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@Former Member posted:

... and the international community knows this, says PPP/C 


Granger in charge of conspiracy to rig elections, and intโ€™l community knows it โ€“ PPP/C

The Opposition Peopleโ€™s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) is of the view that incumbent President, David Granger, is at the helm of the conspiracy to rig the 2020 Elections, and that the Guyanese public and the international community are not fooled.

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo

Giving context to their stance, the PPP said that the statement from the Government of Guyana, in direct response to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announcing sanctions on top officials from the Coalition administration, paints a clear picture of the โ€œclassic deceptive strategy of Granger.โ€
โ€œThat is to say,โ€ the party expanded, โ€œremaining in the background and orchestrating his minions, including Ministers of his Government, candidates and leaders of his political party, his Commissioners at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and even his party supporters, to front his unconstitutional, undemocratic, illegal and sinister political agenda.โ€
When they are exposed, the Opposition said, Granger appears in the public with a โ€œglib denial of any wrongdoingโ€, repeating his โ€œsanctimonious pledge to obey the Constitution, to adhere to the rule of law, to comply with Court rulings and to promise non-interference with the operation at GECOM.โ€
The Coalitionโ€™s statement, the PPP noted, is a denial that they are undermining the electoral process.

De facto President David Granger

โ€œGuyana, the Caribbean and indeed, the Western Hemisphere can bear testimony, first hand, to Granger and his Governmentโ€™s multiple, transparent and vulgar attempts at undermining the electoral process and interfering with GECOM in the discharge of its mandate in conducting elections and declaring the legal results of those elections,โ€ the Opposition stated.The party pointed out the court motion filed by Coalition supporter, Misenga Jones, seeking Orders from the High Court to compel GECOM to declare tainted results of the elections, aimed so that โ€œGranger can steal the next Government.โ€
The Opposition added, โ€œNo doubt, Mr. Granger is the intellectual author and is in charge of the conspiracy to rig the March 2nd, 2020 Election. Not once has he condemned the naked fraud attempted by Clairmont Mingo and Keith Lowenfield. In fact, he and his Ministers have all embraced them and they still do.โ€
Further, the party said that every Minister in Grangerโ€™s cabinet is on record in Guyana and overseas โ€œcanvassing supportโ€ for their attempts to corrupt the electoral process and โ€œdefendingโ€ those who are directly carrying it out.
Among those, the PPP said, include โ€˜Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Joseph Harmon, Raphael Trotman, Cathy Hughes, Khemraj Ramjattan and others.โ€
Both local and international stakeholders, the party said, who dared to criticize their conduct would face the brunt of โ€œvitriolic abuses.โ€
Because of their continued actions, the Opposition said โ€œthese sanctions were long intimated.โ€
โ€œGranger and his Cabal mocked those who spoke of them. Now that the sanctions have finally come, he sanctimoniously pleads his and his Governmentโ€™s innocence. Everyone acquainted with the facts would agree that the sanctions are justified, in the circumstances,โ€ the party said.


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