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Home > TOP STORY > At final APNU+AFC rally, Granger tells supporters… ‘It’s time to take Guyana back’
APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger and Mrs. Granger at the Square of the Revolution last evening
APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger and Mrs. Granger at the Square of the Revolution last evening

At final APNU+AFC rally, Granger tells supporters… ‘It’s time to take Guyana back’

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Guyanese voters must forget about race tomorrow and vote based on these examples of the Jagdeo / Ramotar PPPC 23 years of governance or lack thereof. ...



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > At final APNU+AFC rally, Granger tells supporters… ‘It’s time to take Guyana back’
APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger and Mrs. Granger at the Square of the Revolution last evening
APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger and Mrs. Granger at the Square of the Revolution last evening

At final APNU+AFC rally, Granger tells supporters… ‘It’s time to take Guyana back’

That is tiredness after a well fought 12 weeks campaign.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The look at a defeated man. The AFC will get Katahar from Granger.

On the contrary, David Granger looks like a humble man, thinking seriously about the big responsibility that will rest on his shoulders. The people of Guyana will get clean and competent leadership from Granger.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It must have been tiring for everyone.  Wish him all he best.

Much appreciated, base. You're a good man.

I hope, whatever the outcome, he continues to work in the collective interest of everyone.  Regardless of politics, baseman view Granger as a patriot.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It must have been tiring for everyone.  Wish him all he best.

Much appreciated, base. You're a good man.

I hope, whatever the outcome, he continues to work in the collective interest of everyone.  Regardless of politics, baseman view Granger as a patriot.

Like baseman switching sides already as I predicted? hahhahahahahahhaaha


a bit "Premature" maybe?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It must have been tiring for everyone.  Wish him all he best.

Much appreciated, base. You're a good man.

I hope, whatever the outcome, he continues to work in the collective interest of everyone.  Regardless of politics, baseman view Granger as a patriot.

Like baseman switching sides already as I predicted? hahhahahahahahhaaha


a bit "Premature" maybe?

The fact that I wish them/him all the best and the fact that I view him a patriot does not mean I switch.  This may true in your "underdeveloped" logic as evidence by your low IQ rantings.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It must have been tiring for everyone.  Wish him all he best.

In every human there is a good side,kudos baseman.


EXCEPTIONS: Rev & yuji22. Dem two 110% bad no rass.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It must have been tiring for everyone.  Wish him all he best.

In every human there is a good side,kudos baseman.


EXCEPTIONS: Rev & yuji22. Dem two 110% bad no rass.

When they see the light at the end of the tunnel,their good

side will be revealed,give them some time.





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Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It must have been tiring for everyone.  Wish him all he best.

In every human there is a good side,kudos baseman.


EXCEPTIONS: Rev & yuji22. Dem two 110% bad no rass.

When they see the light at the end of the tunnel,their good

side will be revealed,give them some time.




Good one deh Django.  Nah mek worries, we all want to see Guyana shine and do so for the benefit of all its people.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It must have been tiring for everyone.  Wish him all he best.

In every human there is a good side,kudos baseman.


EXCEPTIONS: Rev & yuji22. Dem two 110% bad no rass.

Unless they support your side right Gilly?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > At final APNU+AFC rally, Granger tells supporters… ‘It’s time to take Guyana back’
APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger and Mrs. Granger at the Square of the Revolution last evening
APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger and Mrs. Granger at the Square of the Revolution last evening

At final APNU+AFC rally, Granger tells supporters… ‘It’s time to take Guyana back’

That is tiredness after a well fought 12 weeks campaign.

If the old man is so tired after 12 weeks of campaigning, I wonder how he will run the country for the next five years. Like he rass de pon dead.

Originally Posted by cain:

Dem two sleazeballs would never be on the good side...never.

How does one suddenly say they love all doan happen overnight.

Those two are no different from the overwhelming majority of blacks who support the PNC. Outside race, the PNC have nothing to show for their 28 years in office, yet they receive virtually all black votes. Are we now ready to label all those blacks as racists too Cainsta?


I see lots of posters here labeling PPP supporters as racists yet no one here is labeling blacks who support the PNC as racists. That, in spite of PPP supporters being able to show accomplishments by the PPP not demonstrated by the PNC when they were in office. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:

You would never see anything about the PNC because they are not around. Yes, maybe they are around in the racist PPP minds but that is their boogeyman problem

The PNC is around labeled as APNU. All they did was changed their clothes.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
yet they receive virtually all black votes. Are we now ready to label all those blacks as racists too Cainsta?



The PPP supporters are labeled as racists because they use demonization of blacks and open appeals to race as criteria for voting. 


Please examine the whole "coolie party" fiasco involving Rohee and Jagdeo. 


Followed by the screams about Moses when he said he doesn't define himself by ethnicity but instead by geography. 


