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RiffRaff posted:

SHouldn't a person be tried in a court of law before being pronounced guilty?


President David Granger
President David Granger

Bring them in –Granger wants more arrests of criminals, not Killings


IN the light of a perceived spate of police shooting to death suspected criminals, President David Granger is calling for more arrests as opposed to killings, though sometimes the latter is not preventable.Quizzed yesterday during his weekly television programme, “Public Interest”, on whether he was concerned about this trend, which seemingly reflects the inability of the police to disarm, apprehend and bring criminals to trial, the President responded in the affirmative, noting that his instruction would be to save lives.

Mr Granger noted that it is not only important to suppress crime, but also to identify and remove the causes of this social ill.
However, he reasoned that if criminals are killed, then it is impossible to find out what were their motives, or who were the persons behind the scenes supporting them, perhaps financially.

“I would like to see due process; I would like to see persons arrested and brought before the courts so we can find out who is the mastermind. Is there a gang leader? Are there guns, and whom are they coming from? If you kill them, you don’t know these things,” the President said during the interview.

As such, he reiterated that he does not want to see any more deaths, but rather arrests, which lead to interrogation. Once this occurs, the retired Brigadier noted, it can aid in bringing an end to execution murders, gun-running and other forms of criminal activities in Guyana.
Expressing his disappointment with confrontations, in which persons who are accused of crimes or are alleged to be criminals are killed, the Head of State reasoned that in some instances, these killings are not preventable, given their nature. He referred to the latest episode of police shooting deaths, when two suspected bandits were gunned down by police after a two-hour-long exchange of fire between them.
Additionally, he hinted that it is apparent that some gangs are re-emerging. Though these may be small gangs, with some comprising two or three members, the President offered that their existence still poses a danger.“And I would always put the saving of human life as a greater priority than just shooting down people; I don’t like that at all,” he said.

Meanwhile, efforts are being made by government to reform the rules for Coroners’ Inquests. And according to President Granger, the coroners appointed will not necessarily be district magistrates. This, he said, will enable the State to ensure that all unnatural deaths are investigated.
“So even in a case where persons assumed to be criminals are shot, we will have inquests and there will be greater care exercised by the police authority to ensure that the policemen do not act unlawfully,” the President added.

He is of the view, too, that presently, more crimes are being detected and prevented than in previous times. And while this can largely be attributed to the fact that Operation Dragnet is yielding much success, the President acknowledged that Guyana cannot boast that it can prevent crime from occurring. Nevertheless, more cases are being brought before the courts, he added.

As it relates to new plans to arrest the crime situation and boost domestic and national security, 14 plans which were comprehensively laid out while the now government was in opposition, will be implemented.

“So we’re not in the business of creating new plans, we’re in the business of implementing the very plans which the previous administration failed to implement. The most important one is the Security Sector Master Plan,” President Granger said.
This master plan, which was signed by British High Commissioner to Guyana Fraser Wheeler seven years ago, was never implemented under the former administration, despite being funded at an estimated cost of 3 million pounds.

And according to the President, during the United Nations (UN) General Assembly meeting last month, he met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK), David Cameron, who extended support to Guyana.It was there that the Head of State told Cameron that he wished to have the master plan placed back on the front burner.

Remaining hopeful, he said, “I am confident that once an agreement has been reached, that master plan will be back on the table in 2016.”And once this is implemented, the President is contending, it will have a positive impact on the crime situation in Guyana.

Last edited by Django

A criminal will always look out for his fellow Criminals. Most of the Criminals he released are the ones that carried out "Missions" for the PNC. His heart is on fire when Criminals are killed but silent when Police Officers are killed. This FOOL is NOT fit to be President of a Nabaclis Cake Shop!!!

Cobra posted:

It's ok for criminals to kill Indians. A dead man can't have due process. 

I tell you, this FOOL cant help himself. He is what he IS, a bloody CRIMINAL who should never be in the position he is.  He condone crimes with PRIDE and use the Power of his Office to PROTECT and RELEASE  CRIMINALS and institute policies that are good for Criminals!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Nehru

Guyana is NOW indeed a lesser than Third World Country thanks to criminal Granger and 2 House Slaves. There are no words to describe the level of illiteracy, incompetence and stupidity displayed by this Govt!!!!!!!!!!!


