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@Totaram posted:

In the preface to his report Lowenfield stated that the results do not reflect the will of the people.   I have never heard of the Chief Elections Officer of a country making such a statement.  That's a dream witness in an elections petition.  

Have you ever heard of a Chief Elections Officer presenting reports containing seven different sets of totals for the same elections? How bout one who hides from court? He will only be a dream witness against his own team.

@Former Member posted:

Man, leh we see. This will be another PNC comedy show. 

If you think it was comedy watching the PNC cut up parliamentarians into halves to count them wait till they start bringing all those dead people out of the burial grounds and taking them to court as witnesses.

@Former Member posted:

Cool with me. I embrace fairness. If I know APNU wins, they should be in office but not after the petition is filed.

How many times are they going to file when the judges continue to rule against them?


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