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Granger calls on Ramotar to name local gov’t polls date by Sept 15

-if not action will be taken to mobilise support in defence of local democracy


September 9, 2014 · By Stabroek editor ·


The Office of Leader of the Opposition, David Granger has released a letter sent to President Donald Ramotar today calling on him to name a date for local government elections by September 15th 2014 failing which action will be taken to mobilise local and international support in defence of local democracy.

The PPP/C government has withheld local government polls for the last year or so without providing consistent and clear reasoning. Analysts have argued that the PPP/C is unwilling to risk a heavy defeat at local government polls prior to general elections.

Granger’s letter follows:


His Excellency Mr Donald Ramotar,

President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana

Office of the President,

Vlissengen Road, Bourda, Georgetown



Your Excellency,


Local Government Elections


We remind you that the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill, at its second reading on 2014.02.10, was debated and passed ‘As amended,’ directing that elections be held on or before 1st August 2014.


We remind you also, that, in accordance with the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, “Local government is a vital aspect of democracy.” Local government elections, last held in 1994, are a constitutional obligation and a democratic entitlement of the Guyanese people. It is not an option of the executive branch of government.


We remind you, further, that you had promised in the People’s Progressive Party Civic Manifesto ― Working Together for a Better Tomorrow – to ensure that: within one year of the 2011 general elections, local government elections are held…”

We now call on you to respect the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana; to respect the decision of the National Assembly with regard to the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill 2014; and to respect your manifesto ―Working Together for a Better Tomorrow.

We call on you, therefore, on or before Monday 2014.09.15, to announce the date for local government elections to be held countrywide; to issue the ‘Commencement Order’ to operationalise the Local Government Commission and to initiate a process by which the Local Government (Amendment) Bill could be returned for your assent.


We wish to advise that, failing an announcement by you that local government elections will be held and that these legitimate democratic conditions are met, we shall be obliged to take any lawful action to mobilise national and international support in defence of local democracy, the Constitution and the rights of the Guyanese people.


With highest regard,

David Granger, MSS, MP

Leader of the Opposition

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His Excellency Mr Donald Ramotar,

President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana

Office of the President,

Vlissengen Road, Bourda, Georgetown



Your Excellency,


Local Government Elections


We remind you that the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill, at its second reading on 2014.02.10, was debated and passed ‘As amended,’ directing that elections be held on or before 1st August 2014.


We remind you, further, that you had promised in the People’s Progressive Party Civic Manifesto ― Working Together for a Better Tomorrow – to ensure that: within one year of the 2011 general elections, local government elections are held…”


We now call on you to respect the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana; to respect the decision of the National Assembly with regard to the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill 2014; and to respect your manifesto ―Working Together for a Better Tomorrow.


With highest regard,

David Granger, MSS, MP

Leader of the Opposition

Has the Leader of the Opposition completely forgotten the legitimate reasons why indeed elections were not held for that period?


Also, has the Leader of the Opposition forgotten when local government elections were held under the PNC rule between 1964 and 1992?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Well the minority and hugely unpopular President Ramu can chose to do anything.


Let us see Ramu's move first!

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Well the minority and hugely unpopular President Ramu can chose to do anything.


Let us see Ramu's move first!

Donald Duck has had things very quietly since he assumed office of the President. Seems like Granger now wants to test him.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Well the minority and hugely unpopular President Ramu can chose to do anything.


Let us see Ramu's move first!

Donald Duck has had things very quietly since he assumed office of the President. Seems like Granger now wants to test him.

Granger has been very soft on Ramu.  I wonder why?

Originally Posted by Nehru:




Are you suggesting that the president should behave like a dictator when all the leader of the opposition is asking is that the PPP act in accordance with a constitutional requirement?
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




Are you suggesting that the president should behave like a dictator when all the leader of the opposition is asking is that the PPP act in accordance with a constitutional requirement?

What Constitutional requirement??? Are you insane???

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




Are you suggesting that the president should behave like a dictator when all the leader of the opposition is asking is that the PPP act in accordance with a constitutional requirement?

What Constitutional requirement??? Are you insane???


The holding of Local Government Elections is a requirement under the Constitution of Guyana.

Read GECOM's website and educate yourself.

