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When PPP/C takes up seats, gov’t will reach out to it – Granger

In an exclusive interview with the Stabroek News last Friday the Head of State said it was following legal advice this would have been discovered.

The coalition government has been criticized by observers for what appears to be

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“I am not a ceremonial Prime Minister” – Nagamootoo defends his role

June 21, 2015 11:30 am Category: latest news A+ / A- 

By Jomo Paul

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo takes his oath to office. [iNews' Photo

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo takes his oath to office. [iNews’ Photo

[ Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo is fiercely defending the components of the Cummingsburg Accord including those which relegate certain responsibilities to him.


Prime Minister Nagamootoo during an appearance on a popular local radio show – Hard Talk made it clear that his office is not purely ceremonial and he has an important role to play in the day to day affairs of Guyana aand the APNU+AFC Administration.

“Ministers routinely would call me and we would discuss with them their line Ministry and we would discuss what is the way forward, if they have some particular problem…I am not a ceremonial Prime Minister. I am a politician and I am fiercely involved in the affairs of the country…I am deeply involved,” Prime Minister Nagamootoo declared.

He said that in the APNU+AFC administration, the Prime Minister “is more or less a partner of the President. We consult on a number of issues….I believe that I occupy a very strategic role in the administration of the country.”

Referring to the Cummingsburg Accord and adhering to the principles set out therein, Nagamootoo indicated that the the accord itself is “not immutable” noting that the accord is not something that is cast in stone.

“I cannot allow myself to fall into a modus of pettiness, where I just say oh I was promised this, and I was promised that and the other thing and I didn’t get it. This is not about the I’s, this is about the we, this is about us,” he emphasized.

As it relates to him not Chairing Cabinet as was stipulated in the Accord, Nagamootoo said “I am not bothered by that.”

He pointed out that Nigel Hughes is the Alliance For Change representative while Joseph Harmon represents A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) with respect to current discussions relative to the adherence and modification of the accord between the two parties.


Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger Reneging on Pre-election Agreement - Old PNC Tactics Rising Up?


Granger did not renege on anything so stop with your stupid lies. The accord must work within the framework of the constitution as the constitution takes precedence over the accord.


Go back to your beloved PPP if you cannot work with the black man. They love ole Commie bigots like you over there. 

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:
Prime Minister Nagamootoo during an appearance on a popular local radio show – Hard Talk made it clear that his office is not purely ceremonial and he has an important role to play in the day to day affairs of Guyana aand the APNU+AFC Administration.


“I am not a ceremonial Prime Minister” – Nagamootoo defends his role, June 21, 2015 11:30 am, By Jomo Paul, []

The structure is thus ...


Image result for Joseph Harmon Guyana

Joseph Harmon

EFFECTIVE Acting President

whether Granger is in or

out of Guyana.



Image result for Moses Nagamootoo Guyana

Moses Nagamootoo


Acting President

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger Reneging on Pre-election Agreement - Old PNC Tactics Rising Up?


Granger did not renege on anything so stop with your stupid lies. The accord must work within the framework of the constitution as the constitution takes precedence over the accord.


Go back to your beloved PPP if you cannot work with the black man. They love ole Commie bigots like you over there. 

Do they really want us to believe that they were unaware that parts of the accord was not congruent with the constitution? If they did not know this, then they are not fit to be where they are now. The bottom line for ME is that they lied and continue to lie to the Guyanese people about what they knew.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger Reneging on Pre-election Agreement - Old PNC Tactics Rising Up?


Granger did not renege on anything so stop with your stupid lies. The accord must work within the framework of the constitution as the constitution takes precedence over the accord.


Go back to your beloved PPP if you cannot work with the black man. They love ole Commie bigots like you over there. 

Do they really want us to believe that they were unaware that parts of the accord was not congruent with the constitution? If they did not know this, then they are not fit to be where they are now. The bottom line for ME is that they lied and continue to lie to the Guyanese people about what they knew.

Please state exactly what section of the accord has been breached or stop spouting piss.



Nagamootoo indicated that the Cumminsburg Accord itself is “not immutable” noting that the accord is not something that is cast in stone".

My first question is why did he or the AFC not say this during the election campaign? My second question is, since the position of PM was reserved for him in the the Cummingsburg Accord which as we now know "is not cast in stone" would the President relieve him of the Prime Ministerial position and give the reason given by the PM.


If Granger delegates to Moses, that's not a violation. It's permitted not expressly prohibited.


They all knew that going in.  They are lawyers and list leader Prof. Lutchman is a Professor of Law.  


We sold it to the nation that Granger will delegate those powers.


Granger setting himself up to be a one term President.


How do they plan to get PPP's votes to change the Constitution?


In the absence of that portion of the accord being violated, what is Granger willing to substitute as a redress?

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger Reneging on Pre-election Agreement - Old PNC Tactics Rising Up?


Granger did not renege on anything so stop with your stupid lies. The accord must work within the framework of the constitution as the constitution takes precedence over the accord.


Go back to your beloved PPP if you cannot work with the black man. They love ole Commie bigots like you over there. 

Do they really want us to believe that they were unaware that parts of the accord was not congruent with the constitution? If they did not know this, then they are not fit to be where they are now. The bottom line for ME is that they lied and continue to lie to the Guyanese people about what they knew.

Please state exactly what section of the accord has been breached or stop spouting piss.

The chairing of the cabinet for one. Responsibility for internal affairs. Harmon seems to be the point man on this.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger Reneging on Pre-election Agreement - Old PNC Tactics Rising Up?


