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Former Member
Statement of Brigadier David Granger Leader of the PNCR
at a memorial ceremony for the 35th death anniversary of Forbes Burnham
Forbes Burnham’s ‘Decade of Development’
Forbes Burnham, the founding leader of the People’s National Congress, former Prime Minister and first Executive President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, was a visionary leader. Political independence, for him, was the gateway to the objective of economic independence.
Economic independence necessitated the eradication of poverty, the elimination of inequality through education and the generation employment through economic empowerment.
Forbes Burnham initiated a transformative phase which, in retrospect, could be deemed a ‘decade of development,’ from 1965 to 1975. He encouraged self-reliance to stimulate local and village ingenuity and self-employment. He established economic enterprises and institutions for the economic empowerment of Guyanese:
- the country was named ‘the Cooperative Republic’; the cooperative movement was launched to drive the development of villages many of which suffered from poor infrastructure; self-help initiatives organised to promote domestic development;
- alternative technologies were introduced as a means of promoting the emergence of cottage and small- and medium-sized enterprises which were essential to empowering poor households, boosting village economies and reducing rural poverty; and
- cooperative financial institutions – such as the Guyana Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank, the Guyana Mortgage Finance Bank, the Guyana National Cooperative Bank and the Guyana Cooperative Insurance Service – helped to mobilize capital and provide financial services for economic development.
Forbes Burnham died thirty-five years ago on 6th August 1985 at the age of only 62 years. His ideals are not dead. His ideas on economic independence are as alive today as they were fifty years ago when they flourished.
It was my proud duty, on 1stJanuary this year, to launch the ‘Decade of Development, 2020-2029’ not as an imitation but, rather, as a continuation of our founder-leader’s work and a realisation of his vision for a prosperous nation. We, the heirs and successors, honour Forbes Burnham’s service to this nation. We recommit to the perpetuation of his legacy of economic emancipation and empowerment. Ω

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This dinosaur Granger is a shameless idiot. 

PPP should do it's best to see that Granger remains the leader of the PNC so that they can govern until 2050.

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP leaders continue to publicly praise Pa Cheddie and Ma Janet. Father and Mother of the Universe in Guyana and other such nonsense. Even though some of them do not believe this. But uses it to fool the people.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

The PPP leaders continue to publicly praise Pa Cheddie and Ma Janet. Father and Mother of the Universe in Guyana and other such nonsense. Even though some of them do not believe this. But uses it to fool the people.

That's what you do when People die.  You see the best of them. Would Guyana have been a better place without Cheddi and Forbes?


I was actually disappointed the PNC did not cherry-pick the good ideas from that era and overlay with newer ideas and concepts to move forward. They seem caught in a conflict of good ideas and bad behavior. This was the recipe which led to bad outcomes previously. They never changed.

@Former Member posted:

This dinosaur Granger is a shameless idiot. 

PPP should do it's best to see that Granger remains the leader of the PNC so that they can govern until 2050.

It doesn't matter who leads the PNC, they will not get the majority's approval until perhaps the unborn generation is able to vote.

@Former Member posted:

I was actually disappointed the PNC did not cherry-pick the good ideas from that era and overlay with newer ideas and concepts to move forward. They seem caught in a conflict of good ideas and bad behavior. This was the recipe which led to bad outcomes previously. They never changed.

In 1964, the PPP left a great infrastructure to build on but the PNC never did. They went on to steal the PPP ideas and could not implement them because Chedi was screaming that there was only a little difference between Burnham and him. 

@seignet posted:

The living continues in worship of the Cult of Forbes and Cheddie. Whenever, the name Forbes is announced immediately Cheddie comes to mind and likewise, Cheddie resurrects Forbes.

Let me ask the question again.  Would Guyana be any better without Chedi and Forbes?

@Ramakant-P posted:

In 1964, the PPP left a great infrastructure to build on but the PNC never did. They went on to steal the PPP ideas and could not implement them because Chedi was screaming that there was only a little difference between Burnham and him. 

Banna, you seem freeze-frame. 1964 is an era away. 

What infrastructure?  the Brits built what was there. The ideas were so basic, almost fungible and generic, anyone can claim the other stole their ideas. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Let me ask the question again.  Would Guyana be any better without Chedi and Forbes?

With Jagan and Burnham, Guyana went from the breadbasket of the English speaking Caribbean Nations to a racist shithole failed state. The poorest in South America.  It is like a man doing so bad at his o levels that the marker has to think of a grade worst that F.  Red house is where you go to see the Midas Touch in reverse.  Gold turns to shit.

@Former Member posted:

Banna, you seem freeze-frame. 1964 is an era away. 

What infrastructure?  the Brits built what was there. The ideas were so basic, almost fungible and generic, anyone can claim the other stole their ideas. 

It is indeed a fact that the PPP left an infrastructure that could have been developed further.  I lived during that time.  The PPP was building The East coast highway. Georgetown to Cove and John was completed when they were cheated out of the Government. Electricity was completed along the East Coast up to Enmore.  Rice and sugar were kings under the PPP's watch. Agriculture was progressing with leaps and bounds. Everything was going great until Chedi claims the would nationalize the commanding heights of the economy.  It was the PNC government who did that and production in Bauxite dropped by two hundred thousand tons.

