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I contemplated editing out the term "stupid" from the title but on reflection I let it stand because his decision to abstain in parliament was a decision to wound the AFC, his only empowering partner in this fight, on the calculation he may use some votes in the civil service.


He did not trust that the people can come to the conclusion, ( the right one) that the PPP has manipulated the idea that an ask for accountability to their spending meant an automatic firings.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I contemplated editing out the term "stupid" from the title but on reflection I let it stand because his decision to abstain in parliament was a decision to wound the AFC, his only empowering partner in this fight, on the calculation he may use some votes in the civil service.


He did not trust that the people can come to the conclusion, ( the right one) that the PPP has manipulated the idea that an ask for accountability to their spending meant an automatic firings.

Bettah wach out, dah "stupid" man gatt di whole GDF behind him.


I love it when there is "no honor among thieves" hahahahahha.

The PPP outsmart Ramjattan and his band of merry men by serving up some hot milk and biscuit to the pNC. hahahahahah


We all know that cutting electrical subsidies to Linden is the right thing to do as

1) they did not give enough votes to the PPP

2) it is not fair to the rest of the country

3) the power company is running at a loss due to stealing by customers and subsidies like this.


In terms of the budget cutting from the ministries, the PNC supporters would have been the most affected so they owed it to their constituents to support this bill. 


The AFC is playing spoiler but they must realize that in this game they will win some and lose sum.  My hope is that the AFC continue to put pressure on govt with the help of the PNC. It makes the govt more accountable and is good for the country. 

MOriginally Posted by BGurd_See:

I love it when there is "no honor among thieves" hahahahahha.

The PPP outsmart Ramjattan and his band of merry men by serving up some hot milk and biscuit to the pNC. hahahahahah


We all know that cutting electrical subsidies to Linden is the right thing to do as

1) they did not give enough votes to the PPP

2) it is not fair to the rest of the country

3) the power company is running at a loss due to stealing by customers and subsidies like this.


In terms of the budget cutting from the ministries, the PNC supporters would have been the most affected so they owed it to their constituents to support this bill. 


The AFC is playing spoiler but they must realize that in this game they will win some and lose sum.  My hope is that the AFC continue to put pressure on govt with the help of the PNC. It makes the govt more accountable and is good for the country. 


Well said.


AFC  has to learn that in politics you win some and loose some.  PPP outsmarted the AFC and RUMjattan was caught with his pants down. His lack of political maturity shows.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I contemplated editing out the term "stupid" from the title but on reflection I let it stand because his decision to abstain in parliament was a decision to wound the AFC, his only empowering partner in this fight, on the calculation he may use some votes in the civil service.


He did not trust that the people can come to the conclusion, ( the right one) that the PPP has manipulated the idea that an ask for accountability to their spending meant an automatic firings.


The PNC understands that the PPP's budget will bring economic progress for Guyana and did not want to be on the wrong side of public opinion.


Remember the massive protests and public backlash against the AFC ? Do you want me to post more pictures of the protests ?


The AFC got a bitter taste of reality from public servants by their massive protests. They will never recover from this since their position was seen as anti working class and double standards.


Call it whatever way you want but your AFC was put into their rightful place by the PPP.They are just a handful of politicians who lack political maturity led by brain dead RUMjattan and foul mouth Moses.


Let us call a spade a spade.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I contemplated editing out the term "stupid" from the title but on reflection I let it stand because his decision to abstain in parliament was a decision to wound the AFC, his only empowering partner in this fight, on the calculation he may use some votes in the civil service.


He did not trust that the people can come to the conclusion, ( the right one) that the PPP has manipulated the idea that an ask for accountability to their spending meant an automatic firings.


The PNC understands that the PPP's budget will bring economic progress for Guyana and did not want to be on the wrong side of public opinion.


Remember the massive protests and public backlash against the AFC ? Do you want me to post more pictures of the protests ?


The AFC got a bitter taste of reality from public servants by their massive protests. They will never recover from this since their position was seen as anti working class and double standards.


Call it whatever way you want but your AFC was put into their rightful place by the PPP.They are just a handful of politicians who lack political maturity led by brain dead RUMjattan and foul mouth Moses.


Let us call a spade a spade.

The fact remains the PPP lied. Cutting back did not threaten the civil service. It threatened their option for graft and fostering their subcontracting as patronage.


There were no "massive protests". There were scared poor people concerned the lie that they would lost their job is true so the followed the liars in to the streets on being duped.



There should be no bitter taste to those pursuing justice. The hapless opportunism f Granger will come back to bite him because he will ask the AFC to support something political rather than social and they will give him the shaft.


