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Address by His Excellency David Granger on National Recount of Ballots

Jun 06, 2020 

Co-operative Republic of Guyana Address


His Excellency David Granger

President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana



I had met the Chairman and members of the Elections Commission and the Leader of the Opposition during 2019 and committed to work towards ensuring that the expected General and Regional Elections would be free and credible and would be held at the earliest possible date.

The date of the elections was determined only after the Elections Commission advised that it would not be ready to conduct those elections before the end of February 2020. It was agreed that elections would be held on the first Monday in March. Three months have elapsed since General and Regional Elections were held on 2nd March 2020.

The General and Regional Elections were free and orderly. Subsequent events resulted in the prolongation of the electoral process well beyond the deadline for the declaration of results.  That prolongation was occasioned by a delay owing to legal challenges in the Supreme Court of Judicature and the Court of Appeal.

The Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) approached the Supreme Court on three separate occasions, obstructing the work of the Elections Commission. Those actions and the calls for recounts of ballots allowed for the Supreme Court to determine the way forward.

The Elections Commission made several declarations [pursuant to Section 84 (1) of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 1:03] subsequently. The Commission received requests from stakeholders for recounts in the ten electoral districts.

I had agreed, on 15th March,  β€œβ€¦that a total recount of the ballots from all electoral districts in Regions One to Ten would take place urgently and in accordance with the Constitution, the applicable law and the judgment of the Court issued by Roxanne George Chief Justice (ag.) on Wednesday 11 March 2020.”

I had agreed, also, that a High-Level Team from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) would be allowed to function only within the framework of the Constitution and under the aegis of the Commission and the rulings of the Court.

The Elections Commission then initiated a legitimate, transparent, post-elections process which is well known and widely supported by the Government and Opposition and which is expected to eventuate in an acceptable outcome through four sequential stages:

  • The β€˜recount’ of ballots – the first stage – follows the decision of the Elections Commission, on 3rd April 2020, that it would recount all ballots cast in the Elections. The national recount of ballots began on 6th May 2020 and will end very soon.
  • The β€˜report’ of the recount – the second stage of the process – will be compiled by the Chief Elections Officer. Everyone is aware of numerous reports of irregularities including unstamped ballots, deceased and migrant voters and missing poll books. Those irregularities appear to have been committed intentionally, not accidentally, and demonstrate a pattern of manipulation of the electoral process.

The Chief Elections Officer, in the circumstances, is obliged to present a matrix of the poll results of each electoral district together with a summary of the β€˜Observation Reports’ of each electoral district to the Election Commission.

It is expected that, given the exceptional interest of the CARICOM Heads of Government and the extraordinary exertions of the CARICOM scrutinizing team, their β€˜report’ which will be sent to the Election Commission, will receive the fullest consideration.

  • The β€˜review’ of the report by the Elections Commissioners – the third stage of the process – will follow. The Commissioners will be expected to take into consideration all the evidence provided in the CEO’s β€˜report’, both from the tabulation and observation, in their deliberations.

It is expected, also, that the Election Commission will examine the CARICOM report at this stage.

  • The β€˜result’ of the General and Regional Elections – the fourth and final stage of the process – will be declared by the Chairman of the Elections Commission after she has studied the report of the Chief Elections officer and the Observation Reports.

I had committed, on 30th April, that I shall accept the declaration of the results by the Elections Commission, which will allow for a democratically elected government to be sworn-in to office.

I am committed to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. I respect the integrity and autonomous nature of the Elections Commission. I will abide by the declarations of the Elections Commission as I have abided by the rulings of the Court.

I applaud the diligence and persistence of the Chairman of the Elections Commission, Justice Claudette Singh, who continues to perform her duties under the Constitution admirably. She demonstrated her respect for the rulings of the Court and has facilitated CARICOM’s observation role in the recount process in order to assure every one of the credibility of the elections.

I encourage everyone to respect the Chairman of the Elections Commission and the Commissioners and to desist from scurrility, vulgarity and character assassination. The Commission must be allowed to perform its functions in accordance with the Constitution.

I encourage everyone to await the completion of the four stages – the current recount, the reports of the Chief Elections Officer and the CARICOM observers, the review by the Elections Commission and the declaration of the final results by the Chairman of the Commission.



When journalist sells themselves for a few pennies ,kowtowing to tainted leaders ,grabbing power by deception and misleading a nation, the future will be bleak.

I had committed, on 30th April, that I shall accept the declaration of the results by the Elections Commission, which will allow for a democratically elected government to be sworn-in to office.

I am committed to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. I respect the integrity and autonomous nature of the Elections Commission. I will abide by the declarations of the Elections Commission as I have abided by the rulings of the Court.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

When journalist sells themselves for a few pennies ,kowtowing to tainted leaders ,grabbing power by deception and misleading a nation, the future will be bleak.

I had committed, on 30th April, that I shall accept the declaration of the results by the Elections Commission, which will allow for a democratically elected government to be sworn-in to office.

I am committed to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. I respect the integrity and autonomous nature of the Elections Commission. I will abide by the declarations of the Elections Commission as I have abided by the rulings of the Court.

