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Granger poised to return as PNCR Leader

Posted By Staff Writer On June 22, 2014 @ 5:19 am In Local News | No Comments

PNCR leader David Granger seems poised to retain the party’s leadership during its 18th Biennial Congress next month as none of its leading members seem interested in challenging him for the top spot.

Carl Greenidge, who vied to be leader during the last congress and was Granger’s closest rival, is not saying if he plans another challenge. Greenidge told Stabroek News that more important matters are engaging his attention at the moment. If he decided to challenge the leader, Greenidge might be Granger’s strongest opponent.

The two men went head-to-head on two occasions in the last three years.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Kish, let's try to view this thing objectively.

David Granger was democratically elected leader of the PNC. More democratically elected than leader of the PPP Clement Rohee or his predecessor Donald Ramotar.

Granger and his challenger Carl Greenidge had to face the PNC members throughout the country directly and present their plans and credentials. After that, they faced direct voting by delegates at a PNC congress. Granger won.

According to the report you posted above, Kish, so far Granger's leadership position is not challenged, not even by Greenidge.

If Granger faces the upcoming PNC congress as the only candidate, he would naturally be returned as Leader. We can't quarrel with that.

On the other hand, the PPP Leader known as the General Secretary is not elected directly by delegates at PPP congresses. The delegates vote for a 35-member Central Committee, which vote among themselves for a 15-member Executive Committee, which in turn vote for the Party's General Secretary and other specialist secretaries like organizing secretary, propaganda secretary, finance secretary, etc.

Moses Nagamootoo is on record as calling for direct democracy in the PPP.


I now understand why Mr Singh/KishanB is very angry with Mr TK. Here is what Mr TK write on SN blog yesterday.


T_Khemraj: I certainly don’t need an apology from the PNC. However, if people want a season of apologies, let’s call up an independent Truth and Reconciliation commission for both PPP and PNC. I’d like to reiterate the point I made last week. We’ve got to start listing our personal experiences of victimization when thinking about an apology. Let’s not focus on general perceptions and hearsay. As I wrote last week with Gerhard, I can’t find any instance where I was victimized by the Hoyte PNC. I can’t say anything about the Burnham PNC since I am too young. I have only read about the policies of that period. This is not to say that older folks
experienced no victimization. I shared my personal experience since I cannot speak for them. Meanwhile, the PNCR needs to credibly signal that it is moving into the future. It has to come up with a clear body of policies showing how it will be different from the methods of party paramountcy. That’s the best form of apology. It appears like the PNCR will be electing its next leader via secret ballot instead of selecting one through Stalin’s method of show-of-hands. That’s a big step in the right direction.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

What democracy TK speak about, he mean deamon-cracy in the PNC.

So competition between black people(however narrow the scope) is about demons! 


Let me say something to you that is clear; I have seen TK speak lucidly about what kind of democracy he wants. What is your view except this liberal shit throwing that you have taken up as  your new vocation?




Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Kish, let's try to view this thing objectively.

David Granger was democratically elected leader of the PNC. More democratically elected than leader of the PPP Clement Rohee or his predecessor Donald Ramotar.

Granger and his challenger Carl Greenidge had to face the PNC members throughout the country directly and present their plans and credentials. After that, they faced direct voting by delegates at a PNC congress. Granger won.

According to the report you posted above, Kish, so far Granger's leadership position is not challenged, not even by Greenidge.

If Granger faces the upcoming PNC congress as the only candidate, he would naturally be returned as Leader. We can't quarrel with that.

On the other hand, the PPP Leader known as the General Secretary is not elected directly by delegates at PPP congresses. The delegates vote for a 35-member Central Committee, which vote among themselves for a 15-member Executive Committee, which in turn vote for the Party's General Secretary and other specialist secretaries like organizing secretary, propaganda secretary, finance secretary, etc.

Moses Nagamootoo is on record as calling for direct democracy in the PPP.

Krsishna does not concern himself with reality. He is more in love with the macabre world where TK is our lone concern and not the PPP and their concerted effort to foil democracy at every turn.


Nothing the PPP has done since '92 has advanced our democracy.  Old  Marxist ideologues and tyrants do not make good democrats.  I do not know of any. I also do not know of any of the disintegral states of the former Soviet Union that has progressed with the detritus of that period. We have old communists in office and suffer no less than a Tajikistan where leaders cannot grapple with democracy and its needs

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

What democracy TK speak about, he mean deamon-cracy in the PNC.

So competition between black people(however narrow the scope) is about demons! 


Let me say something to you that is clear; I have seen TK speak lucidly about what kind of democracy he wants. What is your view except this liberal shit throwing that you have taken up as  your new vocation?




"Liberal shit throwing" is a good way to say it. 