Further, that is how things should work in this system as the liars and the opportunists are revealed to the public with each eventuality of their display of their true selves. Sunlight is a great disinfectant.


The AFC will win on this in the end because the universe does not reward evil with good. It also reward good intentions even when they appear to fail because such are the ways of things inevitably just.


PNC ah wan good ally fuh PPP juss like PPP wah good ally wenn PNC wah in powah.  Jagan sell out coolies juss like Granger gon sell out blackman.  Alyuh nah mek no mistake, PPP and PNC gon facilitate wan anada caaz dem both allow each fuh walk pun coolies and blacks.  PPP and PNC laka two fambly memba, dem goa rowe but wenn outsida butt in dem goa jump pon same side.  AFC ah wan outsida.  Coolie and blackman, PPP and PNC all abie a waan fambly.


First question: What can the AFC do without APNU? Second: You should take back the ill-fated words you used against APNU as a back stabber because AFC and APNU planned was to back stab the PPP. How does it feel to experience a good back stabbing? APNU and AFC are made up by neemakarams and back stabbing is all they know. Don't let anger get the better of you. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

First question: What can the AFC do without APNU? Second: You should take back the ill-fated words you used against APNU as a back stabber because AFC and APNU planned was to back stab the PPP. How does it feel to experience a good back stabbing? APNU and AFC are made up by neemakarams and back stabbing is all they know. Don't let anger get the better of you. 

Why is that the first question? Why not what has the PPP shared with or when was APNU/PNC ever allowed to have a voice in any budget creation in the past 20 years? That brings us to the answer, the difference in the political landscape this time.


One is  not afraid of deception. One is disappointed that these dinosaurs are still around and the hope for some progress in our political reality may be yet some time down the road. Unfortunately, you are not bright enough to see why Granger capitulated.


He thinks he can form the government the next time around given the numbers of Guyanese who stayed home. He is not acting as a change agent but campaigning. He did not trust the People will find out the truth that the PPP were lying. He simply felt he needed to be on their good side rather than on the right side in the inevitable event of the PPP calling a snap elections soon. That is why I call him a stupid and rather simple man. The AFC is here to stay and they will forever be the balance between these two titans fighting for power.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why is that the first question? Why not what has the PPP shared with or when was APNU/PNC ever allowed to have a voice in any budget creation in the past 20 years? That brings us to the answer, the difference in the political landscape this time.


One is  not afraid of deception. One is disappointed that these dinosaurs are still around and the hope for some progress in our political reality may be yet some time down the road. Unfortunately, you are not bright enough to see why Granger capitulated.


He thinks he can form the government the next time around given the numbers of Guyanese who stayed home. He is not acting as a change agent but campaigning. He did not trust the People will find out the truth that the PPP were lying. He simply felt he needed to be on their good side rather than on the right side in the inevitable event of the PPP calling a snap elections soon. That is why I call him a stupid and rather simple man. The AFC is here to stay and they will forever be the balance between these two titans fighting for power.



The fact is that the PNC did what it had to do for its own self interest once the budget was revealed and the details were laid out. They could find no fraud and reacted to public pressure to not disrupt development. Remember "what is good for Guyana is bad for the AFC"

In this scenario the PNC also benefits from this budget as they saw that their supporters were to be waylaid by the AFC. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


The fact is that the PNC did what it had to do for its own self interest once the budget was revealed and the details were laid out. They could find no fraud and reacted to public pressure to not disrupt development. Remember "what is good for Guyana is bad for the AFC"

In this scenario the PNC also benefits from this budget as they saw that their supporters were to be waylaid by the AFC. 

 Like you silly slogan your simply lie. No clarity was given to questions asked on the specifics of the budget. The PPP simply did a shuffle step and pulled one over on the people with the spin that AFC wants to cut jobs. Even a semi lucid moron as you would grasp the ACF would not be silly to do that when so much option to unmask fraud exist in the PPP budget


Do you think these stupid lies will prevail all the time? It rakes but one of them to be revealed for what they are and more seepage from their base will precipitate. These crooks are on their way out. They better pray the numbers are such that that the APNU crowd does not make the next minority government.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why is that the first question? Why not what has the PPP shared with or when was APNU/PNC ever allowed to have a voice in any budget creation in the past 20 years? That brings us to the answer, the difference in the political landscape this time.


One is  not afraid of deception. One is disappointed that these dinosaurs are still around and the hope for some progress in our political reality may be yet some time down the road. Unfortunately, you are not bright enough to see why Granger capitulated.


