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Granger, Ramjattan will be relegated to the waste basket of historyPDFPrintE-mail
Sunday, 29 September 2013 22:07

THE days of chivalry are gone; so also are the days when citizens looked upon their politicians as statesmen. True, a politician and a statesman are not the same thing, but today, like honest politician, it’s an oxymoron.

A statesman differs from a politician in that he is guided by a moral compass of strong unchanging principles fashioned by absolute values which do not change even though buffeted by the storms of popular opposition. He has a vision for his people, and he builds a consensus to achieve that vision.
Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandella, Alexander Bustamante, Norman Manley, Eric Williams, Errol Barrow and Cheddi Jagan easily come to my mind. To this list, in the context of Guyana, I could squeeze in Desmond Hoyte and Donald Ramotar.
I still vividly recall Cheddi Jagan embracing Forbes Burnham on the eve of our Independence in May 1966, forgetting on that momentous occasion, Burnham’s earlier opposition to Guyana’s independence and his X-13 Plan that catapulted the PPP from office.  Jagan’s gesture, to me, was the zenith of statesmanship.
When Desmond Hoyte resisted Hamilton Green and almost the entire executive of the PNC, and opened up the country to free and fair elections, that to my mind, was also statesmanship.
And when the Don emphatically exclaimed last night at the Fairfield Hall in Queens that Amaila will materialize, come what may, he declared his unchanging principle would not be affected by any storms kicked up by the popular opposition, and that he will pursue a consensus to achieve his vision.
I do not believe there is any single Guyanese who does not wish for Guyana to have hydropower. Any opposition comes from politicians pursuing their own agenda, or other individuals with personal axes to grind. These are the people who would bury Guyana only to reign over the grave.
Having listened to Donald Ramotar and his high profile entourage last night I begin to smell election in the air. And what a good Christmas gift it would be.
Amaila means more to Guyana than political independence. Burnham resisted Independence because he did not want it to be given to a PPP government. Today it’s deja vu all over. The campaign slogan will not be “Highway to Heaven” or “Feed, Clothe and House the Nation”. This time it would be “Power to the People”.
Granger and Ramjattan will be relegated to the waste basket of history as mere politicians, because this time the people will win.


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Will history judge Mr. Jagdeo, as a crook?