Granger did not renege on anything so stop with your stupid lies. The accord must work within the framework of the constitution as the constitution takes precedence over the accord.


Go back to your beloved PPP if you cannot work with the black man. They love ole Commie bigots like you over there. 

Do they really want us to believe that they were unaware that parts of the accord was not congruent with the constitution? If they did not know this, then they are not fit to be where they are now. The bottom line for ME is that they lied and continue to lie to the Guyanese people about what they knew.

Please state exactly what section of the accord has been breached or stop spouting piss.

The chairing of the cabinet for one. Responsibility for internal affairs. Harmon seems to be the point man on this.

Now they really want us to believe that they did not know that the accord could not be carried out fully because of the constitution. Why did they not tell the voters that this was so during the campaign?


Changes to the constitution is needed if indeed the PNC want to make the necessary amendments -- but to do so they will need the agreement of the PPP/C -- because it requires, at least, sixty six percent of the elected MPs to make such changes.


It is identical to when the PPP/C was in government -- note however that the PNC never made any attempts to have the needed amendments to the constitution which was in place under the Burnham's administration.


Cummimgsburg Accord is a private matter between the PNC and AFC which has absolutely no relationship to nor effects on the constitution of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Changes to the constitution is needed if indeed the PNC want to make the necessary amendments -- but to do so they will need the agreement of the PPP/C -- because it requires, at least, sixty six percent of the elected MPs to make such changes.


It is identical to when the PPP/C was in government -- note however that the PNC never made any attempts to have the needed amendments to the constitution which was in place under the Burnham's administration.


Cummimgsburg Accord is a private matter between the PNC and AFC which has absolutely no relationship to nor effects on the constitution of Guyana.

Am I correct in thinking that there is nothing that stops granger from delegating the authority as per the control over internal affairs to the prime minister?


I agree with this part of DemGuy's:


Cummimgsburg Accord is a private matter between the PNC and AFC which has absolutely no relationship to nor effects on the constitution of Guyana.


That is why it should work as agreed upon, and Granger should not use this as a pretext to weasel out of the deal.  


I still hope Granger will do the right thing or they would lose at LGE. I sold Granger as an "honorable person" and have faith he will do the Christian thing.


Under the constitution, David Granger cannot delegate his responsibilities to anyone.


The only time when such authority is delegated is when he is away from the country or indisposed.


Indisposed means that he is most likely ill and incapable to perform the duties as President, hence his authority is delegated a designated officer.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I agree with this part of DemGuy's:


Cummimgsburg Accord is a private matter between the PNC and AFC which has absolutely no relationship to nor effects on the constitution of Guyana.


That is why it should work as agreed upon, and Granger should not use this as a pretext to weasel out of the deal.  


I still hope Granger will do the right thing or they would lose at LGE. I sold Granger as an "honorable person" and have faith he will do the Christian thing.

What is dat? Having an Alter Boy per Day?????????????

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Under the constitution, David Granger cannot delegate his responsibilities to anyone.


The only time when such authority is delegated is when he is away from the country or indisposed.


Indisposed means that he is most likely ill and incapable to perform the duties as President, hence his authority is delegated a designated officer.

Thanks for the clarification, DG

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Under the constitution, David Granger cannot delegate his responsibilities to anyone.


The only time when such authority is delegated is when he is away from the country or indisposed.


Indisposed means that he is most likely ill and incapable to perform the duties as President, hence his authority is delegated a designated officer.

Thanks for the clarification, DG

Thank you for raising the question, Zed.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I agree with this part of DemGuy's:


Cummimgsburg Accord is a private matter between the PNC and AFC which has absolutely no relationship to nor effects on the constitution of Guyana.


That is why it should work as agreed upon, and Granger should not use this as a pretext to weasel out of the deal.  


I still hope Granger will do the right thing or they would lose at LGE. I sold Granger as an "honorable person" and have faith he will do the Christian thing.

What is dat? Having an Alter Boy per Day?????????????

Nah Nehru Bhai! Dem AFC faction of the govt in for a severe and prolonged 'bugahing'. Where are all the 'bugahin' experts when you need them?


Granger Reneging. He seems to be moving too slow in charging the corrupt ones from the former PPP Govt. The folks who wasted, pocketed and mis managed $Millions must be JAILED.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

If Granger delegates to Moses, that's not a violation..

Granger is delegating the day to day running of cabinet, as provided by the agreement.  Do you have any proof that this is not being done?


Your issue is that you thought that Lord Moses would arrive and dominate the PNC.  The President is then man in charge.  He takes into account recommendations of the cabinet, and of his advisors, but the decision is ultimately his.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

If Granger delegates to Moses, that's not a violation..

Granger is delegating the day to day running of cabinet, as provided by the agreement.  Do you have any proof that this is not being done?


Your issue is that you thought that Lord Moses would arrive and dominate the PNC.  The President is then man in charge.  He takes into account recommendations of the cabinet, and of his advisors, but the decision is ultimately his.

That's right Carib! Let them know the black man is in power now and you are so happy, you could just take a shit! Take it easy now.


The cabinet isn't doing anything so it doesn't matter if Moses chair the meetings.  These people in the Alliance promised good Governance and, so far, all we have is the dismissals of PPP appointed civil servants by the PNC/AFC Government.  There are threats to investigate inconsistencies by the Previous Government. This is in the form  of legal terrorism.   Ask yourself this question.  Is this Government better than the previous one?




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