With the high crime rate, the police needs to set a few examples, killing armed criminals will be a good deterrent for future criminals. I thought the agenda for the new government is to stop the crime spree ,doing so will encourage Tourism and foreign Investment, but for the president to make such statement and not the Security Minister Rumjaatan, well that was strange. Granger seldom speaks, but to say such nonsense reflects a poor leader. Police ,take bullets from criminals, allow the criminals to kill innocent Guyanese, BUT, Please don't KILL THE CRIMINALS.

Nehru posted:

Guyana has a JACKASS who is looking after the INTEREST of the CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has his house slave, Rumboy under control. Don't killl dem blackman; save dem blackman and keep dem bullets fuh dem coolies. The furor is giving his orders now.


More citizens were murdered in Guyana under the PPP than in the total history of the country under any other government. In some years the murder rate was even higher than under the whole tenure of Burnham.

Better a house slave than a batty boy. I have no idea how Jagdeo manage to walk without a swagger.

RiffRaff posted:

look at all these bigots protesting due process

Do dead victims have due process? You use "due process" conveniently. How can you have due process when you point a loaded gun at the police waiting to pulll the trigger?

RiffRaff posted:

look at all these bigots protesting due process

Are you serious>>>  A head of State of a Country with serious crimes telling his Police Force to stand down!!!!!!!!!!!  Are you worst than House Slaves Moses and Ramjhaaaaaaaatan???   Are you from a strange Planet?????


"IN the light of a perceived spate of police shooting to death suspected criminals, President David Granger is calling for more arrests as opposed to killings, though sometimes the latter is not preventable"

I see some of you guys on a roll,read the article and point out where Presi.Granger erred.



The PPP is upset that their prediction that East Indians would be subjected to a genocide did not happen. The PPP also prefers that the PPP trained police shoot every alleged black criminal dead. That way the PPP is hoping that the 1000 votes difference in the last election will be wiped out.

RiffRaff posted:

look at all these bigots protesting due process

What happen to the dead victim due process? Criminal should be dead or alive and not to compromise police lives. This is another disgrace from Granger. 

If you so believe in due process, BJ was acquitted on racial motivation charges by the CJ, and Gilbakka want him retried by a PNC Judge so he can be convicted and served jail time. So much for allyou due process.

RiffRaff posted:

look at all these bigots protesting due process

Bossman, you are no different than Granger... you suppose to be impartial on this forum... and don't make one sided comment. Lord Of Mercy where are we heading.  You should be posting subjects for this forum to discuss.  

ian posted:
RiffRaff posted:

look at all these bigots protesting due process

Bossman, you are no different than Granger... you suppose to be impartial on this forum... and don't make one sided comment. Lord Of Mercy where are we heading.  You should be posting subjects for this forum to discuss.  

This is a Guyanese forum. It doesn't abide by colonial rules.

ian posted:
RiffRaff posted:

look at all these bigots protesting due process

Bossman, you are no different than Granger... you suppose to be impartial on this forum... and don't make one sided comment. Lord Of Mercy where are we heading.  You should be posting subjects for this forum to discuss.  

Shut up fool

Cobra posted:
RiffRaff posted:

look at all these bigots protesting due process

What happen to the dead victim due process? Criminal should be dead or alive and not to compromise police lives. This is another disgrace from Granger. 

If you so believe in due process, BJ was acquitted on racial motivation charges by the CJ, and Gilbakka want him retried by a PNC Judge so he can be convicted and served jail time. So much for allyou due process.

These ppp ass live in North America and see what happened to police officer  that act outside of their mandate and still calling for police in guyana to shoot people that they can arrested 

warrior posted:
ian posted:
RiffRaff posted:

look at all these bigots protesting due process

Bossman, you are no different than Granger... you suppose to be impartial on this forum... and don't make one sided comment. Lord Of Mercy where are we heading.  You should be posting subjects for this forum to discuss.  

Shut up fool

What happen Jackass.. you lost your senses . You don't like a comments you have choices... but as expected you have always make the wrong one.   


I can appreciate both sides of the discussion. In the end, we have to respect the law and allow due process to take it's course.

That said, the AFC/PNC government has failed to protect Indos so far hence the anger towards the racist AFC/PNC government.


AlYuh talkin ftiggin SHIT!! Granger is a criminal and is simply protecting Criminals. Look at the friggin Video and you will clearly see the friggin Criminals shooting at the Officers, refusing to surrender and a Jackass of a President want the officers to take shots and not return fire.  He was really a friggin soldier or is just his EVIL, RACIST ways coming to the front????

Cobra posted:

What happen to the dead victim due process? Criminal should be dead or alive and not to compromise police lives. This is another disgrace from Granger. 

