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President greeted by protesters during Berbice visit


President David Granger was on Wednesday greeted by protesting former sugar workers as he arrived in Corriverton, Berbice to deliver an address on Local Government Elections (LGE).
The dismissed workers were protesting for their severance pay without further delay. The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) closed the Skeldon and Rose Hall Sugar Estates in December last year and has since only paid the workers half of their severance.
The disgruntled former workers, who were also supported by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) regional representatives, also used the opportunity to

President David Granger and PNC General Secretary Amna Ally at the Berbice meeting on Wednesday afternoon

protest over the poor performance of the Skeldon Hospital.
“The hospital is not functioning as it should, it doesn’t have drugs. People go there and are given prescriptions to go to private pharmacies to purchase the drugs that doctors at the hospital are prescribing,” Regional Party Chairman Zamal Hussain told Guyana Times.
Meanwhile, he called on President Granger to intervene as it relates to the perceived position of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on the upcoming LGE.
“There is a lot of fraud. Corruption reeks at GECOM. We have been saying that this will happen from the time the President unilaterally elected [Retired Justice James] Patterson as the Chairman,” Hussain said.
He added that the PPP has always expressed its concern over the unilateral appointment of the 84-year-old Patterson.
“In fact, we are against this constitutional dictatorship attitude of the President whereby he has appointed this 84-year-old man to take up that position at GECOM… The GECOM Chairperson is the key in how the 2020 elections will be run,” Hussain said.
Hussain spoke on behalf of some ex-estate workers, who were present at the protest. Their severance, he said, should be the full payment and not 50 per cent. Hussain called on the Government to provide transportation for children in the

Protesters lined the road as President David Granger arrived in Berbice on Wednesday

various areas, whose parents are now jobless.

LGE meeting
Meanwhile, addressing the gathering at Corriverton Primary, the Head of State said there was more progress and greater productivity when more persons participated in Local Government Elections.
He said LGE were a constitutional right of each citizen.
“You now have a chance to exercise that right for the second time since the APNU [A Partnership for National Unity] came into office,” the Head of State noted. According to Granger, Corriverton is a fundamental part of the country since it is the base of Guyana. “You are the commercial capital of Berbice.”
Granger said the town has all of the ingredients to become a striving community. “What is holding you back is the administration that you have here. You have to go out to the polls and change that.” He added that the town needed strong leaders to direct its 12,000 residents in the right direction. “We need people with a vision…This prosperity is not for persons of one party, it is for everyone and their children,” the Head of State said to loud applause.
The President urged that a massive mobilisation exercise be carried out on LGE Day, saying that it should be done on a house to house basis. “So that every adult is brought into the web of Local Government Elections and understand the need for Local Government Elections.” The Head of State also noted that community members needed to form themselves into organisations as they prepare for the November 12 LGE. (Andrew Carmichael)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

alena06 posted:

Both the AFC and APNU should avoid going to Berbice, it's plain vanilla!!

They plan to rig like Hoyte so they are using photo ops to show that they were present in Berbice hence the "Massive Landslide" Victory like his predecessors Burnham and Hoyte.

Granger rigged his own leadership race at Congress Place.

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:
alena06 posted:

Both the AFC and APNU should avoid going to Berbice, it's plain vanilla!!

why should they avoid going...they would not be doing their job if they don't

They are wasting travelling expenses and taxpayers dollars, it's too late Berbicians know who they will vote for in 2020!!

alena06 posted:
Ray posted:
alena06 posted:

Both the AFC and APNU should avoid going to Berbice, it's plain vanilla!!

why should they avoid going...they would not be doing their job if they don't

They are wasting travelling expenses and taxpayers dollars, it's too late Berbicians know who they will vote for in 2020!!

People told Trump not to visit WIsconsin and Michigan during the last election...he didn't listen...and the rest is history

yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

Both the AFC and APNU should avoid going to Berbice, it's plain vanilla!!

They plan to rig like Hoyte so they are using photo ops to show that they were present in Berbice hence the "Massive Landslide" Victory like his predecessors Burnham and Hoyte.

Granger rigged his own leadership race at Congress Place.

Perhaps for the 2020 elections, PNCR might get "85 to 90 percent" of the votes which will surpass Burnham's percentages.   

Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

Both the AFC and APNU should avoid going to Berbice, it's plain vanilla!!

They plan to rig like Hoyte so they are using photo ops to show that they were present in Berbice hence the "Massive Landslide" Victory like his predecessors Burnham and Hoyte.

Granger rigged his own leadership race at Congress Place.

Perhaps for the 2020 elections, PNCR might get "85 to 90 percent" of the votes which will surpass Burnham's percentages.   

You were a Burnham Engineer. You would know best. 

alena06 posted:
Ray posted:
alena06 posted:

Both the AFC and APNU should avoid going to Berbice, it's plain vanilla!!

why should they avoid going...they would not be doing their job if they don't

They are wasting travelling expenses and taxpayers dollars, it's too late Berbicians know who they will vote for in 2020!!