January 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
Our first own dictator of Guyana, Mr. L.F.S. Burnham, dutifully followed the script that was almost universally embraced by tyrants in their grab for total power. In then Guyana , not only were local opponents perceived as “Enemies of the State’ pulverized, but so were even friends and former colleagues whose loyalties were now deemed questionable.
This brilliant lawyer and orator trampled upon human rights and controlled the judiciary, media, education, police, army, civil service jobs and promotion etc. In fact he was the arbiter of life or death for many.
This deified person changed the constitution to be the chosen ‘President for Life,’ and as a legal safeguard made himself, ‘The Comrade Leader,’ immune from any prosecution, should his government fall. He was the law and above the law, and decided which and how the laws were to be interpreted and applied.
The President Burnham and his PNC New Nation presided over a dying nation. Yet the PNC to its eternal shame has never apologized to this nation for this destruction of so many lives. Guyanese have not forgiven the PNC for allowing one man and his faithful to subjugate this nation into total tyranny.
What Mr. Burnham failed to do, as other dictators did, was to accumulate sizeable foreign assets or stash cash in overseas accounts. (The news in Guyana was that, according to Ebony Magazine, he was the third richest ‘black man’ in the world. I tried to find this article, but never found it. So far there is no evidence after Burnham’s death that he and his family accumulated wealth anywhere.
His widow, Ms. Viola Burnham, had obtained a few acres of state land on short leases that expired in 1992. The land was used to raise buffaloes which Ms. Burnham sold off over the years to earn a living. Their children held ordinary state jobs even when Mr. Burnham was alive.
They too like so many ordinary Guyanese migrated and struggled to educate themselves, worked at regular jobs and lived in very ordinary circumstances.
Mr. Burnham’s failure to accumulate wealth seems rather uncharacteristic for one so brilliant and who enjoyed the good life – according to his love of Western/European lifestyles and tastes. This failure was because the economy totally tumbled with no foreign exchange being available to purchase basic necessities at home. There were reports of gold being shipped in diplomatic bags.
But these would never have large enough to support any affluent lifestyle overseas. The people of Linden like others in the country rebelled.
The country needed a statesman, the PPP in its wisdom offered Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo and must likewise take the credit or blame for his actions.
Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo of the PPP exceeded the worst excesses of Mr. L.F.S. Burnham of the PNC. This resident dictator, generously armed with the constitutional and legal tools created by his idol (Mr. Burnham) which his mentor Dr. C. B Jagan failed to change in 1992 and should rightfully be called the Dr. Jagan’s PPP constitution, continued the emasculation of the long oppressed people.
Mr. Bharrat’s absolute control even in petty matters made his power felt and the ‘follow the leader’-conditioned and intellect-deficient PPP succumbed and fell.
Moreover, Mr. Jagdeo astutely avoided the personal failures of Mr. Burnham, in that he has accumulated local assets likely far exceeding his total accumulated public incomes. (Guyanese wait for a forensic audit.) It could therefore be concluded that Mr. B. Jagdeo made some exceptionally wise investments in Guyana and/or overseas that Guyanese are not aware of.
Would His Excellency Mr. Jagdeo or his faithful followers kindly let the Guyanese people know where he invested his monies, even while in office? There is no such evidence of wise economic stewardships by His Excellency Mr. Jagdeo with the assets of the nation – since the working-classes are still suffering and praying for deliverance.
Mr. Burnham’s strategy was to nationalize anything ‘big’ and put his faithful in charge; whereas, Mr. Jagdeo’s was/is to outsource and award contracts to local and foreign gangsters or those who are willing to make secret deals at a price.
These members of Mr. Jagdeo’s nobility are given generous government contracts with little public oversight and further contracts are offered to correct the deficiencies/neglects of the first contracts. The fleecing of Guyanese is rampant, as seen in one the earliest scenarios at UG with regards to the renovation of the Biology labs with European Union (EU) funding. This was never addressed.
In addition, these individuals or their companies are given monopolies on the import of certain products, e.g., basic medicine) so that these individuals and their companies control local prices. This is another way to fleece the locals who are an already oppressed people.
These recent arrivals are given advantages and privileges that are denied to honest local businesses that have been working here in Guyana throughout the years. If the locals complained they are belittled publicly, irrespective of age or stature.
Another example is that respectable businesses such as Stabroek News and Kaieteur News have been denied radio and or television licenses despite years of responsible journalism and public service. UG students and the Linden community still cannot get their own radio and or television licenses; wherwas, the American naturalized friends of President Jagdeo get preferential treatments – they have TV and Radio licenses. Mr. Jagdeo’s largesse does not come free. Everything has a price and is negotiable.
Our Elders taught us that we can tell a man by his friends, if those chosen to serve Mr. Jagdeo locally are of questionable character and several of his overseas rich friends are before the foreign courts for basically theft, then what must we conclude of Mr Jagdeo with his unseemly acquisition of personal wealth?
The people have not forgotten the deeds of Mr. Burnham, his executioners and PNC. Likewise, the people will not forget the deeds of Mr. Jagdeo and his loyal henchmen (including those with academic titles), his unprincipled PPP and the new nobility.
Will the PPP do the right thing and apologize to Guyana for the transgressions of their leader, Mr. Jagdeo and his enablers?
 Seelochan Beharry


Goukaran needs to get over his need for vengeance against burnham and seek after the good of his country. He is a bright man but here his angst has overwhelm his reason. No one is against projects luke Amalia falls hydro project or the Marriott. They are against it being formalized as cash cow for PPP cronies.


We all know the Marriott is going to one of the berbice river bridge crew. It is on the same crony capitalism model of catalyzing friends and family using state assets. We need people like brazzington in jail! These projects are not progress.


I bet Suharto told his people that it was progress when he built and modernize the road to their major airport. Who could not see it as a tangible increase to the infrastructure development of Indonesia?

The fact that he turned it over to his daughter made it a corrupt thing and a stone around the neck of the people.


Everything the PPP does is of a similar nature. None of you care to look that 90 percent of the funding for the Berbice bridge was from the nations coffers yet a few PPPite owns it completely. 90% of the Marriott is being put up by the state to be turn over to another PPP crony. The same happened with the E commerce scheme, the Fiber Optic deal etc.