He thinks he can form the government the next time around given the numbers of Guyanese who stayed home. He is not acting as a change agent but campaigning. He did not trust the People will find out the truth that the PPP were lying. He simply felt he needed to be on their good side rather than on the right side in the inevitable event of the PPP calling a snap elections soon. That is why I call him a stupid and rather simple man. The AFC is here to stay and they will forever be the balance between these two titans fighting for power.



The fact is that the PNC did what it had to do for its own self interest once the budget was revealed and the details were laid out. They could find no fraud and reacted to public pressure to not disrupt development. Remember "what is good for Guyana is bad for the AFC"

In this scenario the PNC also benefits from this budget as they saw that their supporters were to be waylaid by the AFC. 

Very accurate.


Storm is making himself look very silly by his retarded posts to defend the dying AFC that lacks political maturity.


The AFC snake oil bottle was busted by the civil servants protest. PNC outsmarted the AFC on this one. LOL

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why is that the first question? Why not what has the PPP shared with or when was APNU/PNC ever allowed to have a voice in any budget creation in the past 20 years? That brings us to the answer, the difference in the political landscape this time.


One is  not afraid of deception. One is disappointed that these dinosaurs are still around and the hope for some progress in our political reality may be yet some time down the road. Unfortunately, you are not bright enough to see why Granger capitulated.


He thinks he can form the government the next time around given the numbers of Guyanese who stayed home. He is not acting as a change agent but campaigning. He did not trust the People will find out the truth that the PPP were lying. He simply felt he needed to be on their good side rather than on the right side in the inevitable event of the PPP calling a snap elections soon. That is why I call him a stupid and rather simple man. The AFC is here to stay and they will forever be the balance between these two titans fighting for power.



The fact is that the PNC did what it had to do for its own self interest once the budget was revealed and the details were laid out. They could find no fraud and reacted to public pressure to not disrupt development. Remember "what is good for Guyana is bad for the AFC"

In this scenario the PNC also benefits from this budget as they saw that their supporters were to be waylaid by the AFC. 

Very accurate.


Storm is making himself look very silly by his retarded posts to defend the dying AFC that lacks political maturity.


The AFC snake oil bottle was busted by the civil servants protest. PNC outsmarted the AFC on this one. LOL

 The post would be deemed retarded if you had the moral center to address the questions raised rather than continue to be the worm you are and insist that good men are scoundrels for doing the honest thing.


What about any of those crooks in the PPP  know about maturity? Ramatar was working for  pittance at GIIMPEX  before the PPP came into office and now these people stole so much that co opted the status of the noblesse oblige.


The only redemptive reality existing in the PPP as it now stands is that it is decaying from the inside. Nothing so base, so full of intent to defraud and pillage lasts.


Unfortunately, it is  the spread of 40 thousand people that stands between them and  Granger in power. That number is made less than 20 thousand or less if one looks at the distribution across districts.


It is Ramjattan and the AFC that you will need to stand between them and the darkness. Then suddenly  morally deficient creeps like you will see sagacity in his choice to question and ask for accountability.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why is that the first question? Why not what has the PPP shared with or when was APNU/PNC ever allowed to have a voice in any budget creation in the past 20 years? That brings us to the answer, the difference in the political landscape this time.


One is  not afraid of deception. One is disappointed that these dinosaurs are still around and the hope for some progress in our political reality may be yet some time down the road. Unfortunately, you are not bright enough to see why Granger capitulated.


He thinks he can form the government the next time around given the numbers of Guyanese who stayed home. He is not acting as a change agent but campaigning. He did not trust the People will find out the truth that the PPP were lying. He simply felt he needed to be on their good side rather than on the right side in the inevitable event of the PPP calling a snap elections soon. That is why I call him a stupid and rather simple man. The AFC is here to stay and they will forever be the balance between these two titans fighting for power.



The fact is that the PNC did what it had to do for its own self interest once the budget was revealed and the details were laid out. They could find no fraud and reacted to public pressure to not disrupt development. Remember "what is good for Guyana is bad for the AFC"

In this scenario the PNC also benefits from this budget as they saw that their supporters were to be waylaid by the AFC. 

Very accurate.


Storm is making himself look very silly by his retarded posts to defend the dying AFC that lacks political maturity.


The AFC snake oil bottle was busted by the civil servants protest. PNC outsmarted the AFC on this one. LOL

 The post would be deemed retarded if you had the moral center to address the questions raised rather than continue to be the worm you are and insist that good men are scoundrels for doing the honest thing.


