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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22, I am not going to defend Granger.

Don't think the PPP had only angels in its membership.

Who set fire to the Abraham family's home on Hadfield Street in 1964 at night and roasted the family to death? Who shot PPP defector Sydney Sukhu in the early 1970s?

Who used to pelt the homes of sugar workers who didn't join GAWU strikes?

Yes, yuji22, the PPP had its fair share of thugs and hit men too.

Some people allege that Roger Khan and the Phantom Gang were the PPP/C brainchild.

Granger may have blood on his hands, but he is not alone. No party is innocent and without blemish.


Are you then saying that the PNC did not rig elections and murdered the ballot box heroes of Berbice ?

yuji22, I'm not saying that at all. I know firsthand the PNC rigged elections. I nearly didn't get to vote in 1973. I know the joint forces under PNC regime command shot and killed the 2 men in Berbice. And, in 1985, I was a PPP polling clerk in South Georgetown. I witnessed multiple voting.

What I'm saying is: we have to be fair.

Just as how you object that Granger and the PNC have blood on their hands, thousands of voters can object that the PPP also has blood on its hands.

I gave three examples and I can give a fourth.

Peter Taylor was publisher of the Argosy/Evening News newspaper which opposed the PPP government in the early 1960s. He was shot but survived. Who shot him?

I ask the question rhetorically but some people know the truth.

I stick to my point that both the PNC and PPP have blood on their hands.

yuji22, I've mentioned before that I was a card-carrying PPP activist for over two decades. When I joined the PPP as a young man in 1969, some older comrades told me privately what they did during the racial disturbances in 1962-64. I say no more.

Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?

yugeee gaan into full out antiman mode when gilbakka brackkle am with UNCOMFORTABLE FACTS


hee caaan look Gilbakka in de eye, suh he doing a lil pool boy tap dance, buckta at his knees, with ever more extravagant pncee misdirection . . . like he brain seize up


hmmmm . . .?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quote from Gil:


"I know firsthand the PNC rigged elections. I nearly didn't get to vote in 1973."


For the record, I shall explain.

I was registered to vote at Uitvlugt.

In 1973 I was working, boarding and lodging in Georgetown. On Monday July 16 I travelled to Uitvlugt to vote. My place of poll was Uitvlugt Government School, upper flat.

First, I verified that my name was on the voters list, pinned on a wall downstairs. Then I joined a queue. When it was my turn to be given a ballot paper, the Assistant Presiding Officer told me I could not vote. Why? She pointed to her copy of the voters list which showed that my name was crossed out with a pencil and ruler. She said I had voted already. I told her my name was not crossed out on the voters list downstairs. I showed her my fingers; not a trace of indelible voting ink on them.

She told me that I voted overseas. I said I didn't have a passport so I could not travel overseas. She reminded me that she also lived in Uitvlugt and she knew I was no longer living there and people told her I was living abroad. I said I was living in Georgetown and visiting my parents at Uitvlugt every month. She insisted I could not vote.

All the while, an old gentleman was standing about six feet away with folded arms, watching us. He was the Presiding Officer. I approached him and assured him I had not voted already. I told him some of my Uitvlugt neighbours in the queue could verify that I had not lived abroad. The gentleman then instructed his assistant to give me a ballot paper and I thanked him. That was how I got to exercise my franchise in 1973.

Before closing, I must state that the female assistant presiding officer was once my classmate in primary school and had become a prominent PNC activist in Uitvlugt. I never harbored ill feelings for her and we got along fine in the ensuing years. I never reminded her of what she did to me on July 16, 1973. She was just doing what was centrally directed from PNC headquarters.



Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jalil is the most illiterate poster. He is like a broken record. Same thing everyday, nothing to contribute but nonsense.


Ok yuji22 claiming he is a literate poster,

his post is a just released CD....

and he do not contribute nonsense.

Let us look at what yuji22 post and what he calls nonsense.


Quote Yuji22 -

Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?


Quote Gilbakka -

yuji22, it matters nothing whether or not I'm comfortable with Granger and Greenidge being top PNC leaders.


The general PNC membership exercised their sovereign right and elected Granger as their leader. Neither you nor I nor the entire PPP membership can elect the leader of the PNC. This is clear as rain water.


Whether we like Granger or not, we have to live with the reality that he is the PNC's elected leader.



Quote Yuji22 -

(Granger)He is the elected leader but his bloody hands and his involvement in massive rigging must be condemned. We must not be silent because History has a bad habit of repeating itself.


Quote Gilbakka -

yuji22, in case you don't know, I condemned the rigged 1973 elections in an article I wrote for the Mirror newspaper way back in 1974.

I will not vote for the PNC.


yuji22, isn't it strange that while you persist in singling out David Granger as having blood in his hands,you're silent on the fact that the PPP/C has accepted in its fold former PNC and House of Israel thugs who also have blood on their hands?


Jalil has named those opportunists umpteen times so I won't repeat those dirty names.



Quote Yuji22 -

Gil-The PPP is using(Dishonesty & Lies) the oldest trick in the book.

