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Former Member

Granger expected to “gracefully concede” & congratulate successor – FITUG


Calls are mounting for caretaker President David Granger to accept defeat and gracefully exit office in the interest of the country.

The latest to issue such a call is the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) which has also called on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to ensure that the results of the March 2 General and Regional Elections are declared speedily now that the national recount and tabulation of ballots is completed.

FITUG on Monday noted that unofficially, the country and by extension, the world is now aware of the results and the consequences of those results.

According to the workers’ union, at this time, as is the practice of democracies the world over, the nation expects acceptance of the results and a peaceful transition of power.

“In the same vein, we expect all our political leaders to pledge their commitment to the country and its people as we move towards a new Government. At this time, we expect President David Granger to gracefully concede and to offer his and his party’s congratulations to his successor,” the Union said in a statement.

The umbrella body said that they are aware that the coalition has committed not to accept the results and finds that decision to be unfortunate. It added that it remains hopeful that this position would change in the interest of putting Guyana first.

“The coalition’s stance, which comes against certain accusations, has seen many Guyanese coming forward offering evidence that has directly contradicted those contentions. However, if the coalition remains adamant, we urge the examination of an elections petition which is the only mechanism lawfully provided to address such matters. We do not believe other shenanigans, legal or otherwise, would be helpful at this point in time,” FITUG stated.

The Federation also applauded the various stakeholders involved in informing the public as well as ensuring that the process was free, fair and credible.

It added that the patience of the Guyanese people is also noted as they remained calm in what was a distressing period in our nation’s history. “We need not procrastinate any further but an end to what has been an excruciatingly long process. What is now required is for the healing process to begin in earnest as we put behind what was a blistering campaign season and an even more difficult period in the days after Elections Day.”

The Union added that it is now time for Guyanese to work together and face up collectively to the many challenges that face us as a nation and people.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Tola posted:

If Granger should concede, what is the purpose for GECOM declaration.

Because he lost and he knows it. Don’t you see concessions speeches in the US and other democracies given before all counts are in?

GECOM only makes it official.

No trick will save the day.

@Tola posted:

If Granger should concede, what is the purpose for GECOM declaration.

That's how it is done in the US. You should know that.  Granger knows the results  whcih placed the PPP on top.   He owes it to himself to accept his own declaration that he would accept the results of the recount, no matter what.   With the kind of intelligence that you claimed to have had, I do not believe you are so naive to think that GECOM will change their minds and declare the COALITION winners of the 2020 March 2nd  General Election of Guyana.

You should go and bury your head in the sand at PNC Headquarters.

@Former Member posted:

Because he lost and he knows it. Don’t you see concessions speeches in the US and other democracies given before all counts are in?

GECOM only makes it official.

No trick will save the day.

Why is Guyana always mixed up with  other countries.  Guyana is unique and politicians are different.

PPP say they win and APNU says there was fraud. They don't care about voting numbers.  Why would Granger concede when he sees an avenue to take it to court, if GECOM declare PPP the winner.

Again, Granger must be thinking. Why would he concede, when GECOM has not make a declaration yet. I am sure you know all the in between.   

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's how it is done in the US. You should know that.  Granger knows the results  whcih placed the PPP on top.   He owes it to himself to accept his own declaration that he would accept the results of the recount, no matter what.   With the kind of intelligence that you claimed to have had, I do not believe you are so naive to think that GECOM will change their minds and declare the COALITION winners of the 2020 March 2nd  General Election of Guyana.

You should go and bury your head in the sand at PNC Headquarters.

Your reply had validity until the last sentence. That destroyed all the warped intelligence you used. 

@Tola posted:

Why is Guyana always mixed up with  other countries.  Guyana is unique and politicians are different.

PPP say they win and APNU says there was fraud. They don't care about voting numbers.  Why would Granger concede when he sees an avenue to take it to court, if GECOM declare PPP the winner.

Again, Granger must be thinking. Why would he concede, when GECOM has not make a declaration yet. I am sure you know all the in between.   

