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Former Member

In Toronto Granger and Nagamootoo attended two events; the first a breakfast for about 100 people at the Riverstone Golf and Country club which was said to be attended by 90% Indo Guyanese who gave Granger an even more enthusiastic reception than Nagamotoo who spent most of his speech justifying why he joined the APNU when the audience just did not care.  Granger calmly addressed the militarisation charges being raised by the PPP/C, the suicide epidemic and expressed his anger at the wastefulness of the bungled fibre optic network project. As CaribnewsDesk reports owner of Action Tyre, Ron Persaud told the gathering he would leave Guyana if the PPP/C were to win.

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I did mention here ad nauseaum that Nagamootoo does not connect with Indian voters. He's a Jaganite and Indians are NOT Jaganites.


I also mentioned that General Granger is probably the man Indians are most likely to directly support in the Coalition than Nagamootoo. Indians are not opposed to a Black President (not all of us anyway) nor even a PNC President. I think the campaign team around Granger made a wrong calculation by not sending Granger to win some Indian votes and instead contracting out the Indian vote to the AFC.


U noticed that. I was there. Suh leh me tell yuh wah me c.


The graciousness of one of the organizers seated me at the table where the other organizers were going to be seated. A very decent fellow Guyanese. We had never met. He knew, I would travel for two hours to get to the Breakfast. We talked a few times on the phone. His colleagues were concerned, I was't going to show up. So they wanted not to hold the seat. But

the gentleman held the ground that I would show up. I know at a gathering like that the chances of me knowing some else is slim. And they would be in their own circles.


I was told, if I get there early, I would get a chance for some interaction.


I got there early. Before the visiting party. Seated with my back to the door and the first table to the head table.


Moses arrived. Perhaps, three foot steps away from me he stood. Immediately, he was surrounded by the people who knew him. He just stood there talking. More people joined him.


My first encounter with him about perhaps 15 years ago went exactly the same way. His failure to ply himself away from his personal contacts and extend his hand to others. A Jaganite indeed. The ACG of Toronto would do the same with Cheddie when came to Toronto. Cliquish.


The difference of the men.


I sat alone at that table, listening to the clatter of words. After awhile my thoughts drifted-dis chap ain change much.


I was distracted by a voice, "Hello." I heard. Seated, I turned around. Granger had entered the hall, came to table I was seated at, alone. I quickly stood up to greet him along with one of  the organizers who was accompanying him around.


We shook hands. A few words of greeting. Enrico Woolford was called over, "tek a picture", a voice said. 


Granger needs to get to the Corentyne and not leave it to Moses. Thinking it is Moses jurisdiction.

Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

In Toronto Granger and Nagamootoo attended two events;

the first a breakfast for about 100 people at the Riverstone Golf and Country club which was said to be

attended by 90% Indo Guyanese

who gave Granger an even more enthusiastic reception than Nagamotoo who spent most of his speech justifying why he joined the APNU when the audience just did not care.


 Granger calmly addressed the militarisation charges being raised by the PPP/C, the suicide epidemic and expressed his anger at the wastefulness of the bungled fibre optic network project. As CaribnewsDesk reports owner of Action Tyre, Ron Persaud told the gathering he would leave Guyana if the PPP/C were to win.

Lets examine the Goat Shit message & Messenger.

Crowd = 100 people

Indo Guyanese = 90% = 90 Indo Guyanese



Let us look at just One Picture

Can any see more than 10 Non Indian Guyanese.


If there are more than 10 Non Indian Guyanese

Which one is De Goat Shit?



or Both?





Would an Expert or Independent Observer

be caught up everytime in these Racist Lies?




That is not a picture of the Breakfast.


There were a number of Afro-Guyanese. A great many dark skin Indians-one could tell they were Indo-Guyanese. Light-skin ones, it was tough to decide whether they were spanish, putagee, italians or dem mix-up people. A few Chinese. Met the Madhia Gold guy-doan know what race he was-very quiet gentleman. Introduced to Van-West Charles, that was an interesting acquaintance.   