Then by the swarm of Indianists screaming that the PPP is the Indian party and so they must vote for it.  Note that the PPP did NOT condemn these remarks.


Please pull up similar appeals by Granger to Africans.  Please pull up similar appeals to Africans that they should vote APNU because it is an African party.



THIS is what makes the PPP look racist!


While APNU is giving up 40% of the cabinet to an Indian dominated party, in order to woo the Indian vote, by giving them the assurance that they will have real input into the coalition government, what is the PPP doing to assure Africans that they too will have input.


If its smells like feces than most likely it is feces. In 2015 the PPP is campaigning on race whereas APNU AFC are campaigning on national unity.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

You would never see anything about the PNC because they are not around. Yes, maybe they are around in the racist PPP minds but that is their boogeyman problem

The PNC is around labeled as APNU. All they did was changed their clothes.

The PNC changed their nasty clothes to look presentable.  The PPP still ways it smelly clothes so continues to be despicable.


APNU entered into a coalition with the AFC, making many concessions.  This in order to give Indians the assurance that they will have significamt input into an APNU AFC coalition government.


Now please outline in detail what concessions has the PPP made to assure Africans that they too will have input, should the PPP win tomorrow. 


Most Africans are convinced that, after the blatant appeals to race, the PPP will exclude them even more than they have already done.  So what does the PPP plan to do to make them feel less scared?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
yet they receive virtually all black votes. Are we now ready to label all those blacks as racists too Cainsta?



The PPP supporters are labeled as racists because they use demonization of blacks and open appeals to race as criteria for voting. 


Please examine the whole "coolie party" fiasco involving Rohee and Jagdeo. 


Followed by the screams about Moses when he said he doesn't define himself by ethnicity but instead by geography. 


Then by the swarm of Indianists screaming that the PPP is the Indian party and so they must vote for it.  Note that the PPP did NOT condemn these remarks.


Please pull up similar appeals by Granger to Africans.  Please pull up similar appeals to Africans that they should vote APNU because it is an African party.



THIS is what makes the PPP look racist!


While APNU is giving up 40% of the cabinet to an Indian dominated party, in order to woo the Indian vote, by giving them the assurance that they will have real input into the coalition government, what is the PPP doing to assure Africans that they too will have input.


If its smells like feces than most likely it is feces. In 2015 the PPP is campaigning on race whereas APNU AFC are campaigning on national unity.

If virtually all blacks vote for the PNC despite the PNC complete failure in office, they don't need to yell from the rooftop that they are racists. Their actions already screamed it loud and clear.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Guyanese voters must forget about race tomorrow and vote based on these examples of the Jagdeo / Ramotar PPPC 23 years of governance or lack thereof. ...



Agreed ,all of that in 28 years for PNC rule, No to PNC/APNU.

Originally Posted by caribny:

APNU entered into a coalition with the AFC, making many concessions.  This in order to give Indians the assurance that they will have significamt input into an APNU AFC coalition government.



Anyone who is surprised by politicians breaking promises have no one but themselves to blame for their naivete.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:

everyone playing politics as usual 


If one were to judge the performances of the politicians leading up the the elections, Mr. Granger has been the classiest. 

Charm is useless in a world that demands results.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

If virtually all blacks vote for the PNC despite the PNC complete failure in office, they don't need to yell from the rooftop that they are racists. Their actions already screamed it loud and clear.

1.  Burnham died 30 years ago.  Blacks know this. Why don't you?


2.  When Hoyte left office in 1992 Guyana's economy was on the mend and his reforms prevented the Jagans from turning Guyana into Cuba.


3.  Few honest people in Guyana see APNU as likely to turn Guyana into Burnham's PNC.  They also have the assurance that the minute that the do so Moses takes his 12 seats and the PPP returns to power.


Continue to wallow in the world of 30 years ago.  Others will deal in the present.


No one is asking Indians to vote directly for the PNC by the way.  They have an offer a multi ethnic coalition where the AFC will have way more power than their contribution to the vote merits.


If the PPP had done similarly they would have been rightly entitled to demand and receive black votes.  But instead they scream apaan jhat.  Now tell me why should blacks support a party which screams that blacks are the enemy.  You are being totally ridiculous and unproductive.


If voting apaan jhat is what you wish you have a democratic right to do so!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Charm is useless in a world that demands results.

And the results you like is the blatant sale of Guyana to Chinese interests and obscene levels of corruption, and an economy which only looks good because commodity prices are high, but on the decline by the way.


 I give you permission to vote apaan jhat as this is the last time that this MIGHT work.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:


If the PPP had done similarly they would have been rightly entitled to demand and receive black votes.  But instead they scream apaan jhat.  Now tell me why should blacks support a party which screams that blacks are the enemy.  You are being totally ridiculous and unproductive.

PPP did just this way back in 1992 when they ran with a black man as Prime Minister. That same black man was even President under the PPP. So what exclusion of blacks or that blacks are the enemy are you referring to? 