Guyana is a PR country, so they need to get votes anywhere regardless which party may win the majority in that area.  They need to go and listen to the people and understand first hand why they are upset.

Didn't BJ visit Linden and Buxton?

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:
Ray posted:
alena06 posted:

Both the AFC and APNU should avoid going to Berbice, it's plain vanilla!!

why should they avoid going...they would not be doing their job if they don't

They are wasting travelling expenses and taxpayers dollars, it's too late Berbicians know who they will vote for in 2020!!

Guyana is a PR country, so they need to get votes anywhere regardless which party may win the majority in that area.  They need to go and listen to the people and understand first hand why they are upset.

Didn't BJ visit Linden and Buxton?

Granger pitching to win Corriverton,Skelly cousin is the current Mayor.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Mitwah posted:

You were a Burnham Engineer. You would know best. 

Your personal choice to continue peddling blatant lies and distortions.

Forgetfulness is a common problem among the elderly. As we grow older, memory glitches are expected. 

Mitwah posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Mitwah posted:

You were a Burnham Engineer. You would know best. 

Your personal choice to continue peddling blatant lies and distortions.

Forgetfulness is a common problem among the elderly. As we grow older, memory glitches are expected. 

Mits, please be respectful.  You/we will all get there sometime where memory glitches and diapers will be the order of the day.  So, please!

yuji22 posted:

This is funny shyte from DJ. It is like saying that the PPP is making a pitch to win Linden.

Bai, thanks for the comedy show.

Granger makes pitch for APNU-led Corriverton township

-says vision needed for development

Part of the audience at the meeting


Saying that Corriverton has the potential to become a “commercial powerhouse,” President David Granger yesterday told residents that if they give A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) a chance to lead the municipality, it could be further developed.

President Granger was speaking at the time at a community meeting held at the Corriverton Primary School.

“Corriverton is the commercial capital where trading, not to mention backtracking… takes place,” he said. He noted, too, that Corriverton is the face of Guyana to Suriname and it shows the power and potential of the region. “It is a powerful opportunity you have to make this town a powerhouse, a commercial powerhouse,” he added.

PPP/C supporters, who protested during President David Granger’s visit

He noted that there have been some developments within the town because of good governance from his government. However, he said there can be more development within the town if the residents give visionaries from APNU a chance to run the municipality.

“The APNU is leading the charge to bring betterment to this town,” Granger said. He pointed out that streets were constructed under his government as well as walkways, a park and that streetlights were introduced. “It would better if you have an APNU municipality, so that people with a vision can improve the livelihoods of the residents, 12,000 residents of Corriverton,” he added.


According to Granger, APNU made a mistake by not strongly contesting in the Corriverton municipality at the last Local Government Elections. However, he said, the coalition would not make the same mistake again.

He further noted that local government is the pathway to democracy, while stressing that APNU is committed to local democracy. He said at the local level, what the town needs can be discussed and, therefore, the residents should not allow one person from a political party to run the town.

Meanwhile, the president told those gathered that his government had no choice but to close sugar estates because of the huge debt GuySuCo has amassed. He added that it was because a “genius” decided to build a hugely expensive factory at the Skeldon Estate, where the cost of production was higher than the selling price.

He further noted that Corriverton can be used to get persons away from sugar and into agro-processing.

In regards to the owed severance payments to former sugar workers, the president promised that it will be paid before the end of the year. “We promised them severance pay in two parts; the first part in the first half of the year and the second part in the second half of the year. I promise you before the end of the second half of the year, sugar workers will receive their severance pay,” he explained. 

President Granger also spoke of how his government worked on improving security within Guyana, as he highlighted that after the pirate attacks earlier in the year, boat patrols were put in place, while after a triple murder in Black Bush Polder last year mounted police were placed in the area to man the backlands.

‘Colour blind’

Granger also told the meeting that in the past the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) divided the country into “green villages” and “red villages.” He said there was tremendous development in the “red villages,” such as proper roads, water and light, while in the “green villages” there was no development at all. He then noted that his party is “colour blind” and is only interested in developing Guyana.

Meanwhile, supporters of the PPP/C picketed the president during the meeting yesterday, while calling for him to pay more attention to the families of sugar workers as well as other areas within the region.

PPP/C representative Denis Deroop explained that thousands of Berbicians are out of jobs and there is desperate need for job creation within the region. He said, “Corriverton has become a ghost town right now. Since the closure of the estate, we are not seeing no investment into Region Six, no financing. This government clearly doesn’t care for the people of Region Six, especially the towns Rose Hall and Corriverton and PPP support base areas.”

Wives of sugar workers who were present explained that they were finding it very hard presently. One said her husband, son and father, who were all employed at the Skeldon Estate, are all out of work. “Them a look all over. Them na find nothing.”

Another woman noted that before losing his job, her husband worked tirelessly to ensure that their son was able to complete his secondary education. She said, “Me son get seven Grade Ones and two Grade Twos and he can’t get job. All over he a apply and no way he na get through yet.”