Originally Posted by seignet:

U noticed that. I was there. Suh leh me tell yuh wah me c.


The graciousness of one of the organizers seated me at the table where the other organizers were going to be seated. A very decent fellow Guyanese. We had never met. He knew, I would travel for two hours to get to the Breakfast. We talked a few times on the phone. His colleagues were concerned, I was't going to show up. So they wanted not to hold the seat. But

the gentleman held the ground that I would show up. I know at a gathering like that the chances of me knowing some else is slim. And they would be in their own circles.


I was told, if I get there early, I would get a chance for some interaction.


I got there early. Before the visiting party. Seated with my back to the door and the first table to the head table.


Moses arrived. Perhaps, three foot steps away from me he stood. Immediately, he was surrounded by the people who knew him. He just stood there talking. More people joined him.


My first encounter with him about perhaps 15 years ago went exactly the same way. His failure to ply himself away from his personal contacts and extend his hand to others. A Jaganite indeed. The ACG of Toronto would do the same with Cheddie when came to Toronto. Cliquish.


The difference of the men.


I sat alone at that table, listening to the clatter of words. After awhile my thoughts drifted-dis chap ain change much.


I was distracted by a voice, "Hello." I heard. Seated, I turned around. Granger had entered the hall, came to table I was seated at, alone. I quickly stood up to greet him along with one of  the organizers who was accompanying him around.


We shook hands. A few words of greeting. Enrico Woolford was called over, "tek a picture", a voice said. 


Granger needs to get to the Corentyne and not leave it to Moses. Thinking it is Moses jurisdiction.


That sounds about right. Granger is a better politician than Nagamootoo. Not that Nagamootoo is a bad person or not hospitable. He is. But he's not a politician that this moment demands. I feel his time has come and gone.


But you confirm what I've been saying here for ages....Granger is capable of winning Indo votes on his own. This may have been a strategic error of the Coalition to send Moses to deal with Indos and keep Granger limited to Indo photo ops. I personally like Granger and think he's "sellable" among Indian people. Indian people don't want an "Indian" Government per se. We want a competent Government that can guarantee our lives and property. We just don't wanna get shot in the head. We don't really look to government for our personal advancement and economic development. Politics has never ever been the vehicle of Indian advancement in the eyes of Indian people.


When people like me talk about "Indian concerns", we don't want some special "Indian" policies. We just don't wanna be murdered at 2am or assaulted with impugnity for being Indian. These are not policies of "Indian domination."


Which is why I've been saying for months now that David Granger is perfectly fine for Indians. And most definitely the superior choice all around.


And I'm tired of having Moses shoved in my face as Tribune of the Indos. It's so silly that the Coalition thinks Indian people so schupid that abbe guh vote fuh wan Indian juss because he's wan Indian.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shaitaan, The PPP will N VER get that in Brooklyn, WHY???   Caribj is also free to comment.


Caribj should understand that there's a  big difference between Blacks not getting top jobs in the public sector and the Indian experience of a bullet in the head for being Indian or an assault in broad daylight in the streets of the capital city for the crime of walking while Indian.


Or maybe some random abuse of some poor Indian for being Indian.


For all we can say about the PPP and even Indian racism, I don't see Blacks getting shot for being Black or innocent Black people getting beaten up by Indos for bein Black.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shaitaan, The PPP will N VER get that in Brooklyn, WHY???   Caribj is also free to comment.


Caribj should understand that there's a  big difference between Blacks not getting top jobs in the public sector and the Indian experience of a bullet in the head for being Indian or an assault in broad daylight in the streets of the capital city for the crime of walking while Indian.


Or maybe some random abuse of some poor Indian for being Indian.


For all we can say about the PPP and even Indian racism, I don't see Blacks getting shot for being Black or innocent Black people getting beaten up by Indos for bein Black.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shaitaan, The PPP will N VER get that in Brooklyn, WHY???   Caribj is also free to comment.