Because he lost the Election by over 15,000 votes.   I know that Blacks (including you Tota) are weak in math but that is no excuse for being stupid.

@Tola posted:

Why is Guyana always mixed up with  other countries.  Guyana is unique and politicians are different.

PPP say they win and APNU says there was fraud. They don't care about voting numbers.  Why would Granger concede when he sees an avenue to take it to court, if GECOM declare PPP the winner.

Again, Granger must be thinking. Why would he concede, when GECOM has not make a declaration yet. I am sure you know all the in between.   

It’s not mix up. The votes are in.  I could understand if it was close.  But it was a blowout.  The ballots have spoken.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Because he lost the Election by over 15,000 votes.   I know that Blacks (including you Tota) are weak in math but that is no excuse for being stupid.

Rama, why is it when most people who support the PPP run out of proper words to use, they revert to name calling and swearing ?  

@Tola posted:

Rama, why is it when most people who support the PPP run out of proper words to use, they revert to name calling and swearing ?  

I am an intelligent person, but I cannot speak intelligently about you and those people whom you are referring to. 

I urge you to take a rest and come back when you can match my wisdom.   Namaste.

@Tola posted:

You are deflecting.

From what. I say concede. The votes are in.  Massive victory.  GECOM can rubber stamp what is obvious.  There is no going back. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

I am an intelligent person, but I cannot speak intelligently about you and those people whom you are referring to. 

I urge you to take a rest and come back when you can match my wisdom.   Namaste.

It is presumptuous to boast of ones intelligence and wisdom.  But it must only come from some Guyanese.    

@Ramakant-P posted:

I know that Blacks (including you Tota) are weak in math

This comment, ladies and gentlemen, is why there continues to be racial issues in Guyana and abroad.

Your comment is an insult and should NOT be tolerated on this forum.

@Django, @Former Member, please kindly ensure that this type of rhetoric keeps off this forum. It really needs to stop. 

Last edited by Rochelle
@Rochelle posted:

This comment, ladies and gentlemen, is why there continues to be racial issues in Guyana and abroad.

Your comment is an insult and should NOT be tolerated on this forum.

@Django, @Former Member, please kindly ensure that this type of rhetoric keeps off this forum. It really needs to stop. 

Looks like we have a new sheriff in town. PNC is a threat to democracy in Guyana.

@Rochelle posted:

This comment, ladies and gentlemen, is why there continues to be racial issues in Guyana and abroad.

Your comment is an insult and should NOT be tolerated on this forum.

@Django, @Former Member, please kindly ensure that this type of rhetoric keeps off this forum. It really needs to stop. 

This was observed by the Ministry of education in Guyana by the Minister of Education, Shirley field_Ridley.

She said that blacks were weak in Maths and Science, and Indians were weak in English and social science.

I don't tell  lies.     

@Ramakant-P posted:

This was observed by the Ministry of education in Guyana by the Minister of Education, Shirley field_Ridley.

She said that blacks were weak in Maths and Science, and Indians were weak in English and social science.

I don't tell  lies.     

Let me get this right: you're taking a comment from ONE woman, dated back in the 1960s or 1970s, to now PERMANENTLY label ALL Blacks, myself included, whether or not descendants of Afro-Guyanese??

Your comment is a sweeping generalization that is far from truth. How DARE you. 

@Django, please kindly nip this in the bud. I am deeply offended as an Afro-Guyanese to have to be subjected to this type of racism on this forum.  

@Rochelle posted:

Let me get this right: you're taking a comment from ONE woman, dated back in the 1960s or 1970s, to now PERMANENTLY label ALL Blacks, myself included, whether or not descendants of Afro-Guyanese??

Your comment is a sweeping generalization that is far from truth. How DARE you. 

@Django, please kindly nip this in the bud. I am deeply offended as an Afro-Guyanese to have to be subjected to this type of racism on this forum.  

You don't have to be subjected. No one is holding a gun to your head to stay. Anyone can leave at any time.

