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Moses to lead T&T team at UN assembly


Foreign Affairs Minister:

Dennis Moses


MINISTER of Foreign and Caricom Affairs Dennis Moses

will lead this country’s delegation

at the 70th Regular Session

of the United Nations General Assembly.


The UN General Assembly, which is being held at the

United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA,

started yesterday and ends on October 4.


The theme of the General Debate of the

70th Regular Session is

“The United Nations at 70:

the road ahead for peace, security and human rights”.


“The General Assembly is the main deliberative organ

of the United Nations comprising representatives

of all 193 member states.


The work of the United Nations derives largely

from the decisions of the General Assembly.

“Each session consists of a High Level Segment,

the main feature of which is the General Debate,

at which Heads of State and/or Government or

Ministers of Foreign Affairs

deliver the National Address to the Assembly,

followed immediately thereafter

by the substantive work of the Plenary Session

and its six main committees,”

a release from the Foreign and Caricom Affairs Ministry stated.


“Minister Moses

will be leading the Trinidad and Tobago delegation

and will participate in a number of meetings and discussions,

including the Post-2015 Development Agenda,

the launch of which will take the form of

a summit being convened by Mr Ban Ki-moon,

Secretary General of the United Nations,

from September 25 to 27, 2015.


“This summit will formally adopt

the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” the release stated.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Guyana is fast becoming a total anti koolie outfit. East Idians should not be monkeying around on this issue.

So take a journey to India if living with other ethnicities is so offensive to you.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Guyana is fast becoming a total anti koolie outfit. East Idians should not be monkeying around on this issue.

So take a journey to India if living with other ethnicities is so offensive to you.

So why did you complain vehemently about PPP governance. Plucking out the eyes of enemies will only make us all blind. Perhaps, u r blinded already-you cannot see the East Indian side.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Guyana is fast becoming a total anti koolie outfit. East Idians should not be monkeying around on this issue.

So take a journey to India if living with other ethnicities is so offensive to you.

Agree with you on this one CaribJ.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dude you can agree with caribj until the moon becomes the sun because you are safe in New York. You are not in Guyana to experience the anti-koolie poison.

Tell him to go back to Timbuktu and eat SHIT!!!!!!!!!!


Caribj knows the importance of a vibrant economy and political survival. He cares little or nothing about the inclusion of Indians or any other non-African groups. The brother believes in a Black-dominated state.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dude you can agree with caribj until the moon becomes the sun because you are safe in New York.  Yuh will suck Jagdeo and Kwame but that will not put back Jagdeo in power again....thiefman get caught....  Rat will remain in the Sewer.....
Related image     You'll will live in the Sewer and eat each-another
You are not in Guyana to experience the                          anti-koolie poison.

(1) Skeldon Factory

De Sewer Rat

Related image


& Friends Thief....Who suffer?


(2) Leave Guysuco Bankrupt

De Sewer Rat

Related image

& Friends Thief....Who suffer?


(3) Thief all the Petro Caribe Funds

De Sewer Rat

Related image


& Friends Thief....Who suffer?


(4) Leave Rice Industry Bankrupt

De Sewer Rat

Related image

& Friends Thief....Who suffer?


(5) Charge Koolie Extra so Bharat Friends can make Huge Returns on their small PPP Investment (Public + Private Partnership Investment)

De Sewer Rat

Related image

& Friends Thief....Who suffer?


Now .....Tell us who is de Rat

 spreading De anti-koolie poison...

in Freedom House, In PPP and In Guyana 




Last edited by Former Member
Mr Jalil I have much respect for you so I will not respond with nasty stinking curse words
But remember this if we do not stand up for our rights as East Indians then we will be dealing with total anti koolieism here and it does not matter which party you are from.
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Mr Jalil I have much respect for you so I will not respond with nasty stinking curse words
But remember this if we do not stand up for our rights as East Indians then we will be dealing with total anti koolieism here and it does not matter which party you are from.


Now .....Tell us who is de Rat

 spreading De anti-koolie poison...

in Freedom House, In PPP and In Guyana.

We know it cannot be Moses & Ramjattan. 


Mr Prashad why were you

laying in Bed and Turning over.....

when Freedom House & Office of the President

was being Infested with Black House of Israel

Thugs, Killers & Rapist....

by Jagdeo & Ramotar.


When yuh decide it is time to stand up....

Where was your when

Jagdeo & Ramotar since 1997

were poisoning

the Indians in the PPP with


Kwame, Edgehill,

Hamilton, Bynoe, Witicka

and all the other Black Crooks

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Guyana is fast becoming a total anti koolie outfit. East Idians should not be monkeying around on this issue.

So take a journey to India if living with other ethnicities is so offensive to you.

So why did you complain vehemently about PPP governance. Plucking out the eyes of enemies will only make us all blind. Perhaps, u r blinded already-you cannot see the East Indian side.

I have said NUMEROUS times that the Burnham regime was racist to Indians.


WHEN have you admitted that Jagdeo/Ramator was racist towards blacks.


You see I can listen to Indians, and concede that Indians know better than I do about what life under Burnham for them was all about.


Can you listen to Africans and concede what life for blacks was about, especially under Jagdeo/Ramotar?


I complained AS a GUYANESE.  And I offered evidence as to what they did wrong.


You all REFUSE to indicate that the economic problems, which are now occurring, began under the PPP.


You all refuse to indicate that if Indians are disproportionately being fired from top posts, its because Indians were disproportionately appointed to these positions.


I offered EVIDENCE.  You all offer irrational screams.



Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dude you can agree with caribj until the moon becomes the sun because you are safe in New York. You are not in Guyana to experience the anti-koolie poison.

You want to establish a Little India in Guyana.  NOT going to happen.


If you wish to live in a society where only Indians live, GO BACK TO INDIA.


Guyana is a multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi religious society, and it is a known fact that diverse societies are more dynamic than are those which are monocultural.


You refuse to engage with this thinking, so go back to India.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Caribj knows the importance of a vibrant economy and political survival. He cares little or nothing about the inclusion of Indians or any other non-African groups. The brother believes in a Black-dominated state.

When the PPP was engaging in rampant discrimination against blacks, where were you?


Please don't deny this fact because just about every single black Guyanese, apart from the few at the PPP soup bowl, have said how hard life was for them under the PPP.


YOU are the one who endorses race based domination.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Guyana is fast becoming a total anti koolie outfit. East Idians should not be monkeying around on this issue.

So take a journey to India if living with other ethnicities is so offensive to you.

So why did you complain vehemently about PPP governance. Plucking out the eyes of enemies will only make us all blind. Perhaps, u r blinded already-you cannot see the East Indian side.

I have said NUMEROUS times that the Burnham regime was racist to Indians.


WHEN have you admitted that Jagdeo/Ramator was racist towards blacks.


You see I can listen to Indians, and concede that Indians know better than I do about what life under Burnham for them was all about.


Can you listen to Africans and concede what life for blacks was about, especially under Jagdeo/Ramotar?


I complained AS a GUYANESE.  And I offered evidence as to what they did wrong.


You all REFUSE to indicate that the economic problems, which are now occurring, began under the PPP.


You all refuse to indicate that if Indians are disproportionately being fired from top posts, its because Indians were disproportionately appointed to these positions.


I offered EVIDENCE.  You all offer irrational screams.



And I have also criticized APNU/AFC as well.  And will begin to do so even more, as their honey moon period becomes exhausted.

Last edited by Former Member

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