Caribj should understand that there's a  big difference between Blacks not getting top jobs in the public sector and the Indian experience of a bullet in the head for being Indian or an assault in broad daylight in the streets of the capital city for the crime of walking while Indian.


Or maybe some random abuse of some poor Indian for being Indian.


For all we can say about the PPP and even Indian racism, I don't see Blacks getting shot for being Black or innocent Black people getting beaten up by Indos for bein Black.



To this day Indos do not lament the lack of Indo faces in top public sector jobs. We lament the blatant crimes and bullying perpetrated on Indians for being Indians.


When the PPP is ultimately defeated....what will Blacks recall of PPP rule with "horror"? The destruction of their lives and property at the hands of the PPP? Or the horror of seeing some Indo faces in the public sector? Or maybe some schupid editorial by the Chronicle?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shaitaan, The PPP will N VER get that in Brooklyn, WHY???   Caribj is also free to comment.


Caribj should understand that there's a  big difference between Blacks not getting top jobs in the public sector and the Indian experience of a bullet in the head for being Indian or an assault in broad daylight in the streets of the capital city for the crime of walking while Indian.


Or maybe some random abuse of some poor Indian for being Indian.


For all we can say about the PPP and even Indian racism, I don't see Blacks getting shot for being Black or innocent Black people getting beaten up by Indos for bein Black.



To this day Indos do not lament the lack of Indo faces in top public sector jobs. We lament the blatant crimes and bullying perpetrated on Indians for being Indians.


When the PPP is ultimately defeated....what will Blacks recall of PPP rule with "horror"? The destruction of their lives and property at the hands of the PPP? Or the horror of seeing some Indo faces in the public sector? Or maybe some schupid editorial by the Chronicle?

iT WILL BE BACK TO GET YOUR pARTY cARD BEFORE YOU CAN JOIN THE cIVIL sERVICE. Dont get on line to buy Food Stuff unless you have your Party Card!!!


Pictures of the Breakfast....

Compliments of Enrico Wolford


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

In Toronto Granger and Nagamootoo attended two events;

the first a breakfast for about 100 people at the Riverstone Golf and Country club which was said to be

attended by 90% Indo Guyanese

who gave Granger an even more enthusiastic reception than Nagamotoo who spent most of his speech justifying why he joined the APNU when the audience just did not care.


 Granger calmly addressed the militarisation charges being raised by the PPP/C, the suicide epidemic and expressed his anger at the wastefulness of the bungled fibre optic network project. As CaribnewsDesk reports owner of Action Tyre, Ron Persaud told the gathering he would leave Guyana if the PPP/C were to win.

Lets examine the Goat Shit message & Messenger.

Crowd = 100 people

Indo Guyanese = 90% = 90 Indo Guyanese



Let us look at just One Picture

Can any see more than 10 Non Indian Guyanese.


If there are more than 10 Non Indian Guyanese

Which one is De Goat Shit?



or Both?








Would an Expert or Independent Observer

be caught up everytime in these Racist Lies?


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shaitaan, The PPP will N VER get that in Brooklyn, WHY???   Caribj is also free to comment.


Caribj should understand that there's a  big difference between Blacks not getting top jobs in the public sector and the Indian experience of a bullet in the head for being Indian or an assault in broad daylight in the streets of the capital city for the crime of walking while Indian.


Or maybe some random abuse of some poor Indian for being Indian.


For all we can say about the PPP and even Indian racism, I don't see Blacks getting shot for being Black or innocent Black people getting beaten up by Indos for bein Black.

You saying Courtney got murdered by black people?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


And I'm tired of having Moses shoved in my face as Tribune of the Indos. It's so silly that the Coalition thinks Indian people so schupid that abbe guh vote fuh wan Indian juss because he's wan Indian.

