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Former Member

Granger seeks a government of national unity

May 27, 2014 --- STABROEK NEWS


Dear Editor,


Brig Granger, the Leader of the PNC, spent the 48th anniversary of Guyana’s independence in New York and New Jersey meeting with Guyanese, especially traditional PPP supporters, Indo-Guy-anese. He started off with a dinner meeting at the Santoor Indian Restaurant in Queens on Friday evening(May 13). On Saturday he had a TV interview with Ms Tanuja Raghoo, a walk-about on Liberty Avenue, lunch at Sonny’s Roti Shop, a town hall meeting at Richi Rich Palace, and dinner meeting at Mike and Indranie Persaud’s home.

On Sunday Brig Granger had a lunch meeting at the home of Sandra and Fred Shivdat in NJ, and a dinner and reception in Brooklyn in the evening.

At the meetings with primarily Indo-Guyanese Brig Granger fielded questions about Wismar, election rigging by the PNC, the Walter Rodney assassination, the 1980 Burnham constitution, and under the PPP, drugs, lawlessness, criminality, corruption and dictatorship. In one venue at Queens Brig Granger was greeted by PPP protestors.

He walked the picket line, shook hands with some, and engaged them in short discussions. The picketers were respectful and cordial.

At the meeting at Mike and Indranie Persaud’s home, some Indo-Guyanese argued for a political apology from the PNC for its excesses when it was in power; some argued against it, and a few argued that the PPP owed Guyanese an apology more than the PNC.

Mike Persaud, who over the years had consistently called on the PPP and the PNC to transform into multiracial parties, explained his thesis to Brig Granger who impressed all with his scholarly response, and surprised us with his vast knowledge of the political and military history of post-independence countries in Africa and Asia. Two PPP stalwarts expressed respect and admiration for the Opposition Leader.

Brig Granger explained that he believed in inclusionary democracy in which all parties and groups were involved in the decision-making pro-cess and governance so as to avoid antagonism and conflict. He believed in partnerships and this was why he had entered into alliances with the WPA, GAP, JFAP and others in creating APNU.

In 2013 he had encouraged the start of the Pro Guyana Movement in which all groups can become involved in solving Guyana’s divisions. Brig Granger does not require anyone to change his political party, his social organization or his ethnic identity. Guyanese can remain supporters of the PNC, PPP, WPA, AFC, GAP, ADCA, ROAR; one can be an African, Indian or Amerindian rights activist, Hindu, Muslim or Christian and still be part of the Pro Guyana Movement. He wants all of us to sit at the table and voice our concerns, to engage in dialogue, and forge consensus.

Brig Granger acknowledged the great harm that was done to Indo and Afro-Guyanese during the early 1960s and vowed that he would never let Guyana slide into racial violence again. In recognition of the deep desire of all Guyanese to live in peace and harmony, and to make all our pains worthwhile, he declared that by the time Guyana marks its 50th independence anniversary we should have a unity government, and if he were to be elected President in 2016 he would form A Government of National Unity which he would invite the PPP to join.

Yours faithfully,
Malcolm Harripaul

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"A nice, accurate, and brief reportage, as would be permitted in a short letter. Thank you Malcolm. First time I met David Granger. A true gentleman, scholar and soldier. Very likeable personality.
We were honored to host such a fine gentleman to dinner and discussions in our home.
Some people think it was a gutsy and revolutionary idea to host a Guyanese leader of the African race in our home. We think it was simple and very ordinary - yet very symbolic. David Granger embodies great promise and potential to turn the tide in the excessively racialized politics of our nation.
I shall give a full account of the discussions in a letter later."
Indranee & Mike Persaud



"In recognition of the deep desire of all Guyanese to live in peace and harmony, and to make all our pains worthwhile, he declared that by the time Guyana marks its 50th independence anniversary we should have a unity government, and if he were to be elected President in 2016 he would form A Government of National Unity which he would invite the PPP to join.

Music to my ears - Government of National Unity."


The PPP is trembling in its boots.  If Granger shows that he will not be defined by race politics by indicating a willingness to talk to EVERY ONE, then the "black man bad" syndrome peddled by the PPP will be less effective.


Let us hope Granger does the same thing in Guyana.  Get out of parliament and do walk abouts in Linden, South Georgetown, Parika, Buxton, Mahaicony, Rose Hall, Essequibo Coast and Islands, Lethem, Bartica, Imbaimadai.