(Similar to Prostitution & Pimping... The Oldest Trade & Business in History)

It is better to keep your enemies close so that you can throw them off the cliff when the time is ripe. Seen the movie the Godfather ?


I respect and admire your contribution to the PPP.

Too bad that the PPP forgot and left behind some of their bravest political warriors.

Your contribution will never go unnoticed.


Quote Jalil -

Yuji22, ...You cannot be Honest and Decent like Mandela, Ghandi, Jagan or our Gilbaka......and condone the Thiefing and Corruption going on in the PPP today.....If you do only fooling yourself.

Is yuji22 a Honest or Decent person????


Yuji22, You cannot Respect & Admire the contribution made by Gilbaka and his Honesty..on one hand....then on another hand yuh easy to cave in to Buggery, Crime and Corruption.....If you do you ....only fooling yourself.

Can Yuji22 Respect & Admire Honesty or Decency ....if he supports Buggery, Crime and Corruption???? cannot be using the oldest trick in de book (Dishonesty & Lies) and expect honest and decent people like Ghandi or our own Gilbaka to agree with you....because .....If you do.... you only fooling yourself.

 Can any Honesty or Decency person (like Gilbakka) in this world  ....agree with or supports Yuji22 if he is Dishonest or a Liar???? cannot be using the oldest trade and profession in history(Prostitution or Buggery) and expect honest and decent people like Jagan or our own Gilbaka to agree with you....because .....If you do.... you only fooling yourself.

Can any Honesty or Decency person (like Gilbakka) in this world  ....agree with or supports Yuji22 if he is involved in Prostitution, Pimping or Buggery????


Yuji22 if yuh practice them things like Kwame....yuh is a Crab Louse like Kwame.....Don't fool yuhself....

How can Yuji22 Respect & Admire any Honesty or Decency ....

if he supports Kwame, Lamumba, Nascimento, McClean & Bynoe????


Note while I am saying he is openly supporting Buggery...

which he is afraid to admit.... .

Redux is not afraid to fully expose his Kwame habits



Quote Redux -

yugeee gaan into full out antiman mode

when gilbakka brackkle am with UNCOMFORTABLE FACTS


hee caaan look Gilbakka in de eye,

suh he doing a lil pool boy tap dance,

buckta at his knees, 

with ever more extravagant pncee misdirection . . .

like he brain seize up


hmmmm . . .?


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quote from Gil:


"I know firsthand the PNC rigged elections. I nearly didn't get to vote in 1973."


For the record, I shall explain.

I was registered to vote at Uitvlugt.

In 1973 I was working, boarding and lodging in Georgetown. On Monday July 16 I travelled to Uitvlugt to vote. My place of poll was Uitvlugt Government School, upper flat.

First, I verified that my name was on the voters list, pinned on a wall downstairs. Then I joined a queue. When it was my turn to be given a ballot paper, the Assistant Presiding Officer told me I could not vote. Why? She pointed to her copy of the voters list which showed that my name was crossed out with a pencil and ruler. She said I had voted already. I told her my name was not crossed out on the voters list downstairs. I showed her my fingers; not a trace of indelible voting ink on them.

She told me that I voted overseas. I said I didn't have a passport so I could not travel overseas. She reminded me that she also lived in Uitvlugt and she knew I was no longer living there and people told her I was living abroad. I said I was living in Georgetown and visiting my parents at Uitvlugt every month. She insisted I could not vote.

All the while, an old gentleman was standing about six feet away with folded arms, watching us. He was the Presiding Officer. I approached him and assured him I had not voted already. I told him some of my Uitvlugt neighbours in the queue could verify that I had not lived abroad. The gentleman then instructed his assistant to give me a ballot paper and I thanked him. That was how I got to exercise my franchise in 1973.

Before closing, I must state that the female assistant presiding officer was once my classmate in primary school and had become a prominent PNC activist in Uitvlugt. I never harbored ill feelings for her and we got along fine in the ensuing years. I never reminded her of what she did to me on July 16, 1973. She was just doing what was centrally directed from PNC headquarters.




Thanks for sharing this event with us.


We must be reminded of the ballot box thieves of the PNC. Many are still around and firmly defended by the likes of redux and others who still defend the actions of the PNC to this very day.


History can and will repeat itself.



Quote Yuji22: with the corrections in red....

We must be reminded of

the ballot box thieves of the PNC+House of Israel 

Nascimento, McClean,


Kwame Hamilton & Bynoe


Many are still around

and firmly defended exposed

by the likes of redux and others

who still defend keep showing the actions

[Thiefing, Corruption & Buggery] 

of the PPP/PNC+House of Isreal to this very day.


History can and willis repeating itself.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22, I am not going to defend Granger.

Don't think the PPP had only angels in its membership.

Who set fire to the Abraham family's home on Hadfield Street in 1964 at night and roasted the family to death? Who shot PPP defector Sydney Sukhu in the early 1970s?

Who used to pelt the homes of sugar workers who didn't join GAWU strikes?

Yes, yuji22, the PPP had its fair share of thugs and hit men too.

Some people allege that Roger Khan and the Phantom Gang were the PPP/C brainchild.