Originally Posted by caribny:

 I give you permission to vote apaan jhat as this is the last time that this MIGHT work.

Blacks vote appan jhaat too bai and at a higher percentage than Indians. And for a party that had a record of mismanagement, corruption and failure. So what are your cries about? 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

Dem two sleazeballs would never be on the good side...never.

How does one suddenly say they love all doan happen overnight.

Those two are no different from the overwhelming majority of blacks who support the PNC. Outside race, the PNC have nothing to show for their 28 years in office, yet they receive virtually all black votes. Are we now ready to label all those blacks as racists too Cainsta?


I see lots of posters here labeling PPP supporters as racists yet no one here is labeling blacks who support the PNC as racists. That, in spite of PPP supporters being able to show accomplishments by the PPP not demonstrated by the PNC when they were in office. 

Kzaaaz voting race does not necessarily mean you're racist. It is when that reason is fear of the other race, then you can say it's racist. Yes, there are racists among both Blacks and Indians in Guyana. They are, thankfully, in the minority. Guyana has moved on. It's a different place from the race-oriented politics of the 70s and 80s, even if most people vote for a party dominated by their race. I do not begrudge PPP supporters of Indian origin and I do not begrudge APNU voters of Black origin. The smart voter today will look beyond race. That has been the AFC's over-riding message and it chose to coalesce with APNU and not the PPP. Think about that.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
r. That same black man was even President under the PPP.

Oh yes we will never forget that the poor idiot was demoted by the PPP and like the shuffling House Ni99er that he is, didn't immediately resign.


Now why did the PPP not allow their House Negro remain as president?


FACT. Sam Hinds had NO clout within the PPP.  Moses Nagamootoo can destroy the APNU govt if he so choses.


Do you think that blacks in the USA should support the GOP because of Clarence Thomas, even as the man votes against EVERY initiative to help them? Sadly you probably do!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

Dem two sleazeballs would never be on the good side...never.

How does one suddenly say they love all doan happen overnight.

Those two are no different from the overwhelming majority of blacks who support the PNC. Outside race, the PNC have nothing to show for their 28 years in office, yet they receive virtually all black votes. Are we now ready to label all those blacks as racists too Cainsta?


I see lots of posters here labeling PPP supporters as racists yet no one here is labeling blacks who support the PNC as racists. That, in spite of PPP supporters being able to show accomplishments by the PPP not demonstrated by the PNC when they were in office. 

Kzaaaz voting race does not necessarily mean you're racist. It is when that reason is fear of the other race, then you can say it's racist. Yes, there are racists among both Blacks and Indians in Guyana. They are, thankfully, in the minority. Guyana has moved on. It's a different place from the race-oriented politics of the 70s and 80s, even if most people vote for a party dominated by their race. I do not begrudge PPP supporters of Indian origin and I do not begrudge APNU voters of Black origin. The smart voter today will look beyond race. That has been the AFC's over-riding message and it chose to coalesce with APNU and not the PPP. Think about that.

Then posters here are taking liberty with the word racist in referring to PPP voters since it would be hard pressed to find anyone in Guyana who display the racist traits you speak of. The AFC is opportunistic. They go wherever they see personal gain. They will cuss out someone, sleep with them and then cuss them out again. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:

 I give you permission to vote apaan jhat as this is the last time that this MIGHT work.

Blacks vote appan jhaat too bai and at a higher percentage than Indians. And for a party that had a record of mismanagement, corruption and failure. So what are your cries about? 

You want to vote race so go ahead.  I cannot prevent you.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
r. That same black man was even President under the PPP.

Oh yes we will never forget that the poor idiot was demoted by the PPP and like the shuffling House Ni99er that he is, didn't immediately resign.


Now why did the PPP not allow their House Negro remain as president?


FACT. Sam Hinds had NO clout within the PPP.  Moses Nagamootoo can destroy the APNU govt if he so choses.


Do you think that blacks in the USA should support the GOP because of Clarence Thomas, even as the man votes against EVERY initiative to help them? Sadly you probably do!

You must be constantly confused by your conflicting thoughts and comments. You say whatever seem to support you position not even realizing that you trip over yourself doing so.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:

 I give you permission to vote apaan jhat as this is the last time that this MIGHT work.

Blacks vote appan jhaat too bai and at a higher percentage than Indians. And for a party that had a record of mismanagement, corruption and failure. So what are your cries about? 

You want to vote race so go ahead.  I cannot prevent you.

You seem still confused. I don't get to vote bai.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
, sleep with them and then cuss them out again. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

You want to vote for the PPP because it is the Indian party.  Kari told you go ahead.


Now if your conscience is biting you that is really your issue.


Right now we have an old time mono racial party (the PPP) and a multi racial coalition (APNU AFC).  This is what Guyanese have to decide between.


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