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Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo reacted furiously to President David Granger’s position that elections will be called in late November after house to house registration, insisting that elections must be called “as early as possible.”

“This is another Granger dissing the constitution like he did with the (unilateral) appointment of the Chairman of GECOM.

“This is Granger saying ‘ignore the constitution, what I say matters. I am going to tell you what you need to do – you have to go and do the house to house and then I will hold elections.’

“He has no such powers in our constitution, but this is another issue of Granger acting above the Constitution,” Jagdeo told reporters at a press conference.

Jagdeo said a November date “will not fly” because the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) clearly ruled Tuesday that the December 21 No Confidence motion was validly passed and that triggered Article 106 (6) and (7) of the Constitution, which dictates elections in three months.

“Granger lives in a bubble; he hangs on with his corrupt cabal at all costs,” Jagdeo stated.

“I have not amended my opinion of the President; I have not changed it.

“He cannot be oblivious to the implications of the ruling; he cannot be oblivious to what article 106 and 7 of our Constitution says.

“Yet he insists on this,” Jagdeo declared.

“This Government has seen the writing on the wall. He is hanging to his last few days as President, hoping that somehow through wanton use of state resources they can change their electoral fortunes,” he added.

Jagdeo said that given the CCJ decision upholding the December 21 No Confidence motion, it means the Government has been “squatting” in office for the longest while.

He insisted that the Government cannot act as if it business as usual.

Jagdeo posited that with the CCJ ruling, it means the Government has been illegal since March 31 and this meant they passed legislation to manage the country’s oil wealth and approved billions in supplementary budget spending and contracts during this time.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The coalition will find ways to extend itself in bullyism (to the extent that the Opposition is limiting itself to legal challenges, rather than mass protest) or extra-legal means. 

H2H may be done in November. However, after H2H, there has to be a process of inputting and verifying the data, cleaning up the list, etc...

So what we are looking here is an ADDITIONAL few months beyond November, more like 2020, for the elections...

The PNC will use that time to move on Plan B....intelligent people on GNI know what that means...


VishMahabir posted:

The coalition will find ways to extend itself in bullyism (to the extent that the Opposition is limiting itself to legal challenges, rather than mass protest) or extra-legal means. 

H2H may be done in November. However, after H2H, there has to be a process of inputting and verifying the data, cleaning up the list, etc...

So what we are looking here is an ADDITIONAL few months beyond November, more like 2020, for the elections...

The PNC will use that time to move on Plan B....intelligent people on GNI know what that means...


The Opposition, civil society, small parties, Amerindian party, pressure groups, and what have you...should pull a "Hong Kong-like" sustained protest to call for new elections and constitutional reform....and hopefully a third party (not the AFC) can hold the swing vote to force the winner to clean up Guyana and set the country on course for a brighter future...

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:

The coalition will find ways to extend itself in bullyism (to the extent that the Opposition is limiting itself to legal challenges, rather than mass protest) or extra-legal means. 

H2H may be done in November. However, after H2H, there has to be a process of inputting and verifying the data, cleaning up the list, etc...

So what we are looking here is an ADDITIONAL few months beyond November, more like 2020, for the elections...

The PNC will use that time to move on Plan B....intelligent people on GNI know what that means...


The Opposition, civil society, small parties, Amerindian party, pressure groups, and what have you...should pull a "Hong Kong-like" sustained protest to call for new elections and constitutional reform....and hopefully a third party (not the AFC) can hold the swing vote to force the winner to clean up Guyana and set the country on course for a brighter future...

If not...the ABCs may have to broker a deal between the government and opposition forces.

jes my 2 cents


Everyday that the Coalition remain in government after March 22, 2019 is another day of massively solidifying their image to the Guyanese voters that they are a group not able or willing to abide by the rule of law. So they can continue at their own expense. The only way the Coalition remain in government is if they conduct fraudulent elections or no elections.

VishMahabir posted:

If not...the ABCs may have to broker a deal between the government and opposition forces.

jes my 2 cents

ABC countries ?????

The ABC countries are ... Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

How Argentina, Brazil and Chile are involved with Guyana elections?

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If not...the ABCs may have to broker a deal between the government and opposition forces.

jes my 2 cents

ABC countries ?????

The ABC countries are ... Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

How Argentina, Brazil and Chile are involved with Guyana elections?

DG, when you have nothing to do or say, I say, just take a diaper break!!

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If not...the ABCs may have to broker a deal between the government and opposition forces.

jes my 2 cents

ABC countries ?????

The ABC countries are ... Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

How Argentina, Brazil and Chile are involved with Guyana elections?

America, Britain and Canada...

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If not...the ABCs may have to broker a deal between the government and opposition forces.

jes my 2 cents

ABC countries ?????

The ABC countries are ... Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

How Argentina, Brazil and Chile are involved with Guyana elections?

America, Britain and Canada...

Which America? 


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