You see journalist selling themselves for pennies but refuse to see Mingo sell the whole country for less....ha ha ha ha [maniacal laugh ]

@sachin_05 posted:

You see journalist selling themselves for pennies but refuse to see Mingo sell the whole country for less....ha ha ha ha [maniacal laugh ]

Some of the polling station officials are in the group.Maybe you may not have been following my post ,numerous times Mingo was blasted for fudging the numbers. Elections riggers comes in all shades .

If you don't mind my asking ? are you preparing to attend the inauguration ,Indo Guyanese may get the fraud man by fraud , Dr. in the house for President.The country heading in the right direction ,enjoy the return of the corrupted officials ,money blinds most people.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Some of the polling station officials are in the group.Maybe you may not have been following my post ,numerous times Mingo was blasted for fudging the numbers. Elections riggers comes in all shades .

If you don't mind my asking ? are you preparing to attend the inauguration ,Indo Guyanese may get the fraud man by fraud , Dr. in the house for President.The country heading in the right direction ,enjoy the return of the corrupted officials ,money blinds most people.

I hate the ppp and collation equally. I would have preferred one of those small emerging parties given a chance ... that said I still believe riggers and high way robbers Mingo should be in jail...

@sachin_05 posted:

I hate the ppp and collation equally. I would have preferred one of those small emerging parties given a chance ... that said I still believe riggers and high way robbers Mingo should be in jail...

Totally agreed with you.

Regarding the smaller parties tough for them to attract voters as seen in the elections results. The two major parties will be around for a while ,so it will be the same old..same old.

@Django posted:

If you don't mind my asking ? are you preparing to attend the inauguration ,Indo Guyanese may get the fraud man by fraud , Dr. in the house for President.The country heading in the right direction ,enjoy the return of the corrupted officials ,money blinds most people.

Come on, Django. Nothing wrong with your disagreement with a poster. But don't get personal with such posters and flout the Forum's rules in the process. I am counting on you to set an example.

@Django posted:

Some of the polling station officials are in the group.Maybe you may not have been following my post ,numerous times Mingo was blasted for fudging the numbers. Elections riggers comes in all shades .

If you don't mind my asking ? are you preparing to attend the inauguration ,Indo Guyanese may get the fraud man by fraud , Dr. in the house for President.The country heading in the right direction ,enjoy the return of the corrupted officials ,money blinds most people.

Take it easy Django, It is not going to be that bad.   It would be Irfaan and not Jagdeo who will be running the country.

We alreadt got rid of the bad eggs in the PPP, namely, Kakamootoo and Rumjattan et others. 

Be patient my GNI friend.  Things will get better. I know that you are hope for a better future for our children, and so am I.

@Former Member posted:

Come on, Django. Nothing wrong with your disagreement with a poster. But don't get personal with such posters and flout the Forum's rules in the process. I am counting on you to set an example.

Where the rules are broken ? seems no mention can be made of a fraud elected by fraud to be come President of Guyana ,those actions are blamed as traits of the other side. Seems some folks forget easily.

@Django posted:

Where the rules are broken ? seems no mention can be made of a fraud elected by fraud to be come President of Guyana ,those actions are blamed as traits of the other side. Seems some folks forget easily.

You got personal and asked Sachin if he is going to attend the "inauguration." 

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Take it easy Django, It is not going to be that bad.   It would be Irfaan and not Jagdeo who will be running the country.

We alreadt got rid of the bad eggs in the PPP, namely, Kakamootoo and Rumjattan et others. 

Be patient my GNI friend.  Things will get better. I know that you are hope for a better future for our children, and so am I.

For all those who believed the corrupt ways will change ,i have Brooklyn Bridge to sell. Irfaan is second fiddle and will always be .There are a new breed of clansmen ready to fatten themselves ,you will see them surfacing.

Why pick on the two Indo Guyanese as bad eggs ? only Indo Guyanese are better rulers ? revisit the 18 yrs of the PPP. The children of Guyana will be at the bottom of the table picking up crumbs.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

There's obviously cynicism in the question you asked Sachin. Rule #2 says if you wish to challenge a member's point of view or opinions do so respectfully and thoughtfully.

Simply ask him he will be attending ,never intent any self interest by him. Sachin replied his political stand. Hopefully the same can applicable to others on the forum ,that will be much appreciated.

@kp posted:

If you don't mind my asking ? are you preparing to attend the inauguration ,Indo Guyanese may get the fraud man by fraud ,

Django, it is good for you to celebrate with your African Guyanese, if the black frauds had won?

Was Django rejoicing ? i can't recall such. The sentence reeks with hate.

They will always be Guyanese and we are equal in my views ,there are spaces for them and have a right to rule like the other citizens by fair means .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

For all those who believed the corrupt ways will change ,i have Brooklyn Bridge to sell. Irfaan is second fiddle and will always be .There are a new breed of clansmen ready to fatten themselves ,you will see them surfacing.

Why pick on the two Indo Guyanese as bad eggs ? only Indo Guyanese are better rulers ? revisit the 18 yrs of the PPP. The children of Guyana will be at the bottom of the table picking up crumbs.

It will be different this time..  In the 18 years of PPP rule, they completed 3500 projects.   I rest my case.


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