While the president initially drove past the protestors, Stabroek News was told that he sent someone to inform them that he would be willing to meet after his meeting. However, the protestors declined to meet, claiming that they were too upset to speak with him.

Twenty-five bicycles were handed out to students who were pre-selected yesterday.

Last edited by Django

"While the president initially drove past the protestors, Stabroek News was told that he sent someone to inform them that he would be willing to meet after his meeting. However, the protestors declined to meet, claiming that they were too upset to speak with him."


President Granger,was open to meet the protestors,they declined,maybe their handlers call the shots.



Let me educate you lil bout Skeldon.

There is an Afro Guyanese population in and around Skeldon. Like other Afros who are posted in that picture, they are die hard PNC. They will never vote PPP.

Skelly can tell you about the bullying of Indos at the Old Rice Board. Dundas was a big time PNC man who stole boat loads of rice under the PNC era.

Granger cannot win Skeldon in any free and fair election. Berbice is PPP as much as Linden is PNC, end of story.

I see that you are quick on your feet to post PNC slop. 

Have a good day Sir. Please do not take anything personal, it is election time now so the big cannons will be out. The lil girls will run to admin’s door and the big men will slug it out.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


Let me educate you lil bout Skeldon.

There is an Afro Guyanese population in and around Skeldon. Like other Afros who are posted in that picture, they are die hard PNC. They will never vote PPP.

Skelly can tell you about the bullying of Indos at the Old Rice Board. Dundas was a big time PNC man who stole boat loads of rice under the PNC era.

Granger cannot win Skeleon in any free and fair election. Berbice is PPP as much as Linden is PNC end of story.

I see that you are quick on your feet to post PNC slop. 

Have a good day Sir.

That what you get from the Stabroek News article ???

A pitching to win and winning are two different things,maybe that too hard for you to decipher.I never said the PNC will win Corriverton.

Last edited by Django

The two afc nincompoop are out of touch with the reality on the ground in Guyana. They got power from Ray to get posters banned. These two idiots living in an alternate universe.

Mitwah posted:

YugiTuTu, did you not say politics is dynamic? Explain what you meant.

Bai, like you paying close attention to what I post ? Hundreds of visitors do the same in  reading my most anticipated fireball posts. It keeps GNI lively.

I recommmend that you invest in a dictionary, it may assist with basic comprehension skills.

Google may also assist.

Pity that your AFC cut and past propaganda took away from your comprehension skills.

You must also realize that your beloved snake oil bottle was crushed and the AFC has been reduced to Dead Meat.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Correct, these two jackasses will eventually get their dhall

yuji22 posted:

They are always crying at Admins door like anti men.

They fire shots and run and cry like anti men when shots are fired back. 

Your adjectives get you in trouble,no one crying to admins,it's your own doings.The fishmongers are are above your mentality.

Drugb posted:

The two afc nincompoop are out of touch with the reality on the ground in Guyana. They got power from Ray to get posters banned. These two idiots living in an alternate universe.

You daon know nothing about politics in the homeland,all you are doing is using adjectives in the discussion thinking it makes you impressive.

Mitwah posted:

YugiTuTu, did you not say politics is dynamic? Explain what you meant.

Karl Marx had said the same thing in the 19th century. By that he meant that politics is not static. It's subject to changes and some surprising ones too. 

Yuji is a strange bird, full of surprises.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:
Ray posted:
alena06 posted:

Both the AFC and APNU should avoid going to Berbice, it's plain vanilla!!

why should they avoid going...they would not be doing their job if they don't

They are wasting travelling expenses and taxpayers dollars, it's too late Berbicians know who they will vote for in 2020!!

Guyana is a PR country, so they need to get votes anywhere regardless which party may win the majority in that area.  They need to go and listen to the people and understand first hand why they are upset.

Didn't BJ visit Linden and Buxton?

Granger pitching to win Corriverton,Skelly cousin is the current Mayor.

My cousin is a strong PPP supporter who organized teams to do house to house check on the voters' list. I was there in March when this was going on.

Django posted:

"While the president initially drove past the protestors, Stabroek News was told that he sent someone to inform them that he would be willing to meet after his meeting. However, the protestors declined to meet, claiming that they were too upset to speak with him."


President Granger,was open to meet the protestors,they declined,maybe their handlers call the shots.

He should've made a bold move and gotten out of the car and approached them directly, shook hands and told them he was open to meet with them regarding their gripes. He needs to stop being so aloof at times. He's a nice fella and can be engaging with people. 

Iguana posted:
Django posted:

"While the president initially drove past the protestors, Stabroek News was told that he sent someone to inform them that he would be willing to meet after his meeting. However, the protestors declined to meet, claiming that they were too upset to speak with him."


President Granger,was open to meet the protestors,they declined,maybe their handlers call the shots.

He should've made a bold move and gotten out of the car and approached them directly, shook hands and told them he was open to meet with them regarding their gripes. He needs to stop being so aloof at times. He's a nice fella and can be engaging with people. 

This is where burnham was a master.  He would have stopped, start talking and sold everyone a new nation paper....and never returned change. 


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