Granger may have blood on his hands, but he is not alone. No party is innocent and without blemish.

CORRECTION: Who stabbed PPP defector Sydney Sukhu in the early 1970s?

My apology.

Thanks to the esteemed comrade who brought it to my attention. This esteemed comrade, who wishes to remain anonymous for now, was a stalwart in the PPP, and his selfless service was highly valued and appreciated by the Jagans.

yuji22 posted:

David Granger has blood on his hands...

-If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation

David Granger & Malcom Harripaul served in the GDF together

Harry Gill: By former GDF officer Malcolm Harripaul’s own admission, the 1973 National Election was rigged to prevent the PPP and their communist leader, Dr. Jagan from forming the government. This he said was done with the approval of the US Government.
Burnham depended heavily on the GDF to facilitate this rigging. David Granger was Burnham’s Political Liaison Officer at the GDF during the rigging. If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation. After all, he was β€œfighting on the side of irreligion and untruth because he was fulfilling his duty to the Crown.”
And if he played no part in it, perhaps David Granger may wish to explain to the voters why Forbes Burnham would have left out his Political Liaison Officer in the planning of this operation that deliberately and illegally stole the 1973 election from the PPP, and disenfranchise the will of the Guyanese people.

Do you still think this way YUJI?

KishanB posted:
yuji22 posted:

David Granger has blood on his hands...

-If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation

David Granger & Malcom Harripaul served in the GDF together

Harry Gill: By former GDF officer Malcolm Harripaul’s own admission, the 1973 National Election was rigged to prevent the PPP and their communist leader, Dr. Jagan from forming the government. This he said was done with the approval of the US Government.
Burnham depended heavily on the GDF to facilitate this rigging. David Granger was Burnham’s Political Liaison Officer at the GDF during the rigging. If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation. After all, he was β€œfighting on the side of irreligion and untruth because he was fulfilling his duty to the Crown.”
And if he played no part in it, perhaps David Granger may wish to explain to the voters why Forbes Burnham would have left out his Political Liaison Officer in the planning of this operation that deliberately and illegally stole the 1973 election from the PPP, and disenfranchise the will of the Guyanese people.

Do you still think this way YUJI?

Look at the murder rate of Indos in Guyana. You tell me what you think since you are slowly speaking out against this administration.

You recently expressed your concern about GDF soldiers getting high profile positions.

Where do you stand right now as Indos are being slaughtered by criminals ?

yuji22 posted:
KishanB posted:
yuji22 posted:

David Granger has blood on his hands...

-If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation

David Granger & Malcom Harripaul served in the GDF together

Harry Gill: By former GDF officer Malcolm Harripaul’s own admission, the 1973 National Election was rigged to prevent the PPP and their communist leader, Dr. Jagan from forming the government. This he said was done with the approval of the US Government.
Burnham depended heavily on the GDF to facilitate this rigging. David Granger was Burnham’s Political Liaison Officer at the GDF during the rigging. If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation. After all, he was β€œfighting on the side of irreligion and untruth because he was fulfilling his duty to the Crown.”
And if he played no part in it, perhaps David Granger may wish to explain to the voters why Forbes Burnham would have left out his Political Liaison Officer in the planning of this operation that deliberately and illegally stole the 1973 election from the PPP, and disenfranchise the will of the Guyanese people.

Do you still think this way YUJI?

Look at the murder rate of Indos in Guyana. You tell me what you think since you are slowly speaking out against this administration.

You recently expressed your concern about GDF soldiers getting high profile positions.

Where do you stand right now as Indos are being slaughtered by criminals ?

Are you noticing they are being slaughtered by their kith and kin.The police are facing a lot hurdles,of recent they are cracking some cases.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
KishanB posted:
yuji22 posted:

David Granger has blood on his hands...

-If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation

David Granger & Malcom Harripaul served in the GDF together

Harry Gill: By former GDF officer Malcolm Harripaul’s own admission, the 1973 National Election was rigged to prevent the PPP and their communist leader, Dr. Jagan from forming the government. This he said was done with the approval of the US Government.
Burnham depended heavily on the GDF to facilitate this rigging. David Granger was Burnham’s Political Liaison Officer at the GDF during the rigging. If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation. After all, he was β€œfighting on the side of irreligion and untruth because he was fulfilling his duty to the Crown.”
And if he played no part in it, perhaps David Granger may wish to explain to the voters why Forbes Burnham would have left out his Political Liaison Officer in the planning of this operation that deliberately and illegally stole the 1973 election from the PPP, and disenfranchise the will of the Guyanese people.

Do you still think this way YUJI?

Look at the murder rate of Indos in Guyana. You tell me what you think since you are slowly speaking out against this administration.

You recently expressed your concern about GDF soldiers getting high profile positions.

Where do you stand right now as Indos are being slaughtered by criminals ?

Are you noticing they are being slaughtered by their kith and kin.The police are facing a lot hurdles,of recent they are cracking some cases.

He is running out of content to suit his racist diatribe.  This guy is consumef with racism. 

Last edited by Former Member

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