Kishan B is merely peddling his "black man bad, Indian good, black man have to apologize" nonsense. 


Why doesn't he refer to the fact that EVERY leader that the PPP has had has been chosen by a cabal of a dozen or so people and foisted on its membership, who bray their approval, just as the sheep in Animal Farm did.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Kishan B is merely peddling his "black man bad, Indian good, black man have to apologize" nonsense. 


Why doesn't he refer to the fact that EVERY leader that the PPP has had has been chosen by a cabal of a dozen or so people and foisted on its membership, who bray their approval, just as the sheep in Animal Farm did.

I was not please at Kishan B post on this one.  This was bad taste, please withdraw this post Kishan B.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kishan B is merely peddling his "black man bad, Indian good, black man have to apologize" nonsense. 


Why doesn't he refer to the fact that EVERY leader that the PPP has had has been chosen by a cabal of a dozen or so people and foisted on its membership, who bray their approval, just as the sheep in Animal Farm did.

I was not please at Kishan B post on this one.  This was bad taste, please withdraw this post Kishan B.

We know who and who is same.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kishan B is merely peddling his "black man bad, Indian good, black man have to apologize" nonsense. 


Why doesn't he refer to the fact that EVERY leader that the PPP has had has been chosen by a cabal of a dozen or so people and foisted on its membership, who bray their approval, just as the sheep in Animal Farm did.

I was not please at Kishan B post on this one.  This was bad taste, please withdraw this post Kishan B.

Brian Teekha, why don't you haul yu rass.  Nothing to apologise for, Granja is a racist and a military dictator.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kishan B is merely peddling his "black man bad, Indian good, black man have to apologize" nonsense. 


Why doesn't he refer to the fact that EVERY leader that the PPP has had has been chosen by a cabal of a dozen or so people and foisted on its membership, who bray their approval, just as the sheep in Animal Farm did.

I was not please at Kishan B post on this one.  This was bad taste, please withdraw this post Kishan B.

Brian Teekha, why don't you haul yu rass.  Nothing to apologise for, Granja is a racist and a military dictator.

"de smartness" . . . tag team



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kishan B is merely peddling his "black man bad, Indian good, black man have to apologize" nonsense. 


Why doesn't he refer to the fact that EVERY leader that the PPP has had has been chosen by a cabal of a dozen or so people and foisted on its membership, who bray their approval, just as the sheep in Animal Farm did.

I was not please at Kishan B post on this one.  This was bad taste, please withdraw this post Kishan B.

Brian Teekha, why don't you haul yu rass.  Nothing to apologise for, Granja is a racist and a military dictator.

"de smartness" . . . tag team



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kishan B is merely peddling his "black man bad, Indian good, black man have to apologize" nonsense. 


Why doesn't he refer to the fact that EVERY leader that the PPP has had has been chosen by a cabal of a dozen or so people and foisted on its membership, who bray their approval, just as the sheep in Animal Farm did.

I was not please at Kishan B post on this one.  This was bad taste, please withdraw this post Kishan B.

Brian Teekha, why don't you haul yu rass.  Nothing to apologise for, Granja is a racist and a military dictator.

"de smartness" . . . tag team



LOL good one Mr Redux. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kishan B is merely peddling his "black man bad, Indian good, black man have to apologize" nonsense. 


Why doesn't he refer to the fact that EVERY leader that the PPP has had has been chosen by a cabal of a dozen or so people and foisted on its membership, who bray their approval, just as the sheep in Animal Farm did.

I was not please at Kishan B post on this one.  This was bad taste, please withdraw this post Kishan B.

Brian Teekha, why don't you haul yu rass.  Nothing to apologise for, Granja is a racist and a military dictator.

"de smartness" . . . tag team



LOL good one Mr Redux. 

It is amusing to observe how Mr Tyrone Khemraj does use his right hand to blog as Redux and then do a switch around and allow the left hand to blog as JB.


Left side brain talking to right side brain.  What a loser!  GNI is his life - five time over.  



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kishan B is merely peddling his "black man bad, Indian good, black man have to apologize" nonsense. 


Why doesn't he refer to the fact that EVERY leader that the PPP has had has been chosen by a cabal of a dozen or so people and foisted on its membership, who bray their approval, just as the sheep in Animal Farm did.

I was not please at Kishan B post on this one.  This was bad taste, please withdraw this post Kishan B.

Bai Kish, you ah mek joke?