It is all for the enrichment of kith and kin in the PPP. It is a moral duty to object to this pillage. Goukarran needs to examine his humble beginnings and seek to maintain his family honor by assessing things through the lens of his moral center not his cultural pathologies. Government has to move past racial boundaries and into what is good for all.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.

Mr. Burnham’s strategy was to nationalize anything ‘big’ and put his faithful in charge; whereas, Mr. Jagdeo’s was/is to outsource and award contracts to local and foreign gangsters or those who are willing to make secret deals at a price.
These members of Mr. Jagdeo’s nobility are given generous government contracts with little public oversight and further contracts are offered to correct the deficiencies/neglects of the first contracts. The fleecing of Guyanese is rampant, as seen in one the earliest scenarios at UG with regards to the renovation of the Biology labs with European Union (EU) funding. This was never addressed.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

only a matter of time before he start thing yuh know, he start a thread how he is leaving GNI cause his feelings hurt...he is what you will call a real sissy boy

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Any your mom gave birth to a resident welfare BUM.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Any your mom gave birth to a resident welfare BUM.

Wail he collecting our Taxes. What a LAZY BUM.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Any your mom gave birth to a resident welfare BUM.

My mom married a rich man...that rich man give us a good life and education and that is as remote from your pedestrian imagination than you can dream of.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Any your mom gave birth to a resident welfare BUM.

Wail he collecting our Taxes. What a LAZY BUM.

I know you need to believe this to placate your own inadequacy. Sorry, keep dreaming. It is an uneasy sleep.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Any your mom gave birth to a resident welfare BUM.

Wail he collecting our Taxes. What a LAZY BUM.

I know you need to believe this to placate your own inadequacy. Sorry, keep dreaming. It is an uneasy sleep.

D2, You have a Job?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Any your mom gave birth to a resident welfare BUM.

Wail he collecting our Taxes. What a LAZY BUM.

I know you need to believe this to placate your own inadequacy. Sorry, keep dreaming. It is an uneasy sleep.

D2, You have a Job?

 Yes I do...i however do not work for anyone. I am a programmer with an engineering background so I am needed everywhere. Now, I have an assignment with a fishing NGO. But what does it matter?


Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Any your mom gave birth to a resident welfare BUM.

Wail he collecting our Taxes. What a LAZY BUM.

I know you need to believe this to placate your own inadequacy. Sorry, keep dreaming. It is an uneasy sleep.

D2, You have a Job?

 Yes I do...i however do not work for anyone. I am a programmer with an engineering background so I am needed everywhere. Now, I have an assignment with a fishing NGO. But what does it matter?


I need someone to program my Security Cameras.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Any your mom gave birth to a resident welfare BUM.

Wail he collecting our Taxes. What a LAZY BUM.

I know you need to believe this to placate your own inadequacy. Sorry, keep dreaming. It is an uneasy sleep.

D2, You have a Job?

 Yes I do...i however do not work for anyone. I am a programmer with an engineering background so I am needed everywhere. Now, I have an assignment with a fishing NGO. But what does it matter?


I need someone to program my Security Cameras.

that is not programming dummy. That is deciphering operational instructions.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Seelochan Beharry and his family fled their village after being bombed by Jagdeo air force.




Loves to daydream and make up stories. Forgive him since he finally has access to a public computer.

As I said, your mother give birth to an oxygen starved kid. You most certainly cannot be responsible for your ignorance. That quality of stupid has to be innate.

Any your mom gave birth to a resident welfare BUM.

Wail he collecting our Taxes. What a LAZY BUM.

I know you need to believe this to placate your own inadequacy. Sorry, keep dreaming. It is an uneasy sleep.

D2, You have a Job?

 Yes I do...i however do not work for anyone. I am a programmer with an engineering background so I am needed everywhere. Now, I have an assignment with a fishing NGO. But what does it matter?


I need someone to program my Security Cameras.

that is not programming dummy. That is deciphering operational instructions.

Oh Rass thanks for the distinction. Suh meh gat to follow deh instructions and not program the thing. Rass thank you a just save Nuff money.


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