What about any of those crooks in the PPP  know about maturity? Ramatar was working for  pittance at GIIMPEX  before the PPP came into office and now these people stole so much that co opted the status of the noblesse oblige.


The only redemptive reality existing in the PPP as it now stands is that it is decaying from the inside. Nothing so base, so full of intent to defraud and pillage lasts.


Unfortunately, it is  the spread of 40 thousand people that stands between them and  Granger in power. That number is made less than 20 thousand or less if one looks at the distribution across districts.


It is Ramjattan and the AFC that you will need to stand between them and the darkness. Then suddenly  morally deficient creeps like you will see sagacity in his choice to question and ask for accountability.


Mr. AFC snake oil salesman. Prove these claims against the PPP with facts and numbers.

Until then, you remain as AFC snake oil salesman of the month.



Keep prattling the same thing over and over. It is the mark of the fool. The point is I am not to be associated as being a spokesperson for the ADC. I speak for my self and is responsible for the text I write.I happen to think they are right most of the time and their conception of the present administration is precisely as it is.



It looking like APNU and PPP getting on better than AFC/PNC. Wonder why? Is it because the AFC can be easily fooled by the more experienced parties. Wonder if PNC corresponding with the speaker separately. Might be better for PPP to go with AFC, maybe make Moses Minister of Information again and Ramjattan Min. of Home Affairs  

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Keep prattling the same thing over and over. It is the mark of the fool. The point is I am not to be associated as being a spokesperson for the ADC. I speak for my self and is responsible for the text I write.I happen to think they are right most of the time and their conception of the present administration is precisely as it is.



You must feel like a fool now with your post lambasting Granger. Currently APNU and  AFC are holding up the budget with demands of budget cuts and there is no talk of betrayal. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Keep prattling the same thing over and over. It is the mark of the fool. The point is I am not to be associated as being a spokesperson for the ADC. I speak for my self and is responsible for the text I write.I happen to think they are right most of the time and their conception of the present administration is precisely as it is.



You must feel like a fool now with your post lambasting Granger. Currently APNU and  AFC are holding up the budget with demands of budget cuts and there is no talk of betrayal. 

Of course not. The sentiment remains. If indeed he had capitulated as was widely reported, then he got what was indeed my sincerest sentiments. Apparently he was not stupid, knew his obligations and saw the better strategy in why I stated for cussing him out. If he indeed hold the line I will extend a heartfelt apology.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well, a man has a right to tun PNC but of course he has to get daub with the PNC miasma.

Kish, I'm sure Stormborn will answer you with the choicest diction he commands.

For my part, respectfully, I wish to point out that the only constant in life is change. People change, circumstances change, even rocks change over time. Cheddi Jagan used to call the process dialectics.

When someone changes his opinions, it's not a crime. It's not immoral.

Mahatma Gandhi was criticized fiercely for constantly changing his views. People were just getting used to one of his ideas when he started saying something contradictory. It caused much frustration.

But the Mahatma pointed out that he was not all-knowing and in his quest for Truth he was liable to make mistakes. He said: "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."

Having said that, Kish, I notice you've started digging up past posts by Storm and yuji22.

Not a nice approach, bro. Cease and desist, please. Let peace prevail.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well, a man has a right to tun PNC but of course he has to get daub with the PNC miasma.

Kish, I'm sure Stormborn will answer you with the choicest diction he commands.

For my part, respectfully, I wish to point out that the only constant in life is change. People change, circumstances change, even rocks change over time. Cheddi Jagan used to call the process dialectics.

When someone changes his opinions, it's not a crime. It's not immoral.

Mahatma Gandhi was criticized fiercely for constantly changing his views. People were just getting used to one of his ideas when he started saying something contradictory. It caused much frustration.

But the Mahatma pointed out that he was not all-knowing and in his quest for Truth he was liable to make mistakes. He said: "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."

Having said that, Kish, I notice you've started digging up past posts by Storm and yuji22.

Not a nice approach, bro. Cease and desist, please. Let peace prevail.

Mr Gilbakka you giving us words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing the Mahatma words. 

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well, a man has a right to tun PNC but of course he has to get daub with the PNC miasma.

You are obviously the simpleton you present to be. Were you took the time to read my words and not intrude with your moronic view you would see my reading of what the PNC supposedly did; support the PPP budget, was wrong. Further, nitwit, I do not support any party. I am playing the mathematical scenario that gets the best of all of them given their absence of good sense. My view is  if they play the zero sum game, nothing moves. If they negotiate, Guyanese get the best.  It has nothing to do with a preference for the PNC but a desire to put an end to the crookedness in the PPP.


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