Q21. What are the different types of elections that the electoral laws cover?
The electoral laws cover National Elections, Regional Elections, Local Government Elections and Referendums as prescribed by the Constitution of Guyana (1980).

Q23. Are there provisions in the law which permit or require Regional and/or Local Government Elections to be held on the same day?
Regional Elections are usually held on the same day as National Elections only. Local Government elections are lawfully due every four years.
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Also, has the Leader of the Opposition forgotten when local government elections were held under the PNC rule between 1964 and 1992?

When the PNC failed to properly hold elections they were called undemocratic.  Now you justify the PPP being nondemocratic by behaving the SAME way!

Last edited by Former Member

I hope Granger is not stupid to have street protest and run the risk of some fool attacking East Indians on the street or their businesses.  All that is doing is shooting yourself in the foot.  Bynoe may be alot of things but if Hoyte had listened to him then there would not have been this more fire slow fire nonsense that hurts the party and Hoyte's legacy today.  Bynoe was the only PNC MP who recognized clearly the damage that was done to the party by Hoyte's street protest nonsense and was not afraid to tell him.  Street protest in Guyana did not work for James Sayers Orr in 1856 and it will not work in Guyana today because it results in racial violence. In the case of the PNC it will result in antagonizing the majority.


If the PNC need to protest lack of local government elections then they need to go to the Unions that support the party.  Let them do the street protests.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

I hope Granger is not stupid to have street protest and run the risk of some fool attacking East Indians on the street or their businesses.  All that is doing is shooting yourself in the foot.  Bynoe may be alot of things but if Hoyte had listened to him then there would not have been this more fire slow fire nonsense that hurts the party and Hoyte's legacy today.  Bynoe was the only PNC MP who recognized clearly the damage that was done to the party by Hoyte's street protest nonsense and was not afraid to tell him.  Street protest in Guyana did not work for James Sayers Orr in 1856 and it will not work in Guyana today because it results in racial violence. In the case of the PNC it will result in antagonizing the majority.


If the PNC need to protest lack of local government elections then they need to go to the Unions that support the party.  Let them do the street protests.

But the Angel Gabriel did show the putagees and the colonial boys to be racists. For all the looting and burning, the putagees were handsomely repaid by the Colonial government. The Plantation owners were paid for their slaves too at emancipation. The Blacks never got a blind cent for anything-suh looting is a good thing to even out racists dealings. Suh the PPP will let Granger followers get a lil payment. 


On the serious side, all demonstrations really do, is only to show taht there is racism in the country. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Also, has the Leader of the Opposition forgotten when local government elections were held under the PNC rule between 1964 and 1992?

When the PNC failed to properly hold elections they were called undemocratic.  Now you justify the PPP being nondemocratic by behaving the SAME way!

Distinct differences which, of course, you neglected to appreciate of the issues in both situations.


PNC blatantly neglected to hold elections during their period of government between 1964 to 1992.


Records clearly show that there were issues and legitimate reasons for the current delayed local government elections.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Also, has the Leader of the Opposition forgotten when local government elections were held under the PNC rule between 1964 and 1992?

When the PNC failed to properly hold elections they were called undemocratic.  Now you justify the PPP being nondemocratic by behaving the SAME way!

Distinct differences which, of course, you neglected to appreciate of the issues in both situations.


PNC blatantly neglected to hold elections during their period of government between 1964 to 1992.


Records clearly show that there were issues and legitimate reasons for the current delayed local government elections.

Double standards? Never heard of local government elections when I lived in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Records clearly show that there were issues and legitimate reasons for the current delayed local government elections.

GECOM says that they are ready, so what's the excuse?  The PPP has said that if the controlled parliament they would have had the election.  They refuse to because they aren't.


The PPP is BLATANTLY refusing to hold LGE, and in fact don't want a snap election either, despite bluffing that they do.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Records clearly show that there were issues and legitimate reasons for the current delayed local government elections.

GECOM says that they are ready, so what's the excuse?  The PPP has said that if the controlled parliament they would have had the election.  They refuse to because they aren't.


The PPP is BLATANTLY refusing to hold LGE, and in fact don't want a snap election either, despite bluffing that they do.

GECOM is ready for which election?


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