The PNC destroyed the economy and people like you can't see past your noses. The PNC could have done better but they were only concerned about power and ruling the Indians. They stole everything in sight. They formed the 'kick down the door bandits'  with members of the Police force.   "choke and rob' was very rampant in those days. Can you remember them?  Indians were very terrified upon seeing a police officer, they ran for cover.    Have a nicer day.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Let me ask the question again.  Would Guyana be any better without Chedi and Forbes?

It’s rhetorical and irrelevant. No one knows. It’s like asking What if your father was your mother and your mother was your father, would life be any different?

Let me ask, what happen if you cane cutters did not run behind his communist ideas?  Would his politics be different?  Would Guyana be different?

@Ramakant-P posted:

It is indeed a fact that the PPP left an infrastructure that could have been developed further.  I lived during that time.  The PPP was building The East coast highway. Georgetown to Cove and John was completed when they were cheated out of the Government. Electricity was completed along the East Coast up to Enmore.  Rice and sugar were kings under the PPP's watch. Agriculture was progressing with leaps and bounds. Everything was going great until Chedi claims the would nationalize the commanding heights of the economy.  It was the PNC government who did that and production in Bauxite dropped by two hundred thousand tons.

The PNC destroyed the economy and people like you can't see past your noses. The PNC could have done better but they were only concerned about power and ruling the Indians. They stole everything in sight. They formed the 'kick down the door bandits'  with members of the Police force.   "choke and rob' was very rampant in those days. Can you remember them?  Indians were very terrified upon seeing a police officer, they ran for cover.    Have a nicer day.

Listen man, you missed my point. The PNC would likely done Some of the same. It was basic. The courentyne highway, the linden highway, the WCD highway, the supernaam to Charity highway, the Demerara bridge, MMA, were all PNC projects.  Would the PPP have done something different?.  And yes, some were touted by Jagan.  Fact, these were all needed.

BTW, my uncle Helped build the ECD road using the maintenance money. He told us how he managed to Stretch the budget further by soliciting the help of the people.

BTW, I read some PNCites claiming the same, PPP stole their ideas.

And I agree with you, had it not been for their quasi-Apartheid doctrine, the PNC could have done better.  As today, they were into ethnic stratification.  This was their failure then and now. 

@seignet posted:

The living continues in worship of the Cult of Forbes and Cheddie. Whenever, the name Forbes is announced immediately Cheddie comes to mind and likewise, Cheddie resurrects Forbes.

Bai, wake up and get with the times. There is a new God in town and his name is Jagdeo. As the Holy Book says "By His works you will know Him". 

@Former Member posted:

Bai, wake up and get with the times. There is a new God in town and his name is Jagdeo. As the Holy Book says "By His works you will know Him". 

suh, what became of Ali?

Arya is not Mrs. Ramotar. That lil girl is nah like dem other fuss ladies from the bygone era. She is born, bread and schooled Guianese-she knows wah she gat to do. 

@seignet posted:

suh, what became of Ali?

Arya is not Mrs. Ramotar. That lil girl is nah like dem other fuss ladies from the bygone era. She is born, bread and schooled Guianese-she knows wah she gat to do. 

I believe she will emerge with substance. She could be a major asset to Irfan. She can actually buttress Ali and blunt Jagdeo. 

Ayuh watch story. 


I already see that happening in a couple of years. Ali will eventually become Guyana's Putin.  He might end up governing for another 28 years with Arya at his side like Lady Marcos. 

PPP outfoxed PNC and beat them at their own game. 

@Former Member posted:

Bai, wake up and get with the times. There is a new God in town and his name is Jagdeo. As the Holy Book says "By His works you will know Him". 

@seignet posted:

suh, what became of Ali?

Arya is not Mrs. Ramotar. That lil girl is nah like dem other fuss ladies from the bygone era. She is born, bread and schooled Guianese-she knows wah she gat to do. 

Ali is Guyana's President. Jagdeo is Guyana's God.

@alena06 posted:

Granger stupid for days. The more he honors Forbes the more he destroys the party. PNC will NEVER get a chance at governing again.  Good thing PPP won!



Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Ali is Guyana's President. Jagdeo is Guyana's God.


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Bai, wake up and get with the times. There is a new God in town and his name is Jagdeo. As the Holy Book says "By His works you will know Him". 

YES, NEW GOD JAGDOE IN TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

@seignet posted:

suh, what became of Ali?

Arya is not Mrs. Ramotar. That lil girl is nah like dem other fuss ladies from the bygone era. She is born, bread and schooled Guianese-she knows wah she gat to do. 

SHE & HE GOING ON A DIET PLAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Former Member posted:

SHE & HE GOING ON A DIET PLAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amna Ally was also on a diet plan...Weight Watchers. She ate more than the program recommended and she ballooned. She thought Weight Watchers was watching her weight in front of her.

@Former Member posted:

Ali is Guyana's President. Jagdeo is Guyana's God.

Now you are really degrading yourself. 

There was a poster here who left after 15 years. But before leaving he wrote a piece about apology.  How he went from one type of person, to automatically achieved another personality, that he himself did not know.  This seems to happen to some posters here, when they fail to keep in mind their checks and balances of their true personality.   

@alena06 posted:

Granger stupid for days. The more he honors Forbes the more he destroys the party. PNC will NEVER get a chance at governing again.  Good thing PPP won!

How come they said the same thing after the Burnham administration ? 


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