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Granger’s speech in Parliament marks the beginning of a Brutal Dictatorship in the Making.

This should be of no surprises for anyone especially those who were conned by the AFC.

Political experts are now worried that he is now setting up a rigging machinery by controlling immigration and registration of Births. It is indeed ominous. This chap reminds me of Hitler.

It was this man who purposely and intentionally left out the atrocities committed against Indo Guyanese murdered, raped and tortured in places like Wismar and Linden.

He chose to whip up anti Indo sentiment in Parliament by once again failing to address the murder of Walter Rodney by the PNC. He failed to mention the PNC death squads who were roaming and slaughtering Indos freely.

He failed to mention 28 years of Brutal PNC dictatorship of which he was an integral part and the rape of democracy and the rape of freedom of press. The efforts by the PNC to humiliate Indos were also intentionally left out. The rigging of elections and the murder of those who chose to defend their rights were also left out.

It will be a very long list if I so choose to mention them, posters can add to. I do not want to start a very angry debate but History must be told in full and with honesty and Granger chose to leave out the brutality and racism of the PNC.

It was the PNC which coined the MO FIAH policy on Indo and their businesses in post election violence.

His speech has taken race relations 100 years backwards.

Shame on Granger and the PNC. Hope the ABC countries are watching and taking notes.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

jackass Granger is indeed a dictator but no match for Burnham as yet. But what is more important is the new development that this jackass promised when he came to power. So far zero new ideas  and zero PPP jailed. 

Hold yuh horses .... bridging the mighty Essequibo is on the table.

What is the justification for bridging the Essequibo? What economic gain will be achieved? Was a feasibility study done to justify any potential cost to benefit ratio?

I believe these idiots counting their chickens before they are hatched, planning on spending oil money. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

jackass Granger is indeed a dictator but no match for Burnham as yet. But what is more important is the new development that this jackass promised when he came to power. So far zero new ideas  and zero PPP jailed. 

Hold yuh horses .... bridging the mighty Essequibo is on the table.

What is the justification for bridging the Essequibo? What economic gain will be achieved? Was a feasibility study done to justify any potential cost to benefit ratio?

I believe these idiots counting their chickens before they are hatched, planning on spending oil money. 

on the table

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on the table

Fig. subject to discussion by the group; submitted as a point of discussion. The chairman said we could not discusssalaries since the topic was no longer on the table.
See also: table
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. Β© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

jackass Granger is indeed a dictator but no match for Burnham as yet. But what is more important is the new development that this jackass promised when he came to power. So far zero new ideas  and zero PPP jailed. 

Hold yuh horses .... bridging the mighty Essequibo is on the table.

What is the justification for bridging the Essequibo? What economic gain will be achieved? Was a feasibility study done to justify any potential cost to benefit ratio?

I believe these idiots counting their chickens before they are hatched, planning on spending oil money. 

Django is running around sniffing the PNC Jackasses especially Big Jackass Granger.

This Bhai Django is making a fool of himself daily by backing an idiot of an administration.

Jackass Grainjaw (Django's hero):



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cain posted:

on the table

Fig. subject to discussion by the group; submitted as a point of discussion. The chairman said we could not discusssalaries since the topic was no longer on the table.
See also: table
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. Β© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Good to see you found out what on the table means. Now explain the justification of bridging the Essequibo and the cost benefit ratio. 

Ramakant-P posted:

The writings are on the wall. Granger will succeed in becoming a dictator because he gets the support of two house coolies who are only interested in destroying the PPP.

The PPP is destroyed by the current leader,that fella thinks he is smart he puts himself there for protection for his ill gotten gains, and  fooling the  Indo's he have their well being at heart.

Last edited by Django
Ramakant-P posted:

The writings are on the wall. Granger will succeed in becoming a dictator because he gets the support of two house coolies who are only interested in destroying the PPP.

I think we need to take out the word "will". He is a dictator and always entertained the notion of being a dictator if he won the election. He was trained by the Caribbean's best dictator.. Forbes. Remember, as soon as he was elected, he ordered(dictated) a 50% raise. He installed the enabler, Wong Ping Harmon to oversee his orders staying in the back. The two house Uncle Toms have their days numbered as was Peter D'aguiar. 


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