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David Granger

David Granger

December 11 ,2020


Former President David Granger has declined an invitation to attend a meeting on Tuesday with President Irfaan Ali and three former PPP/C Presidents.

In a statement from the PNCR today, Granger acknowledged receipt of a letter dated 4th December from Gail Teixeira, Minister of Governance inviting him to a ‘working lunch’ at 12:00 hours on Tuesday 15th December at State House.

“The Minister’s letter, however, neither explained amply the purpose of the intended meeting nor recommended an agenda for his examination. There was no indication of the preparation that would be needed, the relevance of the engagement to government policies and the outcome that would be expected from deliberations. The President’s intention on the other hand, according newspaper reports was to generate ideas on ‘Guyana’s development’”, the statement said.

Granger said that he regards ‘Guyana’s development as a serious matter’, recalling that, on 1st January 2020, he launched ‘Guyana’s decade of development, 2020 – 2029: Overcoming crime, disease, ignorance and poverty’ in which he outlined his concept for the country’s long-term development.

Granger emphasized in the statement that there is public concern about certain governmental actions – including the high rates of deaths as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; unwarranted dismissals of public servants; harassment of Elections Commission officials and human rights violations – which can have consequences for Guyana’s short-, medium- and long-term national development.

Granger added that it would be a huge public disappointment for the proposed high-level meeting to take place, hurriedly and in an “unorganized, unplanned manner and without a predictable prospect of progress or success”. He said he felt that it would be a blunder to ignore the legitimate concerns of a significant section of the population and the aspirations of the majority of the people, especially those enduring the ravages of the pandemic.

He recommended, therefore, that the meeting intended to be held on Tuesday 15th December 2020 be deferred until these important issues could be satisfactorily settled.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger's concerns are not progressive.  The meeting is all about the economy.  Nothing is going to be achieved from his demands.  Ali is not going to be bullied by Granger as Hoyte did to Jagdeo.


We will develop the country with or without Grander.  His participation in the meeting is not required. He has nothing to offer.   

Granger said that he had a plan to develop the country yet he couldn't even implement any part of it.

@Ramakant-P posted:

We will develop the country with or without Grander.  His participation in the meeting is not required. He has nothing to offer.   

Granger said that he had a plan to develop the country yet he couldn't even implement any part of it.

Just like cow shit that Rama used to dab he battam house, he stupidness na got cure.

@Tola posted:

Just like cow shit that Rama used to dab he battam house, he stupidness na got cure.

It seems that you lack vocabulary. You used that "stupidness na got cure" phrase over five hundred times.

@Tola posted:

Just like cow shit that Rama used to dab he battam house, he stupidness na got cure.

Tota, this is your MO.  You can only speak about what your parents used to do.  Why can't you respond ina civil way which I know that you are capable of.  Follow Totaram and he will drag you down in the gutter with him.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Tota, this is your MO.  You can only speak about what your parents used to do.  Why can't you respond ina civil way which I know that you are capable of.  Follow Totaram and he will drag you down in the gutter with him.

You are old and senile, write properly.


Tola keeps attacking Ramakant and ignores the topic. Granger can kiss good man ass if he doesn't want to attend. He is irrelevant then and he become more stupid now. Is this the man that claims he has Guyana's interest at heart? 

@Viper posted:

Tola keeps attacking Ramakant and ignores the topic. Granger can kiss good man ass if he doesn't want to attend. He is irrelevant then and he become more stupid now. Is this the man that claims he has Guyana's interest at heart?

How de rass could anyone prepare for a meeting without an agenda ? Only the PPP is good enough to make their own rules as they go along. Like detaining legal  Haitians and swearing in an MP with dual citizenship.  The PPP is crooked like sh.t  and have their own agenda for the meeting.

Four against one, will the PPP attend if the table is turned ?


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