So if Nigel Hughes and not Nagamootoo went to campaign in regions 5 and 6 in 2011 do you think that the AFC would have gained the 10k votes from frustrated PPP supporters?  Yes in a year when Hughes was being called a racist bigot because he told Jagdeo to his face that he is an ideological racist.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

To this day Indos do not lament the lack of Indo faces in top public sector jobs.

1.  If crime is being committed against Indians for the sole reason that they are Indian, then what is the PPP doing about that?  In what instances are Indians being killed because they are Indian. Do y7ou think that African business people arent also being killed?


2. Indians will not lament about black domination of the top slots in the public service because most of the top slots are held by INDIANS.  Even the police force is now headed by an Indian.  Most of the top ministries are Indian led, with only Robeson Benn wielding any clout, and his clout DOES NOT benefit blacks.  State corporations and committees.  I found only the Geology & Mines headed by a black.


So WHO are these blacks who dominate the public sector?  Please do NOT embarrass yourself that the PS does because if he does play the PPP ball he will be DUMPED with immediate effect MINUS his pension!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


And I'm tired of having Moses shoved in my face as Tribune of the Indos. It's so silly that the Coalition thinks Indian people so schupid that abbe guh vote fuh wan Indian juss because he's wan Indian.

So if Nigel Hughes and not Nagamootoo went to campaign in regions 5 and 6 in 2011 do you think that the AFC would have gained the 10k votes from frustrated PPP supporters?  Yes in a year when Hughes was being called a racist bigot because he told Jagdeo to his face that he is an ideological racist.


That there are people who need an Indian to vote for in Guyana is beyond doubt. Same for some Blacks.


My limited (Dear God) LIMITED point was that it's not good enough to just shove an Indian face in front of Indians to get them to vote against the PPP. Maybe that's a little more specific.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shaitaan, The PPP will N VER get that in Brooklyn, WHY???   Caribj is also free to comment.


Caribj should understand that there's a  big difference between Blacks not getting top jobs in the public sector and the Indian experience of a bullet in the head for being Indian or an assault in broad daylight in the streets of the capital city for the crime of walking while Indian.


Or maybe some random abuse of some poor Indian for being Indian.


For all we can say about the PPP and even Indian racism, I don't see Blacks getting shot for being Black or innocent Black people getting beaten up by Indos for bein Black.

I find it interesting.


When david Duke, a noted KKK leader ran for Governor of Louisiana was it a shock that 98% of the blacks voted AGAINST him.


So why then the shock that 95% of Guyanese blacks REJECT the Indo KKK (PPP)?


Also Shaitaan Indian bandist terrorise and kill Indians, and in fact they TARGET Indians more specifically. Cannot recall hearing of an Indian bandit targeting blacks.


So does the bullet feel better if fired from a gun held by an Indian?  I thought that crime is crime.  Now you are telling me that it only matters when the perp is black.  Corentyne fishermen have operated in terror from Indian pirates.  No sympathy from you for them.  I guess as the pirates are Indian who cares right.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My limited (Dear God) LIMITED point was that it's not good enough to just shove an Indian face in front of Indians to get them to vote against the PPP. Maybe that's a little more specific.

Please furnish proof that Granger would have obtained enough Indian support to win.  Indeed were Nagamootoo not involved Jay Bharrat, Mitwah, HM_Redux and the rest of the Moses cult would be screaming PPP.   I suggest that you check their comments about Granger prior to the agreement.  As full of invective against him as it is from any PPP poster.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

All good that the Coalition leaders were well received.  Hope the donations were generous.  The PPP killing us with state resources.  Please go and donate at the AFC and APNU websites so our leaders can be at home and not fundraising.

Is it a surprise that the PPP is doing this?  That is PRECISELY the reason why APNU AFC should have had a strong village level grass roots base as they cannot compete on air time.


BTW I already gave several hundred dollars, so please dont tell me that I must contribute.  I already have.  But they need to make efficient use of their limited resources.  Only soup lickers are going to give them thousands.

Last edited by Former Member

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