In other words where ever Guyanese live.  He ought not to wait until elections are announced to do this.  He needs to LISTEN and LEARN and SHARE and DEVELOP and attempt to IMPLEMENT.


The old dinosaurs think that Guyanese live in the 60s and 70s.  The average Guyanese voter was NOT even born then.


they want real SOLUTIONS to their CONTEMPORARY problems, as those who are honest know that the past is littered with the blood from BOTH the PPP and the PNC.  No innocent people here!

Last edited by Former Member

Granger would make a big mistake if he invites the PPP(kulies) into a nationalist government. They r mainly THIEVES. Dey having nothing to offer, dey doan even represent kuli ppl. Granger better off putting non-political indians in a nationalist government. The citizens would benefit much more.

Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP is trembling in its boots.  If Granger shows that he will not be defined by race politics by indicating a willingness to talk to EVERY ONE, then the "black man bad" syndrome peddled by the PPP will be less effective.


Let us hope Granger does the same thing in Guyana.  Get out of parliament and do walk abouts in Linden, South Georgetown, Parika, Buxton, Mahaicony, Rose Hall, Essequibo Coast and Islands, Lethem, Bartica, Imbaimadai.


In other words where ever Guyanese live.  He ought not to wait until elections are announced to do this.  He needs to LISTEN and LEARN and SHARE and DEVELOP and attempt to IMPLEMENT.


The old dinosaurs think that Guyanese live in the 60s and 70s.  The average Guyanese voter was NOT even born then.


they want real SOLUTIONS to their CONTEMPORARY problems, as those who are honest know that the past is littered with the blood from BOTH the PPP and the PNC.  No innocent people here!

This is part of what I term an "apology" to the nation for the Burnham era. There's more to go.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Granger would make a big mistake if he invites the PPP(kulies) into a nationalist government. They r mainly THIEVES. Dey having nothing to offer, dey doan even represent kuli ppl. Granger better off putting non-political indians in a nationalist government. The citizens would benefit much more.

You living on an Island all by yourself, right???

Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP is trembling in its boots.  If Granger shows that he will not be defined by race politics by indicating a willingness to talk to EVERY ONE, then the "black man bad" syndrome peddled by the PPP will be less effective.


Let us hope Granger does the same thing in Guyana.  Get out of parliament and do walk abouts in Linden, South Georgetown, Parika, Buxton, Mahaicony, Rose Hall, Essequibo Coast and Islands, Lethem, Bartica, Imbaimadai.


In other words where ever Guyanese live.  He ought not to wait until elections are announced to do this.  He needs to LISTEN and LEARN and SHARE and DEVELOP and attempt to IMPLEMENT.


The old dinosaurs think that Guyanese live in the 60s and 70s.  The average Guyanese voter was NOT even born then.


they want real SOLUTIONS to their CONTEMPORARY problems, as those who are honest know that the past is littered with the blood from BOTH the PPP and the PNC.  No innocent people here!

This is the diaspora who, if things go South under the PNC, will pull back an live their lives in the USA.  The people of Guyana have different thoughts and that's what matters.  The PPP will remain in power for the foreseeable future.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP is trembling in its boots.  If Granger shows that he will not be defined by race politics by indicating a willingness to talk to EVERY ONE, then the "black man bad" syndrome peddled by the PPP will be less effective.


Let us hope Granger does the same thing in Guyana.  Get out of parliament and do walk abouts in Linden, South Georgetown, Parika, Buxton, Mahaicony, Rose Hall, Essequibo Coast and Islands, Lethem, Bartica, Imbaimadai.


In other words where ever Guyanese live.  He ought not to wait until elections are announced to do this.  He needs to LISTEN and LEARN and SHARE and DEVELOP and attempt to IMPLEMENT.


The old dinosaurs think that Guyanese live in the 60s and 70s.  The average Guyanese voter was NOT even born then.


they want real SOLUTIONS to their CONTEMPORARY problems, as those who are honest know that the past is littered with the blood from BOTH the PPP and the PNC.  No innocent people here!

This is the diaspora who, if things go South under the PNC, will pull back an live their lives in the USA.  The people of Guyana have different thoughts and that's what matters.  The PPP will remain in power for the foreseeable future.