If you so believe in due process, BJ was acquitted on racial motivation charges by the CJ, and Gilbakka want him retried by a PNC Judge so he can be convicted and served jail time. So much for allyou due process.

Cobra, please show me where I said that BJ should be retried for Chris Ram's case dismissal. What I said is that the government is gathering evidence on more cases against BJ, like the Pradoville2 issue. I also said the Chris Ram lawsuit is a dead duck. This is not the first time you have misrepresented what I've written.

ian posted:

They must be killed. One Less Blackman/Criminal  to to deal with. This criminal for President will pardon them if they go to jail. 

Now you too getting ignorant like Granger. Such talk is senseless and unproductive.


You will never hear the two House Slaves giving their opinions on this Policy unless they get a script from the Criminal Granger. If they try to do that is back in the Fields!!  How SHAMELESS can these two HOES get, Gaumont Gals gat nothing on these two Slaves!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

SHouldn't a person be tried in a court of law before being pronounced guilty?


Why would such a common sense request probe problematic to you? Jagdeo,  was a thief without a social conscience and yet you stood for him. I do not know what Granger stole unless it was one of your close friends virginity. 

If Jagdeo and Ramotar who used state office  as a means to wealth acquisition give you no cause to complain, what is your complaint with Granger now?

It is clear the PPP is a social and cultural disease that has infected most of you fellows. It turned you folks into vile degenerates who yack at everything and so yack about nothing.

Nehru posted:

A criminal will always look out for his fellow Criminals. Most of the Criminals he released are the ones that carried out "Missions" for the PNC. His heart is on fire when Criminals are killed but silent when Police Officers are killed. This FOOL is NOT fit to be President of a Nabaclis Cake Shop!!!

Apparently the PPP disease also manifest as a contagion in ceaseless lying. They young people Granger released to the care of an international agency overseeing their transition into society has now turned into this seed from which you folks grow endless lies.

Obama did the same here. He released not 40 but 6000 and that is soon to grow to 7500 because it is clear to social scientists that the penitentiary system  does not rehabilitate but corrupts and these people in jail for petty crimes would do better with a different reform strategy. 

But you backwoods bigots do not get that. You simply need to massage your own hate on whatever grind stone you can find.

Last edited by Former Member

Before you people speak crap,especially the one who started throwing the shit against the wall, did any of you take the time to read the friggin article? NO you ignorant arseoles didn't or you would have seen this and not say shit.

Read the hilited...please.


QUOTE: Mr Granger noted that it is not only important to suppress crime, but also to identify and remove the causes of this social ill.
However, he reasoned that if criminals are killed, then it is impossible to find out what were their motives, or who were the persons behind the scenes supporting them, perhaps financially.

“I would like to see due process; I would like to see persons arrested and brought before the courts so we can find out who is the mastermind. Is there a gang leader? Are there guns, and whom are they coming from? If you kill them, you don’t know these things,” the President said during the interview.

As such, he reiterated that he does not want to see any more deaths, but rather arrests, which lead to interrogation. Once this occurs, the retired Brigadier noted, it can aid in bringing an end to execution murders, gun-running and other forms of criminal activities in Guyana.
Expressing his disappointment with confrontations, in which persons who are accused of crimes or are alleged to be criminals are killed, the Head of State reasoned that in some instances, these killings are not preventable, given their nature.


How about this, did any of you miserable PPP LOSERS read this part?


QUOTE: As it relates to new plans to arrest the crime situation and boost domestic and national security, 14 plans which were comprehensively laid out while the now government was in opposition, will be implemented.

“So we’re not in the business of creating new plans, we’re in the business of implementing the very plans which the previous administration failed to implement. The most important one is the Security Sector Master Plan,” President Granger said.

This master plan, which was signed by British High Commissioner to Guyana Fraser Wheeler seven years ago, was never implemented under the former administration, despite being funded at an estimated cost of 3 million pounds.

And according to the President, during the United Nations (UN) General Assembly meeting last month, he met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK), David Cameron, who extended support to Guyana.It was there that the Head of State told Cameron that he wished to have the master plan placed back on the front burner.

Remaining hopeful, he said, “I am confident that once an agreement has been reached, that master plan will be back on the table in 2016.”And once this is implemented, the President is contending, it will have a positive impact on the crime situation in Guyana.


If a crimminal is pointing a loaded gun on you and you have a loaded gun, forget due process. You wouldn't be around to testify against him. He will kill someone else the next day or so.


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