@Former Member posted:

You don't have to be subjected. No one is holding a gun to your head to stay. Anyone can leave at any time.

Too bad you can't accept the truth.   it wasn't difficult to tell the truth. You are calling a racist and at the same time you are asking Django to support your racism.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Too bad you can't accept the truth.   it wasn't difficult to tell the truth. You are calling a racist and at the same time you are asking Django to support your racism.

Who cannot accept the truth? You must have been smoking some kind of adulterated cheap weed. Huh! Isn't being on this forum voluntary? How many of us here did not suffer verbal abuse or racist attacks from someone?

@Rochelle posted:

Let me get this right: you're taking a comment from ONE woman, dated back in the 1960s or 1970s, to now PERMANENTLY label ALL Blacks, myself included, whether or not descendants of Afro-Guyanese??

Your comment is a sweeping generalization that is far from truth. How DARE you. 

@Django, please kindly nip this in the bud. I am deeply offended as an Afro-Guyanese to have to be subjected to this type of racism on this forum.  

Oh darling Kaya, don’t let them coolie bais get to you. Dem ruffling your feathers. 

in high school one top math and physics student was an Afro from Agricola, Walter Bowman.  He always hung out with Indian kids.  

@Rochelle posted:

This comment, ladies and gentlemen, is why there continues to be racial issues in Guyana and abroad.

Your comment is an insult and should NOT be tolerated on this forum.

@Django, @Former Member, please kindly ensure that this type of rhetoric keeps off this forum. It really needs to stop. 

I agree with Rochelle. There are even nastier race hate comments in the past that were allowed.

@Rochelle posted:

Let me get this right: you're taking a comment from ONE woman, dated back in the 1960s or 1970s, to now PERMANENTLY label ALL Blacks, myself included, whether or not descendants of Afro-Guyanese??

Your comment is a sweeping generalization that is far from truth. How DARE you. 

@Django, please kindly nip this in the bud. I am deeply offended as an Afro-Guyanese to have to be subjected to this type of racism on this forum.  

It's a debate, prove your point. Stop crying and grow some balls.

@Mitwah posted:

I agree with Rochelle. There are even nastier race hate comments in the past that were allowed.

Filing a 'Report Reply' is based on the moderator level of understanding, whether its hate. Which has been a sore point since the beginning of GNI.

Some know they drink El Dorado and others suffer the consequences.    

Last edited by Tola
@Tola posted:

Filing a 'Report Reply' is based on the moderator level of understanding, whether its hate. Which has been a sore point since the beginning of GNI.

Some know they drink El Dorado and others suffer the consequences.    

Dem Bais gat a lil crush for Kaya/Rochelle. 

@Rochelle posted:

This comment, ladies and gentlemen, is why there continues to be racial issues in Guyana and abroad.

Your comment is an insult and should NOT be tolerated on this forum.

@Django, @Former Member, please kindly ensure that this type of rhetoric keeps off this forum. It really needs to stop. 

When you dealing with some Guyanese who say they have  more intelligence and wisdom than others. Look out, because dem sharpening dem cane-cutta cutlass next.   

@Former Member posted:

Who cannot accept the truth? You must have been smoking some kind of adulterated cheap weed. Huh! Isn't being on this forum voluntary? How many of us here did not suffer verbal abuse or racist attacks from someone?

Sorry, I thought I was replying  to Rochelle.  

@Tola posted:

When you dealing with some Guyanese who say they have  more intelligence and wisdom than others. Look out, because dem sharpening dem cane-cutta cutlass next.   

I rest my case.  Where ignorance is bliss, is folly to be wise.  

@Tola posted:

I am disappointed in you, that you cannot tell the difference between a  woman and a man. 

which one are you?    Where is your wisdom or intelligence? 

What are your expectations of me?    

@Django posted:

Rama ,you have confirmed the PPP is an Indian Party .You guys doing injustice to the founder beliefs.

I posted that the PPP is not an Indian party and if you want an Indian party, then you should find another one.

I also said that the PPP is an Indian dominated Party.  That still does not make it an Indian party.


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