Guyana already south. Very far south. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP is trembling in its boots.  If Granger shows that he will not be defined by race politics by indicating a willingness to talk to EVERY ONE, then the "black man bad" syndrome peddled by the PPP will be less effective.


Let us hope Granger does the same thing in Guyana.  Get out of parliament and do walk abouts in Linden, South Georgetown, Parika, Buxton, Mahaicony, Rose Hall, Essequibo Coast and Islands, Lethem, Bartica, Imbaimadai.


In other words where ever Guyanese live.  He ought not to wait until elections are announced to do this.  He needs to LISTEN and LEARN and SHARE and DEVELOP and attempt to IMPLEMENT.


The old dinosaurs think that Guyanese live in the 60s and 70s.  The average Guyanese voter was NOT even born then.


they want real SOLUTIONS to their CONTEMPORARY problems, as those who are honest know that the past is littered with the blood from BOTH the PPP and the PNC.  No innocent people here!

This is the diaspora who, if things go South under the PNC, will pull back an live their lives in the USA.  The people of Guyana have different thoughts and that's what matters.  The PPP will remain in power for the foreseeable future.

Guyana already south. Very far south. 

Guyana is better off than ever in its 48 year history.  Thanks to the PPP.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP is trembling in its boots.  If Granger shows that he will not be defined by race politics by indicating a willingness to talk to EVERY ONE, then the "black man bad" syndrome peddled by the PPP will be less effective.


Let us hope Granger does the same thing in Guyana.  Get out of parliament and do walk abouts in Linden, South Georgetown, Parika, Buxton, Mahaicony, Rose Hall, Essequibo Coast and Islands, Lethem, Bartica, Imbaimadai.


In other words where ever Guyanese live.  He ought not to wait until elections are announced to do this.  He needs to LISTEN and LEARN and SHARE and DEVELOP and attempt to IMPLEMENT.


The old dinosaurs think that Guyanese live in the 60s and 70s.  The average Guyanese voter was NOT even born then.


they want real SOLUTIONS to their CONTEMPORARY problems, as those who are honest know that the past is littered with the blood from BOTH the PPP and the PNC.  No innocent people here!

This is the diaspora who, if things go South under the PNC, will pull back an live their lives in the USA.  The people of Guyana have different thoughts and that's what matters.  The PPP will remain in power for the foreseeable future.

Guyana already south. Very far south. 

Guyana is better off than ever in its 48 year history.  Thanks to the PPP.

My mamoo say Guyana worse today. Burnam time he say did not have flour and dhal. Jagdeo/PPP time we have flour, dhal, cocaine/gangs/drive by shooting. 

Originally Posted by JB:

Guyana already south. Very far south. 

So do you have any solutions to pull it back north? You might begin to be taken seriously with an idea or two, instead of a G_G'esque 10 or less meaningless words or so

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP is trembling in its boots.  If Granger shows that he will not be defined by race politics by indicating a willingness to talk to EVERY ONE, then the "black man bad" syndrome peddled by the PPP will be less effective.


Let us hope Granger does the same thing in Guyana.  Get out of parliament and do walk abouts in Linden, South Georgetown, Parika, Buxton, Mahaicony, Rose Hall, Essequibo Coast and Islands, Lethem, Bartica, Imbaimadai.


In other words where ever Guyanese live.  He ought not to wait until elections are announced to do this.  He needs to LISTEN and LEARN and SHARE and DEVELOP and attempt to IMPLEMENT.


The old dinosaurs think that Guyanese live in the 60s and 70s.  The average Guyanese voter was NOT even born then.


they want real SOLUTIONS to their CONTEMPORARY problems, as those who are honest know that the past is littered with the blood from BOTH the PPP and the PNC.  No innocent people here!

This is part of what I term an "apology" to the nation for the Burnham era. There's more to go.



This is not an "apology".  This is the APNU doing what they are paid to do, and its only because Guyana doesn't have a constituency based system that MPs can spend all day in parliament, and never interact with the people. 


Because Guyanese have such low expectation of the people who they elect, if APNU began to do their work, they might well introduce a whole new political culture in Guyana.


If APNU wishes to become a multiracial party (which it isn't, and neither is the PPP) then it cannot engage in apologies which might serve to inflame those who wonder how come "the other side" isn't also doing so, and might accuse Granger of pandering, and even selling out to PERSONALLY get soup.

Last edited by Former Member

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