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Django posted:
FC posted:

Have you thought about receiving therapy for your affliction.  There is always the option ofretuning to Bihar.

Tha Bhai guh leave the high life in N.A and return there,that place is dangerous teriorrity.

I had friend that studied medecine there.  He told of some gruesome stories. He was afraid to go out of his dorm. They chop your hand off right there and then if you did something not to their liking. The Banna left without receiving his degree.


baseman posted:
Amral posted:

You guys will never be satisfied with anything

It's good to see the multi-racial participation however, we saw this before and my point was, the current regime has embarked on a policy of racism and ethnic cleansing, so what's new?


Loads of Indians in top positions.  Definitely more diversity than what we saw with the PPP.

But you think that "black people dunce, so cannot head up entities".

cain posted:
FC posted:

Have you thought about receiving therapy for your affliction.  There is always the option of retuning to Bihar.

Good idea deh FC, Oi Prashad, give it some thought banna. With my blessing you can also take Cobra,Yugi,Baseman,Skeldnman and any other wishing to live in an Indian only country...aright.

Watch Prashad get a nervous break down.


cain posted:
FC posted:

Have you thought about receiving therapy for your affliction.  There is always the option of retuning to Bihar.

Good idea deh FC, Oi Prashad, give it some thought banna. With my blessing you can also take Cobra,Yugi,Baseman,Skeldnman and any other wishing to live in an Indian only country...aright.

No when they go back to Bihar the folks are going to tell them to go back to the blacks in the Caribbean, because that is how they behave.

Poor man Prashad is in deep depression.  Too much blackman in Guyana, and in India they consider him too black!

Last edited by Former Member

Indo Guyanese have to realize we are not Indians from India,we are generations outside of India born in a multi racial country,no one is stopping us from residing in homogeneous societies,maintaining the culture handed down by our fore parents we are free to do that,it's about time we learn to respect the other ethnicities culture and rights we are all citizens of the same country and have the same rights.

Django posted:

,it's about time we learn to respect the other ethnicities culture and rights we are all citizens of the same country and have the same rights.

And this is exactly the point. On TWO occasions stormborn, who is part Indian, attempted to have sensible discussion on this issue.

He was called an Indian hater, and not just by the brown bai KKK.

caribny posted:
cain posted:
FC posted:

Have you thought about receiving therapy for your affliction.  There is always the option of retuning to Bihar.

Good idea deh FC, Oi Prashad, give it some thought banna. With my blessing you can also take Cobra,Yugi,Baseman,Skeldnman and any other wishing to live in an Indian only country...aright.

No when they go back to Bihar the folks are going to tell them to go back to the blacks in the Caribbean, because that is how they behave.

Poor man Prashad is in deep depression.  Too much blackman in Guyana, and in India they consider him too black!

Carib you got another point there.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Naga and Kanwa boy are not playing phagwah this year? Oh, they are probably still recovering from a hangover.

To skeldon_man, from Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan:


Dem coolies should tek broom and broom dem two..Judas and Neemakharam .

You think everyone in Guyana use the same lense as you. Poor soul!!!

baseman posted:
cain posted:
FC posted:

Have you thought about receiving therapy for your affliction.  There is always the option of retuning to Bihar.

Good idea deh FC, Oi Prashad, give it some thought banna. With my blessing you can also take Cobra,Yugi,Baseman,Skeldnman and any other wishing to live in an Indian only country...aright.

No, I actually like diversity!!  I had that opportunity but preferred the "White Man's" land, Swiss and the USA!!

So what you have against our esteemed president celebrating an Indian festival?

FC posted:
baseman posted:
cain posted:
FC posted:

Have you thought about receiving therapy for your affliction.  There is always the option of retuning to Bihar.

Good idea deh FC, Oi Prashad, give it some thought banna. With my blessing you can also take Cobra,Yugi,Baseman,Skeldnman and any other wishing to live in an Indian only country...aright.

No, I actually like diversity!!  I had that opportunity but preferred the "White Man's" land, Swiss and the USA!!

So what you have against our esteemed president celebrating an Indian festival?

Nothing, I admire him doing that, that's great.  But let's get past the little frivolous optics and focus on what's really happening to the Indians masses on the ground!

As I said, it's great, it was also done during the PNC Burnham era, but the apartheid continued the very next day!!

Prashad posted:
caribny posted:

Poor man Prashad is in deep depression.  Too much blackman in Guyana, and in India they consider him too black!

Carib you got another point there.

Prashad I feel your pain.

I remember when an Indian national attended a Guyanese cultural event. He found the Indo Guyanese girls pattern of dance to be quite intriguing. He mentioned to me that they danced Bollywood like he imagined an African woman would.

He then asked if these girls dance to soca, reggae and hip hop!

You too much of a "blackman" for Indians to truly embrace you, even though you look like one of them.

baseman posted:

As I said, it's great, it was also done during the PNC Burnham era, but the apartheid continued the very next day!!

At least they pretend to engage in cultural patterns associated with Indians.

Jagdeo sent his Uncle Tom, Hinds, to deal with black people.

After all Jagdeo is only interested in "consolidating the East Indian support base".  All others are irrelevant, except to be demonized to ensure that Indians flee to him to be their savior.

Last edited by Former Member

Indian women are being brainwashed by bollywood. Bollywood get a bunch of Afghan people and pass them off as East Indians as consequence the East Indian woman dreams and searches for that type of man who looks completely different from the average East Indian man. It is the implantation of image in the mind that is at play here.

Prashad posted:

Indian women are being brainwashed by bollywood. Bollywood get a bunch of Afghan people and pass them off as East Indians as consequence the East Indian woman dreams and searches for that type of man who looks completely different from the average East Indian man. It is the implantation of image in the mind that is at play here.

Bollywood is owned by Indians. They use foreigners as actors, because Indians have an obsession with "whiteness" and not enough Indians fit this criteria.  As businessmen, they provide a product that the market demands!

Now on to the Indo Guyanese girls with their "African style" Bollywood dancing.   I guess blackman to blame for that!


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