topic to debate. I post sour topics for sourpusses like you and your friends.

You can remain in your toilet pit with 'F you too'.

@Viper posted:

I am not here to talk name with some old-ass men. I posted a topic to debate. I post sour topics for sourpusses like you and your friends.

You don't know the first thing about debating.  Why don't you interact with people at your level?

@Viper posted:

I will say this once that member Gilbakka said he was happy the PPP won finally and by the end, AFC will lose all its seats in parliament under Granger. Granger gets Ramjattan so stupid that he can't think straight, but to deny the allegation and blame it on the PPP. It's a matter of time before the horse runs away and leaves the carriage with Rumjaat.

Leaves the carriage eh? What a dolt.

@Viper posted:

I am not here to talk name with some old-ass men. I posted a topic to debate. I post sour topics for sourpusses like you and your friends.

If I had posted half the shit u write here, u would've deleted all my posts.

Jango needs to reign in dis wild animal.

@Mitwah posted:

PPP , holding to life with less than 51% support of the population, is back to their primitive caveman instinct. Divide and rule.

2015 Elections ---

49.20 -- PPP/C

50.29 -- PNCR/AFC

2020 Elections ---

50.69 -- PPP/C

47.34 -- PNCR/AFC


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