Dr. Faith Harding explained that despite the problem, she is determined to serve her party. She said that it was during the lead-up to the election of the presidential candidate for the party that the central executive members began to breach protocol without any shame.
According to Dr. Harding, she was disappointed when she realized that during the internal elections held to elect its presidential candidate, the party used party resources, both human and otherwise, to aid the campaign of retired Brigadier David Granger. She explained that the public relations department and vehicles of the PNCR were fixtures anywhere Granger went, and the PR team made no bones about being there because of Granger.
Dr. Harding also explained that leader of the party, Robert Corbin, was fully behind David Granger and favoured him as the presidential candidate of the party. During her campaigning for the presidential post of the party, she was told by party members and supporters in several regions, that they received calls informing them that the party supports David Granger for the position and it will be that way, and that way only. She was however reluctant to say who placed those calls. She commented that the fight for the top post was between the Robert Corbin faction and that of the late chairman, Winston Murray.
In an attempt to support her claims of the lack of shame on the part of the executive, Dr. Harding pointed to a book launch by David Granger two days before the internal elections to elect a presidential candidate. The leader of the party, senior party members and those of the executive were actively involved in that event, and even appeared on the platform and made speeches on the day of the book launch, she added.
The most glaring and absurd charade by the executive was witnessed on the day of the presidential election of the party, Dr Harding explained. She said that the David Granger faction clearly violated the rules of the game and breached protocol by distributing David Granger t-shirts and other paraphernalia in the Congress, under the collective nose of the leader and other executive members.
She also cited the drawing of a raffle on the same day, which had the full support of Robert Corbin. She said musicians sang and tuned up instruments during the counting of the presidential votes, while several persons crowded the stage area although ballot boxes were open. She explained that those actions caused the party to lose some of its members.


Carbin rigged PNC elections fuh Granja.

Sunday, February 06, 2011
Presidential candidate Greenidge attracts strong support at Linden meeting
PNCR presidential candidate hopeful Carl Greenidge attracted strong support among the residents of Region 10 on Friday, which saw the largest turnout at the ongoing Town Hall-style meetings organised by the party.

There was a capacity audience at the Linmine Constabulary Recreational Hall, where the five nominees each made their case to be the PNCR’s presidential candidate at the upcoming general and regional elections.

Residents came out to hear what the nominees had to say on several issues of concern to them, especially unemployment, infrastructure, water and security. At the commencement of the programme, each candidate was given two minutes to give an introductory presentation, while residents later took full advantage of the time given to them to ask questions. Among those asking questions were a large number of youths, who expressed concerns about the unemployment situation and the effects of the government’s ‘No Child Left Behind’ policy.

Judging from the reception after the meeting, Greenidge was the favourite among residents of the mining town. Several of them flocked him and pledged their support to him. Speaking with Stabroek News, he said the reception was the kind he was hoping for. He added that Linden was very special to the party and had gone through some difficult times in the past. “I was very concerned to know what was the sense of Linden as it regards this process within the party and as well their attitudes toward the efforts of the community in general and toward the change of government and to improve the quality of governance in general,” he said.

Greenidge said he was very pleased to see the wide spectrum of the audience present at the meeting. He added that he was also very pleased to note that the quantity of questions focused on the education system and opportunities for youths in this regard. Following the meeting, he was forced to spend extra hours in a round table discussion with a large number of young people, who demanded an audience with him. “The question about education and bringing education into the 21st century is not only about equipment and buildings, it is about a knowledge system,” he said.

Can TK use his influence, if he has any, to move the PNC in a new direction? Kari thinks he has the winning formula for Granger even though the former military strongman could care less about any of their ideas.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Can TK use his influence, if he has any, to move the PNC in a new direction? Kari thinks he has the winning formula for Granger even though the former military strongman could [couldn't] care less about any of their ideas.

when was Granger a "military strongman" bai?


de man never even made Chief of Staff


for y'all ignoramuses, this kind of stupid braying is foreplay to jerking off to your fondest, racist fantasies

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Can TK use his influence, if he has any, to move the PNC in a new direction? Kari thinks he has the winning formula for Granger even though the former military strongman could care less about any of their ideas.

Do you think you need to concern yourselves with the disease that is the PPP since it is the prevailing infection in land? Are there any advice on remedial strategies that we may employ to constrain this present plague?

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Congrats to TK...Use yuh Card and Vote for Granger...

Ravi Dev think U is a PNC Undercover Jihaji...

Bhai as long as Granger & Corbin Buttering you up...

Forget about Ravi.



Just heard from TK....DE Jumbie like this Post.


Granja meking his move to rigg the PNC internal elections, check out what they did to Vanessa.


New from Guyana.


Oschar Cluck, the GS produce wan list for Region 10 with half the Ppeople not PNC members, but they all come on board to vote for Orlando and Granja.


She object to the rigging and she get suspended.


Can you imagine what these craab daag will do if they get executive power?


They are ballot box BANDITS.  The PPP should use that term in the next campaign - "the APNU are ballot box bandits".


Like Granja got blood on his hand for 1979 - Rodney Commission bringing it out.




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