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Granger has accomplished nothing for those who voted for him


Dear Editor,
First, I wish to commend Mr. Louis Holder for his contribution to the ongoing crime debate in his letter “Security problems can be traced to inept managers” (Guyana Chronicle, Sept. 19). He has made some valuable points.


Then I wish to thank the men and women in law enforcement for a remarkable job performance by apprehending the suspects accused of killing Meten-Meer-Zorg grocer Zulficar Namdar; robbing his mother at gunpoint on September 10; and guests at a wedding house in Wakenaam earlier on September 7.          


This police exercise clearly demonstrates that criminals can be brought to justice in a timely manner if the will is there. There is no room for complacency among police officers in the fight against crime. They already have the necessary training, technology and equipment. What is required now, is for Divisional Commanders to be more alert, committed, and for them to apply the pressure on their junior officers to ensure a higher level of job-performance from the ranks in the field. It is no secret that like teachers, police officers are not as well paid as they ought to be. But persons electing to join these noble professions must be committed and attracted to the mission as opposed to a means of just earning an income.


Prosecutors need to get it right this time around, and don’t allow some technicality or breach in the jury selection to give the defense another victory.
Now, fresh back from his all-expenses-paid trip with accommodations at the exquisite Yale Club in New York, David Granger continues to do what he does best, wasting time trying to bash Minister Rohee into submission. His latest ploy to get the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Private Sector Commission PSC) to pressure President Ramotar in removing Rohee as Home Affairs Minister, has fallen on deaf ears.                              


President of the GCCI and Vice-Chairman of the PSC Clinton Urling made it known that the removal of Rohee will not solve Guyana’s crime problem. In fact, it appears that APNU is either deliberately using the crime situation to create conflict between the Acting Commissioner of Police and the government, or wants to give him the impression that APNU is fighting for his cause.              


In a recent statement, former Police Commissioner and APNU Parliamentarian, Winston Felix called for Leroy Brumell to be substantially appointed to the post of Commissioner of Police, a position he has been acting in for almost two years. This call comes despite a letter from President Ramotar to Opposition Leader, David Granger on September 2, inviting him to a constitutionally mandated consultation to discuss the appointment of the Commissioner of Police.


The letter alluded to the President’s intention to substantially appoint Mr. Brumell as the Commissioner of Police. Was Felix aware of the President’s invitation to Granger, or was he intentionally trying to cause mischief?
I support Leroy Brumell’s appointment as Commissioner of Police, and my position is documented in a previous letter months ago. But isn’t it strange that there is no urgency on the part of the Leader of the Opposition, or calls from Felix to confirm the appointments of the Acting Chancellor of the Judiciary, the Hon. Carl Singh and the Acting Chief Justice, the Hon Ian Chang, who have been acting in those positions much longer than Brumell? I wonder why?


But as I’ve said before, Granger’s obsession with trying to get Rohee removed from office, is putting the security of all Guyanese at risk. And I’m equally convinced that it is preventing him from effectively performing his duties as the Leader of the Opposition. Everything Granger does as Opposition Leader has been counter-productive to economic growth and the prosperity of Guyana.


Whatever ongoing government projects are taking place in known PNC/APNU constituencies, is part of the Administration’s policies and commitment to serve all Guyanese, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Neither Granger nor AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan can take credit for that.


As Opposition Leader, Granger has accomplished nothing for those who voted for him. He sadly lacks the art of compromise and the political leadership so necessary to unite our people.


In a letter, one of Granger’s strongest supporters, Ex-GDF officer Malcolm Harripaul recently admitted that “The PNC in its 28-year reign established an African-dominated state”. He advised that, “The problem facing the current leader of the PNC and APNU is how to win some Indian votes in order to win the 2016 elections. Brigadier Granger can win over Indian voters if he should start the healing process in 2013, and the first step is that of a political apology to all Guyanese for the PNC’s role in the 1960s.”


That apology will never come. Mr. Harripaul and the recent AFC defectors are in for a tremendous disappointment if they believe that the PNC/APNU is more credible and less corrupted than the AFC. My advice to them is to be very cautious and suspicious of any request for financial contributions to APNU at this time. They’ve been bitten before and have learnt nothing from this experience. Now, they have jumped from the frying pan directly into the fire. How dumb can that be?


Harry Gill

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What a funny and hypocritical letter this is. Mr Gill attacked the AFC so many times before now he is praising AFC. It must be that he is scared the APNU can gain momentum. He must be scared AFC/APNU can team up for next election. Even if they do not team up APNU will do better with guys like Profs Rose, Khemraj, Mr Mukraj and many other East Indians who will soon go APNU. The AFC will maintain its 7 seats. 


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