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Granger discusses No Confidence motion with American, Chinese Diplomats

August 7, 2014 10:59 am Category: Politics A+ / A-


APNU meeting 2



Leader of the Opposition, David Granger yesterday met with United States Deputy Chief of Mission, Bryan Hunt and Political Affairs Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Guyana, Liu Yuyin where the No Confidence motion and other issues were discussed.

A press statement from the Office of the Opposition Leader stated that the two diplomats paid a courtesy call and that Granger was accompanied by Mr. Joseph Harmon, Shadow Minister of Public Infrastructure and Mr. Ronald Bulkan, Shadow Minister of Local Government.

The discussion centered around:

  • APNU’s Support for a No-Confidence Motion against the Government;
  • The Possibilities of General Elections instead of Local Government Elections;
  • APNU’s priorities in Government.
  • Foreign Direct investment under an APNU administration.
  • APNU’s Relationship with the AFC and the government of President Ramotar.

“Mr Granger took the opportunity to further elaborate on his ONE NATION concept explaining that he would lead an all-inclusive government of National Unity once elected to office,” the statement noted.APNU Meeting 1

Granger had revealed that the combined political opposition will table the no confidence motion against the government in the National Assembly in October.

Granger, who is also the Leader of A Partnership for National Unity [APNU], said that Parliament goes into recess on Friday, August 08 and will not reconvene until October 10.

He clarified that there is no sitting before August 08. At its shadow cabinet meeting on Tuesday, the APNU decided to support the motion, spearheaded by the minority political party – the Alliance for Change [AFC] – which used the alleged illegal spending of Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh as one of its grounds to table the motion.

For weeks, the APNU had been iffy about its support of the motion. If tabled and passed in the National Assembly, the Donald Ramotar led administration will have to resign and prepare for general elections in three months.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

How shameful for the Corrupt PPP/C:


If tabled and passed in the National Assembly, the Donald Ramotar led administration will have to resign and prepare for general elections in three months.




How shameful for the Corrupt PPP/C:

 If tabled? and passed?


1. There is no shame in politics. Nothing personal, just politics.

2. It's not wise to call the PPP shameful when you speaking of (IF).

3. You're getting ahead of yourself.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should the Chinese matter?

They want to ensure that their investments and kickbacks  are assured, or maybe some of the Corrupt PPP/C will start to kick the bucket one by one.

My Guess:


But that will be good for Guyana, getting rid of all the scumbags 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

How shameful for the Corrupt PPP/C:

 If tabled? and passed?


1. There is no shame in politics. Nothing personal, just politics.

2. It's not wise to call the PPP shameful when you speaking of (IF).

3. You're getting ahead of yourself.

Bai, it is already tabled, and it is a sure thing of being passed.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should the Chinese matter?

They want to ensure that their investments and kickbacks  are assured, or maybe some of the Corrupt PPP/C will start to kick the bucket one by one.

My Guess:


But that will be good for Guyana, getting rid of all the scumbags 

You still on earth!!!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

(IF) they failed, who will look like scumbags?

Good question.


However, whether there is an earlier or regular election, PPP/C will again win at any free and fair election.


The bottom line is that there will be fresh election. The winning and losing is left to the Guyanese people to decide. Once again, let's leave it up to the electorates. Don't jump the gun for no reasons. What happen to Que sera, sera? 


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