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Granger formally says no to talks until Parliament recalled

Posted By Stabroek editor On December 2, 2014 @ 12:06 pm In Local News | No Comments

Opposition Leader David Granger has formally written President Donald Ramotar telling him that there will be no talks with the government as long as Parliament remains prorogued.

An APNU statement today said that Granger has formally stated his position in a response to a letter from Ramotar on November 18th inviting dialogue on the way forward.

Both A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) have previously said that there will be no talks unless Parliament is recalled.

Observers say the pressure will now continue to build on Ramotar to either reconvene Parliament, which he suspended on November 10, or dissolve Parliament and move to elections. Explaining his move to prorogue Parliament on November 10, Ramotar had said that if there was no prospect of dialogue with the opposition he would move to early elections. Ramotar suspended Parliament to thwart a motion of no-confidence which was to be piloted by the AFC.

The statement today from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition follows:

Brigadier David Granger, Leader of the Opposition, has responded to the letter from President Donald Ramotar dated 18th November 2014 and entitled β€˜Inter-Prorogation Dialogue’.

The Opposition Leader iterated that APNU would be unprepared to participate in such a proposed dialogue for as long as the Parliament of Guyana remained prorogued.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Then dat make it easy for President Ramotar.  Get the CUP and FLAGS out, it is ROAD TRIP TIME.


One singing bird informed me that we will have a very big announcement.

Thank goodness de bird was singing because if de bird had written a note the unschooled would have a very very difficult time comprehending.


The Cowards are getting the courage to call an election? what choice do they have?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Then dat make it easy for President Ramotar.  Get the CUP and FLAGS out, it is ROAD TRIP TIME.

Ow we been beggin Lamutar the Prez for a year now for the ROAD trip but like a classic DARpok, he run under Aunty DeoLatmie frock and hide from the people.


BRING it on, now let us put so licks pun the PPP at the ballot box.  Berbice is Ready.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

That soldier gyal have no manners to back up on the president like that. That was a very awkward moment for the honorable president.

The man has a broad smile on his face and is holding on  to her.  Ramotar did the same thing.


They really do think that this behavior gets them votes from black people.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I am in full agreement with the army getting rid of them. It is high time they be sent packing. The thiefin too much.

GDF will NEVER do that.  The armed forces in Guyana always supported the govt in power, from the British to Burnham, Jagdeo, and now Ramotar.  That is because its leadership is carefully selected, and mid level officers and NCOs FOLLOW orders!


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